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It did take me quite a while to start no...

    It did take me quite a while to start noticing Dr. Yuval Noah Harari’s well-received book: Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (人类简史). I bought the book after I heard Dou Wentao (a renowned TV hose) mention it on his podcast, and to be frank, I read the first chapter with little _________. But it turned out to be the best book I read in 2017.

While I was immediately ___________ the book kept evolving as I read it. The book began with a brief introduction of the lives and activities of the earliest proto-humans (原始人)---Neanderthals (尼安德特人), Homoerectus (直立人) and early Homo Sapiens (智人)---and then _________ an examination of why it was the Homo sapiens, after hundreds of thousands of years of surviving but pretty much existing in the middle of the food chain, _________ rocketed to the top of it without any significant genetic changes, conquered multiple climates, and eventually domesticated the world around them from farm animals to crops. And Harari includes an interesting but fairly _________ argument about the true nature of our relationship to our most necessary crop---wheat.

Think for a moment about the _________ Revolution from the viewpoint of wheat. Ten thousand years ago wheat was just a wild grass, one of many, confined to a small range in the Middle East. All of a sudden, within just a few short millennia, it was growing everywhere.

So how did this grass turn from insignificant to ubiquitous (到处存在的)? Wheat did it by manipulating (操纵) Homo sapiens to its advantage. This ape had been living a fairly comfortable life _________ and gathering until about 10,000 years ago, but then began to _________ more and more effort in cultivating wheat. Then, humans in many parts of the world were doing little from dawn to dusk _________ taking care of wheat plants.

However, the body of Homo sapiens had not evolved for cultivating wheat. Therefore human spines, knees, necks and arches paid the price. Moreover, the new agricultural tasks demanded so much time that people were forced to settle __________ next to their wheat fields. This completely changed their way of life. We did not __________ wheat. It’s the other way around. One of the most important and sustained ideas running through the book is that what ultimately __________ Homo sapiens from all other creatures---other mammals, other apes, and even other “humans” like Neanderthals---was not our opposable thumbs or some other __________ standards, but instead it was our ability to generate (生成), believe in and act upon what Yuval Noah Narari calls “myths” or “__________” (essentially ideas and cultural institutions), particularly on a large scale and collective basis, which eventually transformed us from creatures that lived in small, loosely-organized groups (the typical feature of most apes) to our modern status.

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind is a fascinating ambitious and difficult-to-summarize book that is also just highly __________. So as senior high school students, you won’t experience too much difficulty following the author’s train of thoughts. And I strongly recommend you to indulge (纵情于) yourself in this well-written book.

Inspired by Yuval Noah Harari’s mind-blowing book:

Sapiens: A brief history of Humankind

1.A.attention B.evaluation C.illustration D.expectation

2.A.fascinated B.confused C.distracted D.uninterested

3.A.turned to B.gave away C.prepared for D.went after

4.A.naturally B.randomly C.suddenly D.hardly

5.A.annoying B.touching C.embarrassing D.depressing

6.A.Industrial B.Agricultural C.Cultural D.Political

7.A.planting B.hunting C.trading D.wondering

8.A.spare B.resist C.invest D.demand

9.A.regardless of B.contrary to C.together with D.other than

10.A.permanently B.delightfully C.temporarily D.instantly

11.A.consume B.grow C.domesticate D.harvest

12.A.distinguished B.disqualified C.discouraged D.dissatisfied

13.A.intellectual B.physical C.psychological D.moral

14.A.poems B.reports C.documents D.fictions

15.A.complex B.overrated C.readable D.appreciated


1.D 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.A 11.C 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.C 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,作者介绍了《智人:人类简史》这本书的主要内容并推荐大家阅读。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:坦率地说,我读第一章的时候,我没抱太大的期望。A. attention注意力;B. evaluation估价;C. illustration图解;D. expectation期待、期望。根据空后的“But it turned out to be the best book I read in 2017.”可知,但结果它是2017年我读过的最好的一本书,转折连词But表明这个结果与我以前的想法相反,说明刚开始读的时候我对这本书没报太大的期望(没想到它会是一本好书),故D项正确。 2.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然我很快就被吸引住了,但这本书在我读的过程中不断发展(越来越精彩)。A. fascinated着迷的、被深深吸引的;B. confused迷惑的;C. distracted分心的;D. uninterested不感兴趣的。根据上文中的But it turned out to be the best book I read in 2017.”可知,它是2017年我读过的最好的一本书,因此我很快就被它吸引了,故A项正确。 3.转向;B. gave away泄露;C. prepared for为……准备;D. went after追求。根据空前的“The book began with a brief introduction of the lives and activities of the earliest proto-humans (原始人)---Neanderthals (尼安德特人), Homoerectus (直立人) and early Homo Sapiens”可知,这本书首先简要介绍了最早的原始人类——尼安德特人、直立人和早期智人的生活和活动,再结合空后的“n examination of why it was the Homo sapiens”可知,介绍完这些后,这本书开始转向对为什么智人能够攀升到食物顶端并驯养了周围的世界这一问题的研究,故A项正确。 4.考查副词词义辨析。句意同上。A. naturally自然地;B. randomly随便地;C. suddenly突然;D. hardly几乎不。根据空后的“without any significant genetic changes”可知,这种变化是在没有任何显著的基因变化的情况下发生的,因此是突然的,故C项正确。 5.恼人的;B. touching动人的;C. embarrassing令人为难的;D. depressing令人沮丧的。根据空前的“interesting but”可知与“有趣的”相对的自然是“令人沮丧的”,故D项正确。 6.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:让我们从小麦的角度来思考一下农业革命。A. Industrial工业的;B. Agricultural农业的;C. Cultural文化的;D. Political政治的。根据空后的“from the viewpoint of wheat”可知,小麦属于农作物,因此此处指“农业革命”,故B项正确。 7.种植;B. hunting狩猎;C. trading交易;D. wondering想知道。根据下文中的“but then began to ____8____ more and more effort in cultivating wheat.”可知此处讲的是智人在种植小麦以前的活动,再结合空后的“gathering”可知此处指“狩猎和采集”,故B项正确。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. spare分让;B. resist抵抗;C. invest投资;D. demand要求。根据空后的“more and more effort in cultivating wheat”可知,后来它们开始投入越来越多的精力来种植小麦,故C项正确。 9.考查介词短语辨析。句意:那时,世界上许多地方的人类除了照料小麦以外,从早到晚几乎什么也不做。A. regardless of不管;B. contrary to与……相反;C. together with连同;D. other than除了。根据空前的“doing little from dawn to dusk”及空后的“taking care of wheat plants”可知此处指“除了照料小麦以外,从早到晚几乎什么也不做”,故D项正确。 10.考查副词词义辨析。句意:此外,新的农业任务需要如此多的时间,人们被迫永久定居在他们的麦田附近。A. permanently永久地;B. delightfully快乐地;C. temporarily临时地;D. instantly立即地。根据空前的“the new agricultural tasks demanded so much time”可知,新的农业任务需要大量的时间,因此人们被迫永久定居在麦田附近,故A项正确。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们没有驯养小麦。A. consume挥霍;B. grow种植;C. domesticate驯养;D. harvest收获。根据空后的“It’s the other way around.”可知,这种生活方式和人类以前的生活方式正好相反,这说明人类以前没有驯养小麦,上文中的“domesticated the world around them from farm animals to crops”也是提示,故C项正确。 12.1考查动词词义辨析。句意:贯穿全书的一个最重要和最持久的观点是,最终将智人与所有其他生物——其他哺乳动物、其他类人猿,甚至像尼安德特人这样的其他“人类”区别开来的,不是我们的对生拇指或其他一些身体标准,而是我们创造、信仰和行动的能力,哈拉里称之为“神话”或“小说”(基本上是思想和文化体系)。A. distinguished区别、区分;B. disqualified取消资格;C. discouraged使灰心;D. dissatisfied使不满意。根据空后的“Homo sapiens from all other creatures”可知此处指“将智人与所有其他生物区别开来”,故A项正确。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. intellectual智力的;B. physical 身体上的;C. psychological心理的; D. moral道德的。根据空前的“opposable thumbs”可知,对生拇指属于身体特征,因此此处指“身体标准”,故B项正确。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. poems诗;B. reports报告;C. documents文档;D. fictions小说。根据空前的“myths”可知此处指“小说”,故D项正确。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:《智人:人类简史》是一本引人入胜、难以概括的书,可读性很强。A. complex复杂的;B. overrated高估的;C. readable读起来津津有味的、可读的;D. appreciated受欢迎的。根据空前的“Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind is a fascinating ambitious and difficult-to-summarize book”可知,《智人:人类简史》是一本引人入胜、难以概括的书,可读性很强,故C项正确。

Directions: Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given words: for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

As a man who has already stepped into the tomb of love, I always have a feeling that it is my obligation to warn those guys who 1. (not; marry) so far or are about to do that of the danger involved in marriage. Those simple-minded men can easily get 2. “killed”, if they don’t know that comes with marriage.

Since I am a quick learner, it didn’t take me long to find out 3. a man needs to do to survive a marriage. Here are the 7 golden principles, which I would like to call “Marriage Survival Tips for Man”. Ready to take notes?

No.1: Anything 4. (request) by your wife should be doubtless taken as your priority in your to-do list. Whether it is to mop the floor or babysit your son, do it immediately and do it for life, idiot! Because the more times she has to ask you to do that, the 5. (patient) she will be.

No.2: Caution! Do not argue with your wife! 6. reasonable you think you are, you will always end up saying sorry to her Trust me. As a man, the last thing you want to do is to get into an argument with a woman. Women are not supposed 7. (reason) with. They are not designed that way. (Pardon me for being such a male chauvinist (直男炎). Deep down, I totally support feminism.) So unless you want to start a full-scale war you can never win, otherwise apologize to her the moment you two make eye contact.

No.3: Always give positive feedbacks 8. any questions raised by her. For example, if she wants to buy a pair of high-heels or a fancy coat, say yes! Of course, always saying yes will cost you a fortune but at least it can save your life! And 9. you are alive, money does grow on trees! But when the questions are related to her weight, stay with a simple life-saving rule: for God’s sake, she is not even a little bit fat! Calling her fat would be viewed as a horrible crime which deserves a death sentence!

No 4: Sorry man! I can’t make this up anymore. Her Majesty 10. (call) me again. I have to go now! Pray for me!




1. 写信目的;

2. 你的理由;

3. 愿意提供帮助。

参考词汇: 选修课 optional course  太极拳 Tai Chi

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

Dear David,


Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua



假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

It was Tree Planting Day on last Thursday, my classmates and I went to plant trees in a park where is in the west end of the city. In the morning, we gathered at the school gate and went thereby bikes, talking and laughing all the way. Upon arrive, we began to work immediate. Some were digging holes. Some were carrying and plant young trees. Others were watering it. After getting the work done, we put up a board reminding people protect the trees. Before leaving we take some photos to record our green action. Seeing the lines of trees, we both had a sense of achievement.




Floating mountains in the ocean are better known as icebergs (冰山). Icebergs are 1. (mass) of freshwater ice that have broken from a glacier (冰川) or polar ice sheet. Most icebergs are formed around Antarctica and Greenland.

Icebergs 2. (see) today began thousands and thousands of years ago. They began as flakes of snow falling on land. Over the years, more and more snow fell. The snow on 3.bottom was crushed (压碎) because snow on top was packing it down. Years of 4.(melt) and freezing formed layers of ice thousands of feet thick. These sheets of ice are called glaciers. During the warmer weather in spring 5. summer, pieces of ice break off from glaciers. The broken pieces of ice fall into the water and become icebergs.

Icebergs vary 6. size. The largest iceberg ever recorded was the size of the state ofRhode Island in the United States. The 7. (tall) iceberg stood 550 feet above the ocean. That’s about the size of the Washington Monument in Washington, D. C.

Icebergs can be very 8. (danger) to ships traveling near them because only one-eighth of an iceberg 9. (be) above water. This means that the rock-hard ice is much larger underneath. Captains taking 10.(they) ships around an iceberg may miscalculate the size of the iceberg.



    It was a usual day for Kathy. She was walking her dog in her neighborhood when some crows (乌鸦) flew over and one of them ________ a baby robin (知更鸟) to the ground. Kathy rushed over.________ , she carried him back home and ________ him in a box lined with grass. He looked like he was in ________ and the fall had injured his feet. “He was so tiny. He couldn’t fly yet; he needed a________ .”Kathy says.

She ________ the bird wet cat food using a tiny paintbrush. “It was like having a human baby,” Kathy says. A week later, she started bringing Squeaker — ________ for his talkative nature— out to her yard, where he would hop in the grass. Soon his feet healed, and his wings grew________ enough to take him up to low branches in a tree. Within a few ________, he was able to spend the night outside in the tree. For the next couple of weeks, every time Kathy went outside Squeaker would fly over and ________ on her shoulder. When she taught him how to dig for worms, he’d stand on her foot — always as ________ to his rescuer as possible. “I really became his mom,” she says. “We ________. I loved this little creature.”

One day, Squeaker decided it was time for him to ________ on his own. He ________, out of sight. Having known that this day would come, Kathy ________ hoped she had done enough to________ the robin for the big world out there.

One month later, Kathy was ________ when Squeaker swooped (俯冲) down on a branch right near her head. “I was so happy to see him and to watch him flying so well. I think he wanted to show me he was okay,” says Kathy holding back tears.

“We don’t think of the common bird as anything ________, but Squeaker taught me so much with his love and his ________ to recover. It was inspiring. It’s a(an) ________ of how connected we all are. ”

1.A.placed B.dropped C.kicked D.abandoned

2.A.Gently B.Casually C.Secretly D.Happily

3.A.threw B.hid C.settled D.locked

4.A.anger B.peace C.anxiety D.shock

5.A.mom B.nurse C.teacher D.partner

6.A.served B.fed C.delivered D.handed

7.A.named B.blamed C.known D.praised

8.A.old B.heavy C.hard D.strong

9.A.minutes B.hours C.weeks D.years

10.A.sit B.lie C.wander D.land

11.A.far B.close C.cold D.kind

12.A.cooperated B.bonded C.succeeded D.survived

13.A.move B.search C.escape D.explore

14.A.took off B.rose up C.fell down D.flew off

15.A.just B.even C.still D.yet

16.A.follow B.accompany C.prepare D.raise

17.A.outside B.away C.upstairs D.abroad

18.A.important B.familiar C.special D.strange

19.A.attempt B.fortune C.determination D.promise

20.A.commitment B.reminder C.achievement D.matter



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