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Have you ever had a childhood hero? I me...

    Have you ever had a childhood hero? I mean a real person that changes the way you think, that influences you to be better at something?1.

Roger is a famous tennis player, in case you have been living under a rock these past fifteen years. He is considered the best tennis player in the history of the sport. And he is still strong. At the ripe old age of 37, he could have easily retired from the sport and lived a comfortable life he wanted.2.For a tennis player, there is no other person worthier of respect and admiration.

You might not agree with me when I say tennis is one of the hardest sports in the world. But hear me out. Physically speaking, there are plenty of sports that are equally as challenging as tennis. Many also require mental strength. 3.  In a singles tennis match, you are alone. For the     whole match, which can last for hours, you have to decide what to do without any outside help.

4. Michael Jordan had teammates and coaches to support him during a game. Usain  Bolt was also alone, but his matches were finished within a minute. So, to be a great singles tennis player, you must be independent, confident about yourself, and calm under pressure - qualities that are very valuable anywhere you go.

5. Next time if got a chance to see Roger Federer defend his title live, I will be there cheering him on. What about you?

A.Let's put it this way.

B.Nothing beats going to a live tennis game.

C.Have you ever dreamed of becoming a hero?

D.Sports do good to physical and mental development.

E.But he has been pushing himself past his own limits.

F.However, few require a combination of the two in a match.

G.Roger Federer was my hero, is my hero, and will be my hero.


1.G 2.E 3.F 4.A 5.B 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,作者介绍了自己心目中的英雄——网球天王费德勒。 1.,此处需要一个承上启下的过渡句,既要对应上文提到的英雄话题,又要引出下文介绍的罗杰·费德勒,即:费德勒一直是我的英雄,故G项(费德勒以前是我的英雄,现在是我的英雄,以后也将是我的英雄)符合语境。 2.空前说在37岁的时候,他本可以轻松地退出这项运动,过上他想要的舒适生活,空后又说对于一个网球运动员来说,没有比他更值得尊敬和钦佩的人了,这说明他没有退役,仍然超越自己的极限,继续在赛场上征战,故E项(但他一直在超越自己的极限)符合语境。 3. 4.空后说乔丹在比赛中有队友和教练的支持,博尔特的比赛在一分钟内就结束了,所以,要想成为一名优秀的网球单打运动员,你必须独立,对自己有信心,在压力下保持冷静,空后拿乔丹和博尔特与费德勒作对比以突出费德勒的伟大,此处需要一句引语,引出下文的内容,故A项(这么说吧)符合语境。 5.

Are Superheroes Good Role Models?

Superheroes are everywhere. But what effect, if any, do superheroes have on our behavior? Some experts believe superheroes may have a particularly important influence on children.

Children have very limited control over many areas of their lives. Therefore, pretending to be a superhero allows a child to act out and process any anxiety that they have, and thereby overcome or reduce hidden fears, says Dr. Amy Bailey, a clinical psychologist.

Bailey adds, “The risk to superhero play is that sometimes children’s behavior can become out of control and turn into chaotic play as a child becomes completely lost in these roles.” She advises parents to keep children away from more aggressive(暴力的) shows and to have children focus on “other positive characteristics of their favorite hero, such as their clever thinking and care of others.” Concern over the possible effect of aggressive behavior has led  to  some  schools  banning(禁止) superhero play from the classroom.

Other psychologists(心理学家) share this concern. Some point to the change of the superhero over time, and are dissatisfied with modern images. “There is a big difference in the movie superhero of today and the comic book superhero of yesterday,” says Sharon Lamb. She compares the selfish, playboy millionaire Tony Stark (Iron Man) to a superhero of the past, such as Superman. Superman, she points out, had a real job as a newspaper reporter and was devoted to fighting injustice(不公平). More recent characters such as Iron Man “take advantage of women, show off wealth, and show their manhood with high-powered guns.”

Jeff Greenberg, a social psychology professor, has his own idea of modern superheroes. According to him, superheroes give children confidence and can deliver a positive moral message. Many superheroes-such as Spider-Man or Superman-use their powers to protect the weak. And more modern superheroes such as Daredevil, who is blind, and Charles Xavier (Professor X), who is disabled, bring diversity(多样性) and present positive images of disability.

1.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.Children should be kept away from superhero movies.

B.Superheroes can have a powerful impact on children.

C.The concept of the superhero has changed over time.

D.Superheroes can encourage children to be confident.

2.Which match agrees with the passage?

a. Superman

b. Iron Man

c. Professor X

d. Spider-man

1. He is self-centered and is not a good role model for children.

2. He shows a narrow image of manhood.

3. He shows children that it’s OK to be different.

4. He empowers children and stands for justice.



A.a--2. B.b--4. C.c--3. D.d--1.

3.What does the underlined part refer to?

A.The ban on superhero play in classroom. B.The possible effect on aggressive behavior.

C.The various characteristics of superheroes. D.The belief of children in superhuman strength.

4.How does the writer get the main idea across?

① It provides hard scientific evidence. ② It quotes psychologists’ remarks.

③ It offers the writer’s own opinion. ④ It discusses both sides of the issue.

A.① ③ B.② ③ C.② ④ D.① ④



    On a farm in England, Gavin and Alice Munro are taking sustainability to the next level: they harvest trees which they grow into chairs.

The couple have a furniture(家具) farm in Derbyshire where they are growing 250 chairs, 100 lamps and 50 tables. It is their answer to what they see as the inefficient(无效率) process of cutting down mature trees to create furniture.

“Instead of force-growing a tree for 50 years and then cutting it down and making it into smaller and smaller bits ... the idea is to grow the tree into the shape that you want directly. It’s like a kind of 3D printing,” said Gavin.

Part of the inspiration for the idea came when Gavin was a young boy. He spotted an overgrown bonsai tree (盆栽) which looked like a chair.

The 44-year-old began experimenting in 2006. In 2012, Gavin and Alice set up the company Full Grown. Within several years, the couple developed the most effective way to shape a tree without limiting its growth. They guide shoots (嫩枝) already heading in the right direction, rather than force them the wrong way against their natural growth.

The average chair takes six to nine years to grow - and another year to dry out. The labor and time involved in producing the organic pieces means they do not come cheap. Chairs sell for10,000 each, lamps for 900 to 2,300 and tables for 2,500 to 12,500.

1.What is special about the farm?

A.It uses 3D printing. B.It grows bonsai trees.

C.It was set up by a couple. D.It grows trees into furniture.

2.How do the couple shape a tree?

A.By limiting its growth.

B.By following its natural growth.

C.By forcing it against its natural growth.

D.By guiding its shoots in the right direction.

3.How long does it take to make an average chair for the company?

A.Over 50 years. B.About 6 to 9 years.

C.At most 6 years. D.About 7 to 10 years.

4.Which can best describe the furniture?

A.Big and eco-friendly. B.Natural but expensive.

C.Hand-made and creative. D.Traditional but organic.

5.What does the writer's opinion on the farm?

A.It’s brought in huge money. B.It grows trees inefficiently.

C.It’s a good try of sustainability. D.It will gain popularity soon.



Award-winning food writer Sasha Martin started her blog in 2010. Her plan was simple: to prepare a meal from every country in the world. Over the next four years, she cooked over 650 dishes from 195 countries. In this interview, Martin describes her experience of cooking the world.

Was “cooking the world” a way to travel without leaving home?       

That’s right. I think the idea that exploration is for everyone is really important. There are so many people who dream of travel. But I think that you really can go on adventures without leaving home. With food, if you have the right ingredients, you can create the flavor of another place. It’s like armchair travel, but it’s faster and easier. I call it “stovetop travel.”

What did you hope to teach your daughter by cooking the world?

I wanted her to feel that she had a place in the world where she belonged. But I also feel it’s important for children to grow up knowing people from other countries-their global neighbors.     I call them neighbors because the world is so small now. I remember going on Facebook in its early days. I noticed there were people from different parts of the world commenting on posts, even arguing with each other. I feel that in that environment, young people need to be able to respect and understand each other.

So food is a great way to create that common ground?

Yes. I wanted to share recipes that were bridges to other cultures. A lot of celebrity TV chefs tend to choose the most shocking recipes. But I think you need a bridge first. Then people won’t put up a wall in their mind about that culture. They won’t just think, “Gross! Those people eat such odd things!”

1.What seems to be the name of Martin’s blog?

A.Cooking the World. B.Armchair Travel.

C.Knowing Your Neighbors. D.Cultures in Food.

2.Why is food a great way to create common ground according to Martin?

A.It makes the world colorful. B.It is a universal topic.

C.It creates cultural connections. D.It offers a sense of belonging.

3.Who might Martin’s blog be intended for?

A.Ordinary people. B.People travelling abroad.

C.Celebrity TV chefs. D.Parents with young children.

4.Which of the following Chinese recipes might not be shared on Martin’s blog?

A.Gong Bao Chicken. B.Dim Sum. C.Sichuan Hot Pot. D.Stinky Tofu.

5.Which might best express your comment on Martin’s blog?

A.“Gross! Do they really eat such odd food? “

B.“Wow! You’ve been to so many amazing places!!”

C.“Awesome travel tips for getting around the world!”

D.“Incredible! I cooked black pudding by myself! Thanks!”

6.Where does this passage probably come from?

A.Talk Show. B.Features. C. Breaking News. D.World Screen.



    An old man was sitting on a train with his son who was about 20 years old. As the train started, the young man was filled with ____ and curiosity.  He was seated by the window and shouted,   “Dad! Look! All the trees are going behind!” The old man____.

There was a couple beside the young man. They were just sitting and listening to the___ between the father and the son. Suddenly the young man shouted again, “Dad! Look at the____! Clouds are moving with the train!”

The couple watched the young man. They thought it was rather___ that the young man was behaving like a small child.

Now it started raining and some water drops ___ the young man's hand. He was even more__ and he closed his eyes. He shouted again, “Dad! It's raining! Water is  touching  me! Dad! Look!”

The couple couldn't___ themselves any longer and asked the old man, “Why don't you take your son to a___ ?”

The old man said, “Yeswe were just coming from the hospital. Today my son got___ first time in his life.”

1.A.joy B.panic C.humour D.confidence

2.A.shouted B.cried C.left D.smiled

3.A.argument B.story C.quarrel D.conversation

4.A.sky B.field C.lake D.mountain

5.A.frightening B.amazing C.strange D.informal

6.A.cleaned B.touched C.filled D.covered

7.A.shocked B.satisfied C.excited D.inspired

8.A.help B.protect C.forgive D.understand

9.A.teacher B.scientist C.lawyer D.doctor

10.A.eyesight B.strength C.images D.gifts




1.What does the speaker tell us about his mother's early childhood?

A.Her parents set up an ice-cream store.

B.Her parents immigrated(移民) to America.

C.Her parents left Chicago to work on a farm.

2.What do we learn about the speaker's father?

A.He left Italy at 16.

B.He taught English in Chicago.

C.He was made limp() in an accident.

3.What does the speaker say about his mother?

A.She was a school secretary.

B.She was helpful to neighbors.

C.She was highly devoted to her family.



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