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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 By ob...

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

By observing the sky, the ancient Chinese divided the sun’s annual motion 1. 24 equal sectors, with each 2. (be) the basis for one solar term. The 24 Solar Terms(节气) start from the Beginning of Spring and end with the Severe Cold.

As early as the Shang Dynasty, our ancestors set the first four major solar terms, 3. marked the four seasons. Later they evolved into eight. It was not until the Western Han Dynasty 4. the present 24 Solar Terms were 5. (complete) established and officially adopted by the government.

The 6. (long) of the 24 Solar Terms was based on the movement of the sun, and7. (they) names were chosen according to the changes in temperature, climate and other aspects of human life. They remain serving as an instruction for farmers, 8. (guide) their agricultural practices during certain periods of the year. Common people follow the calendar to watch for weather changes and live 9. healthy life.

Each lunar month contains two solar terms, and each solar term has some to-do customs. In 2016, the Twenty-Four Solar Terms 10. (include) on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.


1.into 2.being 3.which 4.that 5.completely 6.length 7.their 8.guiding 9.a 10.were included 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文, 介绍了中国农历24节气的由来和作用。 1.考查固定短语。句意:通过观察天空,古代中国人将太阳每年的运动分为24个相等的扇区,每个扇区是一个节气的基础。 短语 divide….into“把……分成”。故填into。 2.考查非谓语动词。句意:通过观察天空,古代中国人将太阳每年的运动分为24个相等的扇区,每个扇区是一个节气的基础。此处是“with+宾语+宾语补足语”的复合结构;宾语each和be之间逻辑上为主动关系,因此用现在分词作宾语补足语。故填being。 3.考查定语从句。句意:早在商朝,我们的祖先就设定了第一个四大节气,标志着四季。分析句子结构,设空处后是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the first four major solar terms,指物,在从句中做主语,因此用which引导非限制性定语从句。故填which。 4.考查强调句型。句意:直到西汉,现在的二十四节气才被政府完全确立和正式采用。此处是not … until的强调句型It was not until…that….,强调时间状语until the Western Han Dynasty。故填that。 5.考查副词。句意:直到西汉,现在的二十四节气才被政府完全确立和正式采用。修饰过去分词established,应用副词形式。故填completely。 6.考查名词。句意:二十四节气的长度是以太阳的运动为基础的,它们的名称是根据温度、气候和人类生活的其他方面的变化而选择的。分析句子结构,所填词在句中做主语,因此用名词;long是形容词,名词形式为length。故填length。 7.考查代词。句意:二十四节气的长度是以太阳的运动为基础的,它们的名称是根据温度、气候和人类生活的其他方面的变化而选择的。根据句意,names是名词,前面应该用形容词性的物主代词;所填词指代上一句的the 24 Solar Terms,是复数,指物,因此用形容词性的物主代词their。故填their。 8.考查非谓语动词。句意:它们仍然是对农民的一种指导,在一年中的某些时期指导他们的农业做法。分析句子结构,设空处在句子中作状语;句子主语they 和guide之间逻辑上是主动关系,因此用现在分词作状语。故填guiding。 9.考查冠词。句意:普通人按照日历来观察天气变化,过着健康的生活。短语live a … life “过着……的生活”。故填a。 10.考查时态和语态。句意: 2016年,二十四节气被列入联合国教科文组织的人类非物质文化遗产代表名单。 根据时间状语2016年,应用一般过去时;主语the Twenty-Four Solar Terms 是复数,和 include之间为被动关系,因此用一般过去时的被动语态。故填were included。

    On Christmas morning, Abby, a teenager, went happily downstairs. She didn’t __________ what was under the Christmas tree. Nothing can __________ the gift she has already been given this year--the gift of life.

The teenager has been looking forward to her first __________ Christmas in six years. She was told she wouldn’t __________ 18 without the operation, and now she is enjoying her new life. This year there will be no 12 hours of dialysis (透析)on Christmas Eve and no sitting in her bedroom watching films while __________ to a machine. Additionally, she can go out and __________ with her friends.

But as __________ mounts, Abby realizes her future has come at a price for that of her donor’s(捐献者) family. She said, “I will take some time to silently appreciate the family of my donor, who will be __________ for the person they lost. I know how __________ my kidney (肾脏)is.”

Abby said, “Now I’m well. I’ve discovered there’s lots of kindness and support there. I hope to become a child psychologist to help those in need.” Mum Jo agreed. She said, “We’re astonished by the love we’ve had. Abby’s __________ shows she has reached a new level of humanity.”

1.A.recognize B.care C.forget D.imagine

2.A.remove B.value C.equal D.pack

3.A.modern B.freezing C.innocent D.healthy

4.A.live through B.stick to C.hold up D.begin with

5.A.talking B.listening C.attached D.addicted

6.A.discuss B.socialize C.compete D.quarrel

7.A.sadness B.surprise C.excitement D.doubt

8.A.mourning B.arguing C.waiting D.looking

9.A.weak B.qualified C.dynamic D.precious

10.A.ambition B.guess C.concern D.success



    We all want to grow up. However, many people don’t seem to understand that the physical growth isn’t the whole story. 1. The big part is the maturing of the mind, judgment, thinking and self-control. This has always proven to be more difficult.

We measure maturity(成熟) in different ways. Birthdays are a common measure but not always a correct measure of maturity. 2. However, this is also not always a right way of measuring real maturity.

So, what are the real aspects that determine whether one has grown up? One aspect is how a person spends his time. Those who waste their time in playing and watching television have hardly begun to grow. 3.

What a person thinks of others and how he treats others is also a sign of maturity or no maturity. 4. He feels unhappy and feels that somehow others are using him. He has the idea that the world travels around him and for him and to satisfy him. He simply hasn’t grown up.

5. We all have to make so many of them. However, some never learn to make decisions. Therefore, when they’re called upon to make decisions, they don’t know what to do.

Learning how to make decisions is such an important part of maturation.

A.A mature person has a good state of mind.

B.The immature person hates authority over him.

C.In fact, it isn’t even the most important part of growth.

D.They were never taught how to make an intelligent decision.

E.Instead, those who use their time in a wise way are growing up.

F.Also we may judge one who grows tall and strong to be a mature one.

G.What’s more, the ability to make decisions is another big factor in growing up.



    The beautiful oceans that cover three-quarters of our planet are home to some of our most valuable natural resources. However, while our knowledge of outer space is quite wide, the same cannot be said about the deep waters, thanks to the fact that any attempts to monitor them have either been too awkward or too expensive. Now, California-based Liquid Robotics has come up with an invention that is both economical and easily used across the waters.

Called Wave Glides, the autonomous robot that resembles a surfboard consists of two interconnected sections - on the surface is a glider(滑翔机)fitted with solar panels, battery and sensors. Right below underwater is a navigation(航行) glider.

The robot travels at a snail’s pace gathering data. This data is quickly sorted by its solar-powered computer chips and then sent ashore for analysis. This robot contains no battery that needs recharging. It is a zero emission (排放)device that uses wave energy to push itself forward.

The company is working towards making the robot even more autonomous than it currently is. As it now stands, while the robot can sense a danger such as a ship or a shark, it does not have the ability to move away. Liquid Robotics wants to change that and program the robot so that it has the ability to move away from danger.

To encourage the general public to get involved with the informative data collected by Wave Glider, the company is planning to launch four of the robots on a yearlong trip across the Pacific. Two will head for Tokyo and two for Sydney. All the data they collect will be posted online and the person who comes up with the most innovative interpretation will be awarded a prize.

1.What can we infer from Paragraph 1?

A.It costs less to explore the sea than outer space. B.Outer space has more resources than the oceans

C.People do not have as much knowledge of oceans as space. D.Three quarters of natural resources come from the oceans.

2.What do we know about Wave Glider?

A.It is eco-friendly. B.It can be used as a surfboard.

C.It’s shaped like a snail. D.It uses solar energy to move.

3.What change is most likely to be expected of Wave Glider?

A.Traveling more quickly. B.Sensing danger autonomously.

C.Analyzing data underwater. D.Keeping itself away from danger.

4.Why will four robots be launched on a yearlong trip?

A.To find more natural resources. B.To collect data around the world.

C.To get people informed of collected data. D.To test their ability to work underwater.

5.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A.To promote an online contest. B.To call on people to explore oceans.

C.To introduce a new invention. D.To share the data collected in oceans.



    Elephants born without tusks(长牙) normally make up just 2 to 6 percent of the herd population. However, that is not the case at Mozambique’s Gorongosa National Park, where 33 percent of female elephants born after the country’s civil war ended in 1992 are tuskless. While that might be just a coincidence(巧合), Joyce Poole, an elephant behavior expert, has another theory.

The researcher thinks we may be witnessing an unnaturally evolution of the species due to the hunting of the elephants for their valuable tusks. Unlike our permanent teeth, tusks of elephants grow throughout the animal’s life, becoming longer and thicker with age. For decorative purposes, poachers usually first target older males due to their impressive tusks, and females are not spared either. As a result, in areas where hunting goes unchecked for long, the number of tuskless females increases. This allows them to gain a biological advantage, resulting in a larger than average population of female offspring (后代)with no tusks.

Poole believes this phenomenon explains the rise in the number of tuskless females at Gorongosa National Park. The researcher says before the war, the park was home to over 4,000 elephants. However, by the time the conflict ended in 1992, about 90 percent of the elephants had been slaughtered for tusks to help finance weapons and meat to feed the soldiers. Of the less than 200 survivors, over 50 percent of the females had no tusks. Hence, it is not surprising that the park’s tuskless elephant population has grown greatly.

So far, the hunting has largely influenced female elephants. Poole explains, “Very few males are tuskless because males require tusks for fighting. Without tusks, males have a much harder time breeding and do not pass on their genes(基因) as often as tusked ones.” If the hunting of males for tusks continues at this pace, it could result in a generation of elephants with much smaller tusks.

1.How does the writer draw readers’ attention to the topic?

A.By comparing figures. B.By offering explanation. C.By giving an example.              D.By introducing an expert.

2.What might be the reason for the increase of tuskless females?

A.Illegal hunting. B.Pure coincidence.

C.Natural evolution. D.Effective protection.

3.What does the underlined word “slaughtered” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.Raised. B.Protected. C.Killed. D.Trained.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.The future of African elephants.

B.The protection of African elephants.

C.The increasing number of tuskless elephants.

D.The genetic consequence of hunting elephants.

5.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A.Health. B.Science. C.Education. D.Finance.



    While my cousin and I were riding horses over the dry, grassy hills and swimming in the Navarro River, Mother, Grandma, Auntie Gert, and my elder cousins had begun the annual work of preparations for Thanksgiving on our farm, five months ahead of Thanksgiving.

By mid-July, the summer kitchen was running full steam. Peas were always the first to be processed. Everyone Grandma could get help from sat shelling(剥落) the peas into large pans, but as we wished we were out swimming. Then came the cherries. Mother packed them into jars, while Auntie Gert separated the riper cherries into a large pot to make delicious jam, which is my favorite. Peaches followed shortly. They were carefully washed, then skinned, halved and packed.

By fall, ropes of onions and garlic hung at the end of the shelves; apples, potatoes and pumpkins lined the floor.

With the coming of November rains, Grandma filled the remaining shelf space with coffee cans() packed with her famous fruitcakes. The smell of spices, apples and bay leaves came into the house, announcing the Thanksgiving season.

The weekend before Thanksgiving, aunts, uncles, and cousins began to arrive. My uncles helped Grandpa catch up on repairs around the farm; my aunts baked pie and bread; and my cousins and I played card games in the front room, staying as close to the warm woodstove as possible. When the Thanksgiving dinner was ready, we’d all sit around the dining table, which extended into the front room. Grandpa would pray. And then it was time to enjoy the delicious food prepared months ago.

How I miss those simple happy old days!

1.What does the author mainly intend to show in Paragraph 1?

A.Thanksgiving food was hard to prepare.

B.He loved riding horses with his cousins.

C.All his relatives lived together on the farm.

D.Preparations for Thanksgiving began early in his family.

2.What did the writer do to help with the preparations in summer?

A.Wash peaches. B.Nothing. C.Pack cherries. D.Shell peas.

3.The preparations for Thanksgiving include____.

① making jam        ② baking bread

③ doing repairs      ④ making coffee

A.①②③ B.①③④ C.①②④ D.②③④

4.Why does the writer start almost each paragraph with a phrase expressing time?

A.To attract attention. B.To show the diversity of preparations.

C.To record activities. D.To stress the long period of preparations.

5.How might the author feel about the family’s preparations for Thanksgiving?

A.They are challenging. B.They are worth the efforts.

C.They are troublesome. D.They are a waste of time.



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