满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I was coming back from home late at nigh...

    I was coming back from home late at night in a “Sharing” mini van (厢式货车). In Hydera-bad, India, it is a cheap and quick form of _______. The van driver picked up as many as 13 people at times in a vehicle which is _______ for the transport of 8. So our van was very _______.

Making her way to the _______ of the van, a school girl with a bag _______  the driver to stop. While getting down, she slipped and fell. None of us _______ it, as it was dark outside. The driver was _______ for her to pay. It was then that we saw that the girl was on her  _______ by the side of the road. Another passenger and I got down_______ and held her up.

Even in __________, she held up a note and asked us to pay the driver. The other __________ passenger took the note and paid the driver. My __________ was a few hundred meters away. As a girl, I knew I’d get off and stay with her in the__________. So I paid up the driver for__________ and he drove away with the other passengers.

I neither__________ her nor did I know what to do. But I was there, giving some comforting words to the girl in pain. I looked for a place for her to sit. Then I phoned her friend and waited there. She was rushed to a nearby clinic later.

1.A.1ife B.transport C.activity D.communication

2.A.designed B.bought C.organized D.powered

3.A.heavy B.noisy C.crowded D.awkward

4.A.driver B.window C.door D.seat

5.A.guided B.suggested C.admitted D.signaled

6.A.noticed B.managed C.recognized D.stood

7.A.caring B.reaching C.waiting D.planning

8.A.back B.knees C.feet D.own

9.A.immediately B.doubtfully C.naturally D.anxiously

10.A.silence B.surprise C.vain D.pain

11.A.patient B.helpful C.generous D.secret

12.A.home B.stop C.car D.school

13.A.dark B.rain C.wind D.van

14.A.himself B.herself C.myself D.itself

15.A.ignored B.persuaded C.promised D.knew


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.D 11.B 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲说了作者乘坐厢式货车时看到一个小女孩下车时不小心摔倒,虽然自己还没有到站,但是选择下车陪伴这个女孩,并帮助她联系朋友接她去诊所。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在印度的海得拉巴,它是一种廉价而快捷的交通工具。A. 1ife生活,生命;B. transport运输,交通工具;C. activity活动;D. communication交流。根据句意和语境,主语“it”应是指前文提及的a “Sharing” mini van,因此可知,它在印度应是交通工具之一。故选B项。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这名厢式货车司机有时在一辆专为8人设计的车上搭载多达13人。A. designed设计;B. bought购买;C. organized组织;D. powered为……提供动力。分析可知,“which is ___2___ for the transport of 8”应是之前名词a vehicle的定语从句,结合语境可知,这种车本设计为载客量为8人却载了13个人。故选A项。 3.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因此我们的车很拥挤。A. heavy重的,大量的;B. noisy喧闹的,有噪音的;C. crowded拥挤的;D. awkward令人尴尬的。根据前文“The van driver picked up as many as 13 people at times in a vehicle which is ___2___ for the transport of 8.”提及原本载客量为8人的车载客13人,因此很拥挤。故选C项。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个提着包的女学生向车门口走去,示意司机停车。A. driver司机;B. window窗户;C. door门;D. seat座位。根据后文“a school girl with a bag ___5 __ the driver to stop. While getting down, she slipped and fell.”可知,这个女孩要下车,要先走到车门处才可以。故选C项。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个提着包的女学生向车门口走去,示意司机停车。A. guided给……导游,给……指路;B. suggested建议,表明;C. admitted承认;D. signaled (打手势或发声音) 向……示意,发信号。根据后文“While getting down”说明她要下车,示意司机停车。故选D项。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们谁也没有注意到,因为外面很黑。A. noticed注意;B. managed管理;C. recognized辨认;D. stood站立。根据后文“as it was dark outside (因为外面很黑)”可知,由于外面比较黑,没有人注意到这个小女孩下车时摔倒了。故选A项。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:司机等着这个女孩付乘车费A. caring关心,在乎;B. reaching到达;C. waiting等待;D. planning计划。根据空后介词for,所选动词应与for连用构成固定结构,wait for sb. to do sth.“等待某人做某事”用在句中表达这个司机等着这个女孩付乘车费。故选C项。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:就在那时,我们看到那个女孩跪倒在路边。A. back后背;B. knees膝盖;C. feet脚;D. own自己的。根据前文“While getting down, she slipped and fell.”提及她下车时踩空磕在地上了,且后文“held her up (把她扶起来)”可知,她跪倒在地了。on one’s knees“跪在地上,倒下”。故选B项。 9.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我和另一名乘客立即下车,把她扶了起来。A. immediately立即;B. doubtfully怀疑地,含糊地;C. naturally自然地;D. anxiously不安地,忧虑地。根据后文“held her up”可知,作者和另一名乘客应是下车将她扶起,此处用A项immediately (立即,立刻)可表达作者和这位乘客下车帮忙的心情。故选A项。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管很痛,她还是举起一张纸币,要我们付钱给司机。A. silence沉默;B. surprise惊喜,惊讶;C. vain徒劳;D. pain疼痛。根据前文“While getting down, she slipped and fell.”可知,她下车时踩空摔倒在地,对于女孩来说应该很痛。故选D项。 11.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:另一位热心的乘客拿了纸条,付了钱给司机。A. patient耐心的;B. helpful有帮助的,愿意帮忙的;C. generous慷慨的;D. secret秘密的。根据前文“she held up a note and asked us to pay the driver.(她举起一张纸币,要我们付钱给司机)”可知,她在请求帮忙,而另外一个帮助了她将钱递给司机。故选B项。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我下车的车站还有几百米远。A. home家;B. stop车站;C. car汽车;D. school学校。根据句意和语境可知,这里的“a few hundred meters away (几百米之外)”可知,此处是作者要下车的车站。故选B项。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:作为一个女孩,我知道我应该下车在黑暗中陪伴女孩。A. dark黑暗;B. rain雨;C. wind风;D. van客货车,厢式送货车。根据前文“I was coming back from home late at night in a “Sharing” mini van”提及事情发生在晚上,且根据前文可知,女孩下车时踩空摔倒在地,受伤了,作者从自己也是女孩的角度出发认为自己应该下车和她一起在黑暗中陪着她。故选A项。 14.考查代词词义辨析。句意:我就付了我的乘车费,司机载着其他乘客开走了。A. himself他自己;B. herself她自己;C. myself我自己;D. itself它自己。根据前文“As a girl, I knew I’d get off and stay with her in the___13__ .”可知,作者要下车,应该付乘车费给司机。pay for myself“为自己支付”。故选C项。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我既不认识她,也不知道该干什么。A. ignored忽略,忽视;B. persuaded劝说,说服;C. promised答应,允诺;D. knew知道。结合语境可知,作者和这个女孩搭乘一辆车,并不认识彼此。故选D项。

Everyone wants to achieve happiness and smile1.How do we find real happiness and smile? By getting rich? In case you are scratching your headlooking for some reasons or ideas to be happyHere are a few

1Throw an impromptu(即兴的) party2.An impromptu one increases the joy to a new levelAnd of course making other people happy is bound to have the same effect on you

2Treat yourself . Sometimes all it takes to make one happy is a little indulgence(放纵)Sogo ahead and grab a cup of coffee and sit inside a blanket with a good book! You will be surprised at how happy it makes you

33.. Happiness can be transformed! When we feel happy and excitedit can lift the spirits of othersYour simple gesture can transform a person’s day and get him or her prepared to take on any challenge

4Have a conversation with a parentIf you are like most kidsyou possibly spend more time texting or surfing the Internet than talking to your family4.You will be surprised at the feeling of joy that it brings to you

5Finallydon’t forget to be happy every day! While International Day of Happiness may come about only once a yearhappiness is around you all day and night5.

AYou just have to seek it out and grab it

BMost of your family members show no interest in texting or the Internet

CBut life is hardso it is very difficult to find real happiness and smile

DBe friendly to others and smile at a stranger


ESet aside your mobile phone for a few minutes and have a chat with a family member

FYou should try to celebrate the Day of Happiness every day and everywhere

GNothing makes people happier than being invited to a party.



    I have two kids, a boy and a girl. I don’t worry about my girl; I’m sure she’ll be well trained in mixed martial arts. I worry about my son. I’m pretty sure he’s going to be feminine (女性化的). Sorry to say that, but let’s face it. No dad wants his son to go feminine.

At the rate we’re moving in a couple of years you won’t be able to tell the difference between boys and girls. Sound extreme? Think about this. In every movie where advanced time-traveling beings come to our planet there’s one constant: You can’t tell the male aliens from the female aliens!

But that’s the future. Kids today are soft and fat. People ask why. Is it junk food? No. Junk food has been around for fifty years. Is it video games? No. Video games have been around for thirty years. None of the kids playing them back in the day were terribly obese. We’re all scratching our heads trying to figure out what we’ve introduced to society to ruin our kids. But it’s not anything we’ve added that has ruined our kids. It’s stuff we’ve gotten rid of.

Take the gym rope for example. Remember that thing that stretched from the floor to the ceiling in your gym class that you could never climb? Most of the kids couldn’t make it to the top. But that wasn’t the point; the point was you had to try while some middle-aged guy who couldn’t make it up a flight of stairs shouted at you. We should have put our son on that rope, and given him a head start, but we didn’t want to shame the boy, so we took it down.

Taking down the rope would be a good idea if there were no ropes in life. But they’re everywhere. You just can’t see them. They’re in every goal unrealized and expectation not met. The point everyone missed about the rope is you weren’t supposed to make it to the top. It was there to create a fire that burned in the oversized belly of every kid.

1.What is the example of aliens used to show?

A.Girls are growing like boys. B.Boys are going feminine.

C.There are really time-traveling beings. D.Alien movies are popular with children.

2.What causes kids today to be soft and fat?

A.Junk food. B.Video games.

C.Stuff introduced to society. D.Things removed from society.

3.How does the author find teenagers today?

A.They have too much dignity. B.They are overprotected.

C.They are less independent. D.They are thought too highly of.

4.What does the rope probably symbolize?

A.Goals. B.Expectations.

C.Competition. D.Assistance.



    I’m a student in my third year at Robert Gordon University, but I also work 35 hours a week at Sainsbury’s to make ends meet.

I constantly have to force myself to stay awake, and to be alert, whatever it takes. The work I do at Sainsbury’s is very physical like stacking shelves. I am lucky because the amount I lift at work is nothing compared with the weight I lift in the gym. I know I have the strength to bear it.

I am originally from Nigeria. I came here when I was seven. Money was always tight. My parents gave me everything I needed, but there was no money for luxuries. I worked hard at school though and, with the help of professors, I got the best A-level grades in my class.

Unfortunately, though I had applied for “settled” British residential status the Home Office waited until I was in sixth form to approve my application. That meant I was not eligible for a student loan. The only way I could afford to go to university was that I got a job that would pay for all my living costs and my parents paid for my tuition fees.

I don’t have much time to socialize because of my job. Ideally, Id like to have more time to study so I can excel at my course. Yes, I have a lot on my plate, but working hard isnt new for me. Growing up, my parents cultivated in me the importance of working hard for what I want in life.

My dream is to get a job in the NHS. But now, Im just focused on trying to get the best grades I can. Whenever I find life hard, I tell myself this is about my future.

1.Why does the author work long hours and sometimes overtime every week?

A.To pay for his own living expenses B.To pay for his tuition fees

C.To prove his ability to earn money D.To help his parents pay off the debts

2.What does the underlined word “eligible” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A.Responsible. B.Anxious.

C.Qualified. D.Accessible.

3.Which of the following can NOT be used to describe the author?

A.Persistent. B.Diligent.

C.Sociable. D.Ambitious.

4.Which proverb can best summarize the passage?

A.Actions speak louder than words. B.God help those who help themselves.

C.A penny saved is a penny earned. D.Where there is life, there is hope.



    Coral reefs (珊瑚礁) are not just beautiful to look at, but also very useful. They shelter nearly 25 of ocean life and provide food for billions of people. However, like many other species, this amazing ecosystem (生态系统) is in danger of dying out!

There are two main reasons for the destruction — the rising carbon dioxide levels caused by global warming as well as human influences like bottom operation. While not much can be done about the former, the loss caused by the latter can be reduced.

Bottom operation involves dropping nets to the ocean bed and then dragging them up when filled with fish. This action damaged the ocean floor, causing the coral branches to separate from the reefs. While that is very discouraging, the good news is that if these branches are found quickly, they can be saved. At present, that work is being performed by volunteer divers. But the method has only limited success because they cannot stay long underwater, nor reach depths of over 200 meters where some of the deep-sea coral grows.

However, this is not the case for Coralbots — the robots that can constantly seek out broken branches. A team of “coralbots”, each individually working to simple rules will piece together damaged bits of coral, allowing them to regrow. They are programmed to be able to distinguish between other things and the coral. The robots work together in groups, similar to bees. If one coral bot is damaged, then the others will still be able to complete the task.

Dr Lea-Anne Henry said: “The project of using coralbots offers us the possibility to restore (修复) the function of reefs. It is in the final stage of testing. Once ready, the researchers hope to build hundreds of them and use them effectively in the waters off Scotland and then hopefully in the oceans across the world.”

1.Which of the following is a cause of the danger that coral reefs are facing?

A.The appearance of new creatures.

B.The seriously polluted sea water.

C.The activities of volunteer divers.

D.Human activities like bottom operation.

2.Compared with volunteer divers, coralbots ________.

A.can stay longer underwater

B.must work as bees do

C.can distinguish what is coral

D.can never be damaged

3.What does the underlined word “them” in the last paragraph refer to?

A.Coralbots. B.Broken branches.

C.Working bees. D.Bits of coral.

4.We can infer from the passage that ________.

A.bottom operation has affected most underwater creatures

B.broken branches of coral can regrow if saved in time

C.hundreds of the coralbots have worked well in the oceans

D.with the coralbots all damaged coral reefs can be restored



The International Voluntary Service runs a number of Youth Exchanges throughout the year. Youth Exchanges give small groups of 4-5 young people the opportunity to take part in volunteering trips abroad for an average of two weeksThese young people are joined by 4-5 young people from 3-4 other nationalities and are a wonderful intercultural experience in a safe environment.

Example Youth Exchanges

Youth Exchange 1


Other nationalitiesIrelandSpainItalyHungary

ThemeFocuses on the topic of community reconstruction and community activities—exploring how local issues facing our communities are connected to global issuesThe group will also learn about the eco-village as an example of a community and take part in team-building activities.

Youth Exchange 2


Other nationalitiesBulgariaItalyFrance

ThemeOrganic gardening & continual livingThis project will take place in a natural parkwhere the group will take part in gardening activities and gamesworkshops about continuous development

Youth Exchange 3


Other nationalitiesSerbiaTurkeyIreland

ThemeFoster social inclusion and motivate personal development of young people through sports and outdoor activitiesPromote outdoor activities as a tool to help inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities

Youth Exchange 4


Other nationalitiesItalyBulgariaGreece

ThemeA sociaI-environmental project that intends to promote social inclusion and continuable developmentregarded as a process of civil rights and active citizenship. Over 10 days, the group will participate in activities to raise awareness about the effect of our behavior on the environment

1.What do you focus on when travelling in France?

A.Gardening work.

B.Civil rights.

C.Developing social inclusion.

D.Rebuilding communities.

2.If you are interested in protecting the environmentyou can take part in ________.

A.Youth Exchange 1 B.Youth Exchange 2

C.Youth Exchange 3 D.Youth Exchange 4

3.Which nationality are Youth Exchanges most popular with?

A.Spain B.Italy. C.Ireland. D.France.



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