满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When will they have a picnic? A.Thursday...

When will they have a picnic?

A.Thursday. B.Friday. C.Saturday.


C 【解析】 【原文】 M: Today is Thursday. Is it tomorrow that we'll have a picnic? W: No. The day after tomorrow.  


Many years ago, in one of the Arabian tribes(部落),there was a man named Nabor who owned a beautiful horse. This horse was famous for being both fast and gentle. Now, an Arab named Jehu, who belonged to another tribe wanted this horse.

Jehu had offered his camels and many valuable treasures for the horse but the owner would not sell it. Jehu then thought up a trick by which he hoped to get the horse for himself.

He decided to dress in rags, dirty his face and blindfold himself. Thus, he lay by the roadside to wait for the owner of the horse, who he knew would pass by that way.

When he saw Nabor coming on his beautiful  horse, he cried out in a weak voice, “I am a poor and sick blind man. For three days and nights I have been unable to move from this spot to find food. I am dying; help me please.”

Nabor kindly offered to take him on his horse and carry him home; but Jehu replied, “I cannot stand; I have no strength left,” Nabor felt pity for him and got  off his horse. He led his horse to the man and, with great difficulty, helped him onto the horse’s back. But, once Jehu was sitting in the saddle(), he kicked the horse and galloped off, calling out as he did so, “I have the horse; and you will never see it again. Goodbye!” Nabor was, at first, surprised and sad but he soon ran after the thief, shouting to him to stop as he had something to say to him.


1. 所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;

2. 应使用 5 个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

Certain that Nabor could not catch him by foot, Jehu turned the horse and stopped a short distance from Nabor.


Paragraph 2:

Struck with shame at these words, Jehu was silent for a moment.




假定你是李华,你校英语校报正在举办题为 “Food and Health” 的征文活动,请你写一 篇英文短文参加活动。内容包括:

1. 饮食与健康的关系;

2. 如何做到健康饮食。


1. 词数 100 左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

By observing the sky, the ancient Chinese divided the sun’s annual motion 1. 24 equal sectors, with each 2. (be) the basis for one solar term. The 24 Solar Terms(节气) start from the Beginning of Spring and end with the Severe Cold.

As early as the Shang Dynasty, our ancestors set the first four major solar terms, 3. marked the four seasons. Later they evolved into eight. It was not until the Western Han Dynasty 4. the present 24 Solar Terms were 5. (complete) established and officially adopted by the government.

The 6. (long) of the 24 Solar Terms was based on the movement of the sun, and7. (they) names were chosen according to the changes in temperature, climate and other aspects of human life. They remain serving as an instruction for farmers, 8. (guide) their agricultural practices during certain periods of the year. Common people follow the calendar to watch for weather changes and live 9. healthy life.

Each lunar month contains two solar terms, and each solar term has some to-do customs. In 2016, the Twenty-Four Solar Terms 10. (include) on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.



    On Christmas morning, Abby, a teenager, went happily downstairs. She didn’t __________ what was under the Christmas tree. Nothing can __________ the gift she has already been given this year--the gift of life.

The teenager has been looking forward to her first __________ Christmas in six years. She was told she wouldn’t __________ 18 without the operation, and now she is enjoying her new life. This year there will be no 12 hours of dialysis (透析)on Christmas Eve and no sitting in her bedroom watching films while __________ to a machine. Additionally, she can go out and __________ with her friends.

But as __________ mounts, Abby realizes her future has come at a price for that of her donor’s(捐献者) family. She said, “I will take some time to silently appreciate the family of my donor, who will be __________ for the person they lost. I know how __________ my kidney (肾脏)is.”

Abby said, “Now I’m well. I’ve discovered there’s lots of kindness and support there. I hope to become a child psychologist to help those in need.” Mum Jo agreed. She said, “We’re astonished by the love we’ve had. Abby’s __________ shows she has reached a new level of humanity.”

1.A.recognize B.care C.forget D.imagine

2.A.remove B.value C.equal D.pack

3.A.modern B.freezing C.innocent D.healthy

4.A.live through B.stick to C.hold up D.begin with

5.A.talking B.listening C.attached D.addicted

6.A.discuss B.socialize C.compete D.quarrel

7.A.sadness B.surprise C.excitement D.doubt

8.A.mourning B.arguing C.waiting D.looking

9.A.weak B.qualified C.dynamic D.precious

10.A.ambition B.guess C.concern D.success



    We all want to grow up. However, many people don’t seem to understand that the physical growth isn’t the whole story. 1. The big part is the maturing of the mind, judgment, thinking and self-control. This has always proven to be more difficult.

We measure maturity(成熟) in different ways. Birthdays are a common measure but not always a correct measure of maturity. 2. However, this is also not always a right way of measuring real maturity.

So, what are the real aspects that determine whether one has grown up? One aspect is how a person spends his time. Those who waste their time in playing and watching television have hardly begun to grow. 3.

What a person thinks of others and how he treats others is also a sign of maturity or no maturity. 4. He feels unhappy and feels that somehow others are using him. He has the idea that the world travels around him and for him and to satisfy him. He simply hasn’t grown up.

5. We all have to make so many of them. However, some never learn to make decisions. Therefore, when they’re called upon to make decisions, they don’t know what to do.

Learning how to make decisions is such an important part of maturation.

A.A mature person has a good state of mind.

B.The immature person hates authority over him.

C.In fact, it isn’t even the most important part of growth.

D.They were never taught how to make an intelligent decision.

E.Instead, those who use their time in a wise way are growing up.

F.Also we may judge one who grows tall and strong to be a mature one.

G.What’s more, the ability to make decisions is another big factor in growing up.



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