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Award-winning food writer Sasha Martin s...

Award-winning food writer Sasha Martin started her blog in 2010. Her plan was simple: to prepare a meal from every country in the world. Over the next four years, she cooked over 650 dishes from 195 countries. In this interview, Martin describes her experience of cooking the world.

Was “cooking the world” a way to travel without leaving home?       

That’s right. I think the idea that exploration is for everyone is really important. There are so many people who dream of travel. But I think that you really can go on adventures without leaving home. With food, if you have the right ingredients, you can create the flavor of another place. It’s like armchair travel, but it’s faster and easier. I call it “stovetop travel.”

What did you hope to teach your daughter by cooking the world?

I wanted her to feel that she had a place in the world where she belonged. But I also feel it’s important for children to grow up knowing people from other countries-their global neighbors.     I call them neighbors because the world is so small now. I remember going on Facebook in its early days. I noticed there were people from different parts of the world commenting on posts, even arguing with each other. I feel that in that environment, young people need to be able to respect and understand each other.

So food is a great way to create that common ground?

Yes. I wanted to share recipes that were bridges to other cultures. A lot of celebrity TV chefs tend to choose the most shocking recipes. But I think you need a bridge first. Then people won’t put up a wall in their mind about that culture. They won’t just think, “Gross! Those people eat such odd things!”

1.What seems to be the name of Martin’s blog?

A.Cooking the World. B.Armchair Travel.

C.Knowing Your Neighbors. D.Cultures in Food.

2.Why is food a great way to create common ground according to Martin?

A.It makes the world colorful. B.It is a universal topic.

C.It creates cultural connections. D.It offers a sense of belonging.

3.Who might Martin’s blog be intended for?

A.Ordinary people. B.People travelling abroad.

C.Celebrity TV chefs. D.Parents with young children.

4.Which of the following Chinese recipes might not be shared on Martin’s blog?

A.Gong Bao Chicken. B.Dim Sum. C.Sichuan Hot Pot. D.Stinky Tofu.

5.Which might best express your comment on Martin’s blog?

A.“Gross! Do they really eat such odd food? “

B.“Wow! You’ve been to so many amazing places!!”

C.“Awesome travel tips for getting around the world!”

D.“Incredible! I cooked black pudding by myself! Thanks!”

6.Where does this passage probably come from?

A.Talk Show. B.Features. C. Breaking News. D.World Screen.


1.A 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.D 6.A 【解析】 本文是一篇新闻报道,是对美食作家萨沙·马丁的访谈,她分享了“烹饪世界”的经历。 1.推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Award-winning food writer Sasha Martin started her blog in 2010. Her plan was simple: to prepare a meal from every country in the world.”可知,获奖的美食作家萨沙·马丁在2010年开始了她的博客,她的计划很简单:准备一桌来自世界各国的美食,再结合第一个问题“Was “cooking the world” a way to travel without leaving home?”(烹饪世界”是一种不离家旅行的方式吗?)及第二个问题“What did you hope to teach your daughter by cooking the world?”(你想通过“烹饪世界”教会你女儿什么?)可知,萨沙·马丁的博客的名字应该是“烹饪世界”,故A项正确。 2.细节理解题。根据第三个问题“So food is a great way to create that common ground?”(所以食物是创造共同点的好方法?)及回答中的“Yes. I wanted to share recipes that were bridges to other cultures.”(是的。我想分享一些食谱,这些食谱是通向其他文化的桥梁)可知,萨沙·马丁认为食物是创造共同点的好方法是因为它创造了文化联系,故C项正确。 3.和people指代的都是普通大众,由此可知,她的博客应该是为普通人而写的,故A项正确。 4. 5. 6.推理判断题。根据第一段中的“In this interview”以及一问一答的文体形式可知本文是对美食作家萨沙·马丁的访谈,因此文章最有可能出自访谈节目,故A项正确。

    An old man was sitting on a train with his son who was about 20 years old. As the train started, the young man was filled with ____ and curiosity.  He was seated by the window and shouted,   “Dad! Look! All the trees are going behind!” The old man____.

There was a couple beside the young man. They were just sitting and listening to the___ between the father and the son. Suddenly the young man shouted again, “Dad! Look at the____! Clouds are moving with the train!”

The couple watched the young man. They thought it was rather___ that the young man was behaving like a small child.

Now it started raining and some water drops ___ the young man's hand. He was even more__ and he closed his eyes. He shouted again, “Dad! It's raining! Water is  touching  me! Dad! Look!”

The couple couldn't___ themselves any longer and asked the old man, “Why don't you take your son to a___ ?”

The old man said, “Yeswe were just coming from the hospital. Today my son got___ first time in his life.”

1.A.joy B.panic C.humour D.confidence

2.A.shouted B.cried C.left D.smiled

3.A.argument B.story C.quarrel D.conversation

4.A.sky B.field C.lake D.mountain

5.A.frightening B.amazing C.strange D.informal

6.A.cleaned B.touched C.filled D.covered

7.A.shocked B.satisfied C.excited D.inspired

8.A.help B.protect C.forgive D.understand

9.A.teacher B.scientist C.lawyer D.doctor

10.A.eyesight B.strength C.images D.gifts




1.What does the speaker tell us about his mother's early childhood?

A.Her parents set up an ice-cream store.

B.Her parents immigrated(移民) to America.

C.Her parents left Chicago to work on a farm.

2.What do we learn about the speaker's father?

A.He left Italy at 16.

B.He taught English in Chicago.

C.He was made limp() in an accident.

3.What does the speaker say about his mother?

A.She was a school secretary.

B.She was helpful to neighbors.

C.She was highly devoted to her family.




1.When will Ellen get home?

A.At 2:00 o'clock. B.At 3:00 o'clock. C.At 5:00 o'clock.

2.What are the speakers doing?

A.Preparing for a party. B.Hurrying to Ellen's party. C.Buying Ellen birthday gifts.

3.Why did the man’s neighbors call the police last year?

A.His party was too noisy. B.He ran from his house. C.He hid in the bushes.

4.What do we know from the conversation?

A.Ellen knows nothing about the party.

B.Neighbors will be invited to the party.

C.Ellen is too stressed to attend the party.




1.What is the man considering doing?

A.Learning a new language. B.Going back to school. C.Travelling to France.

2.What can we learn about the woman?

A.She goes to France a lot lately.

B.She has forgotten a lot of French.

C.She used to work in a French restaurant.

3.How did the woman learn French in adult classes?

A.She was taught one-on-one.

B.She learnt by doing activities.

C.She had to repeat the grammar.




1.How large is the farm?

A.2.5 acres(英亩). B.40 acres. C.55 acres.

2.How is the house on the farm?

A.It has a large kitchen. B.It's big with 3 bedrooms. C.It needs some repair work.

3.What is the farm like?

A.A dirt road runs across it.

B.Chickens are running around it.

C.It has enough space for a kitchen garden.



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