满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Have you ever made a mistake while tryin...

    Have you ever made a mistake while trying to print from a computer? That paper probably went right into the recycling bin. From there, it is taken to a waste-handling plant to be eventually broken down and remade. But what if you could simply erase your mistake and reuse that paper? It may become available, thanks to a new technology.

It's a new type of rewritable paper that can be used more than 100 times. Words and pictures remain visible on it for at least half a year. This is nearly the first rewritable paper. But the marks on those earlier versions tended to fade away in less than three months.

Luzhuo Chen led the group that made the new rewritable paper. His team was inspired by pens that contain erasable ink. That ink disappears when heated. To make its new rewritable paper, Chen's group switched the ink from the pen to the paper. They covered one side of regular paper with the ink used in those erasable pens. Using a heated pen or printer, they can now write or print on this paper. That warmth makes the ink disappear.

This is the opposite of how writing usually works, where ink is applied to paper. With the new system, the spots where you write become white instead of colored because that heat makes the ink covering the white paper disappear.

Qiang Zhao has a creative mind behind another type of rewritable paper. He thinks Chen's paper is simple and doesn't cost much to make, so it should be easy and fairly inexpensive to produce. However, the paper will need a lot of ink. In large doses(剂量),chemicals in the ink can be bad for the environment and people's health. Zhao would like scientists to develop a safer ink. Still, he thinks this paper will have wide applications.

1.Why does the author raise the questions in the first paragraph?

A.To prove the necessity of recycling paper.

B.To introduce the importance of rewritable paper.

C.To draw readers attention to the new technology.

D.To show the development of paper-making technology.

2.What's the advantage of the new rewritable paper over earlier versions?

A.It can be reused for a lot more times.

B.The costs of producing it are much lower.

C.It can be produced in a much easier way.

D.The contents on it can be more long-lasting.

3.Which of the following reflects Qiang Zhao's opinion on Chen's paper?

A.It still needs improving. B.It's somewhat impractical.

C.It does no harm to its users. D.It's worth promoting right away.

4.What can we know about Luzhuo Chen's new paper from the text?

A.It shows colored words or pictures.

B.It doesn't require ink to write on it.

C.It will replace ordinary writing paper soon.

D.It has no requirement on the writing tool.


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了,打印犯错,浪费纸张很可惜,但现在有了一项新技术——可重写纸——能让废纸重新被利用;文章介绍了发明可重写纸的过程、它的优点和可能存在的问题。 1.推理判断题。由第一段的两个问题“Have you ever made a mistake while trying to print from a computer?”(你用电脑打印时犯过错误吗?)和“But what if you could simply erase your mistake and reuse that paper?”(但如果你能简单地抹去你的错误并重新使用那张纸呢?)可以推断出,如果读者发现打印出错还可以重新使用打印错的那张纸的话,读者的兴趣和注意力就会集中到可重写纸这项技术上。因此作者提出这些问题是为了吸引读者关注新技术。故选C项。 2.细节理解题。由题干关键词the new rewritable paper可将答案定位于第二段。由第二段的前两句“It's a new type of rewritable paper that can be used more than 100 times. Words and pictures remain visible on it for at least half a year.”和最后一句“But the marks on those earlier versions tended to fade away in less than three months.”可知,新型的可重写纸,可以使用100多次,文字和图片至少半年内保持可见,但这些早期版本上的印记往往在不到三个月的时间里就消失了,所以新型的可重写纸上的内容能保留更长时间。故选D项。 3.推理判断题。由题干关键词Qiang Zhao's opinion on Chen's paper可将答案定位在最后一段。由最后一段句子“However, the paper will need a lot of ink. In large doses(剂量),chemicals in the ink can be bad for the environment and people's health. Zhao would like scientists to develop a safer ink.”可知,这张纸需要很多墨水,大剂量使用时,墨水中的化学物质会对环境和人体健康有害,赵希望科学家们开发出一种更安全的墨水,说明可复写纸还需提升。故选A项。 4.推理判断题。由题干关键词Luzhuo Chen's new paper可将答案定位于三四两段。由第三段的句子“They covered one side of regular paper with the ink used in those erasable pens. Using a heated pen or printer, they can now write or print on this paper.”和第四段的句子“This is the opposite of how writing usually works, where ink is applied to paper. With the new system, the spots where you write become white instead of colored because that heat makes the ink covering the white paper disappear.”可知,他们用可擦笔上的墨水盖住普通纸的一面,使用加热笔或打印机可以在这张纸上书写或打印,这与书写通常的工作方式相反,即在纸上涂墨水,在新系统中,你书写的地方会变成白色而不是有色,因为高温会使覆盖在白纸上的墨水消失,说明Luzhuo Chen的新纸是不需要墨水的。故选B项。

Alcantara Boat Trip

This sailing trip begins on the reservoir of Alcantara, located in the northwest of Extremadura, near the border of Portugal and within the Tajo Natural Park—25,000 hectares of park which spreads across Spain and Portugal.

Price:23 per adult and 19 per child (2-11 years old)

Duration: 3.5 hours

Meeting point on the Alcantara reservoir

Historic Cáceres Walking Tour

The old town of Cáceres has one of the most impressive artistic and huge collections of buildings. One of the best preserved in Europe, this ancient walled city was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986. Walking around the historic centre you will discover ancient walls, palaces, squares and streets all still in good condition.

Price: 54 per person

Duration: 1.5 hours

Meeting point at Plaza Mayor

Departure at 11:00, 17:00 or 20:00 (summer only)

Trujillo Cultural Walking Tour

This guided walk visits the most outstanding monuments of Trujillo, a town in history, where its castle, palaces, towers and houses have a glorious past. You will discover the development of Trujillo's history, its people and its most beautiful spots. From the point of Trujill's castle you will be able to capture the best shots, which during the evening tour are bathed by the light of the sunset.

Price: 54 per person

Duration: 2 hours

Meeting point at Calle Tiendas

Departure at 11:30, 17:00, 18:00

Wildlife Tour in the Monfragüe Nat ional Park

Travelling in a 6-seater car, within the Monfragüe National Park, you will enter one of the best well-conserved Mediterranean forests in the world with a large variety of birds, deer and other animals.

Price: 46 per person

Duration: 3 hours

Departure at 10:00 (return at 16:00)

Meeting point in the town of Malpartida

1.How much should a couple with a 13-year-old kid pay for Alcantara Boat Trip?

A.19. B.46.

C.65. D.69.

2.What can we learn about the town of Cáceres?

A.It has the oldest walls in Europe. B.It has the most impressive buildings.

C.It attracts many visitors in winter. D.It has well- preserved old buildings.

3.Which touring activity lasts the longest time?

A.Alcantara Boat Trip. B.Historie Cáceres Walking Tour.

C.Trujillo Cultural Walking Tour. D.Wildlife Tour in the Monfragüe National Park.










2018 Human Development Report

HDI: Human Development Index(人类发展指数)

[1] Looking back over almost three decades (十年), human beings have made impressive progress. Across the world, people are living longer, are more educated and have greater living chances. The average lifespan(寿命) is seven years longer than it was in 1990, and more than 130 countries have improved their primary education.

[2] Although HDI values are rising, the rising rates differ greatly. South Asia was the fastest growing region over 1990–2017, at 45.3 percent, followed by East Asia and the Pacific at 41.8 percent. And the OECD(经济合作与发展组织) countries grew 14.0 percent. It shows gaps(差距) across regions are hopefully to be reduced.

[3] But HDI growth has also slowed in all regions, particularly in the last decade. Part of the reason lies in the 2008–2009 global food, financial and economic problems. But part is simply that as human progress advances, slower HDI growth is unavoidable. As more countries reach the upper limits of HDI, measures of the quality of human development become more central.

[4] Progress since 1990 has not always been steady(稳定的). Some countries suffered great losses or even setbacks due to wars, diseases or economic problems. For example, many countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia saw their HDI values fall in the 1990s due to the fall of the Soviet Union(前苏联). Although faced with these challenges, countries in these regions recovered their losses and grew over the last two decades.

[5] In sum, there have been great advances in human development over the past few decades, especially in low human development countries since 1990. But some countries have suffered serious setbacks—sometimes paying the price of the gains of several decades. And the gaps in human development across countries, while narrowing, remain huge.

1.What’s the present situation of people according to 2018 Human Development Report?

2.The fact of different rising HDI rates gives us hope to ______.

3.Compared with the HDI growth, what is more important?

4.How do wars, diseases or economic problems affect human development?

5.Which paragraph is the topic paragraph?




Every animal species has its own features. Some animals have the power to run 1. (fast) than sports cars, while others move very slowly.

But the slowest animal in the world is not the turtle, as we may think. It is the three-toed sloth(三趾树懒), 2.lives in the rainforests of South America.

Sloths can be 60 to 80 centimeters long and 3. (weigh) about eight kilograms. It takes them about one minute 4. (climb) only 1.8 to 2.4 meters. They sleep for more than 20 hours every day, staying in the trees most of the time. They come down from the trees to defecate (排便) just once a week. This is the most dangerous time for sloths , as they might 5. (attack) by their enemies, such as big cats.

Sloths may be slow climbers, but they are speedy 6. (swim). They can 7. (natural) float on the water. Since there are always floods in rainforests, the ability to swim is necessary to 8. (they) survival.

People might not be familiar with sloths before. It was because 9.the 2016 Disney film Zootopia that we began to be interested in this animal species. Its lovely image has left a deep 10. (impress) on almost every moviegoer.




1.He said, “My mother seldom c ______ (抱怨) about daily cooking.”

2.An a ______ (辩论) is a discussion where a number of people put forward different opinions.

3.Tourism is the main source of i ______ (收入) in this area.

4.Diet and exercise are e ______ (同样地) important.

5.H ______ (诚实) is an important human quality.

6.Cartoon had existed for a long time in the a ______ (古代的) China.

7.We are proud to have been the first city to have r ______ (回收利用) our rubbish.

8.Not only is this the largest dam ever built, it is the largest c ______ (建设) project ever.

9.The law gives c ______ (公民) the right to vote.

10.The robbery o ______ (发生) in broad daylight, in a crowded street.



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