满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When Brooks Dame was in high school, a f...

    When Brooks Dame was in high school, a friend, Jessica had a serious disease. Thanks to specialized treatment which was made possible by bone marrow donors(骨髓捐赠者), Jessica _____ .

The experience of watching Jessica go through the _____ finally encouraged Brooks to _____ his fear of needles and sign up to be a bone marrow donor.

A year later, Brooks received a phone call about a possible _____. A man in his 30s was fighting a hard battle with a cancer. “I was _____, but I thought a lot about that man,” Brooks remembers. “This was his last chance of survival.”

After a series of tests (including needles), Brooks flew to a _____ in Denver for the donation. “It is dangerous and very _____, but I knew it was the right thing to do,” Brooks says.

“The more I thought about that man and his family, the more I hoped that my small sacrifice(牺牲), in some way, made a _____.”

Afterwards, Brooks was still afraid of _____. But what he’d gained was much greater than fear. He had _____ that it was worth any sacrifice to help another person survive.

1.A.survived B.failed C.suffered D.won

2.A.tests B.treatment C.examination D.tasks

3.A.hide B.fight C.admit D.express

4.A.match B.danger C.partner D.visit

5.A.eager B.anxious C.nervous D.excited

6.A.college B.meeting C.hospital D.charity

7.A.harmful B.meaningful C.hopeful D.painful

8.A.living B.difference C.decision D.mistake

9.A.needles B.stress C.death D.blood

10.A.planned B.heard C.wondered D.learned


1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.D 【解析】 本文是记叙文。文章讲述了Brooks成为一名骨髓捐赠者的经历。骨髓捐赠对于捐赠者而言是危险的并且非常地痛苦,但在Brooks看来,即便是这样,帮助别人延续生命也是值得的。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:多亏了在骨髓捐赠者帮助下使Jessica得到了专门的治疗,Jessica活了下来。A. survived 存活,幸存;B. failed失败;C. suffered遭受;D. won赢得。在骨髓捐赠者的帮助下,Jessica患病后活下来了,survive这个词在文章最后出现了。故选A。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:感受着Jessica的治疗经历最终促使Brooks战胜了对穿刺的恐惧并登记成为骨髓捐献者。A. tests测试;B. treatment治疗;C. examination检查;D. tasks任务。由上一段中的treatment可知,在Brooks捐赠骨髓后,Jessica经历的是“治疗”。故选B。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:感受着Jessica的经历最终促使Brooks战胜了对穿刺的恐惧并登记成为骨髓捐献者。A. hide隐藏;B. fight与……斗争,打架;C. admit承认;D. express表达,表露。Brooks登记成为骨髓捐献者说明Brooks战胜了对穿刺的恐惧。故选B。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一年后,Brooks接到了一个电话,电话中说到有一位病人可能与他的骨髓相匹配。A. match匹配,比赛;B. danger危险;C. partner伙伴;D. visit访问。根据常识可知,骨髓捐赠是需要进行匹配的,前文提到了Brooks登记成为骨髓捐献者,病人需要进行骨髓的匹配,以进行骨髓移植。故选A。 5.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“我当时很紧张,但是对于那个人我思考了很多,” Brooks回忆道。A. eager渴望的;B. anxious焦虑的;C. nervous紧张的;D. excited兴奋的。由第3小题可知,Brooks害怕穿刺检查,因此他在想到捐献骨髓一事时会感到紧张,anxious不合乎语境。故选C。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:经过一系列检查(包括穿刺),Brooks飞往丹佛的医院进行骨髓捐赠。根据常识可知,骨髓捐赠应该是在医院进行的。A. college大学;B. meeting会议;C. hospital医院;D. charity慈善机构,仁爱。故选C。 7.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Brooks说:“这很危险并且非常痛苦,但我知道我做的事情是正确的”。A. harmful有害的;B. meaningful有意义的;C. hopeful充满希望的;D. painful 痛苦的。Brooks坚持捐献骨髓,他进行了穿刺,这对于Brooks而言是很痛苦的,因此选择painful和dangerous并列,符合but前后的语意关系,harmful不合乎语境。故选D。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我对那个人和他的家人的思考越多,我越希望我的一点牺牲在某种程度上为他的家庭带来改变。A. living生活;B. difference差异; C. decision决定;D. mistake错误。make a difference:有影响, 起作用。Brooks希望自己的付出能为那个家庭带来希望,发挥作用。故选B。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:思考之后Brooks仍然害怕穿刺。A. needles针,针头;B. stress压力;C. death死亡;D. blood血液。由第3题后面的“his fear of needles”及本句的still可知,此处应选择needles,表示“穿刺”。故选A。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他明白了帮助另一个人活下来做出任何的牺牲都是值得的。A. planned计划;B. heard听见;C. wondered想知道;D. learned学到,学会,得知。that后面的内容是Brooks通过帮助别人延续生命所得到的收获。故选D。

假如你是李华,橙子辅导准备组织你校学生出国参加英语夏令营(English Summer Camp),请写一封申请信给该培训中心。信的内容必须包括:

1. 申请报名。

2. 为什么想参加这个活动。

3. 对这项活动有怎样的打算和期待。


2. 信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Sir/Madam,


Yours truly,

Li Hua









You must have heard about Dolly and have been amazed by the first cloned animal. But here came a problem; should we clone humans? When being asked about this question, a large number of people which are interested in the topic hold the view that it’s beneficial to clone humans. Therefore, some other people, me including, are against this idea. Cloning humans can bring negative effects and wrong informations. In the first place, they may not be treated equal as normal people, which I believe will make him suffer a lot. In second place, human cloning may lead in some social disorder, and it is quite dangerous.




China will emerge stronger from the coronavirus challenge, experts said at a seminar here on Tuesday, while 1. (praise) China’s efforts to stop the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic (传染病).

Speaking at the seminar 2.  (title) “Battling Coronavirus, ”Sumit Mullickchief information commissioner of India’s southwestern state of Maharashtra, said that China has created a new criterion in addressing a health issue by quarantining (隔离) Wuhan, the epicenter city of the virus outbreak.

“The coronavirus does not understand or respect borders. It does not need a visa or passport.” Mullick said. “Challenges are 3. (true) in global in nature. ”

However, Chinese labs have quickly decoded the genetic sequence of the coronavirus and shared it with the world, 4. is now working on a new vaccine, he said.

R. N. Bhaskar, a senior journalist and consulting editor with Indian English newspaper Free Press Journal, said that China is doing all it can  5. (contain) the spread of the virus and create a vaccine.

“As  6. very big player in the global economy, there will be negative impact 7. the Chinese economy for a temporary period. However, thanks to the swift responses to the virus outbreak, the Chinese economy will overcome this crisis and emerge stronger,” he added.

Health officials at the panel discussion also listed the steps  8. (take) to fight the virus and shared their experiences in countering misinformation and creating  9.  (aware) among the public at large.

The event  10. (organize) jointly by the Observer Research Foundation, a think-tank body, along with the Chinese Consulate General in Mumbai.



    At a young age, Darrius Simmons fell in love with the piano. As he watched others play, he was _________ by the joy the piano gave them. He wanted to experience that, too, but knew for him it would be a/an _________.

“I decided at age 10 that I wanted to learn how to play the piano, _________ it was going to take a little bit _________ work for me to learn,” Simmons says. “I knew most people had 10 fingers while I had four, yet I was pretty _________ I could make it work.”

The Warren, Ohio teenager was born with a genetic _________ called ectrodactyly (先天性缺指畸形). He has three fingers on his right hand and _________ finger on his left. But it didn’t _________ Simmons from following his _________. With no formal training, Simmons taught himself by ear how to play the piano. He practiced and practiced, finding a way to __________ the keys with four fingers while mastering the pedals with his prostheses(假肢).

Simmons knew he would have to __________ his own style of playing. “I couldn’t base it __________ the technique of somebody who has 10 fingers. It just wouldn’t __________.” He says. “That’s __________ it was hard for me to take piano lessons. It’s very __________ for somebody who has learned how to play with 10 fingers to adjust and teach me with only four.”

The now 18-year-old not only learned how to play and read music but also began composing.

His mother, Tamara Simmons, isn’t surprised by Darrius’ __________. She knows how focused and __________ he can be.

From mastering music to beating __________ challenges, Darrius Simmons sets out to __________ the world. “I like to be somebody’s __________,” he says. “If I play in front of a whole crowd and I see one person smile, that’s a job well done.”

1.A.frightened B.amazed C.interested D.disturbed

2.A.challenge B.opportunity C.fortune D.trouble

3.A.while B.but C.and D.therefore

4.A.more B.much C.fewer D.less

5.A.surprised B.worried C.sure D.glad

6.A.condition B.environment C.situation D.tendency

7.A.one B.two C.three D.five

8.A.encourage B.prevent C.remove D.change

9.A.actions B.roads C.instructions D.passions

10.A.reach B.repair C.remove D.clean

11.A.adopt B.abandon C.develop D.change

12.A.by B.in C.through D.on

13.A.support B.run C.operate D.work

14.A.why B.because C.when D.whether

15.A.easy B.tough C.funny D.stupid

16.A.ideas B.creations C.difficulties D.achievements

17.A.kind B.determined C.talented D.generous

18.A.spiritual B.mental C.physical D.emotional

19.A.please B.persuade C.inspire D.cheer

20.A.partner B.symbol C.aim D.motivation



ExperiencedBased Education

Everyone is familiar with traditional education. You sit in a class and a teacher teaches.  This is an important part of development. But at some point, every individual has to take charge of their own education. To do this, one must look at the root of learning.1.

Basically, unfamiliar experiences usually add more value than experiences that are familiar.

2. And we are in a better state to learn something new. Honestly, someone who never experiences the same thing twice will never have a chance to benefit from anything learned. However, new experiences are generally what make people interesting and push them to grow.

High school is a new experience. College is a new experience. However, at some point traditional education becomes repetitive. It is not that you won’t learn anything else, but that the environment is so familiar.3.

To solve this, an individual needs to introduce new experiences into their life. You may spend a summer in a different part of the country or learn a new language through trial and error. You can also go to a drivein movieor some other entertainment event that is new to you.4.

These types of experiences often result in very little“book knowledge”.  Instead, they will often provide you with a better understanding of yourself as you experience your reaction to different situations.5. It can be invaluable for you to work effectively with others. Becoming a well rounded human isn’t something that happens by accident. You can spend your entire lifetime developing your potential.

A. Has education changed so much in the last decade?

B. They will also provide you with a better understanding of others.

C. Those new experiences may not lead to great personal development.

D. These are all things that can stretch and expand your experience in life.

E. This is because unfamiliar experiences require much more of our attention.

F. As a result, you can easily become less aware of your experience and not learn as much.

G. What makes some experiences add great value to our lives while other experiences do not?



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