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Reading books and looking at pictures is...

    Reading books and looking at pictures is great, but nothing facilitates learning like travel, especially for teenagers. Not only do they get to see a world beyond their neighborhood, they also get to experience it — feel it, taste it, hear it, and better understand the world around them.

After nearly four decades in the classroom and traveling the world, Phyllis Duvall Bailey knew this perhaps better than anyone else. Becoming involved with the work in AKA Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. In US, she worked to educate children about the United Nations. There was no doubt in Bailey’s mind that the lesson would mean so much if the students could see things for themselves.

Starting in 2015, Bailey, 82, set out to take her students to the UN Headquarters in New York City to give them a “Window Seat to the World”, and thus transform them into global citizens. Indeed, it is a great opportunity to give students national and international exposure. Since Bailey saw the students as future leaders, she was desperate to expose them to the UN, its mission, its agendas and its supporting organizations. She decided to give $ 10,000 (70,720 yuan) of her own money to pay for the late June trip, enough to take 10 students ages 14-17 on a four-night stay in New York. There, they had guided tours of the UN Headquarters and the New York City harbor.

It was Quenyaun Payne’s first trip to the city and Taylor Sappington’s second. Payne, 17, is a senior at McEachern High School in the state of Georgia, US. Sappington, 15, is a junior at Therrell High School in Atlanta, Georgia, US. Both said their visit to the UN was inspiring.

“I liked how countries are not only working together, but also they’re focused on common goals like global warming and keeping the peace.” Sappington said.

Payne commented, “The trip was amazing. I’m so thankful Mrs. Bailey made it possible.”

Actually, there are a lot of people grateful for the retired teacher’s effort. The United Nations Association of Atlanta recently gave Bailey its Humanitarian Award, and the United Nations Association of the US awarded her with the National Education Award. But Bailey didn’t looking for recognition or even gratitude. Over those four days in New York, we’d already felt it, seen it in the eyes of those IQ teenagers. Payne and Sappinton felt grateful to him, who made the trip.

Bailey said, “It was a real joy to get to see and watch their reaction to new experiences.”

1.What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.The benefit of traveling.

B.The good reading habit.

C.The new teaching method.

D.The thing teenagers like.

2.How did Bailey help students?

A.She paid for trips that helped students see the world.

B.She offered students volunteer opportunities at the UN.

C.She taught students life-long learning skills.

D.She paid for them to go to school.

3.What can we know from Sappington’s words?

A.He wants to visit New York City again.

B.He found the trip to the UN beneficial.

C.He would like to contribute to global affairs.

D.He is determined to work for the UN in the future.

4.What would Bailey probably agree with?

A.Winning an award motivates her to work hard.

B.Classroom teaching is better for students’ development.

C.Students today are not willing to sock new experiences.

D.Students’ gains are more important than the recognition of her efforts.


1.A 2.A 3.B 4.D 【解析】 本文是一篇新闻报道。读书和看图是很好的,但是没有什么比旅行更能促进学习,尤其是对青少年来说。他们不仅可以看到社区之外的世界,还可以体验它——感受它、品尝它、倾听它,并更好地了解周围的世界。菲利斯·杜瓦尔·贝利老师通过给学生们付费旅行来帮助他们了解世界。 1.词义猜测题。根据第一段中的Reading books and looking at pictures is great, but nothing facilitates learning like travel, especially for teenagers. (读书和看图片是很好的,但是没有什么比旅行更能促进学习,尤其是对青少年来说)及划线词所在句After nearly four decades in the classroom and traveling the world, Phyllis Duvall Bailey knew this perhaps better than anyone else.(菲利斯·杜瓦尔·贝利在教室里呆了近40年,周游世界,她比任何人都清楚这一点)可推知,划线词this指的是旅行的好处。故选A。 2.细节理解题。根据第三段中的She decided to give $ 10,000 (70,720 yuan) of her own money to pay for the late June trip, enough to take 10 students ages 14-17 on a four-night stay in New York. (她决定自己拿出1万美元(70720元人民币)来支付6月底的旅行费用,这笔钱足够10名14至17岁的学生在纽约住4个晚上)可知,她通过给学生们付费旅行来帮助他们了解世界。故选A。 3.推理判断题。根据第四段“I liked how countries are not only working together, but also they’re focused on common goals like global warming and keeping the peace.” Sappington said.(“我喜欢这些国家不仅一起努力,而且专注于全球变暖和维护和平等共同目标。”Sappington说)可知,Sappington觉得去联合国的旅行是有益的。故选B。 4.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的But Bailey didn’t looking for recognition or even gratitude. (但是贝利并没有寻求认可或感激)及最后一段Bailey said, “It was a real joy to get to see and watch their reaction to new experiences.”(贝利说:“看到并观察他们对新体验的反应是一种真正的快乐。”)可知,贝利极可能认同“学生的收获比认可她的努力更重要”学。故选D。

    In no particular order, here are some songs on the Music app of my phone:

On a Sunday Afternoon by Lighter Shade of Brown—A student of mine introduced this rap song lo me all the way back in the early 1990s, when 1 was teaching Spanish at a local university. The story in the song takes place not too far from where I live in Los Angeles. It’s a good “driving” song, nothing complicated or “deep”.

Say Something by A Great Big World—A more recent song about a couple losing contact with each other. The piano part is very little playing but beautiful.

American Pie by Don McLean—Another song from my youth in the 80s, very popular with almost every American of my generation. It retells some of the key events of the middle 20th century, a song of happy memories of the past and wanting to return to those better times.

The Weight by The Band—Another old song, originally made public in 1968, but one I didn’t hear until I was in high school more than 10 years later. I don’t understand the words to the song completely, but the feeling of the song is very comforting to me.

Under the Bridge by Red Hot Chili Peppers—This Los Angeles group wrote a song that 1 used to listen to when I first moved to LA more than 25 years ago. I didn’t know anyone here when I first arrived. When I got bored, I used to drive up and down the major streets that cross the city from east to west, listening to this song about the “city of angel” being as “lonely as I am. (Don t worry! I have plenty of friends now.)

1.What does the underlined word “deep” probably mean?

A.with skill B.with comfort

C.with a normal meaning D.with a significant meaning

2.When did the author probably hear the Weight by The Band?

A.In 1968. B.In 1970.

C.in the 1980s. D.in the 1990s.

3.When the author first moved to LA, the first song he heard was       .

A.Say Something B.American Pie

C.The Weight D.Under the Bridge



Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.


A. 直播课并且有师生互动    B. 录播课并且之后有师生互动时间

C. 直播课但无师生互动     D. 录播课且之后也无师生互动时间


直播课:live streaming lesson   录播课: prerecorded lesson


1. 简要描述该图标;

2. 谈谈你的看法




Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1.该论文声称,独处能够让我们更好地进行自我反思。(It ...)






4.互联网教育资源丰富,爱学习的人可以获得各种免费课程,足不出户、学遍天下。(So ...)




Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Britain’s Buses are Getting Emptier

In Britain, buses account for more public - transport trips than trains, tubes and trams put together. People love them, in theory: one poll by Transport Focus, a consumer group, found that 74% of young people think they are a good way of getting around and 85% believe it is important for a place to have a good bus service. There is just one problem. In practice, Britions are taking buses less and less.

Why are London buses emptier? One thing that has changed is young people’s behavior. The young are heavy bus users when they travel. But, increasingly, they do not travel. According to Transport for London, the average 17 - to 24-year-old took 2.3 transport trips per day in the year 2011- 12 but only 1.7 in 2018 - 19. The National Travel Survey confirms that no group has cut back harder on travel since the early 2000s than teenagers. Young people are more diligent these days, and stay in school for longer. They can do the things that young people love to do on their phones, without going out.

The other big bus users are the poor and the old, especially outside London, but both are turning away from buses to cars. Lower lending standards have made cars easier to acquire; a fuel-tax freeze and fuel - saving engines make them cheaper to run. Cars are ever more comfortable and easier to operate, with parking-assist technology and lane-drifting alerts to help starters. Outside London, the average free bus pass was used 90 times in the year 2010-11 but only 74 times in 2018-19, according to the Department for Transport.

Finally there is the gig economy(零工经济). Online shopping and Uber probably substitute of bus trips as well as private car journeys. And they put new vehicles on the roads, which slows everything down. The number of light-goods vehicles in London has risen by 28% since 2012. Tony Travers of the London School of Economics points out that bus speeds have fallen slightly in the capital, even though private cars have almost been cleared up from the city center. The average London bus now travels at 9.3 miles per hour. Just as people become less inclined to run after buses, they are becoming easier to catch.




Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

How the British and American Tell Children’s Stories

If Harry Potter and Huckleberry Finn were each to represent British versus American children’s literature, a curious situation would emerge : In a literary competition for the hearts and minds of children, one is a wizard(巫师)- in - training at a boarding school in the Scottish Highlands, while the other is a barefoot boy drifting down the Mississippi, bothered by cheats, slave hunters, and thieves. One defeats evil with a magic stick, the other takes to a raft()to right a social wrong. 1.

The small island of Great Britain is an unquestionably powerhouse of children’s bestsellers: Alice in Wonderland, Harry Potter, and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Significantly, all are fantasies. 2. Stories like The Call of the Wild. Charlotte’s Web, Little Women, and the Adventures of Tom Sawyer are more notable for their realistic portraits of day-to-day life in the towns and farmlands on the growing frontier. If British children gathered in the dim light of the kitchen fireplace to hear stories about magic swords and talking bears, American children sat at their mother’s knee listening tales with moral messages about a world where life was hard, obedience emphasized, and Christian morality valued. Each style has its virtues, but the British approach undoubtedly creates the kinds of stories that appeal to the furthest reaches of children’s imagination.

3. For one, the British have always been in touch with their pagan(异教徒的)folk traditions and stories, says Maria Tatar, a Harvard professor of children’s literature. After all, the country’s very origin story is about a young king tutored by a wizard. Legends have always been accepted as history, from Merlin to Macbeth. “Even as the British were digging into these magical worlds, Americans, much more realistic, always viewed their soil as something to exploit,” says Tatar.

American write fantasies too, but nothing like the British, says Jerry Griswold, a San Diego State University professor of children’s literature. He said, “4.” To prove it, he mentioned Dorothy, the heroine of Wizard of Oz(绿野仙踪)who unmasks the great and powerful Wizard as a cheat. Meanwhile, American fantasies differ in another way: They usually end with a moral lesson learned - for example, in Oz, Dorothy’s journey ends with the realization: “There’s no place like home.”

A.It all goes back to each country’s distinct cultural heritage.

B.American stories are rooted in realism; even our fantasies are rooted in realism.

C.Both boys are characterized by their unique roles, thus breathing life into the fancy stories.

D.Meanwhile, the United States, also a major player in children’s classics, deals much less in magic.

E.Britain’s time-honored countryside, with ancient castles and restful farms, lends itself to fairy-tale invention.

F.Both orphans took over the world of children’s literature, but their stories unfold in noticeable different ways.



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