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Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer w...

    Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer who helped shape the course of American literature. His life was full of tragedies, but he had the great influence on the 19th-century American literature and continues to influence writers to this day.

The early life of Edgar Allan Poe was quite unhappy. Born in 1809, Poe was not yet three years old when his parents died. Adopted by a wealthy family, he got into trouble at school. He entered the United States Military Academy at West Point, but he dropped out without graduating. His misery (不幸) continued to his adult life. Later, because of a failed marriage, he suffered from mental illness. He was so upset about real life that he turned to writing. Expressing himself in an unreal and imaginary world was his only comfort.

The tragedies in Poe’s life influenced the tone, style and contents of his writing. His stories usually include death, which help build his reputation as a master of “dark” literature. In his The Tell-Tale Heart, the main character goes crazy and kills his roommate while in The Black Cat, the main character kills his cat in a fit of madness.

Poe died at the age of 40 in 1849. His life is short, but his influence is very great. Poe is credited with (被誉为) creating crime fiction, and many say he contributed greatly to the appearance of science fiction. Fascinated (着迷) by the scientific theories and new inventions of his time, he wrote about imaginary societies in the future. Writers such as Arthur Conan Doyle, the author of Sherlock Holmes, regarded Poe as the father of detective fiction. Jules Verne, a French writer who helped popularize science fiction, said Poe’s work had a direct influence on the stories he wrote.

1.Poe began to write to _________.

A.earn his living B.find comfort in writing

C.build a good reputation D.create a beautiful world

2.It can be learnt that Poe’s works often reflect ________.

A.soldiers’ life B.his own life stories

C.a sense of peace D.some political problems

3.Which can best show Poe’s influence on literature according to the last paragraph?

A.His creation of crime fiction. B.His unique writing experience.

C.His creation of scientific theories. D.His contribution to new inventions.

4.What’s the best title of the text?

A.American literature and writers B.Escape from real life and find comfort

C.Edgar Allan Poe: a misunderstood poet D.Edgar Allan Poea tragic yet talented writer


1.B 2.B 3.A 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。短文介绍了美国作家埃德加·爱伦·坡,他的一生生活悲苦,英年早逝,但他对19世纪的美国文学产生了巨大的影响,这个号影响并一直持续到今天。 1.细节理解题。根据文章第二段“He was so upset about real life that he turned to writing. Expressing himself in an unreal and imaginary world was his only comfort”可知,他对现实生活很不满,于是转向写作。 在一个虚幻的世界里表达自己是他唯一的安慰。所以埃德加·爱伦·坡开始写作是为了在文学世界里找到安慰。故选B。 2.推理判断题。根据文章第三段“The tragedies in Poe’s life influenced the tone, style and contents of his writing”可知,坡一生的悲剧影响了他的写作基调、风格和内容。由此判断出埃德加·爱伦·坡的作品反映了他自己的故事。故选B。 3.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段内容和关键句“Poe is credited with (被誉为) creating crime fiction,and many say he contributed greatly to the appearance of science fiction”可知,埃德加·爱伦·坡被誉为是侦探小说的创始人,许多人说他对科幻小说的出现做出了巨大贡献。故选A。 4.主旨大意题。根据第一段“Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer who helped shape the course of American literature. His life was full of tragedies, but he had the great influence on the 19th-century American literature and continues to influence writers to this day.”可知,埃德加·爱伦·坡是美国作家,他推动了美国文学的发展。他的一生充满了悲剧,但他对19世纪的美国文学产生了巨大的影响,并一直持续到今天。所以本文主要讲述了埃德加·爱伦·坡悲惨的人生经历及他对19世纪文学的影响。故短文的最佳标题为“埃德加·爱伦·坡:一个悲剧的天才作家”。故选D。

    Welcome to the Mercedes-Benz Museum!

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Both tours will finally take you to the innovations for the future in the “Fascination of Technology”.

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Try our own home-made museum cake or satisfy yourself with regional dishes at the restaurant — before or after your tour through the museum.

Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. — ticket desk closes at 5 p. m. Closed on Mondays.

Contact and reservations

Mercedes-Benz Classic Customer Center

Phone: +49(0)711-17 30 000

Fax: +49(0)711-17 30 400

E-mail: classic@daimler. com


Mercedes-Benz Museum, Mercedesstraße 100 70372 Stuttgart, Germany


Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a. m. to 7 p. m. Closed on Mondays.


Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Closed on Mondays.

Museum Shop

Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Closed on Mondays.

Online shopping

You can shop online in comfort 24 hours a day at www. mercedes-benz-classic. com/store

1.What can tourists do in the Mercedes-Benz Museum?

A.Experience the history on Mondays. B.Have dinner after 7 o’clock p. m.

C.Watch museum cake making. D.Enjoy an automotive collection.

2.On which level can you buy gifts?

A.Level 9. B.Level 10.

C.Level 3. D.Level 4.

3.Where does this passage most probably come from?

A.A museum guide. B.A tourist map.

C.A science textbook. D.A news report.




1. 对来信的感谢。

2. 学中文的优势

3. 对未来的希望。




Dear Alice,



Li Hua










One day, my English friend Tom and I had planned to make a dragon kite. First we find two straight stick of the same length. We tied them with a piece for string into the shape of a cross. Then we tied the four ends of the sticks together. After that, we drew a beautifully dragon on a piece of cloth, spread it, glued it around the string. At last, we stuck a tail making of paper to one of the corners and tied a long string to a centre. On the next wind day we took the kite to a hill near their house and flew it.




I’ve noticed many people having a cold, and it's not even officially fall yet. Why does the cold occur more frequently during the fall and winter 1. (month)? It’s actually not the cold weather 2. (it) that causes the cold. But rather, it is most likely to be caused by people spending 3. (much) time indoors close to each other, making the spread of germs (微生物) more readily. This is another reason 4. children in day care or school are more likely to pick up the cold.

When I worked in a doctor’s clinic a few years back, it was one of the 5. (lead) reasons to visit the doctor in fall and winter. 1 billion people suffer from the cold each year. As a result, school 6. (absent) is frequently reported, with around 22 million days annually.

How can you avoid getting a cold? Among the commonly 7. (recognize) tips, washing your hands is 8. most important one. The cold is spread either by directly touching infected (受感染的) secretions (分泌物), or by taking 9. the airborne particles (悬浮粒子). Also, cold and flu viruses get into the body via the eyes, noses, or mouth. So, 10. (try) to avoid touching your face, especially without first washing your hands.



    On a December morning in 1951, Malone left his home in downtown St. John’s in Newfoundland, to buy some butter for his mother. When he _________ the corner to Central Street, he saw _________ coming from one of his three-storey houses. A woman at its window _________, “Save the children! Save the children!” Malone _________ toward the burning house, through the front door and up a flight of _________, where he found a five-year-old girl. “I grabbed (抓住) the child,” he says, “but she _________, ‘No, no, my sister! You’ve got to get my sister!’” Malone _________ felt compelled (必须) to cross the hall and check the other bedroom. He reached under the bed and found the girl’s _________, silent three-year-old _________. As the ____________ intensified (增强), Malone carried the children safely out to the street and the waiting people. Then he ____________ pushed off — he was late for ____________ the butter for his mom!

Over the years, Malone thought about the fire and the children he had ____________ and wondered what had happened to the girls.

Malone and his wife, Liz, spent four ____________ in Ontario until last October, when they ____________ to Newfoundland. The couple settled in Conception Bay South, 30 kilometers from St. John’s, in a house ____________ the water.

Shortly after they moved in, two of their new neighbors ____________ with a housewarming ____________ —frozen cod and salt fish. Malone and Liz invited Fowler and her husband in for a ____________, which is how Malone and Fowler, who are both in their seventies, ____________ a connection.

1.A.made B.got C.turned D.cut

2.A.fog B.smoke C.steam D.water

3.A.spoke B.whistled C.whispered D.yelled

4.A.raced B.drove C.flew D.jogged

5.A.roads B.stairs C.streams D.mountains

6.A.screamed B.relieved C.complained D.interrupted

7.A.temporarily B.originally C.properly D.suddenly

8.A.disappointed B.excited C.frightened D.calmed

9.A.sister B.baby C.cousin D.neighbor

10.A.sense B.flames C.relationship D.abilities

11.A.sympathetically B.selflessly C.roughly D.regretfully

12.A.lighting up B.taking up C.holding up D.picking up

13.A.met B.rescued C.raised D.recalled

14.A.years B.stages C.decades D.months

15.A.returned B.left C.immigrated D.contributed

16.A.storing B.obtaining C.refreshing D.overlooking

17.A.stopped by B.passed by C.stood by D.put by

18.A.party B.part C.image D.gift

19.A.ball B.check C.chat D.match

20.A.lost B.discovered C.advocated D.created



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