满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Have you ever felt the desire to move an...

    Have you ever felt the desire to move and experience another beautiful part of the country? This could be the perfect career change for you.

The National Trust in England is looking for someone to work as a ranger on the Fame Islmds, one of Britain’s oldest nature reserves located just off the Northumberland coast.

For $22,668 a year, the successful applicant will be required to look after the local wildlife, including the 200 seal pups which are born on the islands each year and 37,000 pairs of puffins.

The ranger will get the chance to work in some of the nation’s most attractive places and spaces — impressive sunrises a one-minute ride and one of England’s largest seal colonies on his doorstep. But like every job, it doesn’t come without a downside. Apart from avoiding the dive-bombing Arctic terns, there is no running water on the island and there will be severe storms to fight with during the spring.

Along with a love of nature and the outdoors, the National Trust is looking for “an excellent team player” who has experience in conservation work. This job isn’t the normal 9 to 5, so being good at PowerPoint isn’t a must. With 50,000 annual visitors every year, you really need to be able to get on with people and show them how they can participate to help nature.

Could you see yourself in this role? Applications for the job close on June 7.Want to apply? Click here.

1.“Downside” in the 4th paragraph can be replaced by____________.

A.pay drop B.disadvantage

C.bright future D.bad environment

2.If you’d like to apply for the job as a ranger, you should_____________.

A.live a regular life B.come to terms with being lonely

C.be expert at working with PowerPoint D.have experience in conservation work

3.The passage is probably taken from_______________.

A.a newspaper B.a textbook

C.the Internet D.a news report


1.B 2.D 3.C 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。本文是招聘启示,英格兰国家信托基金会正在寻找一位在名望岛做护林员的人。文章介绍了名望岛的环境及工作要求。 1.词义猜测题。根据上文The ranger will get the chance to work in some of the nation’s most attractive places and spaces — impressive sunrises a one-minute ride and one of England’s largest seal colonies on his doorstep.(护林员将有机会在一些国家最具吸引力的地方和空间工作——令人印象深刻的日出,一分钟的车程和在他家门口的英国最大的海豹殖民地之一)介绍了这个工作的优点及本句的but转折和下文Apart from avoiding the dive-bombing Arctic terns, there is no running water on the island and there will be severe storms to fight with during the spring.(除了避免俯冲轰炸北极燕鸥外,岛上没有自来水,在春季还会有严重的风暴)介绍的是该工作的不足之处。由此可知,Downside应是“不足,缺点”的意思。故选B。 2.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的Along with a love of nature and the outdoors,the National Trust is looking for “an excellent team player” who has experience in conservation work.(除了热爱大自然和户外活动,英国国家信托基金会正在寻找“优秀的团队合作者”,他们要有保护工作的经验)可知,本工作要求除了热爱大自然和户外活动,还要有保护工作的经验。故选D。 3.推理判断题。根据最后一段的Could you see yourself in this role? Applications for the job close on June 7.Want to apply? Click here.(你能在这个角色中看到自己吗?该职位的申请将于6月7日截止。想要申请吗?请点击这里)可知,这篇文章极可能来自于网络。故选C。

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.每一个人都会被自己阅读过的一本书或看过的一部电影所感动并难以忘怀,请以A Most Influential Book (Or Film)为题写一篇短文。

1. 描述你的书或电影的主要内容;

2. 其令你感到或难忘的原因;

3. 谈谈它对你产生的影响或带来的思考。




Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1.您什么时间方面来取一下您的体检报告? (convenient)







Directions: In the article, 4 sentences have been removed. Choose the most suitable ones from the list A-AC to fit

into each of the numbered gaps. There are TWO which do not fit in any of the gaps.

The Museum of Innocence

Love and Madness in Istanbul

It’ s all an elaborate (详尽的) and precisely constructed lie: a museum built to tell the story of a self-referential book created around the contents of the soon-to-finish museum. A tale of love and loss, but mainly madness, which is entirely fictional but in which the very real author plays a central narrative role. It is the Museum of Innocence.

The story focuses on the character of Kemal (凯末尔) and his love for a beautiful shop girl and distant cousin Fusun (芙颂). Kemal’s story is one of lust, obsession and eventual ruin. Were the character real? I expect that most of us would distance ourselves from him in the same way that Istanbul’s high society do in the novel. 1.. And this is especially the case when one reads through Kemal’s story of madness and presents himself or herself in the collection of objects that represent Kemal’s love and loss.

The museum follows the narrative of the book precisely presenting 83 displays that each reflects one of the book’s 83 chapters to accompany the storyline 2.. In this case, as in many, the items that we accumulate in our lives are the reminders to help us recall those memories.

3.. Mounted on the ground floor is a display of 4,213 cigarette stubs, each noted with a time or date or comments speaking to the very moment it touched her hands, her lips, and so became a part of her story.

Though it’s hard to match the visual appeal of that first display, representing chapter 68 of the book, the combination of sights and sounds throughout the three-story museum evokes (换起) the story in a way that reading alone couldn’t hope to do. 4.. You could surely visit the museum without having read the book or give it a read with no intention to visit the museum but, frankly, you shouldn’t pick up a copy a month or two before a trip to Istanbul, and give yourself the pleasure of experiencing the story twice in different forms.

If, like Kemal, you find yourself longing for some tangible physical reminder of the experience? Not to worry, there’s a well-stocked gift shop full of small souvenirs and Orhan Pamuk’s other works.

A.The museum of Innocence is a novel written by Orhan Pamuk, Nobel-laureate Turkish novelist published on August 29, 2008.

B.However, it’s hard not to feel sorry for the poor soul and empathize somewhat with what has been lost.

C.these exhibits convey an idea that when one realizes that he or she is about to lose his or her lover, one tends to seize onto the closest thing related to that person.

D.Similarly, the written narrative of the book offers more detailed insights into the characters and their thoughts than can be conveyed just by viewing the museum.

E.The Museum of Innocence itself, though not particularly noteworthy from the outside, is visually arresting from the first glance inside.

F.Compared with those ho haven’t read the novel, people who have read it will better grasp the many hidden meanings of the museum.



    A scene from China’s biggest soap opera last year, Ode to Joy Season 2, has triggered much discussion on whether virginity is still a prized asset for women in “modern” China. In the scene, Qiu Yingying, a young but naive character, holds a dinner party to introduce her boyfriend to her friends, but the evening turns dramatic after her neighbour accidentally exposes her past relationship. Her boyfriend, Ying Qin, storms off, furious, expressing his thought that having sex before marriage is a moral spot for a woman.

However controversial the show is, it does reveal a universal phenomenon that sex education in China is often relatively backward and of minor significance. Parents very rarely share information about sex with children. What almost all parents do, however, is to warn their children, especially daughters not to have any dates before they graduate from university, fearing that they get hurt or become pregnant. There are stories of biology teachers skipping details of the reproductive system in class and ask students to learn it by themselves. Chinese communities also traditionally expect virginity before marriage.

Ren Yi, a student from East China Normal University, said it was perfectly reasonable for a boyfriend who was a virgin himself to require his girlfriend to be so. The only problem, she said, was if it was a double standard and the man expected virginity from a woman but not himself.

The issue was also being discussed by her university classmates in WeChat. Someone questioned why there wasn’t gender equality when it came to virginity, but another said she couldn’t accept Ying Qin’s comment on women who had sex before marriage.

While some still concentrate on virginity itself, others have shifted the focus of this debate.

Zhu Pingping, a Shanghai-based English teacher, commented that even debating the topic was old-fashioned in the 21st Century. She thought it was “disgusting” for the show to make an issue of it in modern cities, women are more independent and liberated, she said.

Her husband, Shen Peng, also a teacher, added that not everyone will and can advance with the times as he or she ages and some even want to restore the so-called traditional Chinese virtues of being a woman (女德), which from his perspective has long been used as a means to oppress women both physically and mentally throughout the history.

“Teaching students knowledge about sex doesn’t mean we encourage them to eat the forbidden fruit. Actually, it is just the opposite, because only when sex---like other aspects of lives---is dealt with frankly and appropriately in the educational process can the healthy growth of children raised in it be truly encouraged,” he said.

1.Which one of the following might be Wrong according to the first two paragraphs?

A.The TV series Ode to Joy Season 2 has brought female virginity to attention.

B.Qiu Yingying’s relationship has been buried with her previous romance revealed.

C.Parents and teachers tend to avoid answering questions about sex from children.

D.Sex education in China has weighed strongly in the current educational system.

2.It can be learned from the three interviewees’ opinions that ________.

A.a double standard encouraged in attitudes towards virginity is allowed

B.the topic on virginity is still worth public discussion in the present day

C.keeping pace with the times is not necessarily a natural outcome of age

D.teaching students sex is likely to lead them to have sex at an early age

3.What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows?

A.Measures to advocate sex education

B.Historical evidence of female oppression

C.Professional comments on the show

D.Examples to illustrate the virginity issue

4.The author’s purpose for writing this article is to ________.

A.introduce a popular TV drama

B.explain a universal phenomenon

C.criticize the current education

D.arouse people’s food for thought



    In a time when too much emphasis has been attached to utilitarianism (功力主义), it doesn’t come as a surprise to me that we people no longer believe in poetry. Utility is now often the standard of what one should devote his or her time and energy to and what he or she shouldn’t, but don’t get me wrong. I am not saying or stating that one should not consider utility at all when making crucial decisions. On the contrary, everyone should take it into account. Medicine, law, business and engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance and love, these are what we stay alive for.

My dad once told me that “life is suffering,”, which now I think is probably a unanimous (无异议的) opinion among most people. With a tough life inevitably comes a tough language---and that is what poetry is and why poetry is needed. It offers people a way to talk about the difficult-to-describe things in life, like death, suffering, profound joy and transformation. So whenever I hear someone say that poetry is not a must, or it’s an option, or it’s only for the educated middle classed, I suspect that he or she must have had things pretty easy.

But how can people live without poetry when poetry is nothing but a ceaseless flow of genuine human emotions? /unlike what the academics may tell you, my suggestion about bring poetry into your lives is that don’t analyze it and don’t ask others to analyze it. Don’t deconstruct it or try to make meaning of it. Just find the poems that wake you up, that make you feel as if you’ve submerged (沉浸) yourself in a mineral hot spring or an ice bath. Find the poems that make you feel almost irrational joy or sadness. Find the poems that make you want to roll around in them or paint their colors all over your bedroom ceiling. Those are the poems you want to play with. Find the poems that communicate with the deepest parts your being and welcome them in.

If finding others’ poems no longer satisfies you, compose your own! You don’t have yo be a poet to compose poetry. After all, poetry is not a luxury only for members desire or genuine willingness to vent feelings. It’s about searching for the real meaning of life and also about giving meaning to life. Just like Walt Whitman’s “O Me! O Life!”, a poem that ends by speaking directly to its readers: “the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse,” poetry is about everyone. And now I want to ask you the mother of all inspirational questions; “What will your verse be?”

Inspired by Jeanette Winterson’s book:

Why Be Happy When You Could be normal?

1.The author thinks that poetry is very important for human beings because it ________.

A.has nothing to do with the shared belief in utility

B.symbolizes a status as an educated middle class

C.offers a medium for describing hard experiences

D.reveals a fundamental truth that life isn’t all roses

2.To appreciate poetry by academic standards, one should first ________.

A.deconstruct and making meaning of it

B.enjoy a mineral hot spring or an ice bath

C.paint it over his or her bedroom ceiling

D.get consumed by irrational joy or sadness

3.The author quoted Walt Whitman’s poem “O Me! O Life!” to emphasize that ________.

A.only a true poet can write poems

B.no poem can appeal to everyone

C.life feels just like a powerful play

D.every human is entitled to poetry

4.The best title for the text may be ________.

A.Composing Poetry B.Poetry for Life

C.The Art of poetry D.Analyzing poetry



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