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Shakespeare once wrote that all the worl...

    Shakespeare once wrote that all the world is a stage, but these days it's more like a movie set. Get to know some films to find fantastic film locations(地点) you should check out on your travels.

The Sound of Music

Austria's hills are certainly alive with the sound of music and tourists. Mozart may have been born in Salzburg, but The Sound of Music really put it on the map and now about 70 percent of people visit it because of the movie. Cross Residenzplatz Square and visit the Palace of Leopoldskron where the children in the film fell into the lake.


Although the Palace of Troy was filmed on sets built at Shepperton Studios in the UK, most of the 2004 movie was shot in Malta and Baja California, Mexico. Malta with historic sites and beautiful blue waters was a good choice to replace Greece. Troy was shot at a host of locations, including Golden Bay, Hal Far as well as Fort Ricasoli(where the city of Troy was constructed). The Trojan horse from the film is now lying on the waterfront in Canakkale, Turkey.

Bridget Joneses Diary

Bridget Jones is brought to life as we watch the work and romance in London. Her special corner flat is above the Globe Tavern by Borough Market, one of the city's oldest and biggest food markets. According to The Telegraph, it would be highly unlikely that she could afford to buy a place like that today since it has risen in value by more than 240 percent.

Harry Potter

J. K. Rowling started writing the Harry Potter books while she was living in Edinburgh, Scotland, so it's no surprise that she set most of the story there. The Hogwarts Express travels through the Scottish Highlands and along the 31 meters high Glenfinnan Viaduct. The second highest waterfall in the UK, Steall Falls can be seen during Quidditch matches.

1.Which of the following films makes Salzburg famous?

A.The Sound of Music. B.Troy.

C.Bridget Jones's Diary. D.Harry Potter.

2.Where was the city of Troy built?

A.In Hal Far. B.In Fort Ricasoli. C.In Canakkale. D.In Golden Bay.

3.What is the similarity of the last two films?

A.Their theme is mainly about romance. B.Their authors lived in the same house.

C.Most of their stories were set in the UK. D.They cause the prices of houses to rise.


1.A 2.B 3.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了The Sound of Music、Troy、Bridget Joneses Diary以及Harry Potter四个电影的拍摄地点。 1.细节理解题。根据The Sound of Music部分中Mozart may have been born in Salzburg, but The Sound of Music really put it on the map and now about 70 percent of people visit it because of the movie. (莫扎特可能出生在Salzburg,但音乐之声确实让它出名了,现在大约70%的人因为这部电影而去参观它)可知是电影The Sound of Music使得Salzburg出名。故选A。 2.细节理解题。根据Troy部分中Troy was shot at a host of locations, including Golden Bay, Hal Far as well as Fort Ricasoli(where the city of Troy was constructed). 可知《特洛伊》在很多地方被拍摄,包括Golden Bay、Hal Far以及Fort Ricasoli (特洛伊城的所在地),即特洛伊城建在Fort Ricasoli。故选B。 3.推理判断题。根据Bridget Joneses Diary部分中Bridget Jones is brought to life as we watch the work and romance in London.(当我们在伦敦观看这部电影时,Bridget Jones被赋予了生命)以及Harry Potter部分中The second highest waterfall in the UK, Steall Falls can be seen during Quidditch matches. (作为英国第二高的瀑布,在魁地奇比赛期间可以看到Steall瀑布)可知最后两部电影相似之处是他们的故事大多发生在英国。故选C。

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given.







Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make them coherent and grammatically correct. Fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word if there is any. For the other blanks, use once word that best fits each blank.

Bigger isn’t always better. People who are doubtful about this argument just need to look at smart-phones and personal computer, which have served as the technological driving force of the past century. It is the continual shrinkage of components (成分) that have caused the explosion of computing power and enabled these gadgets 1.(be) accessible to people across the world.

2.(inspire) by this, researchers and scientists have been working on areas 3. making things small may mean big results. And this year, the Nobel Prize has broken the tradition of celebrating big by presenting the biggest prizes to discoveries on the smallest scales.

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to a cellular-level experiment. The committee gave the award to Yoshinori Ohsumi of the Tokyo Institute of Technology, for his research on “autophagy”, which is a “self-eating” process 4.(see) in cells.

What’s more, in recognition of their working on the strange properties of matter in extreme states and 5.(take) their research all the way down to an atomic scale, the Nobel Prize for physics was awarded to three British-born scientists who currently work in the U. S.

Another exceptional new field is 6.of nano-technology. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to a scientists who managed to build the world’s 7. (tiny) machines out of molecules. These devices, including a nano-sized car, are so small 8.they are invisible to the human eye.

Small 9. the subjects are, the benefits of the scientists’ research are set of be huge. More importantly, their invention may even eventually be turned into products that benefit mankind.

The ground-breaking discoveries in physics, have started a firestorm of research, and it will only be some time 10. their research leads to advances as unimaginable to us now as lasers and computer chips were a hundred years ago,” Laura H. Greene, president-elect of the American Physical Society told The New York Times.



Directions: Read the passage carefully Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

The true story of two female wrestlers overturning gender stereotypes (刻板印象) has become the highest-grossing Indian film ever in China. It’s got people asking when China will make a film like this?

Dnagal is not your typical song-and-dance heavy Bollywood romance. 1. Staring hugely popular Aamir Khan, it tells the story of Indian wrestler and coach Mahavir Singh Phogat who trained his daughters to become wrestlers-defying social norms.

2. And the family faced great adversity to realize his wrestling dreams. One of his daughters Geeta Phogat went on to win India’s first ever gold medal is wrestling at the Commonwealth Games in 2010 and became the first Indian female wrestler to qualify for the Olympic Games.

Since its release on 5 May in China, the film has already made more than 487m yuan ($70.7m; £54. 5 m) at the box office, according to state news agency Xinhua and continues to do strong business. Many social media users and critics are inevitable comparing Dangal to Chinese films, saying it was better than a lot of domestic cinema. 3.

“Dangal was based on a true story, but its artistic level — from the script-writing to the actors’ and actresses’ performance, and from the pace to the musical score — is amazing.” He said it had “taught Chinese cinema a lesson. We have so many champions in China but we have failed to make a decent sports movie. 4.” he said.

Film critic Nan Jiang told the BBC she thinks it’s because the Chinese film market is dominated by commercial interests. “Some film makers are only concerned with money. They barely care about feminism or female empowerment,” she said.

A.The real-life family is from conservative Haryana state, known for the high popularity of social issues such as gender inequality and child marriage.

B.Chinese critics say Dangal has helped break China’s “prejudice” against Bollywood films, including their great length and well-designed but “puzzling” dance scenes.

C.Instead, it is a story of female empowerment.

D.So what does India make of all this success for Dangal in China? — Lots of pride, a little disbelief and several cries of “madness”.

E.This is a case worthy of reflection.

F.Yin Hong, a professor from the Tsinghua University and a film critic, told the Beijing Evening News that Dangal puts Chinese movies” to shame



Spain’s Literary Genius

Four centuries ago, the author of one of the greatest comedic characters in world literature took his last breath. Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616), the author of Don Quixote, is to the Spanish what Shakespeare is to the English and Dante is to Italians — a national literary icon.

Cervantes’ book is still appreciated today, hundreds of years after its publication, because it’s a wonderfully truthful comedy. Don Quixote, like human beings generally, has great difficulty distinguishing reality from imagination. Readers may laugh at his strange behavior, but we laugh, we laugh with recognition.

The book records the adventures of Alonso Quijano, an older Spanish gentleman who loves romance novels. In truth, he reads far too many romances, and they have affected his mind. Quijano is so mixed up that he decides that he must become a knight himself. Imagine a comic book fan who decides to dress up as a superhero to fight crime, and I’ll get the picture.

Setting the scene

Alonso Quijano reinvents himself as “Don Quixote de La Mancha”, an aristocratic (贵族的) name that suits his ambition of being a knight. Next, since every knight needs a horse, he finds himself an old one named Rocinante. But Rocinante is not exactly cut out for lite as a knight’s horse. He’s tired from years of farm work. He’s unlikely to be of much help in any fight against an enemy.

The heroes in the romances Quijano reads all had a lady to love. They were highborn, like the knights themselves. Quijano chooses Aldonze Lorenzo, a farmer’s daughter, to be his beloved. She becomes “Dulcinea del Toboso”, or “the sweet woman of Toboso”. How does Aldonza feel about Quijano’s attentions? She doesn’t feel much at all, actually. Aldonza is yet another byproduct of Quijano’s imagination, like so many things.

Finding a sidekick

Now comes Cervantes’ second great creation: Sancho Panza. Once servant in Qiujano’s house, Panza is promoted to the role of squire (随从), because every self-respecting knight needs a squire. Panza has a sensible head on his shoulders, and he is a foil (衬托) to his foolish master.

The pair faces many adventures, but none are as heroic as a knight’s should be. We laugh, rather than cry, as we read. Quijano tries to act on behalf of justice, but he doesn’t often succeed.

Cervantes’ novel inspired a word that sums up Qiujano’s romantic nature: “quixotic”. In English we use the word to describe someone who is idealistic but foolish in pursuit of his ideals. It is a mark of Cervantes’ genius that he was able to identify this trait and personify it using such a great comedic character. We should appreciate him for it on this significant occasion.

1.On what occasion did the author write this review?

A.The 400th anniversary of the publication of Don Quixote.

B.An Italian Poet, Dante’s 800th birth anniversary.

C.An English genius, William Shakespeare’s 400th death anniversary.

D.Miguel de Cervantes’ 400th anniversary of his death.

2.Which role is Alonso Quijano most likely to identify with?

A.Miguel de Cervantes. B.Don Quixote de La Mancha.

C.Dulcinea del Toboso. D.Sancho Panza.

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Don Quixote’s failure to distinguish reality from imagination amuses the readers.

B.Quijano manages to bring justice to the world by means of force.

C.Quijano is a Spanish aristocrat with great ambition.

D.Reading romance novel will make people behave in a foolish way.

4.According to the author, readers admire Cervantes and his masterpiece because ________

A.Cervantes is equal to Shakespeare and Dante as a national literary icon

B.Quijano’s adventure is romantic and heroic

C.Cervantes’ has a genius for personifying Quijano’s quixotic nature in a truthful comedy

D.Quijano’s vivid imagination has brought other minor characters to life.




Your life — Live it well


Time: 3:00 pm-5:00 pm

Is your daily life being affected by knee pain?

Can’t perform simple tasks?

Can’t enjoy outdoor life?

Pain when walking?



Find out how to deal with knee and joint pain in this public forum conducted by a team of 5 doctors from Glen-eagles Hospital. Participants will receive a free book on orthopaedics (整形外科) worth $20 and refreshments.

Gleneagles Hospital, 6A Napior Road. Level 3. Lecture Hall 3.

To register, call or SMS 98712244 Free for the first 50 registered participants $5 to be charged for the subsequent 50 participants.

Fackbook: HEALTH

Any health related problems? You can log on to Fans of Mind Your Body Facebook page to see the various health issues being discussed.

Fans for Mind Your body in Facebook stand to win a prize if they contribute the best idea on a discussion topic of the week. They have to first “Like” the Mind Your Body Facebook page to post comments on it.

Selected comments will be published. Fans will discuss what type of food and drink diabetics should consume to keep their blood sugar to an even keel.

Please refer to the website for more details: www.facebookcom/ MindYourbody

Prize sponsored by Singapore General Hospital

Neuro Spine Pain Centre Dr Premium Wong

(Director of Spine and Pain Services)

No surgery

● Back Neck Pain Programmes

● Spine (脊椎) & pain injections

● Artificial Disc Replacement Programme #11-02 Mt Elizabeth Hospital. Tel 68340923 neurospinecentre@hotmail.com



Time: 9:00 am-11:00 am

Venue: Changi General Hospital, Level 4 Conference Room

Take by a Specialist Orthospaedic Surgeon — Dr Vincent Tan

Don’t suffer in silence Do you suffer from sports injuries, spine pain, osteoporosis (骨质酥松), shoulder pain or fracture (骨折)?

Come and find out what can be done meet “Singapore’s oldest marathon runner”

Bone Density Scan could be booked on that day at only $20.

The talk is free to all Singaporean citizens above 18 Pre-registration &enquiries via email drivincentan@changihaspital.com





1.The total capacity for the public forum on knee and joint pain is _________ people.

A.5 B.20

C.50 D.100

2.Mr Li, a marathon runner, has an irreparable slip disc (椎间盘突出). Which hospital should he go to if he does not want to undergo any operation?

A.Mt Elizabeth Hospital. B.Glen-eagles Hospital.

C.Changi General Hospital. D.Singapore General Hospital.

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Any Singaporean can attend Dr Tan’s talk free-of-charge.

B.Participants of public forum can get a book $20 cheaper.

C.People “like” the Mind Your Body Facebook page can win a prize.

D.People can book the Bone Density Scan on Feb 4th a special price.



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