满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Next week,strangers with a truck will ta...

    Next weekstrangers with a truck will take away everything we ownexcept the clothes on our backsthe car we will driveand as much stuff as we can pack into it

It’s called _______ Some people do it oftenFor otherslike meit’g a _______experienceIn all my adult yearsI’ve moved only three times

My first _______ and I moved into our first house with a bedour clothes and a few giftsThat was many years agoOver the yearsI _______ that house with three childrena few dogs and enough stuff to _______ the ceiling

Then the kids grew upI lost my husband to cancerand I began to learn about _______

FirstI let go of the _______ of being in contro1Life isn’t about being in charge of what  _______ it’s about being in charge of what we do with it

NextI let go of  _______ the things I care most aboutlike keeping in touch with the people that ________ the most to me

I let go of the people whose ________ are about anger or hatredand tried instead to ________ myself with those who shine with ________

FinallyI let go of being alone—I remarriedI ________ moved to a new city with my new husbandand after that move________  I’d stop collecting meaningless thingsBut 12 years laterhere I amstill learning about letting go

We’11 all move someday from this ________ to the nextbut we won’t need a truck to do itWe’ll take ________ with us and leave behind a(n) ________ of the life we livedthe mistakes we  ________  and all the love and kindness we tried to show

That memory might not be a treasurebut if we’re  ________ someone will keep it and hold it close and never let it go

1.A.moving B.changing C.losing D.missing

2.A.similar B.familiar C.rare D.valuable

3.A.son B.daughter C.husband D.wife

4.A.equipped B.filled C.involved D.provided

5.A.paint B.repair C.build D.reach

6.A.holding on B.1etting go C.giving back D.turning down

7.A.plan B.idea C.concept D.decision

8.A.devotes B.matters C.happens D.arrives

9.A.putting off B.coming across C.making out D.taking over

10.A.offer B.appear C.indicate D.mean

11.A.issues B.subjects C.1ives D.beliefs

12.A.present B.attract C.support D.surround

13.A.kindness B.patience C.fortune D.humour

14.A.naturally B.eventually C.formally D.regularly

15.A.suggested B.informed C.insisted D.promised

16.A.city B.town C.world D.country

17.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing

18.A.memory B.experience C.record D.history

19.A.completed B.made C.conducted D.forgot

20.A.optimistic B.generous C.determined D.fortunate


1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.D 11.C 12.D 13.A 14.B 15.D 16.C 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.D 【解析】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过自己搬家的经历,告诉我们一方面要善于放下,另一方面也要珍藏一些美好的回忆。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这叫做搬家。A. moving搬家;B. changing改变;C. losing失去;D. missing想念。根据下文I’ve moved only three times.可知,这叫做搬家。故A项正确。 2.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对我这样的人来说,这是一次难得的经历。A. similar相似的;B. familiar熟悉的;C. rare稀有的;D. valuable有价值的。some与others通常表示两种相反的情形,这里与上文的often相对应的是rare,故C项正确。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我和第一任丈夫搬进了我们的第一所房子,有一张床,几件衣服和几件礼物。A. son儿子;B. daughter女儿;C. husband丈夫;D. wife妻子。根据下文信息I lost my husband可知,作者和丈夫一起搬进了新家。故选C。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这几年,我在那所房子里生了三个孩子,养了几条狗,同时也添量了很多东西都罗列到挨着天花板了。 A. equipped装备;B. filled装满;C. involved涉及;D. provided提供。这里表示作者成家后生了三个小孩,养了一只狗,同时也添量了很多东西,fill...with…表示“用……装满”,是一种形象的说法。故选B。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这几年,我在那所房子里生了三个孩子,养了几条狗,同时也添量了很多东西都罗列到挨着天花板了。A. paint绘画;B. repair修理;C. build修建;D. reach到达;挨着。根据enough stuff可知,这里表示作者为家里添置的东西很多,都“挨着”天花板了,故D项正确。 6.考查动词短语辨析。句意:后来孩子们长大了,我的丈夫死于癌症,我开始学会放手。A. holding on坚持;B. letting go放手;C. giving back 归还;D. turning down关小。下文三段首句都出现了let go of可知,作者开始学会放手,let go表示“放手;放下;放弃”; 故B项正确。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:首先,我放弃了控制一切的想法。A. plan计划;B. idea想法;C. concept概念;D. decision决定。后面的being in control是一种想法,这里表示作者放弃了控制一切的想法,也就是掌控生活中所发生的一切。故选B。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:生活不在于掌控所发生的一切。A. devotes奉献;B. matters妨碍;C. happens发生;D. arrives到达。作者认为,我们不应该掌控生活中所“发生”的一切。故选C。 9.考查动词短语辨析。句意:接下来,我不再拖延我最关心的事情,比如和对我来说最重要的人保持联系。A. putting off推迟;B. coming across偶遇;C. making out理解;D. taking over接管。根据I care most about可知,作者这里表达的意思是:我们不应该一直推迟自己想做的事。故选A。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:接下来,我不再拖延我最关心的事情,比如和对我来说最重要的人保持联系。A. offer提供;B. appear出现;C. indicate表明;D. mean意味着。作者认为,我们应该跟那些对我们重要的人及时保持联系。mean much或mean a lot表示对某人来说意义非凡。故选D。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我忘记那些生活中充满愤怒和仇恨的人,取而代之的是,我试着让那些充满善意的人围绕在我身边。A. issues问题;B. subjects科目;C. 1ives生活;D. beliefs信仰。作者主张忘记那些生活中充愤怒和仇恨的人。故选C。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我忘记那些生活中充满愤怒和仇恨的人,取而代之的是,我试着让那些充满善意的人围绕在我身边。A. present提出;B. attract吸引;C. support支持;D. surround包围。instead一同暗示下文所说的是与上文相反的情况,也就是让那些热心善良的人围绕在作者身边。故选D。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我忘记那些生活中充满愤怒和仇恨的人,取而代之的是,我试着让那些热情善良的人围绕在我身边。A. kindness友好;B. patience耐心;C. fortune运气;D. humour幽默。上句说要远离充满愤怒和仇恨的人,下句建议我们接近那些热情善良的人。故选A。 14.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我最终和我的新丈夫搬到了一个新的城市,在那之后,我承诺我将停止收集毫无意义的东西。A. naturally自然地;B. eventually最终的;C. formally正式地;D. regularly定期地。作者再婚后,最终搬到了新的城市,开始了新的生活。故选B。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我最终和我的新丈夫搬到了一个新的城市,在那之后,我承诺我将停止收集毫无意义的东西。A. suggested建议;B. informed通知;C. insisted 坚持;D. promised承诺。根据stop collecting meaningless things可知,作者组建新的家后,承诺不再收集那些无意义的东西。故选D。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:总有一天,最终都要离开这个世界,到另一个世界。A. city城市;B. town城镇;C. world世界;D. country国家。根据We’ll take ___17___ with us and leave behind a(n) ___18___ of the life we lived可知,作者这里是说我们人人最终都要离开这个世界,到另一个世界。故选C。 17.考查代词辨析。句意:我们将什么也不带走,只留下一段记忆,回忆我们的生活,我们犯过错误,以及我们试图表达的爱和善意。A. something某事;B. anything任何事;C. everything 一切;D. nothing无。根据常识可知,当我们离开人世时,我们什么都带不走。故 D项正确。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们将什么也不带走,只留下一段记忆,回忆我们的生活,我们犯过错误,以及我们试图表达的爱和善意。A. memory记忆;B. experience经历;C. record记录;D. history历史。当我们离开这个世界时,给人们留下的只能是回忆。故选A。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们将什么也不带走,只留下一段记忆,回忆我们的生活,我们犯过的错误,以及我们试图表达的爱和善意。A. completed完成;B. made制造;C. conducted从事;D. forgot遗忘。我们留给世人的,还有我们所犯的错误。make a mistake是一个固定表达。故选B。 20.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那段记忆也许不是珍宝,但如果我们幸运的话,有人会将它珍藏,永不忘记。A. optimistic乐观的;B. generous慷慨的;C. determined决定了的;D. fortunate幸运的。根据someone will keep it and hold it close and never let it go.可知,作者认为,我们所留下的回忆未必珍贵,如果我们幸运的话,别人会牢牢记住这些回忆。故选D。

Apologizing the Right Way to a Friend

Why are apologies so difficult? Saying you are sorry can be one of the most difficult things you do. But we all make mistakes, so you'll probably have an occasion when you need to apologize.

Perhaps you had a big blow up and realized later you reacted poorly. 1.Whatever the reason, apologizing can help you both heal and move on from the situation.

2.First, you acknowledge that you did something wrong. With an apology, you take responsibility for your actions, which allows your friend to forgive you. Second, an apology gives you sincerity as a friend. 3., but that doesn’t mean you still shouldn’t apologize.

Now, what are elements of a proper apology? 4. ,depending on what the offense was, where it was done, and who you are apologizing to.  In general, a good apology should include the following: a request for their attention, an acknowledgment of what happened, sincerity in admitting you did something wrong and the words. "I'm sorry" or “I apologize."

Here are things never to say when apologizing. Note that the art of apologizing involves taking responsibility. Never apologize as a way to “shut someone up” when they are saying you hurt their feelings and you don’t think you did. 5.,you should talk things through with your friend until you see why they are hurt or how you came across. You'll really need to self-reflect so you can see things from your friend’s point of view.

A.When you make your apology in person

B.If you really believe you did nothing wrong

C.Apologies benefit friendships in a variety of ways

D.The way you apologize is going to be slightly different

E.Or maybe you just didn’t show support when you needed to

F.Apologizing the right way, however, may take a little practice

G.Sometimes our pals forgive us easily for the minor things we do wrong



    Over the years, cheerleading has taken two primary forms: game-time cheerleading and competitive cheerleading. Game-time cheerleaders’ main goal is to entertain the crowd and lead them with team cheers, which should not be considered a sport. However, competitive  cheerleading is more than a form of entertainment. It is really a competitive sport.

Competitive cheerleading includes lots of physical activity. The majority of the teams require a certain level of tumbling (翻腾运动) ability. It’s a very common thing for gymnasts, so it’ s easy for them to go into competitive cheerleading. Usually these cheerleaders integrate lots of their gymnastics experience including their jumps, tumbling, and overall energy. They also perform lifts and throws. This is where the “fliers” are thrown in the air, held by “bases” in different positions that require strength and working with other teammates.

Competitive cheerleading is also an activity that is governed by rules under which a winner can be declared. It is awarded points for technique, creativity and sharpness. Usually the more difficult the action is, the better the score is. That’s why cheerleaders are trying to experience great difficulty in their performance.

Besides, there is also a strict rule of time. The whole performance has to be completed in less than three minutes and fifteen seconds, during which the cheerleaders are required to stay within a certain area. Any performance beyond the limit of time is invalid.

Another reason for the fact that competitive cheerleading is one of the hardest sports is that it has more reported injuries. According to some research, competitive cheerleading is the number one cause of serious sports injuries to women. Emergency room visits for it are five times the number than for any other sport, partially because cheerleaders don’t use protective equipment. Smiling cheerleaders are thrown into the air and move down into the arms of the teammates, which may easily cause injuries. Generally, these injuries affect all areas of the body, including wrists, shoulders, ankles, head, and neck.

There can be no doubt that competitive cheerleading is a sport with professional skills. Hopefully, it will appear in the Olympics since cheerleaders are just as athletic and physically fit  as those involved in the more accepted sports. It should be noted that it is a team sport and even  the smallest mistake made by one teammate can bring the score of the entire team down. So without working together to achieve the goal, first place is out of reach.

1.What is the main purpose of competitive cheerleading?

A. To compare skills of participants.

B. To make the audience feel amused.

C. To attract more people to watch events.

D. To cheer up the competitors on the court.

2.The underlined word “integrate” in Paragraph 2 probably means “______”.

A. examine B. identify

C. combine D. replace

3.We can learn from the passage that competitive cheerleading ______.

A. lacks necessary guidelines to follow

B. enjoys greater popularity than other sports

C. requires more designed actions than gymnastics

D. has a relatively high rate of damage to the body

4.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

I: Introduction P: Point Sp: Sub-point (次要点) C: Conclusion

A.  B.

C.  D.



    The conclusion of the Paris Agreement in 2015in which almost every nation committed to reduce their carbon emissions(排放)was supposed to be a turning point in the fight against climate change.But many countries have already fallen behind their goals.Meanwhile emissions worldwide continue to rise.

The only way to catch up is to aggressively pursue an approach that takes advantage of every possible strategy to reduce emissions.Wind and solar energy are usually part of this effortbut it must also include investing heavily in carbon capture(碳捕捉)utilization(应用)and storage(CCUS)—a range of technologies that pull carbon dioxide from the airand transform it into useful materials or store it underground.Although CCUS has been opposed as too expensive and unprovedrecent gains have made it far more effective.Improvements such as chemical compounds could drive the cost down from $1 00 per ton of captured carbon in 20 16 to $ 20 per ton by 2025according to a 2016 article in Science.

Three primary CCUS paths lead to the reduction of carbon emissions:retrofitting(改装)existing power plantsreducing emissions in industries that cannot run on renewable energyand directly removing carbon from the air.Cutting emissions from existing electric power stations with CCUS could be made more appealing in a future with a circular carbon economyin which captured carbon could be resold and recycled for other uses——for instanceserving as a raw material for making concrete or plastics.

The basic idea of carbon capture has faced a lot of opposition.Skepticism has come from climate change denierswho see it as a waste of moneyand from passionate supporters of climate action, who fear that it would be used to justify continued reliance on fossil fuels.Both groups are ignoring the recent advances and the opportunity they present.By limiting investment in decarbonizationthe world will miss a major avenue for reducing emissions in a variety of industries.CCUS can also create jobs and profits from what was previously only a waste material by creating a larger economy around carbon.

The transition to clean energy has become necessary.But that transition’s ability to achieve deep decarbonization will become less effective without this wide range of solutionswhich must include CCUS.

1.What can CCUS technologies do in reducing emissions?

A.Closing down existing power plants.

B.Limiting investment in heavy industry.

C.Processing raw materials underground.

D.Turning carbon dioxide into useful materials.

2.Why is it attractive to retrofit existing power plants with CCUS?

A.It can remove carbon directly from the air.

B.It can benefit the industry economically.

C.It is the most affordable way to capture carbon.

D.It helps power plants produce concrete or plastics.

3.What can be inferred from paragraph 4?

A.Fossil fuels will be no longer used in future.

B.Investing in decarbonization is a worthwhile project.

C.Climate change deniers believe in the necessity of decarbonization.

D.Little progress has been made in the fight against carbon emissions.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Capture That Carbon B.Let Carbon Go

C.Stand Firm with Energy Protection D.Say Goodbye to Energy Crisis



    It was rush hour in the morning. Heather Sant, 36, was driving her white 2012 Mazda on the road with her nine-year-old daughter and ten-year-old son in the back. Suddenly, a red pickup truck cut them off. Sant turned the wheel hard to the right, sending the Mazda slide off the road and down an embankment(路堤) that ended in a drop-off after about 50 feet. If the car didn’t stop, it would take off and dive into the road some 20 feet below. Then a bit of luck: as the car raced toward the edge, its undercarriage got stuck, stopping it suddenly.

The people inside, however, were far from safe. The car had come to rest on top of a retaining wall(护墙), balancing on the edge of disaster. One sudden move by anyone inside could throw the car off balance and send it over. Jacob Rodriguez watched everything in terror from the nearby truck company where he works. As an experienced sailor, just like every time he met shipwreck, he whispered a sailing saying “Ship, shipmates, self”, then immediately he and four other men ran to the car. They leaped onto the trunk(后备箱) to balance the weight as the terrified kids in the back seat watched.

Meanwhile, Julio and his nephew Marco, were driving to their jobs at nearby Premier Automotive. Julio jumped out of the car to help while Marco went to the shop, grabbed a strong rope, and returned to the car. He tied the Mazda to an F-350 truck that had been driven over by one of the other rescuers. With the car secured, the group carefully opened the back doors and helped the children out. But their departure shifted the cars weight, causing it to tip forward. The men, still on the trunk, begged Sant to jump into the back seat. She did and then inched out of the back door. Finally, the men carefully got off the trunk. Everyone was safe.

“Another foot,” Rodriguez told USA Today, “and this would be a different story. ”

1.What most probably caused the traffic accident?

A.The Mazda was overloaded. B.Sant was really speeding.

C.The wheel failed to work. D.The pickup cut in abruptly.

2.Why did the men ask Sant to move to the back seat?

A.To open the back door of the car. B.To fasten the rope to the truck.

C.To keep the balance of the car. D.To help the men get off the trunk.

3.What does Rodriguez want to stress in the last paragraph?

A.The timely help offered by rescuers.

B.The excellent cooperation of all the people.

C.The dangerous position where the car stopped.

D.The serious danger the rescuers faced.

4.Which of the following statements is consistent with the theme of the passage?

A.Persistence will pay off. B.One in trouble, all to help.

C.Many hands make light work. D.Doing is better than saying.



    Ideally situated db San Antonio Hotel + Spa is only 150 meters away from the beautiful Qawra Promenade. This newly redecorated hotel offers an extensive range of modern facilities(设施), entertainment and animation programs and enjoys its own concession (特许经营权) on the nearby beach. It’s an ideal choice for those seeking to relax and enjoy the best of what Malta has to offer.


db San Antonio Hotel + Spa offers big, modern rooms all with a balcony. Interconnecting rooms and disabled access rooms are available upon request. All the guest rooms are well equipped with heating and air conditioning, a private bathroom with a hair dryer, a telephone, a satellite TV, a mini-fridge, tea and coffee making facilities, free Wi-Fi, and a ceiling fan.


2 pools — an indoor pool (with a baby pool) and an outdoor pool

A health club including the fully-equipped gym, aerobic studio, steam bath, saunas and Jacuzzi

Private underground parking

Shops, restaurants and bars (the mini bar only opens on request)

Meals & Drinks

Three meals a day, with lunch/dinner including house wine/beer, soft drinks, mineral water

Tea, coffee, soft drinks, local fruit juices, water, house beer/spirits, cocktails

Attention: Now a FREE room upgrade is provided; an upgrade is valid on inland and pool view rooms. A free upgrade to the next room category is subject to availability and can be withdrawn at any time. The offer is valid on new bookings made between 22 June and 1 July with travel dates within 1 July to 31 October (staying for a minimum of 5 nights).

1.What is one feature of the hotel?

A.Traditional. B.Disabled-friendly.

C.On the sea. D.Kid-centered.

2.What do we know about the hotel?

A.Its two pools are for adults only.

B.Its mini bar is not always in business.

C.Mineral water is served during three meals.

D.Customers cannot make coffee by themselves there.

3.Who may get a free upgraded room?

A.One who books before 22 June.

B.One who books a double room.

C.One who will stay between July 1 and 3.

D.One who stays from October 20th to 30th.



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