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Nowadays the Internet and mobile phones are becoming increasing popular. As a result, there are few chances for us to writing letters to our friends and family.

Actually, there are some disadvantage of using modern communication tools. To begin with, we don't know how to write Chinese characters with our hands because of we are used to sending messages or chatting online. What's more, we are losing the ability to express our thoughts in a clear but proper way. On other hand, the advantages of writing letters were obvious. It not only keeps our tradition alive, but also remind us of our friendship forever.

Let’s write letters to our friends and family. It is everyone duty to protect tradition Chinese culture.


1. increasing→ increasingly 2. writing→ write 3. disadvantage→ disadvantages 4. because后of去掉 5. but→ and 6. other前加the 7. were→ are 8. remind→ reminds 9. everyone→ everyone’s 10. tradition→ traditional 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。文章介绍了使用现代通讯工具的一些缺点和写信给朋友和家人的优点。 1.考查副词。句意:如今,互联网和手机正变得越来越流行。此处要用副词修饰形容词popular。故将increasing改为increasingly。 2. 考查动词不定式。句意:因此,我们很少有给我们的朋友和家人写信的机会。chance后常接动词不定式做定语,表示“做某事的机会”,由将for us可知,此处意为“我们很少有给我们的朋友和家人写信的机会”。故将writing改为write。 3. 考查名词复数。句意:事实上,使用现代通讯工具有一些缺点。根据some可知,此处要用名词的复数形式,disadvantage是可数名词。故将disadvantage改为disadvantages。 4. 考查介词。句意:首先,我们不知道如何用手写汉字,因为我们习惯于在网上发送信息或聊天。根据we are used to sending messages or chatting online是句子可知,此处要用because,because of后接短语。故将because后of去掉。 5. 考查连词。句意:更重要的是,我们正在失去以清晰和适当的方式表达我们思想的能力。形容词clear和proper是并列关系,修饰名词way,不存在转折关系。故将but改为and。 6. 考查冠词。句意:另一方面,写信的好处是显而易见的。on the other hand“另一方面”是固定搭配。故将other前加the。 7. 考查时态。根据文章的时态是一般现在时,主语是the advantages of writing letters可知,此处要用are。故将were改为are。 8. 考查时态及主谓一致。句意:它不仅保持了我们的传统,也提醒我们的友谊永远。此处是not only…but also…连接并列谓语,根据主语是It及keeps可知,此处要用动词的第三人称单数形式。故将remind改为reminds。 9. 考查代词。根据名词duty可知,此处要用形容词性物主代词修饰名词。故将everyone改为everyone’s。 10. 考查形容词。句意:保护中国传统文化是每个人的责任。根据Chinese culture可知,此处要用形容词修饰名词短语。故将tradition改为traditional。


The Austrian capital, Vienna, is known1.its museums, palaces and ease of living. The city of 2 million people2.(identify) recently as having the world’s highest quality of life for the3.(ten) year in a row. That opinion comes from Mercer, a consulting agency4. does a yearly Quality of Living Ranking.5.(measure) quality of life is not a simple job.

Mercer says the agency looks at many factors (因素). For example, researchers measure how6.(easy) people can use public transport, such as buses and trains.They ask whether drivers can move well on the roads. They ask if houses and apartments 7.(be) available at a good price? and whether children can go to international schools. They think about whether people in the city can enjoy music, theater, restaurants and sports. And, they look for8.healthy political and social climate. In total, the agency has considered 39 factors in 10 areas to name Vienna the9.(win).

Vienna has also been ranked number one on other quality of life measurements, such as the Economist’s Global Liveability Index. Other top 10.(city) on Mercer’s list included Zurich, Auckland, Munich and Vancouver.



    Last February I turned 51. And to be honest, it didn’t make me jump with_______.

Of course, I still_______the face in the mirror. But it certainly didn’t_______my inner me anymore. There are many_______about age-enthusiasts who_______a whole new job? accomplished extraordinary achievements or trained to run a marathon._______they didn’t quite inspire me. It only_______me even more.

Until, three weeks ago, I came across Face App. The app has_______my husband to an 88-year-old man, wow! My husband took my picture and put it into the app. It caught my_______and showed an 88-year-old version of me with deeper________. My teeth were shorter. My neck was seriously sagging (松弛). I________the picture with such a sharp eye that it ________ burnt a hole through the screen. But then I zoomed out and looked at the ________picture. I saw softness on the cheeks; the comfort of a warm smile; a look with a lifetime of extremely rich________. That night I shared both my present and ________me on Facebook. My friends seemed to________the old me. “I think you look pretty cool,” one commented.

Again I studied the older face carefully. Suddenly I felt I________back at that older lady who might be me. I haven’t run a marathon or started a new cool job. My jump forwards is a purely emotional________.I've opened a door within myself and behind it________appreciation and love for myself, regardless of my________. Now, when I see myself in the mirror, I’m sincerely pleased.

1.A.wonder B.caution C.joy D.regret

2.A.remembered B.recognized C.missed D.preferred

3.A.reflect B.hide C.remind D.cover

4.A.comments B.advertisements C.secrets D.stories

5.A.started B.praised C.ruined D.risked

6.A.And B.But C.Because D.So

7.A.angered B.frightened C.surprised D.discouraged

8.A.connected B.introduced C.changed D.recommended

9.A.face B.eye C.breath D.name

10.A.scars B.thought C.wrinkles D.anxiety

11.A.tore B.took C.examined D.enjoyed

12.A.nearly B.immediately C.easily D.completely

13.A.incomplete B.unfamiliar C.beautiful D.whole

14.A.experiences B.collections C.reward D.imagination

15.A.former B.old C.young D.authentic

16.A.support B.trust C.know D.like

17.A.smiled B.stared C.pointed D.glanced

18.A.reaction B.bond C.expression D.victory

19.A.discovered B.showed C.earned D.received

20.A.achievement B.identity C.age D.job



    Successful budgeting is a key to good financial health and it really isn't hard. These steps will help create a realistic and successful budget:

List your expenses.

Make a list of your fixed expenses such as rent payments and insurance payments. Then make a list of your fluctuating (波动的) expenses, such as expenses for dining out, hobbies, and other expenses that don’t have a consistent payment. 1.

Separate your wants and needs.

2.This is especially important to successfully budgeting to pay off debts or save money toward a specific goal. Any place where you see you’re clearly wasting money, get rid of it.

Consider buying budgeting software.

Part of the reason you do this is, of course, for guidance in successful budgeting.3. Another part of it, though, is psychological. By investing (投资) in budgeting software, you mean business when it comes to your budget and saving goals.


For the most successful budgeting possible, everyone in your family needs to know and understand the budget. It won’t do any good to create a budget if your husband or wife isn’t aware of it and continues to spend money in ways you haven’t planned for.5.They need to know that there are limits to how much money they can spend. So the earlier you get them started, the better.

A.Get your family on board.

B.Make sure your expectations are realistic.

C.This is not fundamental to successful budgeting.

D.And it’s never too early for kids to develop money skills.

E.Check those lists you have made for costs you can cut or avoid.

F.Review old bank statements to help you calculate approximate figures for these expenses.

G.It helps you understand the expenses categories and map out plans for successful budgeting.



    By analyzing the movement of the smile across a person’s face, the software developed by researchers at the University of Bradford can determine whether or not the expression is true. The most significant movements detected by the software were around the eyes, supporting popular theories that a true smile is one that can be seen in a person’s eyes.

“A smile is perhaps the most common of facial expressions and is a powerful way of signaling positive emotions (情绪)” says Hassan Ugail, Professor of Visual Computing at the University of Bradford, who led the research. “Techniques for analyzing human facial expressions have advanced a lot in recent years but distinguishing between true and false smiles remains a challenge because humans are not good at picking up the relevant messages.”

The software works by first mapping a person's face from within a video recording, and identifying the mouth, cheeks and eyes of the subject. It then measures how they move through the progress of the smile and calculates the differences in movement between the video pieces showing true and false smiles. They found significant differences in the way the subjects' mouths and cheeks moved when comparing the true and the false expressions. The movements around the subjects’ eyes, however, showed the most striking difference, with true smiles producing at least 10 percent more movement in these muscles (肌肉).

“We use two main sets of muscles when we smile — the zygomaticus major, which is responsible for the movements upwards of the mouth and the orbicularis oculi which causes movements around our eyes,” explains Professor Ugail. In false smiles it is often only the mouth muscles that move but, as humans we often don’t spot the lack of movement around the eyes.

He adds, “An objective way of analyzing whether or not a smile is true could help us develop improved interactions (互动) between computers and humans. It could also be important to scientists aiming to gain more understanding into human behavior and emotion.”

1.Why is it hard for humans to recognize a false smile?

A.Humans are good at hiding their smiles.

B.The relevant details are hard to catch for our eyes.

C.Humans often put on too many facial expressions.

D.Techniques for analyzing facial expressions are hard to develop.

2.What do the researchers find by the software?

A.People usually use two main sets of muscles when smiling.

B.True smiles produce more muscle movement around eyes.

C.Mouths and cheeks move the same for true and false smiles.

D.True smiles are a powerful way of signaling positive emotions.

3.What can we infer from Professor Hassan Ugail?

A.There are different sets of muscles on every human’s face.

B.The software can improve humans’ behavior and emotion.

C.Humans can spot the movement around the eyes in true smiles.

D.The interactions between computers and humans remain to be improved.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Eyes Can Smile

B.Smiles Can Show One's Personality

C.More Smiles, Longer lives

D.True Smiles, False Movements



    Luis Reynoso says he’s always tried to get involved (牵涉) in his children’s education: attending meetings on school-improvement projects and providing classroom food. But when his youngest daughter’s school invited families to attend a nine-week program Let’s Change the Course organized by a leading education advocacy group here to learn about parenting and school participation, he realized his past efforts barely scratched the surface.

Each weekly session touched on different parenting themes, like setting up a special space at home for kids to do homework, like the importance of confidence. One of the most helpful sessions, he recalls, focused on what a child should know academically in each grade and how to talk to teachers about his daughter’s performance. “The workshops really woke me up,”says Mr. Reynoso.

Levels of parental participation in Mexican schools have long been low. Many people commonly believe a child's education is the school s job to get involved. In some parts of the country, a mother's or father's own lack of education can play into a sense that they have nothing to contribute. And even in private schools, where there might be more adults with fixed jobs and the participation is very rare, with some parents viewing their tuition (学费) bill as their educational contribution. There are also cases where the schools themselves ignore the potential of parents in a child's education, discouraging communication between families and schools.

But the importance of family participation is something many non-profit, education advocates and recently the government are starting to home in on Mexico. Part of Mexico’s 2013 national education reform stresses the importance of parents playing a more active role in their child’s education, encouraging an increase in parental-participation programs, including Let’s Change the Course.

Susana Castellanos, headmaster of a school in Mexico City, says, “People are recognizing you have to work together to create happy successful citizens. It’s no longer acceptable to set apart the roles of teacher vs. parent vs. school headmaster.”

1.What does Reynoso mean by the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1?

A.His previous efforts were in vain.

B.He missed the key point of participation.

C.His daughter disagreed with what he did.

D.He failed to catch the importance of school.

2.What did Reynoso find most beneficial about Let’s Change the Course?

A.The necessity to set up a space for kids to do homework.

B.The academic requirements for kids in different periods.

C.The importance of knowing children’s performance.

D.The ways to increase students’ confidence.

3.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?

A.How to contribute more to children’s education.

B.How to know the levels of parental participation in Mexican schools.

C.Why schools failed to provide chances for parents to get involved,

D.Why parents played a less active role in school education in Mexico.

4.What influence did Mexico’s education reform have?

A.The number of parental-participation programs rose.

B.Many non-profit educational organizations were set up.

C.Teachers role in school education started to get increased.

D.Parents began to attach importance to children's education.



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