满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.When will Ellen get ...


1.When will Ellen get home?

A.At 2:00 o'clock. B.At 3:00 o'clock. C.At 5:00 o'clock.

2.What are the speakers doing?

A.Preparing for a party. B.Hurrying to Ellen's party. C.Buying Ellen birthday gifts.

3.Why did the man’s neighbors call the police last year?

A.His party was too noisy. B.He ran from his house. C.He hid in the bushes.

4.What do we know from the conversation?

A.Ellen knows nothing about the party.

B.Neighbors will be invited to the party.

C.Ellen is too stressed to attend the party.


1.C 2.A 3.A 4.A 【解析】 【原文】 W: What time is it? M: It's only 3:00. W: Oh, thank goodness. We have two hours before Ellen gets home. That' plenty of time to get all this wrapping done before she arrives. M: Ellen has been under so much stress lately that she didn't even have time to plan a birthday party. W: Yeah, so it's a good thing that we planned one for her. M: Right, and the best part is that she doesn't even know about it. W: We'd better not party too loud, though. My neighbors can be pretty fussy. M: No problem. Remember when we had that party at my house last year? W: Of course! Your upstairs neighbors called the police, and we all ended up running from your house and hiding in the bushes for three hours. M: Ellen's party will be nothing like that. Don t worry.


1.What is the man considering doing?

A.Learning a new language. B.Going back to school. C.Travelling to France.

2.What can we learn about the woman?

A.She goes to France a lot lately.

B.She has forgotten a lot of French.

C.She used to work in a French restaurant.

3.How did the woman learn French in adult classes?

A.She was taught one-on-one.

B.She learnt by doing activities.

C.She had to repeat the grammar.




1.How large is the farm?

A.2.5 acres(英亩). B.40 acres. C.55 acres.

2.How is the house on the farm?

A.It has a large kitchen. B.It's big with 3 bedrooms. C.It needs some repair work.

3.What is the farm like?

A.A dirt road runs across it.

B.Chickens are running around it.

C.It has enough space for a kitchen garden.




1.What can we learn about the “Kitchen” in the conversation?

A.It's the man's kitchen. B.It opens every Sunday. C.It's a poetry club.

2.What is the man trying to do?

A.Persuade the woman. B.Discuss his homework. C.Introduce some readings.



What do we know about the girl?

A.She will go to the supermarket.

B.Her teeth are in bad condition.

C.She dislikes chocolates and candies.



What might the man do tonight?

A.Go shopping to buy a new suit.

B.Take the party in T-shirt and jeans.

C.Take the woman to meet his family.



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