满分5 > 高中英语试题 >










Bear Bill,

Hi! How have you been? I'm writing to tell you a piece of good news.


Looking forward to your reply!


Li Hua


Dear Bill, Hi! How have you been? I'm writing to tell you a piece of good news. The Students' Union has decided to hold a Go competition in the school reception hall from 3 to 5 p.m. on January 10th. In case that you are unfamiliar, let me briefly introduce it. Go, also known as Chinese game of Go, is an amazing board game that has a long history. As a vital part of Chinese culture and symbol of wisdom, it is quite popular with many Chinese, young and old, for the reason that players can not only develop their intelligence, but also meet like-minded friends. The competition offers us a rare opportunity to compete with and learn from each other. If possible, I would like you to come to experience it yourself. Nowhere else will you get such a golden chance! Looking forward to your reply! Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 这是一篇提纲类写作。 第1步:根据提示可知,假如你是李华,你校学生会将举办一场中国围棋比赛。请你写一封电子邮件,向你的美国朋友Bill介绍相关情况,内容包括:1.举办时间和地点;2.介绍围棋:源于中国,历史悠久,开发智力等;3.邀请Bill来观看。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组):a piece of good news (一条好消息);school reception hall (学接待厅);briefly introduce (简要介绍);vital (至关重要的);like-minded(志趣相投的)等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。此处文章主要应用一般现在时和现在完成时。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。





1.The two child often sing at night.

2.Can you tell me which subject do you like?

3.Jill got up early such that he could do some morning exercise.

4.My English teacher thinks high of all the students in my class.

5.I come across an old friend of mine in the mall yesterday.

6.The house has decorated recently, so we will move in soon.

7.They got married in December 18 and lived happily ever after.

8.Reading play an important role in English learning.

9.It has rained. As the result, we don't need to water the tree.

10.The girl wore glasses to protect his eyes from the sun.




1.If she couldn't find her way out of the forest, it would be hard for her to______(生还).

2.Companies must try to improve the______(质量)of their products.

3.I______(认出)him in the street though we hadn't seen each other for 10 years.

4.He______(说服)her to attend the meeting, even though she did not want to.

5.Why are you so______(关心)about the latest news of the contest?

6.There is enough______(证据)to show that he was present on Tuesday night.

7.We invited her to our party but she did not______(做出反应)to our invitation.

8.He deserves a reward for his devotion to our country's______(教育).

9.Jack is very______(可靠的),so if he says he'll do something, he will do it.

10.Most people like Mr. Bean's performance because it's very______(幽默的).




A week ago, when I went down the stairs, my neighbor Ivy stood at her door. She asked me why I had stopped1.(visit) her family, as they had been waiting for me to come to play with them. I didn't want to tell her the fact because my dad and mom had warned me of the danger of going into a neighbor's house.

2.(final), I decided to follow her into her house because my dad and mom were going on their business at that time. I wanted to find out the "danger"3.my own. There were four people in her family -Ivy, her mother, her husband, and her son4.was two years and a half5.(young) than me. I played with her son all the afternoon and we kept laughing and shouting. I was so happy that I even forgot6.time. Ivy invited me7.(have) dinner with them. I just couldn't refuse her and we had another good time while having dinner.

I8.(want) to tell my9.(parent) of the truth that I didn't find the "danger" in our neighbor's house. Instead, what I really got were10.(kind) and warmth from the whole family.



    I work as a________at a restaurant. Last night I saw a moving scene--an old white wealthy couple came in and my co-worker________them. We usually do our own________, but because we were so________last night we helped each other out. At one point the couple________to me that they were ready to order. I usually find it rude when people go out of their________to make their order, but once I took their order I understood________.

The husband began ordering and started stuttering(结巴). It was very clear that he had a________difficulty. I could________the wife had told her husband what she wanted as a way for him to________ordering. It took________some time for him to order, and at the same time she was________there, looking so proud and satisfied,________her husband's stuttering.

_____the incident later made me realize that a huge part of________is acceptance and support. She could have made the order and made________much easier for her husband and________the look from other tables, but she didn't.________, she supported him and was proud to see him complete the order. It also made me understand that________is difficult for all of us. These old people getting on well with everything, it just told me that we all have our own________.

1.A.manager B.waiter C.journalist D.judge

2.A.thanked B.calmed C.seated D.commanded

3.A.tables B.dishes C.tips D.dinners

4.A.excited B.powerful C.sensitive D.busy

5.A.removed B.smiled C.signaled D.introduced

6.A.way B.mind C.doubt D.mercy

7.A.how B.why C.when D.what

8.A.attention B.opinion C.hearing D.speech

9.A.judge B.tell C.think D.forecast

10.A.practice B.begin C.enjoy D.suffer

11.A.even B.well C.quite D.still

12.A.standing B.settling C.sitting D.laughing

13.A.recognizing B.ignoring C.inspecting D.escaping

14.A.Generally B.Suddenly C.Selflessly D.Honestly

15.A.love B.suffering C.responsibility D.happiness

16.A.performances B.things C.usages D.designs

17.A.fancied B.enjoyed C.appreciated D.avoided

18.A.However B.Besides C.Instead D.So

19.A.life B.study C.ordering D.expression

20.A.terrors B.joys C.questions D.problems



How to Prepare for a Job Interview

A job interview is one of the longest and most frightening ways of making first impression(印象).1.. To prepare for a job interview, use these tips.

Respond well and timely to the Invitation to interview.2..Most interview invitations are sent by email and it is polite to reply by email, in a brief, pleasant and sincere manner. Thank the sender for their time and for the invitation to the interview, making it clear that you will appear at the determined time.

Research the company's background. Start by looking into their future goals and plans. Carrying out the interview with this in mind will make you seem like a good long-term investment(投资).3..

Think of questions to ask your interviewer. Taking an active part in the interview gives a good impression of your level of interest in the job.4.. However, avoid asking anything that can be easily answered through a quick Internet search.

5.. It's best to prepare for all sorts of questions by thinking about your own work goals, long-term plans, past successes, and work strengths. In addition, you should get ready for the seemingly simple questions that most employers like to throw at their interviewees.

A.Think over your own goals and plans.

B.Guess what questions your interviewer may ask.

C.Avoid asking your interviewer personal questions.

D.However, it's also your chance to get on an employer's good side.

E.It's a good idea to prepare at least three questions to ask your interviewer.

F.Replying to the invitation already forms a part of your interview impression.

G.Also, be ready to talk about the organization and the job you are applying for.



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