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Questions are based on the following pas...

Questions are based on the following passage.

1.A.London. B.Barcelona. C.Madrid. D.Iceland


A.She was scheduled to meet more customers in other cities.

B.Her ship was delayed by the wind blowing southwards.

C.Clouds of volcano ash threatened passengers' health.

D.Volcanic eruption caused her flight to be cancelled.


A.She tried various means of transport except the coach.

B.She had a tough journey back home with many transfers.

C.She enjoyed the lovely scenery in various cities in Spain.

D.She managed to book a ticket with the British airline at last.


A.He paid little attention to the news media.

B.He didn't care about meaningless pastimes.

C.He was out of employment for too long.

D.He was too busy to make preparations for it.


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 【解析】 【原文】 M: Hi, Mary. I haven’t seen you for ages. Where have you been? W: Hello, Ken. I’ve been on a business trip in Madrid, where I had a conference on behalf of our company’s London headquarters with some Spanish customers. M: But the conference was over a week ago. What kept you there all this time? W: Because of the volcano, Ken. Don’t you ever watch the news? M: What volcano? W: The one in Iceland, which erupted and produced an enormous cloud of ash. M: Really? I didn’t know. But it was the volcano instead of you that was in Iceland. How come the volcanic eruption there affected the transportation system in Spain and the UK? W: Although Madrid is about 3,000 kilometres south of Iceland, the wind blew the ash from the volcano south from Iceland into Britain. Since all the airports were closed in case of the potential risks to aircraft, there were no flights in or out of the UK. M: So, how did you finally get home? W: Well, I went from Madrid to Barcelona by train. Then, I made contact with one of our company’s branches there. After that, I tried to buy a train ticket from Barcelona to Paris but there were no tickets on the Eurostar train from Paris to London. So, I had no alternative but to stay in Barcelona. M: I’ve been to Barcelona. It struck me as a lovely city indeed. W: Fortunately, I got a ticket on a boat from Bilbao to Southampton with the help of some local colleagues. I got a coach from Barcelona to Bilbao and then boarded the boat. M: Wow. And all because of this volcano. It seems strange that I’ve never heard of the eruption. W: You really should read a newspaper or watch the TV news frequently, Ken. M: I know, but I’m so busy these days that I can’t afford to waste any of my leisure time on such meaningless pastimes. W: As far as I know, you’re unemployed. M: Well, I’ve got a job interview next week. The Times newspaper has offered several vacancies for journalists. W: I’m sorry, Ken, but I don’t think you’re going to get the job. Questions: Where did the woman meet with her customers? Why did the woman stay there longer than planned? What do you learn about the woman’s trip? Why did the woman think the man would fail his job interview?

Questions are based on the following passage.


A.They support various living creatures. B.They reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

C.They bring about huge economic benefits. D.They protect the coast against melting ice.

2.A.Australia B.Canada. C.America. D.China.


A.Tourism will face strong decline

B.Beach losses are causing climate change

C.Half of the world's sandy beaches could disappear.

D.Beaches play an important part in the ecosystem



Questions are based on the following passage.


A.Boston Cooking School B.Toll House Inn.

C.A chocolate company. D.Nestle's branch


A.Mix smashed chocolate with other ingredients and baked it.

B.Cover the surface of the cookies with melted chocolate.

C.Spread butter on semi-sweet chocolate desserts.

D.Shape melted chocolate into thick pieces.


A.She kept it as a secret. B.She sold it to Nestle.

C.She applied for a patent D.She shared it publicly.



A.The woman is too busy to go to the dinner.

B.The woman will definitely go to the dinner.

C.The woman will probably decline the invitation.

D.The woman is asking about the time for the dinner.



A.The woman is teaching the man how to cook.

B.There is nothing the man can do to cook the dish.

C.The cookbook contains difficult instructions to follow.

D.The man is good at following what is said in the cookbook.



A.Applying to Harvard will be fun B.He is confident of getting into Harvard

C.He has no choice but to apply to Harvard. D.The woman can get the man into Harvard



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