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This is Warsaw, where lunch is usually a...

    This is Warsaw, where lunch is usually a slab of meat with a side order of sausage. But at Krowarzywa — which means “cow alive” and _______ the word warzywa, meaning vegetables — no animals were harmed in the making of food. The bestselling “vegan pastrami” is made of seitan, a wheat-based meat _______.

Warsaw has almost 50 vegan restaurants. That does not mean it has all that many vegans. Kassia, a 20-something professional in the queue, says she has no ethical _______ to eating meat. She comes to Krowarzywa because she likes the food. Kornel Kisala, the head chef, thinks that most of Krowarzywa’s clients eat meat, but it does not worry him. “Animals don’t _______ whether you eat a vegan burger because it is fashionable or because it is tasty.” According to the survey, 60% of people _______ say they plan to cut back on meat this year. Eating vegetarian and vegan meals now and then is one of the ways some choose to do so.

Two years ago Eric Schmidt, a Silicon Valley figure, called plant-based meat substitutes the world’s most important future technology, he foresaw them improving people’s health, reducing environmental degradation and making food more _______ for the poor. The founder of the first vegan society said in 1944 that “In time people will view with disgust the idea that men once fed on the products of animals’ bodies.” Ever since the number of people _______ his hope has been increasing. Perhaps their time is coming at last.

If so, it is a _______ coming. Meat consumption worldwide has been _______ consistently by almost 3% a year since 1960, mostly because people get richer. In the early 1970s the average Chinese person, __________, ate 14 kg (31lb) of meat a year. Now they eat 55 kg a year.

In America, Nielsen found in 2017 that 3% of the population called themselves vegans and 6% vegetarians(people who avoid meat, but eat eggs and/or dairy products). But more detailed research by Faunalytics puts the numbers at just 0.5% for vegans and 3. 4% for vegetarians. Fully a quarter of 25-to 34-year-olds in America claim to be either vegan or vegetarian, __________ studies by Faunalyties find the median age of American vegans to be 42. It seems that a fair amount of ambitious self-discipline, terminological inexactitude (术语的不准确) or simple hypocrisy (伪善) is at play.

Overall, though, it seems __________ to say that the number of people sometimes or regularly choosing to eat vegan food is growing much faster than the growth in people deeply __________ to a meat-free life. Patrice Bula, a vice president at Nestle, says that a __________ proportion of the people buying his company’s vegan meals are true vegetarians or vegans. People in this larger group are often called “flexible vegetarians”, who __________ back and forth between omnivorous (杂食的) and vegetable diets. The true vegan trend lies in casual, part time veganism.

1.A.involves B.gives C.contains D.form

2.A.ingredient B.source C.substitute D.recipe

3.A.obligation B.objection C.interest D.judgment

4.A.suffer B.claim C.offend D.care

5.A.represented B.supposed C.mentioned D.sampled

6.A.affordable B.healthy C.sufficient D.friendly

7.A.doubting B.approving C.sharing D.observing

8.A.slow B.quick C.great D.easy

9.A.decreasing B.rocketing C.plunging D.growing

10.A.on average B.for example C.generally speaking D.on the contrary

11.A.because B.while C.or D.if

12.A.tempting B.mature C.obvious D.safe

13.A.added B.applied C.commited D.reduce

14.A.proper B.considerable C.numerous D.small

15.A.shift B.exchange C.wonder D.hesitate


1.C 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.B 11.B 12.D 13.C 14.D 15.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要论述了尽管素食主义的人还比较少,还存在弹性素食者,但素食主义在慢慢的兴起。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是在Krowarzywa(意为“活着的牛”),这个词来源于“世系”,warzywa的意思是蔬菜,没有动物在制作食物的过程中受到伤害。A. involves牵涉;B. gives给予;C. contains包含;D. form形成。根据前文But at Krowarzywa可知,Krowarzywa包含warzywa这个单词,而这个单词意味着蔬菜。故选C项。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:最畅销的“素食五香熏牛肉”是由一种以小麦为原料的肉类替代品素肉制成的。A. ingredient (尤指烹调用的)原料;B. source来源;C. substitute替代者,可替代者;D. recipe食谱,方法。根据空前内容“vegan pastrami(素食五香熏牛肉)”应是“真肉”的替代品。故选C项。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:卡西娅是一名排队等候的20多岁的专业人士,她说她不反对吃肉。A. obligation义务,责任;B. objection反对;C. interest兴趣,利益;D. judgment判断;看法。根据前文“That does not mean it has all that many vegans. (这并不意味着它有那么多的素食者)”可知,这里提及Kassia作为举例说明也是有食肉的食客存在的。故选B项。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:动物们并不在乎你吃素食汉堡是因为它时髦还是因为它美味。A. suffer遭受,患有;B. claim声称,索取;C. offend冒犯,使人不安;D. care关注,喜爱。根据句意和语境可知,这位厨师从动物的角度分析了吃素食汉堡的现状,无论出于那个原因都与动物无关。故选D项。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:调查显示,60%的受访者表示,他们计划今年减少肉食。A. represented代表;B. supposed假设,应该;C. mentioned提及;D. sampled品尝,抽样检验。根据句意和语境可知,所填词应对应之前名词“survey(调查)”,这里的60% of people 应是被抽样调查的人,是受访者。故选D项。 6.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:两年前,硅谷人埃里克•施密特将植物性肉类替代品称为世界上最重要的未来技术,他预见到这些技术将改善人们的健康,减少环境退化,让穷人更买得起食物。A. affordable负担得起的;B. healthy健康的;C. sufficient足够的;D. friendly友好的。根据空后内容“for the poor”可知,要制作穷人能够负担得起的食物。故选A项。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:自那以后有越来越多的人分享他的希望。A. doubting怀疑;B. approving喜欢;C. sharing分享;D. observing观察,遵从,庆祝。根据句意和语境可知,空后的his hope应是前文提及“The founder of the first vegan society said in 1944 that “In time people will view with disgust the idea that men once fed on the products of animals’ bodies.(第一个纯素食协会的创始人在1944年说:“总有一天,人们会厌恶地认为,人类曾经以动物的身体为食。”)”,这个观点或希望得到越来越多的人的认同和分享。故选C项。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果是这样,这是一个缓慢的到来。A. slow缓慢的;B. quick快速的;C. great伟大的;D. easy容易的。根据后文可知,对肉的消费是在增长的,因此他们所希望的这个时代“In time people will view with disgust the idea that men once fed on the products of animals’ bodies.”还需要时间,最终会缓慢的到来。故选A项。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:自1960年以来,全球肉类消费以每年近3%的速度持续增长,这主要是因为人们越来越富有。例如,在20世纪70年代初,中国人平均每年吃14公斤(31磅)肉。A. decreasing下降;B. rocketing飞速增加; 飞速上涨;C. plunging纵身跳向;猛冲向;D. growing增长。根据后文“mostly because people get richer. In the early 1970s the average Chinese person, ___10___ , ate 14 kg (31lb) of meat a year. Now they eat 55 kg a year.”可知,由于变得富有,对肉的食用是在增长的但并不是飞速上涨。故选D项。 10.考查短语辨析。句意:自1960年以来,全球肉类消费以每年近3%的速度持续增长,这主要是因为人们越来越富有。例如,在20世纪70年代初,中国人平均每年吃14公斤(31磅)肉。A. on average平均;B. for example例如;C. generally speaking一般而言;D. on the contrary相反。根据句意和语境可知,这里是以中国人的人均消费肉的情况为例的。故选B项。 11.考查连接词辨析。句意:在美国25到34岁的人群中,足足有四分之一的人声称自己是纯素食者或素食者,而Faunalyties的研究发现,美国纯素食者的中位年龄是42岁。A. because因为;B. while当……时候,然而;C. or或者,否则;D. if如果,是否。结合句意可知,前后应是转折对比关系。故选B项。 12.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:不过,总体而言,有时或经常选择吃纯素的人数的增长速度,似乎要比那些坚定主张不吃肉的人的增长速度快得多。A. tempting诱人的;B. mature成熟的;C. obvious明显的;D. safe安全的,有把握的。根据前一句“It seems that a fair amount of ambitious self-discipline, terminological inexactitude or simple hypocrisy is at play.(似乎有相当多的雄心勃勃的自律、术语上的不正确或简单的虚伪在起作用)”可知,前文提及了不确切的数据统计,因此,本句在描述方面需要有把握才能使人相信。句式“It is safe to say…”意为“有把握这么说”符合句意。故选D项。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:不过,总体而言,有时或经常选择吃纯素的人数的增长速度,似乎要比那些坚定主张不吃肉的人的增长速度快得多。A. added增加;B. applied应用;C. committed致力于;D. reduced减少。committed to sth.意为“致力于某事”,用在句中表达“主张不吃肉的人”。故选C项。 14.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:雀巢公司的副总裁Patrice Bula说,购买公司纯素食品的人中只有一小部分是真正的素食者或纯素食者。A. proper适当的;B. considerable相当多的,相当大的;C. numerous许多的;D. small小的。根据句意和语境可知,真正的素食主义者在购买素食的群体中占相当小的比例。故选D项。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这一较大群体的人通常被称为“灵活素食者”,他们在杂食和蔬菜饮食之间来回转换。A. shift改变观点(或态度、做事方式等);B. exchange交换;C. wonder好奇,想知道;D. hesitate犹豫。根据句意和语境可知,这些人被称为“flexible vegetarians”,饮食方面在杂食和素食之间转换。故选A项。

Firstborn children __________more readily with parental authority because, among other things, they are often put in charge of younger brothers or sisters.

A.identify B.recognize C.observe D.value



The transportation system has been __________in the years since Rio de Janeiro was no longer the capital of Brazil in 1960.

A.circulated B.involved C.neglected D.concerned



They had __________wandering through the streets arm-in-arm every evening after dinner.

A.taken over B.taken to C.taken off D.taken in



The number of __________is now estimated at about 200 billion.

A.existed stars B.existing stars C.stars into existence D.stars existent



Walk down the main street, and the post office is on your right. You won’t __________it.

A.omit B.ignore C.miss D.deny



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