满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I'm standing in a class of wild 14-year-...

    I'm standing in a class of wild 14-year-old girls as they throw paper and howl (大喊)with laughter. They won't ____ me. I was 23 and I didn't know what I was doing. I never wanted to ____ .I wanted to be a writer. But when I arrived in London, they were short of teachers.

My efforts at teaching were _____. When the bell finally rang, I rushed to the staff room, red with anger. The other teachers weren't ____ . "That's 4B, the worst class in school," one said.

I dreaded (害怕)our next _____ , but I couldn't give up. I needed the job. So. I ______ formal lessons. Instead, I brought _____ for class discussions. One of the liveliest talks was about the arguments they had with their parents. They paid attention and shared about their lives. I was _____ . So I had them write about themselves. Most wrote about families with little money and big problems. As time went on, their essays became a ____ between us. I admired their humor, toughness and insight, and I think they ____ my interest in their lives.

The musical My Fair Lady was playing in the West End, but they had never seen a ______stage performance. They lived just a few subway stops from the West End, but none had ever been. 1 asked if they'd like to see the musical. They thought I was _____ . No teacher had ever ______taking them out. A few weeks later,4B and I were sitting in a _______ . They loved the music, the costumes and the characters. It was the _____ of their year, and they talked about it for days.

Near the end of the semester, someone knocked on the door of the staff room. The two most rebellious (叛逆的)girls in 4B were there - with flowers. I was proud to know I had ___their lives. I enjoyed teaching and getting along with _____ .

When I returned to Australia several years later, I still wanted to be a _____ . For the first time in my life, I stopped _____ and started writing. My first story was titled. My Fair Ladies. Teaching wasn't the _____ of my writing career; it was the beginning.

1.A.listen to B.hear about C.catch up with D.take care of

2.A.communicate B.teach C.discuss D.work

3.A.successful B.persistent C.unforgettable D.hopeless

4.A.embarrassed B.happy C.surprised D.worried

5.A.appointment B.meeting C.task D.performance

6.A.abandoned B.designed C.took D.hated

7.A.papers B.rewards C.topics D.assistants

8.A.fascinated B.disappointed C.puzzled D.relaxed

9.A.deal B.bridge C.guide D.secret

10.A.praised B.understood C.ignored D.appreciated

11.A.good B.familiar C.famous D.live

12.A.lying B.guessing C.joking D.promising

13.A.admitted B.disliked C.minded D.suggested

14.A.school B.theater C.library D.classroom

15.A.highlight B.goal C.story D.achievement

16.A.found B.touched C.created D.saved

17.A.teachers B.parents C.teenagers D.players

18.A.teacher B.writer C.performer D.listener

19.A.dreaming B.teaching C.travelling D.learning

20.A.idea B.part C.end D.plan


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.D 11.D 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.C 【解析】 本文为记叙文。作者一心想成为作家,没想到却成为学校最差班级的一名老师。作者用自己的爱心与智慧影响了一群狂野的女生,自己也从中得到了写作的素材,真正地成为了一名作家。 1.考查动词短语辨析。句意:她们不会听我的。A. listen to倾听;B. hear about听说;C. catch up with 跟上;D. take care of照顾。根据上文“I'm standing in a class of wild 14-year-old girls as they throw paper and howl (大喊)with laughter.” 我站在有一群狂野的14岁女孩的教室里,她们一边扔纸,一边笑着嚎叫。由此可知,她们不会听(listen to)我的。故选A。 2.考查动词辨析。句意:我从来不想教书。我想成为一名作家。A. communicate交流;B. teach教学;C. discuss讨论;D. work工作。根据下文可知,不想成为一句老师,但却做了一名老师,因此可知,此处是指教书(teach),故选B。 3.考查形容词辨析。句意:我想上课的努力毫无希望。A. successful成功的;B. persistent坚持不懈的;C. unforgettable难忘的;D. hopeless没有希望的。根据第一段一群疯丫头在教室扔东西大喊大叫,根本不听课。所以作为一名新老师,无法上课的。即努力上课是没有希望的(hopeless),故选D。 4.考查形容词辨析。句意:下课铃终于响了,我冲进教工室,气得满脸通红。其他老师对此并不惊讶。A. embarrassed尴尬的;B. happy快乐的;C. surprised惊讶的;D. worried担心的。根据下句“the worst class in school”,可知这是学校最差的班,这样的情况其他老师不会惊讶的(surprised),故选C。 5.考查名词辨析。句意:我害怕我们(我和学生)的下一次会面。A. appointment任命;B. meeting会面;C. task任务;D. performance表现。根据上文可知,这是全校最差的班级,以及第一段第一句可知,作者非常害怕下一次(上课)与学生的会面(meeting)。故选B。 6.考查动词辨析。句意:我放弃了正式的上课模式。A. abandoned抛弃;B. designed设计;C. took带走;D. hated讨厌。根据下文的转折副词Instead, 以及“ I brought ___7___ for class discussions”可知,作者没有用正式的上课模式,而是开始了生动的讨论课。故选A。 7. 8.考查动词辨析。句意:他们注意力集中并分享他们的生活。这吸引了我。A. fascinated深深吸引,迷住;B. disappointed时失望;C. puzzled迷惑不解;D. relaxed放松。根据后面的“我欣赏他们的幽默、坚韧和洞察力,我认为他们激发了我对他们生活的兴趣。”可知,作者被学生分享的生活吸引了(fascinated),故选A。 9.考查名词辨析。句意:随着时间的推移,他们的文章成了我们之间的桥梁。A. deal交易;B. bridge桥梁;C. guide指南;D. secret秘密。根据下文“我钦佩他们的幽默、坚韧和洞察力,我想他们也重视我对他们生活的兴趣”可知,作者与学生关系和谐了,文章成为他们之间的桥梁(bridge),故选B。 10.考查动词辨析。句意: 我钦佩他们的幽默、坚韧和洞察力,我想他们很重视我对他们生活的兴趣。A. praised表扬;B. understood理解;C. ignored忽视;D. appreciated欣赏,感激。我钦佩他们的幽默、坚韧和洞察力,所以学生很重视我对他们生活的兴趣,故选D。 11.考查形容词辨析。句意:音乐剧《窈窕淑女》正在伦敦西区上演,但他们从未看过现场演出。A. good好的;B. familiar熟悉的;C. famous著名的;D. live现场直播的。根据下文可知,作者带着学生一起去观看现场(live)演出,故选D。 12.考查动词辨析。句意:我问他们是否想看这部音乐剧。他们以为我在开玩笑。A. lying说谎;B. guessing猜测;C. joking开玩笑;D. promising许诺。从来没有老师带他们出去看现场音乐剧,因此学生把作者的问题看作是开玩笑(joking),故选C。 13.考查动词辨析。句意:从来没有老师提出建议要带他们出去。A. admitted承认;B. disliked不喜欢;C. minded在意;D. suggested提议。根据上文可知,这个班级很差,所以此处是指没有老师提议(suggest)带他们出去看音乐剧。故选D。 14. 15.考查名词辨析。句意:这是他们一年中最激动的时刻,他们谈论了好几天。A. highlight突出,最好(或最精彩、最激动人心)的部分;B. goal目标;C. story故事;D. achievement成就。根据“they talked about it for days.”她们讨论了好几天,可知,这是他们一年中最激动的部分(highlight)。故选A。 16.考查动词辨析。句意:我很自豪地知道我已经影响了他们的生活。A. found发现;B. touched触摸,影响到;C. created创造;D. saved节约。结合上文 The two most rebellious (叛逆的)girls in 4B were there - with flowers. ,可知,4B班级里最叛逆的两个女孩带着鲜花给我,可知我影响(touch)了4B班级的学生。故选B。 17.考查名词辨析。句意:我享受教书和与青少年相处。A. teachers教师;B. parents父母;C. teenagers青少年;D. players运动员。根据上文I 'm standing in a class of wild 14-year-old girls 可知,作者爱上了教学,爱上了这群14岁的青少年(teenagers),故选C。 18.考查名词辨析。句意:几年后,当我回到澳大利亚时,我仍然想成为一名作家。A. teacher老师;B. writer作家;C. performer表演者;D. listener听众。结合上文“I wanted to be a writer”的“writer”提示,可知,作者还是想成为一名作家(writer),故选B。 19.考查动词辨析。句意:有生以来第一次我不在梦想什么了,我真正开始写作了。A. dreaming做梦,渴望;B. teaching教学;C. travelling旅行;D. learning学习。根据上下文的内容可知,作者原来只是梦想(dream)成为一名作家,现在不是梦想,而是行动,开始写作,故选A。 20.考查名词辨析。句意:我的第一个故事的标题是:我的美女们。教书并不是我写作生涯的结束,而是开始。A. idea想法;B. part部分;C. end(时间、事件、活动或故事等的)终止,终结,结局,结尾;末端;D. plan计划。根据上下文的内容可知,此处是指教学让作者成为一名作家,因此,教学不是写作的结束(end),因为教学才有写作的素材,才开始写作。故选C。

Learning to Give a Pep Talk (打气)

Everyone wants to be the type of person who gives the critical talk that turns around a friend's outlook. However, giving a good pep talk isn't easy. 1. . You need to not only listen and understand, but also stress the other person's strengths. You also need to know when to stop talking.

"A lot of people think they are giving a pep talk, but they are just saying what they would want to hear," says Stacy Kaiser, a psychotherapist (心理治疗师)in Los Angeles.

Instead of instantly telling someone what to do, ask him what actions he has thought about taking and why he thinks they will be beneficial. “Don't jump right in and insist 'You'll be fine,'" says Kaiser. 2., Repeat the person's concerns out loud, so he feels heard. Then, show your friend that you believe in him and that he has what it takes to get through this hard time. Stress his strengths.

3. . You can't!  guarantee success, but you can remind the person that he has been through a tough time before and has gotten through it

At last, Kaiser says you must know when to stop. “4. . Don't argue if the person disagrees with what you are saying. Instead, tell him 'I am sorry you are having such a hard time,' And then back down."

Kaiser says he has learned to give good pep talks by giving bad ones. He lost a number of loved ones during a short period. “Timing is everything." There is a time to give a pep talk, and there is a time to just listen. 5.   .

A.Let your friend have his moment

B.Give your pep talk and then shut up

C.Arguing with your friend makes no sense

D.Show your friend that you understand why he is sad

E.He isn't interested in what his best friends really need

F.It requires an understanding of what your audience needs

G.It is also important to remember that pep talks are about hope



    More than 11,000 scientists are warning that the Earth, in their words, "clearly and unequivocally (明确地)faces a climate emergency.” The scientists represent several fields of study and come from 150 countries around the world. They approved a report that appeared in the publication Bioscience earlier this month. It warns that the world would face "untold human suffering" if it does not make deep and lasting shifts in human activities that influence climate change. Three leaders of the study are from the United States. They worked on the study with scientists from universities in South Africa and Australia. This is the first time a large group of scientists have jointly (共同地)used the word "emergency" when talking about climate change.

"Despite 40 years of global climate negotiations ...we have generally conducted business as usual and have largely failed to address this worrying situation,” the study said. “Climate change has arrived and is accelerating faster than many scientists expected."

The report identified five areas that the world needs to deal with immediately. The scientists appealed to nations to use energy more efficiently and cut their use of fossil fuels. They suggested that lawmakers approve taxes on the burning of carbon-based fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas. The report urges people to move toward more of a plant-based diet. Other areas of concern include preventing the destruction of forests and permanent loss of some plant and animal species. The report noted that it will most likely take strong actions by the public to move politicians to approve lasting policy changes.

The scientists added, "We believe that the prospects (前景)will be greatest if decision-makers and all of humanity quickly respond to this warning and declaration of a climate emergency, and act to support life on planet Earth, our only home.”

1.What will happen to people if they don't stop the activities that influence the climate change?

A.They will have no places to live in.

B.They will be fined and lose their jobs.

C.They will become bored with their life.

D.They will go through a lot of sufferings.

2.What have people done when facing the climate change in the past 40 years?

A.They have ignored the scientists’ warning,

B.They have solved the problem successfully.

C.They have talked too much but done too little.

D.They have realized the problem isn’t that serious.

3.In which paragraph can we find the advice from the scientists about ways to control the climate change ?

A.Paragraph 1. B.Paragraph 2.

C.Paragraph 3. D.Paragraph 4.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Scientists' Hard Work of Saving the Earth

B.l he Important Reasons of Climate Change

C.The Impact of Human Activities on Climate

D.Scientists' Warning of a Climate Emergency



    Ants know when an earthquake is about to strike, researchers have discovered. Their behavior changes significantly prior to the quake and they resume normal functioning only a day after it. Gabriele Berberich of the University Duisburg-Essen in Germany presented these findings on Thursday at the European Geosciences Union annual meeting in Vienna according to LiveScience.

Berberich and her colleagues discovered that red wood ants preferred to build their colonies right along active faults in Germany. They counted 15,000 mounds (土堆)lining the faults. These faults are the places where the earth violently bursts in earthquakes.

Using a special camera that tracked changes in activity. Berberich and her colleagues tracked the ants round the clock for three years, 2016 to 2019. They found that the ants' behavior changed only when the quake was over magnitude (级数)2. There were 10 earthquakes between magnitude 2.0 and 3.2 during this period, and many smaller ones. Humans can also sense quakes of over magnitude 2 only.

According to Berberich, normal ant activity consists of going about collecting food etc,during the day and resting in the night But before an earthquake, the ants didn't go back to their mound in the night and moved around outside it. This strange and abnormal behavior continued till a day after the earthquake, Berberich told a news conference, according to Livescience.

How do ants know an earthquake is coming? Berberich suggested that they could either be picking up changing gas emissions or noting tiny changes in the Earth's magnetic fields (磁场). "Red wood ants have special cells which can detect changes in carbon dioxide levels. They also have special cells for detecting electromagnetic fields." she said. Berberich and her colleagues are planning to continue the research in areas where there are more and bigger earthquakes

1.What's the meaning of the underlined word "resume" in Paragraph 1?

A.Form. B.Avoid.

C.Recover. D.Improve.

2.What's the function of the first paragraph?

A.To lead to the main topic. B.To describe a new species of ant,

C.To introduce a famous researcher D.To tell how to predict an earthquake.

3.What happens to the ants before an earthquake?

A.They have no appetite. B.They are too excited to rest.

C.They get lost on their way home. D.They refuse to go inside their nests.

4.What can we conclude from the last paragraph?

A.Ants can only detect smaller earthquakes.

B.The result of the research is completely reliable.

C.Ants may have two ways to predict earthquakes.

D.Researchers don't know how ants predict earthquakes.



    I wanted to be a journalist. But my parents reminded me that math makes money, so off to engineering school I went In my post-university young-adult life, I've managed to become ^traditionally successful."  As a female engineer, I worked for a big oil company and owned a home. My life was laid out in front of me. and I didn't like what I saw.

So, I did what any respectable 24-year-old would do and left my life behind. I said goodbye to my boyfriend and pulled out my suitcase. I threw myself alone into the world with the grace and beauty of a baby deer taking its first steps with skateboards under its feet. I bloodied my knees mountain biking through the red rocks of Utah. I spent four days struggling through Yellowstone with 50 pounds on my back. Two Peruvian women along my Andean journey taught me how to roast coffee and helped me practice Spanish. It wasn't Vienna's cultural museums; it was a sunny piece of grass beside the Danube river with someone from my hostel (青年旅社) who quickly became a friend. It wasn't Yellowstone's Old Faithful geyser (间歇喷泉)launching into the air; it was charging through Montana's ordinary landscape playing music so loud that the car windows shook. The truth is, I didn't actually need to be abroad to have almost any of my favorite experiences. They were just small everyday moments that happened to happen abroad, leading me to realize that the true value of my flight tickets were not the landmarks, but rather becoming an active participant in my own life.

I now spend less time online shopping and more time lying alone on the floor listening to an album cover — to — cover. I ask my friends how they're doing. Sometimes I surprise them with flowers to see them smile. I tell everyone to have a good day.

1.What can we learn, about the author from Paragraph 1 ?

A.She found her work challenging.

B.She was dissatisfied with her life.

C.She preferred math to journalism.

D.She dared not talk back to her parents,

2.Why does the author mention the journeys she has taken in the text?

A.To prove the importance of travel.

B.To express her joy with new friends.

C.To show what she learned from the travelling.

D.To introduce the landmarks she was interested in,

3.How has the travel probably changed the author?

A.She has become more independent.

B.She begins to enjoy her daily life more.

C.She begins to value her family's opinion.

D.She has become more interested in foreign cultures.

4.What message does the author try to convey in the text?

A.We shouldn't think life is better elsewhere.

B.Interest is the best teacher in choosing jobs.

C.Travel is the best way to spend your holidays.

D.The importance of travel



    While we are burning hot here, it is winter in South America. The Andes Mountains are situated along the Argentina-Chile border. Once the first snow falls of early June start lo drop, skiers are ready to enjoy the nightlife of ski towns all along the border.


Meaning “site of gathering and celebration”, this spot draws people with its long ski season, natural beauty, and hot springs.

Season: June 15th to September 30th

Tel/Fax: 0114314-8212/9180

Website: http://www.caviahue.com

Cerro Castor

The newest ski resort in Argentina, this winter playground is near Ushuaia—the world's southernmost city. The stable and cold temperatures of Castor allow it to offer the longest ski seasons in South America.

Season: June 17th to October 16th

Phone: 54 290-1499301

Fax: 54 290-1430680

Website: http://www.cerrocastor com

Perito Moreno

This resort features 11 skiable kilometers divided into 9 tracks, a double 1, 000-mcter-long chairlift line that joins the 900-meter-high and the 1,350-meter-high areas, where snow is guaranteed throughout the winter.

Season: From June 15th to October 5th

Phone: 54 294-4409000

Fax: 54 294-4409000, int. 118

Website: http:// www.cerro-periiomoreno.com

Cerro Catedral

Cerro Catedral was one of the first ski resorts in Argentina. Cerro Catedral has continued to gain a reputation for itself-all the while updating its facilities. The resort has 39 lifts, which allow access to 600 hectares (公顷)of skiable surface divided into 53 well-signaled runs of various difficulties.

Season: From June 18th to October 10th

Tel/Fax: 012 4672-2947/7672

Website: http:" www.catedralaltapatagonia.com

1.Which number should you call if you want to take a hot spring bath?

A.54 294-4409000 B.54 290-1499301

C.0124672-2947/7672 D.0114314-8212/9180

2.Which of the following offers the longest ski season?

A.Caviahue B.Cerro Castor

C.Perito Moreno D.Cerro Catedral

3.What's the feature of Cerro Catedral?

A.Cultural appeal. B.Beauty and comfort.

C.Advanced equipment. D.Historical significance.



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