满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

At first, the company _______ many fine ...

At first, the company _______ many fine promises to Jack in order to get him to work for them.

A.held up B.held back C.held off D.held out


D 【解析】 考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:首先,为了让Jack为他们工作,这个公司拿出了很多很好的承诺。A. held up举起;B. held back隐瞒、控制;C. held off抵抗、拖延;D. held out伸出、拿出、呈现。分析句子“in order to get him to work for them”可知,空白处填动词held out,表“拿出”,符合句意。故选D项。  

Using this data, third party companies could then paint an accurate picture of users’ habits and ________ in order to serve them more targeted advertisements.

A.presentation B.preservation C.preference D.persistence




Arthur was messy. He didn’t try to make messes, but he didn’t try to clean up much, either. There were always small pieces of food on the table when he was done eating. His socks never made it into the hamper (洗衣篮). And he only picked up his toys when Mom threatened to throw them away. Most days, Mom followed Arthur around the house and cleaned up after him. She brushed the crumbs (碎屑) into her hand and threw them away after meals. She picked up his socks and made sure they got washed, dried and folded neatly before going back in the drawer. She often picked up his toys when he left them to do something else.

One day, Mom asked Arthur to pick up his toy trains. “Not right now,” Arthur said. He was reading a comic book. The trains had been on the living room floor since the morning.

“You know what, Arthur? I’m not going to ask you again. I’m done cleaning today.” And with that. Mom put her feet up on the sofa and picked up a book to read.

At dinner time, Arthur noticed that there was a big pile of crumbs at his place at the table. Mom’s spot was nice and clean. Arthur didn’t like the crumbs very much. After dinner, Arthur’s feet felt cold. He went to his room and opened his drawer, but the drawer was empty. “Mom, where are my socks?” Arthur called.

“There weren’t any socks in your hamper, so I didn’t wash them,” Mom said. Arthur felt unhappy. Now his feet would be cold, unless he wanted to wear dirty socks from the floor. He decided to stay barefoot.

When it was time for bed, Arthur said good night to Mom and turned to go upstairs. Arthur stepped right on his toy train in his bare feet. “Ouch!” cried Arthur. “That really hurt !”

Paragraph 1:

However, Mom was still reading and said nothing.


Paragraph 2:

“Mom?” said Arthur. “Tomorrow can you show me how to do the washing so I can wash my socks?”





1. 由于冠状病毒病爆发,假期被迫延长;

2. 寒假生活(在线上课、读书、锻炼身体等);

3. 期盼开学。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 信的开头已为你写好。


Dear Frank,

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yours,

Li Hua




The wildfires in Australia became considerably worse in January, 2020. The disaster faced by 1.country is far from over. Many of the fires 2. (send) smoke high into the atmosphere and some smoke turned into pyrocumulonimbus clouds. The clouds can help a fire draw in more air and shift surface winds, 3. (result) in fire tornadoes (龙卷风). Fires have destroyed habitats for animals that 4.(find) only in Australia, including koalas and rare birds. It will take time to fully know how much harm the fires have done 5. wildlife. The wildfires are expected 6. (continue) burning for months as Australia entered its dry season.

This past year, 2019, is the hottest and driest year on record. Fires happen 7.(regular) during the Australian dry season. However, climate and natural changes are making the situation 8. (bad). At least 12 million acres have been burned so far in Victoria and New South Wales alone. Smoke from the fires has made 9.to South

America. There is so much smoke that it may stay in the air for months, 10. could have a small effect on the planet’s climate.



    As the temperature approached as high as 90 °F last July 4th, three police officers went into a Foods Market to get something _______ to drink. Once inside, they were asked by a security guard to help with a _______ woman. The woman in question was obviously _______, and her cheeks were wet with tears. The officers looked inside her bag. All they saw were containers of _______.

“I’m hungry,” she explained _______. Caught red-handed, the woman no doubt expected to be treated as a _______. But the police had other _______. “We’ll pay for her food.” One of them told the _______ security guard. She would not be _______.

Drying her wet __________, the woman repeated, “Thank you, thank you.” She wasn’t the only one touched by this act of __________. Customers at the store were so impressed by what they’d __________ that some even posted a photo on Twitter. __________, attention was never what the officers sought. They were __________ by a far more common emotion. When we look at someone’s face and see that they need you, it’s pretty __________ as a human being to walk away from something like this.

1.A.safe B.sweet C.clean D.cold

2.A.wounded B.suspected C.reported D.wronged

3.A.scared B.disappointed C.puzzled D.annoyed

4.A.clothes B.medicine C.toys D.food

5.A.politely B.loudly C.seriously D.helplessly

6.A.thief B.beggar C.victim D.customer

7.A.facts B.secrets C.ideas D.reasons

8.A.rude B.surprised C.patient D.embarrassed

9.A.arrested B.employed C.kept D.doubted

10.A.bag B.hands C.packet D.cheeks

11.A.caution B.sympathy C.justice D.faith

12.A.ignored B.expected C.witnessed D.recognized

13.A.However B.Therefore C.Besides D.Instead

14.A.attracted B.controlled C.required D.driven

15.A.typical B.amazing C.difficult D.silly



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