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注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last month, our school organized a knowledge contest what called “Motherland in My Heart”. After our teacher announced the news, everyone was eager to participating. Then we spent the following days make preparations for it. We surfed the Internet about the changes in different aspect, including economy, technology, etc. We also invite an expert to deliver a lecture on the development of our country during the past 70 years. having learnt about these achievements, we felt so proud our country. Finally came a big day. My classmates and I tried my best and answered every question confident. After a few rounds, our team finally won the top prize. What happy we were!


1. 去掉what 2. participating → participate 3. make→making 4. aspect→aspects 5. invite→invited 6. proud→of 7. a→the 8. my→our 9. confident→confidently 10. What→How 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了作者学校举办的“祖国在我心中”知识竞赛。 1.考查过去分词作定语。句意:我们学校举办的叫作“祖国在我心中”知识竞赛。根据句意可知此处为过去分词作定语,因此去掉what,what也不能引导定语从句。故去掉what。 2.考查固定搭配。句意:每一个人都渴望参加。此处为短语be eager to do sth.“渴望做某事”。故participating改为participate。 3.考查非谓语动词。句意:我们花了好几天为其做准备。此处为短语spend time (in) doing sth.“花时间做某事”。故make改为making。 4.考查名词复数。句意:我们上网搜索各个方面发生的巨大变化。,此处aspect为可数名词,且前面有different修饰,因此应用复数。故aspect改为aspects。 5.考查一般过去时。句意:我们也邀请专家就过去70年我们国家发展的讲座。本文讲述了过去发生的事情,因此应用一般过去时。故invite改为invited。 6.考查介词。句意:了解到这些成就,我们为我们的国家感到自豪。根据句意可知此处为短语be proud of“为……自豪”。故proud后加of。 7.考查冠词。句意:最终,这一天终于到来了。此处特指比赛这一天,应用定冠词the。故a改为the。 8.考查代词。句意:我和我的同学们尽我们的最大努力,自信地回答每一个问题。此处应用our代指classmates and I。故my改为our。 9.考查副词。句意:我和我的同学们尽我们的最大努力,自信地回答每一个问题。此处修饰动词,应使用副词。故confident改为confidently。 10.考查感叹句。句意:我们多么快乐啊。分析句子可知,本句是感叹句。Happy为形容词,因此应用how。故What改为How。  


Yueyang Tower is 1. ancient Chinese tower on the shore of Lake Dongting. It is one of the Three Great Towers of Jiangnan. Yueyang Tower became famous for Memorial to Yueyang Tower (《岳阳楼记》) 2. (write) by Fan Zhongyan, who was an excellent minister of the northern Song Dynasty (960-1127)in China.

3. (lie) on the city wall of the west gate of the ancient city in Yueyang City, Hunan province, China, Yueyang Tower faces Junshan Island and overlooks Dongting Lake, being extremely beautiful and 4. (impress). Since ancient times, it 5. (enjoy) the good reputation that Dongting Lake is the 6. (good)among lakes, and Yueyang Tower is incomparable among towers. Yueyang Tower’s roof covered with yellow glazed tiles (黄色琉璃瓦)looks like a general’s helmet in ancient China. It is the only ancient 7. (build) with a helmet roof structure (构造) in China.

Before the Tang Dynasty (618-907), Yueyang Tower was mainly used 8. the military purpose. After the Tang Dynasty, it 9. (gradual) became a famous scenic spot in 10. men of letters chanted poetry and wrote fu.



    Years ago, I flew 3,000 miles across the country to take a new job at a non-profit organization. This was a very _________ transition (转变), I thought. Before the _________, the founder of the organization promised to eventually promote me to a senior leadership role, _________ in the end I wound up deeply disappointed. Three months into the new job, they hired someone else to _________ that position.

This _________ promise left me hurt and angry by the decision made. How could this _________ to me? The promise of being on the senior leadership team was a huge factor in my decision to _________ the job offer. As a result, I moved my family across the country and couldn’t easily move back. This was a _________ time for me. _________ my head sought answers and my heart __________ emotions, my wife, Elba, gave me the best __________. She said, Stay focused… stay faithful. This meant keeping your eyes on the __________ at hand and staying faithful to the task. It wasn’t easy, but these words __________ my attitude and actions during that time. I remained focused and faithful until a __________ chance opened at another organization.

When facing an unexpected __________ of events at work, it can seem much easier to slack off (懈怠), get angry, blame others or do foolish things, but these __________ can be costly and self-destructive. Fighting the bad with bad doesn’t __________ up to good. Good can come from bad through our __________. Spiritual and personal lessons are weaved into __________. The lessons I gained during that time have helped me to __________ life’s ups and downs.

1.A.precise B.puzzling C.relaxing D.bright

2.A.move B.project C.promotion D.interview

3.A.so B.and C.but D.for

4.A.rid B.fill C.test D.find

5.A.fixed B.known C.broken D.expected

6.A.appear B.return C.belong D.happen

7.A.make B.accept C.desire D.appreciate

8.A.vital B.common C.fundamental D.difficult

9.A.If B.Until C.When D.Because

10.A.felt B.battled C.ignored D.valued

11.A.advice B.topic C.reputation D.gesture

12.A.job B.trouble C.honor D.choice

13.A.stopped B.guided C.proved D.separated

14.A.secure B.practical C.vivid D.wonderful

15.A.turn B.success C.direction D.permit

16.A.lessons B.gurneys C.responses D.behaviours

17.A.add B.cut C.bring D.hold

18.A.urges B.efforts C.growth D.experience

19.A.culture B.approach C.hardship D.relation

20.A.give away B.look into C.put away D.get through



    Icebike is a term used for winter bicycling? particularly in snowy or icy conditions on roads or tracks. It can also refer specifically to ice bike racing. 1. While special equipment is available for icebiking, less extreme versions of the sport are often undertaken on normal bicycles.

Biking during the winter can generally be referred to as icebike. Ideal weather conditions typically range from cool and rainy, to cold and dry, to cold and snowy or icy. 2. Cyclists may choose to bike during the winter for a variety of reasons? including commuting(通勤),exercise or simply for fun. The types and amounts of special equipment required for winter cycling vary by climate conditions and whether the biking is done primarily on roads or on tracks.

In milder winter conditions? a regular road or mountain bike is often enough for icebiking. For snowy or icy roads and tracks, special tires may be necessary. Icebikers may use tires with screws(螺丝)inserted from the inside. 3.

Other equipment may be necessary for winter cycling whether or not there is snow and ice. Fenders(挡泥板)can prevent water or snow from being thrown up onto a cyclist. 4.They are of particular importance during the winter since it is dark during a larger part of the day.

5. Gloves, shoes and socks are of particular importance for icebikers. Cyclists may use regular gloves. Regular bike shoes? winter bike shoes or winter boots may be used for cycling, depending on climate and the biker's preference. In general? clothing guidelines for icebiking are similar to those for other winter sports.

A.Biking at any time is possible.

B.Bike lights are required for cycling after dark.

C.A cyclist must have a good knowledge of icebike.

D.Icebike can also refer to either road biking or track biking.

E.Appropriate clothing for outdoor winter exercise is important.

F.Other options for wintery tires include tire chains and tire wires.

G.In this condition race courses are marked out on solid sheets of ice.



    Not all bad emotions (情感) are necessarily bad. In fact, they can direct your behaviour in useful ways. If you’re stuck in traffic, anger with the situation might motivate you to find an alternative route (线路), which will then relieve your stress. But anger is less useful if you’re in the same situation, but stuck on a motorway with no option to alter directions.

Emotions have physiological effects, such as raising the level of cortisol in your bloodstream, which can affect your health. Indeed, a new study, published in Psychology and Aging, shows that high levels of anger are associated with poor health in older people.

The Canadian study did the study on 226 adults aged 59-93. They took blood samples to assess levels of chronic (慢性的) low-grade inflammation (炎症) and asked the participants to report any age-related chronic illnesses they might have. The participants also completed a short questionnaire about the level of anger or sadness they experienced in three typical days over a one-week period.

For the analysis, the researchers considered whether age could affect the results. They found that higher levels of anger were associated with inflammation and ill health in the oldest participants (aged 80 and above), but not the youngest ones (59-79 years). Sadness was not associated with inflammation or ill health in either age group.

The study is cross-sectional, meaning that it assessed a group of people at a single point in time. To get a fuller understanding of the relationship between bad emotions and health, we need studies that follow participants for a period of time — so-called prospective observation studies. Future studies should also take into account other factors that might relate, such as other emotions, stress and personality.

Although this new research shows a link between emotion and health in older age, we do not know whether anger causes inflammation and illness or whether health problems make people angrier.

1.What does the underlined word “alter” in paragraph 1 mean?

A.Change. B.Control.

C.Measure. D.Operate.

2.Why were participants taken blood samples?

A.To analyze their levels of health.

B.To fill in the form of questionnaires.

C.To know the levels of some inflammation.

D.To compare the change of anger in three days.

3.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.Anger is the greatest danger to health.

B.The influence of anger on illness is unclear.

C.People in poor health are easy to get angry.

D.Evidence is needed to prove the effect of health.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Adjusting Our Emotions Is Necessary

B.Bad Emotions Affect People’s Feelings

C.New Conclusions Make People Amazed

D.Anger Is Linked to Illness in Old Age



    Researchers in Singapore found that eating mushrooms over twice per week could help prevent memory and language problems later in life.

According to the study, published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, there is a unique antioxidant (抗氧化物质) present in mushrooms that helps protect certain brain functions.

Researchers observed 663 Chinese adults aged over 60 whose diets and lifestyles were tracked from 2011 to 2017. In the study, the participants were asked how often they ate six different types of mushrooms: oyster, shiitake, white button, dried, golden and tinned. The findings showed that eating more than two shares of mushrooms per week somehow lowered the chances of mild cognitive impairment (MCi) by 50% against those who ate fewer than one share.

MCI is a condition that can make people forgetful, affect their memory and cause problems with language, attention and finding the exact position of objects in space. Changes in behavior can be not very noticeable and not serious enough to be known as dementia (痴呆).

Participants who ate more mushrooms were found to perform better in thinking and processing exams and also exhibited a faster processing speed. The advantage was reportedly more apparent in those who ate more than two shares a week or more than 300 grams.

The scientists pointed out, however, that they have yet to put up a direct link between the fungi and brain function.

The researchers also acknowledged that since this study mainly relied on self-reported information on mushroom intake and other dietary factors (因素), further studies may be required.

Still, the lead study author Lei Feng is encouraged by their findings.

“This correlation is surprising and encouraging,” Lei said.

Mushrooms are one of the richest dietary sources of ergothioneine — a matter which humans can’t make on our own.

1.What are the findings in paragraph 3 about?

A.Diets and lifestyles. B.The percent of MCI.

C.The types of mushrooms. D.The benefit of eating mushrooms.

2.What can we know about MCI?

A.It can strengthen memory. B.It can result in language problems.

C.It can make people get lost. D.It can lessen the chance of forgetfulness.

3.What is the result if students often eat more mushrooms?

A.They will take the exams much more easily

B.Their academic performance improves greatly

C.Their thinking ability is better than the majority

D.They will love communicating with others.

4.Where does the text most probably appear?

A.Scientific fiction. B.An advertisement.

C.A science report. D.Adult literature.



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