满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My father was raised in a fatherless hom...

    My father was raised in a fatherless home at a time when the family of five struggled to survive, which caused my father to be extremely tightfisted (吝啬)with money. When we children became __ that other children got pocket money from their parents, we made a(n) __ to ask our father for some. Immediately his face turned stone cold, and he said, "If you're old enough to ask, you're old enough to __ And we had to seek odd jobs about the neighbourhood.

He didn't __ his attitude as we grew into adulthood. There was a time when ___of us had a car, so we had to ride a __ whenever we came home. Though the bus stopped about two miles from home, Dad never met us, __ in bad weather. If someone ___(and my brothers did a lot), he'd say in his __ father-voice. “That's what your legs are __!"

One spring morning I was on the bus home from _____ . Tests and long hours in labs had ____ me exhausted. As other students were _____at their stops. I looked silently out of the window. Finally, the bus came to a ____ at my destination, and I ___, carrying my suitcase to begin the long journey home.

The row of privet hedge (树篱)came into _____, which lined the driveway that climbed the hill to our house. I stopped to put a book in the suitcase. When I stood up, I saw something gray ____ along the top of the hedge toward the house.

It was the top of my father's head. I ____ then, each time I came home, he would stand behind the hedge, watching, __ he knew I had arrived safely. I held back my tears. He did care, _____.

Upon reaching home, I found my father innocently in his chair “So! It's you!" he said, his face lengthening into surprise.

1.A.aware B.certain C.surprised D.excited

2.A.attempt B.suggestion C.trouble D.plan

3.A.spend B.earn C.survive D.raise

4.A.strengthen B.soften C.take D.show

5.A.neither B.each C.all D.none

6.A.bicycle B.car C.train D.bus

7.A.especially B.only C.even D.once

8.A.refused B.complained C.cried D.intended

9.A.strangest B.lowest C.scariest D.softest

10.A.on B.in C.by D.for

11.A.work B.home C.town D.college

12.A.led B.made C.found D.proved

13.A.treated B.received C.met D.greeted

14.A.stop B.house C.street D.corner

15.A.stepped off B.went off C.jumped on D.climbed on

16.A.mind B.view C.flower D.leaf

17.A.shining B.flying C.failing D.moving

18.A.supposed B.thought C.imagined D.realized

19.A.since B.after C.until D.though

20.A.after all B.above all C.in advance D.in total


1.A 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.D 11.D 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.A 16.B 17.D 18.D 19.C 20.A 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者的父亲一直对子女很严厉。向他要零花钱,他不给,让自己挣。长大后,作者回家,他从不出来接。有一次,作者回家时,不经意地发现了父亲的秘密。这时,作者才明白,其实父亲很关心自己,只是他有他自己关心的方式。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我们孩子们知道其他孩子从父母那里得到零钱时,我们试图向父亲要一些钱。A. aware知道的;B. certain必然的;C. surprised吃惊的;D. excited兴奋的。become aware that...知道,根据下文other children got pocket money from their parents, we made a(n) ___2___ to ask our father for some.可知,我们知道其他孩子有父母给的零花钱。故选A。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. attempt试图;B. suggestion建议;C. trouble麻烦;D. plan 计划。 根据下文ask our father for some可知,我们尝试向父亲要一些钱。make an attempt to do想做……,企图做…… ,故选A。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:你们既然长大到了想要零花钱的时候,那么你们也就足够大道能“挣钱”了。A. spend花费;B. earn挣得;C. survive幸存;D. raise抚养。由该段we had to seek odd jobs bout the neighbourhood.可推知,父亲说我们也足够大到能挣钱了。故选B。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我们长大成人后,他的态度也没有软化。A. strengthen加强;B. soften变软;C. take拿;D. show展示。根据下文 we had to ride a ___6___ whenever we came home可知,我们长大成人以后,父亲的态度还是强硬的,没有“变软”。故选B。 5.考查代词词义辨析。句意:有一段时间我们没有任有车,因此无论我们什么时候回家,我们必须乘坐公共汽车。A. neither两者都不;B. each每个;C. all所有,都;D. none没有。由so we had to ride a ___6___可知,此处是指我们当时都没车,所以选 A、D 项;再由8 空后的my brothers 可知,我们是三者以上,因此用none,不用neither。故选D 。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. bicycle自行车;B. car汽车;C. train火车;D. bus公共汽车。与该空后的bus对应。故选D。 7.考查副词词义辨析。句意:虽然公共汽车在离家大约两英里的地方停下来 ,但是甚至天气不好,父亲也从不来接我们。A. especially尤其;B. only只,只是;B. even甚至;D.once曾经。 根据上文可知,父亲对我们非常严厉,因此推断甚至不好的天气,父亲也不来接我们。故选C。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果有人抱怨,他总是用他让人害怕的父亲的声音说……。A. refused拒绝;B. complained抱怨;C. cried哭;D. intended打算。根据上文可知,父亲从不接我们,我们难免抱怨。故选B。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. strangest最奇怪的;B. lowest最低的;C. scariest引起恐惧的,怕人的;D. softest最柔弱的,最轻柔的。由文章可知,我的父亲很严厉,所以他的声音应该是让人害怕的。 故选C。 10.考查介词词义辨析。句意:你们长腿干什么用的。A. on在……上面;B. in在……里面;C. by被;D. for为了。根据上文可知,我们的抱怨走路回家,因此父亲斥责我们“长腿干什么用”,表示目的用for,故选D。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个春天的上午,我坐公共汽车从大学回家。A. work工作;B. home家;C. town城镇;D. college大学。由该空后的Tests and long hours in labs可知,应该选college大学。故填D。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:测试和数小时待在实验室里让我精疲力尽。A. led带领;B. made制作;C. found发现;D. proved证明。make me exhausted让我精疲力竭。其他选项构不成该搭配。根据常识也可推出,考试和数小时的实验室试验会让人疲惫不堪。故选B。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当其他的学生下车被“接走”时,我沉默地看着窗外。A.treat对待,招待; B. receive收到;C. meet遇见;D. greet问候。该空与上文Dad never met us中的met 对应。故选C。 14.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:最终,公共汽车停在我的目的地。A. stop停下;B. house房子;C. street街道;D. corner角落。由下文at my destination可知,公共汽车在我的目的地停下来。 come to a stop停下。故选A。 15.考查动词词组辨析。句意:我下了车,提着我的手提箱开始回家的长途旅行。A. stepped off 下车;B. went off离开C. jumped on跳上D. climbed on爬上,到了目的地,自然我要下车。故选A。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一排女贞树篱映入眼帘,这排树篱排列在爬上山就能到我家的车道两边。A. mind思想;B. view观点;C. flower花;D. leaf树叶。 come into view被看见;come into mind记起,想起。走在路上,我看到路两边的女贞树篱。故选B。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我站起来时,我看到一个黑影沿着树篱回了家。A. shining闪烁;B. flying飞;C. failing失败;D. moving移动。根据下文It was the top of my father's head.可知,这个黑影是父亲,因此父亲沿着树篱向家走去。故选D。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我“意识到”每次我回家时,他就会站在树篱后一直看到我平安抵达。A. supposed认为;B. thought想;C. imagined想象;D. realized意识到。根据上文可知,我在回家的路上看到了父亲,这让我意识到父亲每次回家都会站在树篱后面看着我。故选D。 19.考查连词词义辨析。句意同上。A. since自;从B. after在……后面,C. until直到;D. though虽然。由上题可知,选until直到。父亲看着我直到我平安到家。故选C。 20.考查固定短语辨析。句意:毕竟,父亲还是很在意我们的。 A. after all毕竟,别忘了;B. above all最重要的是;C. in advance提前;D. in total全部,一共。根据上文可知,父亲每次都会躲在树篱后面看着我直到我平安到家,因此推断,毕竟父亲也是在乎我们的。故选A。

Although the main characters in the fiction are so true to life, they are certainly ______.

A.false B.visible C.familiar D.imaginary



—Sid is never happy when he has nothing to do.

―I know. ______.

A.He has good taste B.He has done very well

C.It really bothers him D.It's none of his business



Charlie's wheelchair ______ out of power. He drove it into my office and looked for a place to charge it.

A.run B.have run C.had run D.was running



Chinese students overseas are encouraged to return, ______ they honestly fill out medical forms and strictly follow the quarantine rules.

A.though B.as long as C.unless D.the moment



There are over 50,000 signs in modern Chinese but luckily, Chinese children ______ learn all of them for everyday purpose.

A.needn't B.mustn't C.can't D.won't



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