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阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词正确形式。 Why is the...


Why is the news important?

Having access (机会) to up-to-date information has value in the modern world because the nature of the world is1.(constant) changing. Without regular access to news, most people would be unaware of the various events2.(take) place that have an   influence on their lives.

As everything that happens does not affect all people equally, news3. (organization) generally don’t make their news for a specific person. This is why many of the stories that4.(show) on nightly news programs are far-reaching and varied. The same applies to even the local newspaper,5.divides its pages into a variety of different sections, including local6.(nation) and world news. Further, events happening in a distant location can affect economies (经济) and various products over the long term. This means that having access to this information can help investors (投资者) to better understand7.is affecting their investments and allow them8.(react) accordingly. The continuous dry weather in a foreign country can cause grain prices to rise in other areas as the hungry9.(populate) begins calling for help. Finally, political environment changes too quickly, and without being informed, it’s difficult for people who are affected10.it to be prepared for the results.


1.constantly 2.taking 3.organizations 4.are shown 5.which 6.national 7.what 8.to react 9.population 10.by 【解析】 本文是说明文。获取最新的信息在现代世界是有价值的,因为世界的本质是不断变化的。如果没有定期的新闻渠道,大多数人就不会意识到正在发生的对他们生活有影响的各种事件。文章主要介绍了为什么新闻很重要。 1.考查副词。设空处在句中修饰谓语change应用副词constantly,表示“不断地”。故填constantly。 2.考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,take在句中作非谓语动词,与逻辑主语events构成主动关系,表示正在发生的事情,应用动词-ing形式作定语。故填taking 。 3.考查名词的数。organization为可数名词,由下文中的don’ t make their news可知,此处不只一个新闻机构,应用名词复数形式。故填organizations。 4.考查动词时态及语态。设空处和定语从句的先行词 stories之间是动宾关系,且由该句的时态可知,应用一般现在时的被动语态。故填are shown。 5.考查定语从句。设空处在句中引导非限制性定语从句,补充说明the local newspaper 的情况,从句中缺少主语,故用关系代词which。故填which。 6.考查形容词。设空处后面接名词,且和 local、world共同修饰名词news,应用形容词national。故填national。 7.考查宾语从句。设空处引导宾语从句,且从句中缺少主语,指事情,应使用what。故填what。 8.考查非谓语动词。根据短语allow sb. to do sth.意为“允许某人做某事”。故填to react。 9.考查名词。根据上文hungry为形容词修饰名词。故填population。 10.考查介词。根据短语be affected by表示“受到……的影响”。故填by。

    My friend and I had just set off from Vancouver to do a five-day canoe (独木舟) trip in Bowron Lake Provincial park.

We’d been_______ the trip for quite a while — reservations at the park need to be_______ months in advance. I’d taken some time off work and my friend managed to spare some time for the_______.

We were _______to Bowron Lake when our car broke down. _______, we were just outside a small town which had a little motel (汽车旅馆), where we met a kind_______.

He gave us the  _______ of a mechanic (修理工) in town. We were going to call him, but as it was quite late, we _______ to leave repairing the car until the next morning and so booked into the motel.

It turned out our car _______ wasn’t a big deal to fix, but the mechanic needed to order a part that would take a few days to show up. At that point, we__________ our trip would have to be cancelled. If we were going to finish it in time, we had to leave immediately.

The __________  stranger insisted that we finish our __________  when we mentioned the change of plans. He offered to drive the two-hour round trip to drop us off at the lake, coordinate with (与……协调) the mechanic to __________ the car while we were gone, and then __________ my friend and me after we finished canoeing.

I remember as he dropped us off at the lake, he__________ us a bag of fresh, homemade cookies to take along. Everything he did to help us was__________.

It was a trip that never would have happened __________ he hadn’t done all he did, which __________us so much.

I’m very __________ for the stranger’s kindness; it’s people like him that make me want to go out of my way for others who are travelling and __________ help.

1.A.enjoying B.imagining C.planning D.completing

2.A.changed B.offered C.cancelled D.booked

3.A.work B.adventure C.party D.task

4.A.driving B.walking C.biking D.running

5.A.Finally B.Surprisingly C.Certainly D.Luckily

6.A.seller B.friend C.stranger D.guide

7.A.address B.number C.introduction D.story

8.A.decided B.started C.learned D.struggled

9.A.accident B.parking C.Improvement D.problem

10.A.figured B.promised C.remembered D.heard

11.A.hard-working B.proud C.kind-hearted D.energetic

12.A.meeting B.trip C.business D.competition

13.A.fix up B.pull over C.get out D.put away

14.A.pay for B.search for C.cheer up D.pick up

15.A.awarded B.sent C.handed D.showed

16.A.unavoidable B.unbelievable C.unrecognizable D.unacceptable

17.A.though B.since C.before D.if

18.A.helped B.served C.greeted D.trusted

19.A.regretful B.prepared C.grateful D.thirsty

20.A.fond of B.in need of C.used to D.in favor of



    Here are five cooking habits that could be costing you important nutrients, causing you to overeat——or even making you sick.

Boiling vegetables

A 2015 review showed that boiling vegetables resulted in a high loss of vitamin C. 1. "If you're not drinking a soup, you're missing out on nutrients," says Nishta Saxena, a dietitian based in Toronto .

Washing chicken

While your favourite old cookbooks likely tell you to wash a chicken before cooking, this outdated advice is a safety risk. Cleaning meat in water may remove some of the bacteria, but it's also likely to pass it around your kitchen. 2. And clean your hands after you've finished the cooking.

Removing skins from fruits and vegetables

"Large amounts of nutrients are found in the skins." says Liz Powell, who is a dietitian from Vancouver. " Concern about chemical remains isn't a good enough reason to do the removing. 3."

Mixing everything

A smoothie (a mixed drink) is a smart way to eat some greens. 4. They're often short of protein and healthy fat. These things work together to keep us feeling full and satisfied. Without them, it's not really a balanced meal, Powell suggests adding some foods which contain protein or having a piece of wholewheat(全麦的)bread on the side.

Overdressing salads

We think we can add anything to salads, and they'll still be a nutritious choice. But it's just not true. If you're topping your bowl with dried strawberries and sweet cheese, you've easily added 30 grams of sugar to your so-called healthy lunch. 5.

A. You should choose healthy produce for your family.

B. But these kinds of drinks are likely to be unbalanced.

C. To stay safe, don't wash the meat when preparing it.

D. Cabbage. for example, loses about 33 % of its vitamin C.

E. Nuts are better choices to improve the taste of your greens.

F. The skins of potatoes contain more nutrients than its inside part.

G. Washing your produce will remove some chemicals from the surface.



    People spend about a third of their life sleeping and cannot survive without it. But while scientists have long understood the importance of getting enough sleep, the key part played by light exposure can sometimes be overlooked (忽视). The reason why light is so important is that it sets our body clock, through specialized light sensors within the eye. Our eye detects the light and dark cycle within our environment and adjusts the body clock so that the inner and outer day coincide (相符). This is so powerful that people who have eye damage can find their body clock is thrown off, leading to sleep problems.

Without any access to light, the human body clock appears to change, adding about half an hour on to its 24-hour cycle for each day of darkness. Jet lag (飞行时差反应) is the most obvious example of the effect light can have. Exposure to light in the new time zone helps reset our body clock to local time, telling us the right time to sleep.

In 1800, most people across the world worked outside and were exposed to the change from day to night. Today, many of us miss out on the natural environment as we mostly work inside. We have become a light-deprived (光照不足的) species, and this has far-reaching consequences for the quality of our sleep, and consequently our well-being. The proper amount varies from person to person, but we do know that our bodies need exposure to very bright light that most indoor lighting does not provide. One notable side effect is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a form of depression thought to affect 2-8% of Europeans, which is linked to lack of sunlight exposure.

Research in this area could help people make informed choices. Simply by reducing light exposure before going to bed, and trying to get as much morning light as possible, they could improve their sleep and well-being.

1.What does the underlined part “it” in the first paragraph refer to?

A.The sensor. B.Sleep.

C.Light. D.The eye.

2.Why is jet lag mentioned in Paragraph 2?

A.To show people in different time zones have different sleep patterns.

B.To advise frequent fliers to get plenty of sun to avoid discomfort.

C.To prove irregular light and dark cycles affect our body clock.

D.To explain why our body clock has a 24-hour cycle.

3.What can we learn about SAD from the text?

A.It comes along with cold temperatures. B.It results from a lack of natural light.

C.It affects people living on islands. D.It happens mainly in summer.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy.

B.Natural light is the key to a good night’s sleep.

C.Our body clock is linked to the mood disorder.

D.Life is really hard for nightbirds.



    Taking paternity leave (陪产假) shortly after the birth of a new son or daughter may be the key to developing strong father-child bonds that last for years, says new research from Ball State University.

“We find that 9-year-olds report greater satisfaction with father involvement,” said Richard Petts, a Ball State sociology professor who carried out the research with Chris Knoester at the Ohio State University and Jane Waldfogel at Columbia University. “They feel closer to their fathers and report better communication with their dads if their fathers take paternity leave, and especially if their fathers take two or more weeks of leave.”

“We found evidence that part of the reason why two or more weeks of paternity leave may lead to 9-year-olds expressing greater satisfaction seems to be that longer periods of paternity leave-taking link to parental relationship satisfaction,” said Petts.

The study is the latest in a series examining the effects of parental leave in the development of children and its influence on the family. It is also the first research known to assess the associations between paternity leave and children’s opinions of father-child relationship quality in the United States, Petts said.

Petts said the findings of the study will help families and policymakers (政策制定者) who aim to strengthen families and improve higher quality father-child relationships.

The present structure (结构) of paternity leave in the United States provides limited opportunities for fathers to take leave and, in fact, often discourages fathers from taking leave, he said.

“The possibility to take leave is often limited to higher-income families,” Petts said. “A lack of a national paid family leave policy limits access to important benefits for American families. The present structure may be increasing inequalities.” Petts said that providing equal access to paternity leave may help to change these patterns and strengthen family relationships.

1.How was the research probably carried out?

A.By tracking families. B.By talking with mothers.

C.By interviewing the kids. D.By recording children’s behavior.

2.What is found about paternity leave?

A.It makes young kids become dependent.

B.It is determined by parental relationships.

C.It encourages men to become better fathers.

D.It improves father-child relationship quality.

3.What do we know about the research?

A.It is welcomed by young fathers. B.It is the first to study parental leave.

C.It is probably helpful to policymakers. D.It is more important than similar studies.

4.What is the problem with the present structure of paternity leave in the US?

A.Paid paternity leave is only two weeks long.

B.There is no policy to encourage paternity leave.

C.Low-income families think little of paternity leave.

D.High-income fathers are too busy to take paternity leave.



    Being deaf in a hearing world can lead to painful feelings of isolation (孤独).

Waitress Kelsey recently shared an experience on a social media sharing site that  quickly zoomed (陡直上升) to the top of the “ front page of the Internet”. In her brief post, Kelsey explained that she waits tables at a bar during the evenings, and one night she noticed a deaf man sitting alone in her section (区域).

When Kelsey isn’t working at the bar she makes a good hourly pay doing sign language interpretation (翻译), so she sensed an opportunity to use her skill to make this customer feel a little less alone in the world. She approached his table and began chatting with him in sign language.

When the table next to his noticed their silent conversation they asked Kelsey how long she’d been signing. They had a brief conversation about her goal of becoming certified (合格的) to interpret sign language in a medical or mental health setting.She didn’t think much about the whole exchange until the customers had left the restaurant and she was tidying up the tables. There, on the table of the customers who’d seen her American sign language conversation with the deaf man, was a handwritten note on the receipt.

“Thank you for what you do; it absolutely matters!” the note said. “Good luck with finishing your degree!” Not only that, but they’d left her a $100 tip.

Kelsey was moved by the kind note, especially because she wasn’t doing anything out of the ordinary. To her, she was just conversing with someone in a language that only they understood. Yet to the deaf man and the people seated next to him she’d bridged a gap and helped someone who probably feels lonely a lot of the time.

Kelsey shared the note on the Internet to spread more love and light in the world.

1.What do we know about Kelsey’s work at the bar

A.It is her part-time job.

B.It goes beyond her ability.

C.It requires her to work all day long.

D.It offers her a chance to learn sign language.

2.What can we infer about the deaf man?

A.He left Kelsey $100 as a tip.

B.He could use sign language.

C.He found it hard to communicate with Kelsey.

D.He was a friend of the customers at the next table.

3.What did the people at the table next to the deaf man think of Kelsey?

A.She is wasting time working as a waitress. B.She needs to study further for a degree.

C.She should use the Internet as a tool. D.She is so kind to serve those in need.

4.What lesson can we learn from Kelsey’s experience?

A.Practice makes perfect. B.It is never too late to learn.

C.Kindness is repaid with kindness. D.When in Rome, do as Romans do.



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