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Questions are based on the following pas...

Questions are based on the following passage.


A.They support various living creatures. B.They reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

C.They bring about huge economic benefits. D.They protect the coast against melting ice.

2.A.Australia B.Canada. C.America. D.China.


A.Tourism will face strong decline

B.Beach losses are causing climate change

C.Half of the world's sandy beaches could disappear.

D.Beaches play an important part in the ecosystem


1.A 2.A 3.C 【解析】 【原文】 A new study says up to one-half of the world’s sandy beaches could disappear by 2100 because of climate change. Australia, Canada, Chile, Mexico, China and the United States would be among the hardest hit, the research shows. The study was published in the journal Nature Climate Change. Michalis Vousdoukas was the lead investigator. Touristic areas which have sandy beaches as their main selling point will probably face strong consequences,” he said. Aside from economic value, beaches play an important environmental role. Sandy beaches are important habitats supporting a wide range of species. They also protect the coast from the effects of storms, so without sandy beaches other inland environments can be affected by the effects of waves and saltwater intrusion,” Vousdoukas added. Global sea levels have increased in recent decades. Major causes include melting ice. And water expands as it warms. Researchers examined satellite images showing shoreline changes during the past thirty years. They then used these trends in two different climate change situations. One situation predicted a small reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. The other situation predicted high greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas emissions have a link to climate change. By 2050, the researchers projected beach losses of between 13 and 15 percent. By 2100, the projected losses are from 35 to 49.5 percent. Australia would lose more sandy shoreline than any other country, with 14,849 kilometers projected to be gone by 2100. Canada is second in projected losses. The United States could lose up to 5,530 kilometers. Questions: Why are sandy beaches important to the environment? Which country will suffer the most according to the research? What is the passage mainly about?

Questions are based on the following passage.


A.Boston Cooking School B.Toll House Inn.

C.A chocolate company. D.Nestle's branch


A.Mix smashed chocolate with other ingredients and baked it.

B.Cover the surface of the cookies with melted chocolate.

C.Spread butter on semi-sweet chocolate desserts.

D.Shape melted chocolate into thick pieces.


A.She kept it as a secret. B.She sold it to Nestle.

C.She applied for a patent D.She shared it publicly.



A.The woman is too busy to go to the dinner.

B.The woman will definitely go to the dinner.

C.The woman will probably decline the invitation.

D.The woman is asking about the time for the dinner.



A.The woman is teaching the man how to cook.

B.There is nothing the man can do to cook the dish.

C.The cookbook contains difficult instructions to follow.

D.The man is good at following what is said in the cookbook.



A.Applying to Harvard will be fun B.He is confident of getting into Harvard

C.He has no choice but to apply to Harvard. D.The woman can get the man into Harvard



A.He's not going to cook his own dinner B.He plans to do the same as his brother.

C.He loves the dinner his brother cooks. D.He wants to take on his own responsibility.



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