满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It’s 1944, in occupied Paris. Four frien...

    It’s 1944, in occupied Paris. Four friends spend their days in an arrow room atop a Left Bank apartment building. The neighbors think they’re painters — a cover story to explain the chemical smell. In fact, the friends are members of a Jewish resistance cell. They’re operating a secret laboratory to make false passports for children and families about to be deported to concentration camps (集中营). The youngest member of the group, the lab’s technical director, is practically a child himself. Adolfo Kaminsky, age 18.

In the summer of 1943, he and his family were arrested and sent to Drancy, the internment camp for Jews near Paris that was the last stop before the death camps. This time, their passports saved them. Argentina’s government protested the family’s detention, so they stayed at Drancy for three months, while thousands of others were swiftly sent on to die. The Kaminskys were eventually freed, but they weren’t safe in Paris, where Jews were under constant threat of arrest.

To survive they would have to go underground. Kaminsky’s father arranged to get false papers from a Jewish resistance group, and sent Kaminsky to pick them up. When the agent told Kaminsky that they were struggling to erase a certain blue ink from the documents, he advised using lactic acid, a trick he’d learned at the dairy. It worked, and he was invited to join the resistance. Kaminsky’s cell was one of many. Historians estimated that France’s Jewish resistance networks together saved 7,000 to 10,000 children.

Kaminsky never took a penny form forging. He thought the money would ruin his belief. He made a living by taking some commercial photos. To this day, 94-year-old Kaminsky feels guilty he survived the Holocaust, in despite of the fact that his remarkable work as a forger during World War II saved the lives of thousands of Jews. “I saved lives because I can’t deal with unnecessary deaths — I just can’t. All humans are equal, whatever their origins, their beliefs, their skin color.”

1.What is the main duty of the Jewish resistance cell?

A.To provide an apartment building for painters.

B.To protect Jewish people from being killed.

C.To make fake identities for all families.

D.To train students to operate laboratories.

2.What happened to Kaminsky in 1943?

A.He was sent to a concentration camp. B.He moved to live in Argentina.

C.He was swiftly sent on to die. D.He protested his family’s detention

3.Which of the following words can best describe Kaminsky?

A.Enthusiastic and gentle. B.Expressive and humble.

C.Disciplined and modest. D.Courageous and helpful.

4.What does the story intend to tell us?

A.Don’t raise the white flag quite yet.

B.You want to get rough, we can get rough.

C.There is always a bit of light even in the darkness.

D.No-one hits the bull’s-eye with the first arrow.


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 【解析】 本文是记叙文。文章讲述了在第二次世界大战期间,Kaminsky和他的朋友们加入犹太人抵抗组织,为即将被驱逐到集中营的儿童和家庭制作假护照,以帮助他们躲避纳粹的抓捕。在此期间,犹太人抵抗组织挽救了成千上万犹太人的生命。 1.推理判断题。根据第一段中的They’re operating a secret laboratory to make false passports for children and families about to be deported to concentration camps (集中营).(他们正在运作一个秘密实验室,为即将被驱逐到集中营的儿童和家庭制造假护照)和第二段中的This time, their passports saved them.(这一次,他们的护照救了他们)可知,犹太人抵抗组织的主要职责是帮助犹太人不被杀害。故选B项。 2.细节理解题。根据第二段中的In the summer of 1943, he and his family were arrested and sent to Drancy, the internment camp for Jews near Paris that was the last stop before the death camps.(1943年夏天,他和家人被捕,被送往德兰西集中营,这是犹太人在巴黎附近的集中营,是死亡集中营的最后一站)可知,在1943年,Kaminsky和他的家人被逮捕并被送到巴黎附近犹太人的集中营。故选A项。 3.推理判断题。根据第三段中的It worked, and he was invited to join the resistance. Kaminsky’s cell was one of many. Historians estimated that France’s Jewish resistance networks together saved 7,000 to 10,000 children.(这招奏效了,他被邀请加入抵抗组织。卡明斯基的牢房只是其中之一。历史学家估计,法国的犹太抵抗组织总共拯救了7000到10000名儿童)可知,18岁的Kaminsky加入犹太人抵抗组织,说明他很有勇气;帮助孩子和他们的家人仿造假护照,挽救了他们的生命,说明他乐于帮助别人。故选D项。 4.推理判断题。本文讲述了在第二次世界大战期间,Kaminsky和他的朋友们加入犹太人抵抗组织,伪造假护照,挽救了成千上万犹太人的生命。这些犹太人抵抗组织,在黑暗时期给人们带来了生的希望,让他们在黑暗中也能看到一丝光明。故选C项。

How to become a conservation officer: Jade’s story

Part 1: Jade’s story

Hi, I’m Jade. I’m 20 years old and I’m an apprentice conservation officer.

Conservation is protecting the natural environment and trying to make it thrive and flourish as much as possible. My job really is to try and get as many people engaged in nature as possible and doing an apprenticeship like this, which is so diverse, really means that I can try every different area of this job out and see which fits me the best. And it means that I also get paid at the same time. I’ve always been a massive animal lover. I love being so close to them and observing the behaviours and I love the enthusiasm.

This job has helped me vastly from day-to-day stress and anxiety, to just general happiness, I’m in such a better place because of it. I’m working with so many amazing supportive people and I really couldn’t be happier right now!

Part 2: What to expect if you want to be a conservation officer

When Jade finishes her apprenticeship, she will be a conservation officer. A role similar to Jade’s is a countryside officer.

Countryside officer salary: £18,000 to £50,000 per year

Countryside officer working hours: 39 to 41 hours per week

Typical entry requirements: To do an advanced apprenticeship in environmental conservation like Jade’s, you’ll usually need 5 General Certificates of Secondary Education or equivalent at grades 9 to 4 (A* to C), including English and Maths. Paid or unpaid work experience can be very useful when applying for jobs. Organisations like the Conservation Volunteers, the National Trust and the Wildlife Trusts offer training for volunteers.

1.In what ways does the job help Jade?

A.By providing her with one-on-one training.

B.By improving her confidence in protecting nature.

C.By helping her relieve the pressure and stress.

D.By training her in finding different types of jobs.

2.Why does the text mention the countryside officer salary?

A.Because it can attach importance to the job.

B.Because it can call on people to apply for the job.

C.Because it can show the popularity of the job.

D.Because it can remind people to protect nature.

3.How can you become a conservation officer?

A.Grade 9 to 4 (A* to C) in English or Maths.

B.Have paid or unpaid work experience.

C.Get 5 General Certificates of Secondary Education.

D.Volunteer in organisations like the Wildlife Trusts.



假定你是李华。你校学生会决定举办迎新晚会(New Year’s Party)。请你写信给你校国际班学生Jim,邀请他参加晚会。


1. 举办晚会的目的;

2. 晚会内容;

3. 请他表演节目。


1. 词数100左右;










1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

A truck driver met with a cat lie on the road. He stopped his truck but picked it up, only to find it was serious wounded. With further examine, he found part of it, one ear gone. He put it in his truck and looked it carefully. To his relief, it returned back to health soon. Since then, a cat has been always following around. It will sit beside him when he drove a long way to deliver goods, that brings much pleasure on the dull way. I think that perhaps the cat is showing thank to the driver for saving its life in its own way.




Among all kinds of music, pop music is my favorite.1.originated (起源) in Britain and2.(perform) by such3.(artist) as the Beatles, the Rolling Stones. Abba, and so on. Pop music has an interesting development. 1960s and 1970s saw4.great number of important changes in5.(popularity) music, for example,6.(develop) of a number of new styles. I think pop music can not only help relax pressure in daily life,7.express our feeling,8.(much) easily sometimes. To my delight, pop music nowadays has deepened9.(it) to carry more meanings,10.(pay) more attention to social issues.



    I got on the bus, dirty, tired and hot after a day hard working. I_________that place every day looking like a coal mine worker._________, I still felt a bit proud of myself for holing this tiring job for 3 months. Taking my seat on the bus, I decided my_________life would not lower my spirits today.

I was dreaming about a better and new life when I was_________by our new passenger, a middle aged woman with worn out clothes and messy hair. She_________pushed her way into a front seat, and then turned her glare and_________on whoever dared to look her way.

All I could feel for this woman was_________. Only pity and the familiar knowledge of being faceless, nameless, and_________to no one. Suddenly, she loudly yelled to me, “Why you so_________man?”

With a smile I said, “I just came from work.” She then asked if I worked in hell and broke out in laughter, so I laughed too — __________her and told her that was funny. Then I asked her her name as I__________why I was so dirty. Her name was Karen.

In front of all of us on the bus that day, the power of__________showed its beauty. In front of all of us this woman__________. Her language, her posture, and her voice, even the wave she tilted (倾斜) her head when I spoke to her as a__________changed.

As Karen was getting off the bus, she touched me__________on the arm. With tear-filled eyes, she asked whether I’d be riding the bus the next day. I__________I would. We waved to each other and then I got what my life had needed all along: affirmation (认可).

An old woman on the bus spoke to me, “Sir, you just changed that woman with your heart. She will never forget how you__________her. You are great.” Other passengers gave me thumbs-up signs showing their__________.

That day was the first day when I realized I am__________. People say I gave Karen something that day but actually she__________me so much more.

1.A.left B.found C.visited D.reached

2.A.Besides B.However C.Therefore D.Otherwise

3.A.strange B.unhappy C.brave D.interesting

4.A.stopped B.recognized C.challenged D.followed

5.A.gently B.quietly C.slowly D.rudely

6.A.puzzle B.fear C.anger D.surprise

7.A.pity B.satisfaction C.disappointment D.amazement

8.A.demanding B.controlling C.mattering D.appealing

9.A.sad B.dirty C.nervous D.crazy

10.A.at B.off C.about D.with

11.A.examined B.admitted C.explained D.regretted

12.A.teamwork B.determination C.honesty D.kindness

13.A.agreed B.cheered C.hesitated D.changed

14.A.family B.stranger C.friend D.teacher

15.A.softly B.hopelessly C.patiently D.unwillingly

16.A.checked B.demanded C.promised D.begged

17.A.missed B.treated C.persuaded D.remembered

18.A.humor B.politeness C.confidence D.admiration

19.A.helped B.needed C.understood D.respected

20.A.gave B.paid C.owed D.lent



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