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Never Say Quit In my twenty-five years o...

Never Say Quit

In my twenty-five years of coaching, I encountered many extraordinary athletes. Yet the athlete who made the greatest impression on me wasn't one of those promising young men, but Bobby Colson.

Early in the season, Bobby, who looked heavy but strong, ____ me in the school hallway. He told me he was eager to join in our track team and believed he could make an important ____. I was deeply_____by his presentation and self-confidence.

Given his physique, the logical role for Bobby was that of a "weight man”. So he did his best in trying discus(铁饼), shot pot…, only to find out these events were not ____ for him at all. So Bobby intended to try another more difficult event: two-mile race. I admired Bobby's ____, but to myself, I questioned whether the two-mile race was a good choice. Yet Bobby was ____ and for the following weeks, he painfully but____ struggled through his workouts.

Three months later, the two-mile race was well underway. While all the other runners had already finished, Bobby ____ had three laps to go. As Bobby completed his last two of his ____ laps, several boys from the other teams started making fun of him and ____ at him to get off the track. Bobby was crying noticeably but kept going. At this moment, our team members noticed and went to ____ Bobby on. On the last lap, all our athletes stood up to cheer Bobby on. Imagine a moving sight: Our whole team lined up ____ the track, clapping and cheering for Bobby as tears ____down his face.

After that, Bobby put in effort to support his teammates. He went from event to event ____ his teammates. When one of our athletes took a first place, Bobby was even more excited than the winner. Every teammate ____him very much and felt lucky to have him in the team.

Bobby had been right when he told me he felt he could make a significant contribution. He had joined a good team and made it into a great ____.Since then, I've seen many top athletes ____ the track when they knew they weren't going to win a race. Bobby, on the contrary, never once ____ leaving that two-mile race. Once he___, quitting was not an option. His example helped us all to understand that talent is God given, and those who have it should be thankful, but the spirit of ____ is self-given, and we should value it.

1.A.waved B.informed C.limited D.stopped

2.A.appearance B.promise C.contribution D.influence

3.A.impressed B.frightened C.puzzled D.embarrassed

4.A.satisfactory B.challenging C.suitable D.attractive

5.A.enthusiasm B.generosity C.achievement D.cooperation

6.A.worried B.confused C.determined D.hesitated

7.A.cautiously B.proudly C.secretly D.diligently

8.A.still B.already C.ever D.rather

9.A.spare B.remaining C.extra D.additional

10.A.crying B.throwing C.shouting D.criticizing

11.A.pull B.assist C.drive D.urge

12.A.over B.around C.with D.beyond

13.A.rolled B.paved C.covered D.measured

14.A.convincing B.appreciating C.competing D.encouraging

15.A.envied B.loved C.respected D.believed

16.A.family B.organization C.institution D.system

17.A.check out B.give off C.walk off D.carry out

18.A.supposed B.considered C.imagined D.concerned

19.A.proved B.realized C.discovered D.started

20.A.bravery B.unity C.perseverance D.devotion


1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.C 【解析】 本文是记叙文。文中笨重强壮的鲍比通过自己的毅力和对队员的关爱告诉我们:毅力的精神是自发的,我们应该珍惜它。 1.考查动词。句意:在赛季初,看起来笨重但是很强壮的鲍比在学校走廊拦住我。A. waved 挥手; B. informed 通知; C. limited 有限;D. stopped 停止。根据He told me he was eager to join in our track team得知鲍比拦住作者说了一些话。故选D。 2.考查名词。句意:他说他相信他会做出重要贡献。A. appearance 外表;B. promise 答应; C. contribution 贡献;D. influence 影响。根据下文Bobby had been right when he told me he felt he could make a significant contribution.鲍比当时很自信,他说会做出重要贡献。故选C。 3.考查形容词。句意:鲍比的自我介绍和自信,给我留下印象深刻。A. impressed 有印象的; B. frightened 害怕;C. puzzled 困惑的;D. embarrassed 尴尬的。根据I was deeply 3 by his presentation and self-confidence.鲍比很自信,这让我印象深刻。故选A。 4.考查形容词。句意:鲍比尽最大努力练习投铁饼,结果发现这些事情没有挑战性。 A. satisfactory 满意的; B. challenging 挑战的; C. suitable 合适的; D. attractive 吸引人的。根据So Bobby intended to try another more difficult event: two-mile race.鲍比选了更难的赛事,说明他觉得上面的练习没有挑战性。故选B。 5.考查名词。句意:我钦佩鲍比答题技巧激情。A. enthusiasm 热情;B. generosity 大方;C. achievement 成就;D. cooperation 合作。根据I questioned whether the two-mile race was a good choice.鲍比选了更难的赛事,我钦佩他的热情,但不知这是否是好的选择。故选A。 6.考查形容词。句意:然而鲍比下定决心。A. worried 担心的;B. confused 困惑的; C. determined 决心的; D. hesitated 犹豫的。for the following weeks, he painfully but___7___ struggled through his workouts.虽然锻炼很痛苦,他仍然坚持着,这是很有决心的人。故选C。 7.考查副词。句意:在接下来几周,鲍比痛苦但是勤奋的挣扎着锻炼。A. cautiously 谨慎; B. proudly 骄傲;C. secretly 秘密;D. diligently 勤奋。he painfully but___7___ struggled through his workouts.得知鲍比锻炼时很勤奋。故选D。 8.考查副词。句意:尽管其他选手已经跑完比赛,鲍比还有三圈才到终点。8. A. still仍然;B. already 已经; C. ever 曾经;D. rather 相当。根据While all the other runners had already finished,得知其他人跑完了,鲍比还没有跑完。故选A。 9.考查形容词。句意:当鲍比跑最后两圈时,几个其他队的男孩子开始嘲笑他,喊着要他离开跑道。A. spare多余的;B. remaining 剩余的;C. extra 额外的;D. additional 另外的。根据前面Bobby ___8___ had three laps to go.得知鲍比还剩几圈没跑完。故选B。 10.考查动词。句意:当鲍比跑最后两圈时,几个其他队的男孩子开始嘲笑他,喊着要他离开跑道。A. crying 哭泣; B. throwing 扔掉; C. shouting 大喊;D. criticizing 批评。根据As several boys from the other teams started making fun of him and ___10___ at him to get off the track. 得知其他队的男孩嘲笑他,冲他喊叫,shout at somebody,冲某人喊。故选C。 11.考查动词。句意:这时我们队成员注意到鲍比在哭着坚持上前给他加油。A. pull拽开; B. assist 帮助;C. drive开车;D. urge 催促。根据 Our whole team lined up ___12___ the track, clapping and cheering for Bobby得知队员上前给他加油。urge on 加油鼓劲。故选D。 12.考查介词。句意:我们整个队站在跑道边给鲍比加油鼓掌。A. over上面;B. around 周围; C. with 和;D. beyond 超出。B Our whole team lined up ___12___ the track, clapping and cheering for Bobby as tears ___13___down his face.跑道周边站着,用around,故选B。 13.考查动词。句意:我们整个队站在跑道边给鲍比加油鼓掌,鲍比眼泪顺着脸颊滑落。A. rolled 滚动; B. paved 铺路;C. covered 覆盖; D. measured 测量。Imagine a moving sight: Our whole team lined up ___12___ the track, clapping and cheering for Bobby as tears ___13___down his face.这是一个感人的场景,鲍比哭着坚持,故选A。 14.考查动词。句意:他一个赛事接着一个赛事给队员们鼓励。A. convincing 确信; B. appreciating 感激;C. competing 竞争;D. encouraging 鼓励。After that, Bobby put in effort to support his teammates.得知鲍比鼓励队友。故选D。 15.考查动词。句意:每个队员都很爱鲍比,感觉队里有他很幸运。A. envied 羡慕; B. loved 热爱;C. respected 尊重;D. believed 相信。felt lucky to have him in the team.说明队员们都很爱鲍比。故选B。 16.考查名词。句意:鲍比加入了一个优秀的团体,让它成为一个家庭。A. family 家庭;B. organization 组织; C. institution 机构;D. system 体系。After that, Bobby put in effort to support his teammates.说明鲍比用行动让整个团体像一个家庭一样。故选A。 17.考查动词短语。句意:我见过很多优秀的选手在获胜无望的情况下离开赛场。A. check out检查;B. give off 发出;C. walk off 走开; D. carry out 执行。when they knew they weren't going to win a race.他们选择离开跑道。故选C。 18.考查动词。句意:相反鲍比从来不考虑离开两公里比赛。A. supposed 认为; B. considered 考虑;C. imagined 想象; D. concerned 关心。Bobby, on the contrary, never once ___18___ leaving that two-mile race.和前面优秀选手对比,鲍比从不考虑放弃。故选B。 19.考查动词。句意:一旦鲍比开始,从不选择退出。A. proved 证明;B. realized 意识;C. discovered 发现;D. started 开始。根据quitting was not an option.得知鲍比有恒心,开始了就不会放弃。故选D。 20.考查名词。句意:鲍比的例子告诉我们毅力的精神是自发的,我们应该珍惜它。A. bravery 勇敢; B. unity 团结; C. perseverance 毅力; D. devotion 贡献。Once he___19___, quitting was not an option.鲍比一直坚持赛跑,很有毅力,故选C。


The “Twenty-four Solar terms” is the Chinese 1.(tradition)way of dividing and marking time. It shows the relationship between the universe, seasons, climate and agriculture, which is uniquely created 2.Chinese ancestors. The Twenty-four Solar Terms are important instructions for the agricultural production as well as people's daily lives. At the initial stage of agricultural development, people began to explore rules of nature and used 3.(they)to guide sowing, harvesting and other agricultural activities. Until now, it 4.(become) an essential tool to guide the agricultural production in China. And its charm and value have been increasingly recognized by the public.




The railway line 1.(connect) Beijing and Zhangjiakou, the co-host city of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, is the world's first intelligent, high-speed railway. It 2.(go)into operation on Dec 30, 2019. The railway is 174 km long, with a maximum design speed of 350 kph. It reduces the travel time between Beijing and Zhangjiakou from over three hours to 47 minutes. The train is designed with an area to store snowboards, a device to secure wheelchairs and a mobile news center 3. passengers can watch live Olympic broadcasts.




This year, the World Cup has been played across different 1.(city), and Team China had training sessions even on traveling days when some participating teams chose to rest up after a tiring flight. When the team struggled, Captain Zhu Ting was always there, doing whatever was needed 2.(carry) the team forward. That’s why she has become a national volleyball icon(偶像), just like “Iron Hammer” Lang. Never giving up, especially in a difficult situation, that’s 3. the spirit of Chinese women’s volleyball means.



请阅读下面短文, 并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。

You may not have noticed it , but every time you are very hungry, you tend to get angry much more easily and for no reason. You are getting “hungry”, which is “the phenomenon whereby some people get short-tempered when they’re longing for a feed”, CNN noted.

According to Health, the lower blood sugar stops the brain from working properly. As a result, we may feel ineffective and angry.

What we eat will provide the nutrients for our bloodstream. Then they are given to our organs and tissues and used for energy.

But if we are hungry, the nutrients will drop rapidly. And if they drop enough, our brain will think that it is in a life-threatening situation and cannot focus on its job. So you will find it’s hard to work or study efficiently and keep a peaceful mind.

Scientists advise to “carry healthy snacks with you---like fruit, and yogurt---so that when you are hungry, they will hold you over until the next meal.”















For decades, sociologists have been trying to understand why certain people rise to the top of their fields. A number of theories have emerged, so if you're struggling on the path of success, perhaps these will give you some new clues.

IQ is Overrated

A high IQ is necessary, but it is not adequate to predict executive competence and corporate success. While people with high test scores do have more opportunities, that doesn't mean that smart people are more successful. In fact, in many fields the link between success and intelligence is often weak or non-existent. Nobel Prize winning Israeli-American psychologist, Daniel Kahneman, found that people would rather do business with a person they like and trust rather than someone they don’t, even if the likeable person is offering a lower quality product or service at a higher price.

The 10,000 Hours Theory

A Professor at the University of Colorado named Anders Ericsson decided to look at the differences between amateurs and professionals. In 1993, he released a paper that found on average amateurs only got about 4000 hours of practice, but professionals had practiced for at least 10,000 hours. While there's some debate over whether 10,000 hours is a rule or just a theory, many experts agree that a significant number of people who are considered "great" have, on average, 10,000 hours of experience.

Deliberate Practice

If no one is born talented and you need 10,000 hours of practice, what's the most effective way of using those hours? One theory is something sociologists call "deliberate practice." Essentially, there are six elements. The practice needs to be meant to specifically improve performance, and is even more effective if there's coaching. It needs to be repeatable, and feedback regularly is crucial. It also has to be demanding, either physically or mentally. If you're doing all of this correctly, it shouldn't be a fun experience. An example would be a basketball player who isn't very good at free throws spending hours and hours just doing free throws while being coached. Not a great time no matter how big of a basketball fan you are.

No One Succeeds on Their Own

While it would be nice to succeed simply because we work hard, life doesn't work that way. We need help and support from friends, family and teachers, and then we need chances from employers and other key figures in the fields we choose to pursue. In order to succeed, the gifts and interests of a person need to be encouraged, especially at a young age. Then as they grow up, people need to be given opportunities, breaks and second chances. Without help from other people, it makes it impossible to succeed because as Gladwell points out, "… no one—not rock stars, not professional athletes, not software billionaires, and not even geniuses — ever makes it alone."

You Have Amazing Potential

On average, the human mind can remember a sequence of seven to nine numbers. After that it becomes incredibly hard to remember all the numbers in the right order. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University wanted to know if someone of average intelligence could break that barrier with practice. Through a lot of tests, researchers discovered what they called "the remarkable potential of 'ordinary' adults and their amazing capacity for change with practice." Their research showed that even "ordinary" people have the potential to be great by challenging themselves. If you work hard, your goals can be more attainable than you thought.

Passage outline

Supporting details


Sociologists have been wondering what makes some people successful for years and the following will give you some 1.into it.

Some 2.


IQ is Overrated

By itself, a high IQ doesn’t 3. mean that you will stand out and rise above others.

People show 4. for more trustworthy business partners rather than those with only higher IQ.

The 10,000 Hours Theory

What 5.amateurs from professionals is that amateurs only get about 4000 hours of practice while professionals get for at least 10,000 hours.



Deliberate Practice

Deliberate Practice needs to be 6.at improving performance specifically and will be more effective with coaching.

Deliberate Practice needs to be repeatable and feedback on a regular 7.is crucial.

Whatever 8.you have for something, it’s no easy task to do deliberate Practice since it is demanding.

No One Succeeds on Their Own

9.to the common belief, you can’t live without other people’s help.

You Have Amazing Potential

Through much practice and by challenging youselves, you can break the barrier and 10.your goals.





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