满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

用单词适当形式完成下面句子 1.The school has decided t...


1.The school has decided to adopt a different________(方法)to solving discipline problems.

2.The doctor signed the paper to donate his organs without______________(犹豫).

3.Much to her__________(尴尬),she realized that everybody had been listening to her singing.

4.They all feel like_____________(做贡献)to the family business.

5.Losing your job doesn't have to be such a_____________(灾难).

6.Economy is___________(逐渐)being restored despite the COVID-19 epidemic.

7.She never______________(抱怨)when she worked in the company.

8.It can be_________(有益处的)to share your feelings with someone you trust.

9.No matter what the season is,it’s__________(极其)important to wear sunglasses.

10.Miss Parrish recently placed an_________________(广告)in the local newspaper.


1.approach 2.hesitation 3.embarrassment 4.contributing 5.disaster 6.gradually 7.complained 8.beneficial 9.extremely 10.advertisement 【解析】 考查正确地使用单词完成句子。 1.考查名词。句意:学校已经决定采用另一种方法来解决纪律问题。an approach to doing:做……的方法。故填approach。 2.考查名词。句意:医生签署文件毫不犹豫地捐献了自己的器官。without hesitation :毫不犹豫地。故填hesitation。 3.考查名词。句意:使她很尴尬的是,她意识到每个人都在听她的歌声。to + one’s +情感名词:令某人……的是,使某人感到……的是。embarrassment:尴尬,这个结构中的名词不能使用复数形式。故填embarrassment。 4.考查动名词。句意:他们都想为家族企业做贡献。feel like+doing意为“想做……”。做贡献: contribute。故填contributing。 5.考查名词。句意:丢掉工作不一定是一场灾难。灾难:disaster。前面有冠词a,它不需要使用复数形式。故填disaster。 6.考查副词。句意:尽管发生了新型冠状病毒引发的肺炎疫情,但经济正在逐步恢复。逐渐地:gradually。副词在句子中作状语修饰谓语动词。故填gradually。 7.考查动词和时态。句意:她在公司工作时从未抱怨过。抱怨:complain。由worked可知,主句的谓语动词应该使用一般过去时。故填complained。 8.考查形容词。句意:与你信任的人分享你的感受是有益的。有益的:beneficial,它在句子中作表语。故填beneficial。 9.考查副词。句意:无论什么季节,戴墨镜都非常重要。极其:extremely。它在句子中作状语修饰important。故填extremely。 10.考查名词。句意:Parrish女士最近在当地报纸上刊登了广告。广告:advertisement。前面有冠词an,它不需要使用复数形式。故填advertisement。


A public park is a place 1.people can go to spend time away from the home in an outdoor environment. Parks have many features which are designed 2.give)the  most choices possible to park visitors. How to develop parks 3.dependent)greatly on their natural environment. It may not only be made up 4.grassy areas, rocks, soil, and trees, but also contain buildings. Many parks have fields for playing sports such as football and baseball. Many parks have trails for walking, biking, and other activities. Often, the smallest parks are in urban(城市的)areas. Urban parks often have benches 5.sitting, and may contain picnic tables and barbecue grills(烧烤架).

Additionally, many parks attract 6. (enthusiasm) visitors by providing places for recreation and events. Many parks have been holding outdoor concerts where visitors can enjoy live entertainment 7. they first appeared. Parks are 8. (tradition) selected to host traveling carnival shows. Sometimes parks are divided into active and passive recreation areas. Active recreation contains team activity, 9.include)playgrounds, ball fields, swimming pools, gyms, and skate parks. Passive recreation considers the 10.protect) of natural habitat(栖息地).



    There are a thousand heroes in a thousand people’s eyes. In my view, a hero is someone who goes out of his way to make others ___________.

When I was 12 years old, my grandparents passed away. I was really close to them, and ___________ them was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to go through. I couldn’t eat, sleep, or think; I felt like I couldn’t even _________. It was as if my whole world had fallen down from under me, and I ___________ into this huge hole of depression.

___________ I was batting depression, I was determined to make my high school years the best of my life. It was _______________ to be happy, but I had to try. It was then that I decided to join Women’s Choir. Mr. Wright was the choral director who was so funny that I knew I had made the best _________ of my life. As the year progressed, I began to smile again.

Then one day that all ___________. My friends or those that I thought were my friends—started talking about me behind my back. I was ___________, siting by myself. Mr. Wright came over and asked what was wrong. The look in his eyes told me that I could ____________ him. Trying hard to ____________ back tears, I told him the whole story.

“If you never learn anything from me, learn this: No one is worth ____________ your joy.” What Mr. Wright said really ____________ a chord(心弦) in my heart. He ______________ cared about me and what was going on. I’m really grateful, because he not only saved me but has ______________ my life ever since. Whenever I feel like giving up, I remember Mr. Wright’s words and ____________. Eventually, I beat my depression and now enjoy being in the best choir at my school.

Mr. Wright is a(n) ____________ to me and everyone he meets. He cares about every single person who walks through, his door, and he loves what he does ____________ any other teacher I’ve known. That’s why he __________ to be Educator of the Year. He is worthy of the ______________ not just this year but every year.

1.A.brave B.happy C.ambitious D.secure

2.A.missing B.seeking C.losing D.protecting

3.A.breathe B.sing C.accelerate D.escape

4.A.looked B.broke C.fell D.turned

5.A.If B.Once C.Because D.Although

6.A.important B.challenging C.shameful D.amazing

7.A.suggestion B.decision C.preparation D.offer

8.A.happened B.changed C.appeared D.stayed

9.A.refused B.forgotten C.hurt D.trapped

10.A.trust B.impress C.respect D.satisfy

11.A.win B.fight C.take D.call

12.A.stealing B.sharing C.hiding D.feeling

13.A.braked B.struck C.played D.shook

14.A.cheerfully B.rarely C.exactly D.truly

15.A.explored B.substituted C.understood D.shaped

16.A.give away B.stand out C.push forward D.break away

17.A.teacher B.friend C.hero D.assistant

18.A.more than B.rather than C.regardless of D.instead of

19.A.attempts B.deserves C.pretends D.declines

20.A.title B.job C.help D.effort



根据 Great Expectations,从每题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

1.Which of the following did Magwitch believe in?

A.Honesty is the most valuable quality.

B.Friendship is necessary in one’s life.

C.Money can make a gentleman.

D.Family are the most important.

2.Why did Pip feel embarrassed when Joe paid a visit to him in London?

A.Because Joe didn’t inform him of the visit in advance.

B.Because Pip looked down on Joe after he moved to London.

C.Because Joe’s clothes were shabby and he didn’t bring any gift.

D.Because Pip had planned to visit a friend and Joe’s visit ruined it.

3.Why did Estella warn Pip repeatedly that she had no heart?

A.Because Miss Havisham raised her in this way.

B.Because she loved Pip and was afraid of hurting him.

C.Because she was honest and didn’t want to lie to Pip.

D.Because she was hurt by someone and decided to revenge (复仇).

4.Joe can be best described as      .

A.confident and kind

B.ambitious and kind

C.hardworking and warm-hearted

D.confident and hardworking301

5.Which can best describe the change of Pip in the whole story?

A.lazyambitious—- vain (爱虚荣的)一self-abased (自卑的)

B.vainambitious self- abased gentlemanly

C.self- abased ambitiousvaingentlemanly

D.kind vainself-abasedambitious



Be at your best!

What does your brain need to work well? Here are some things it needs.

Good food

Experts say that breakfast is much more important than any other meal. 1.. So don’t miss breakfast — especially before an exam! But you need to eat a good breakfast — junk food won’t work.

A regular supply of energy

Your brain needs a regular supply of energy, so you need to eat carbohydrates. They’re found in bread, rice, pasta and beans. 2.. They work more quickly than bread and rice, so they give you a short burst (爆发) of energy, but afterwards you feel more tired.

A continuous supply of oxygen (氧气)

Your brain needs oxygen, which it gets from exercise. 3.. You also need a good supply of iron because iron helps your blood to carry oxygen round your body.


4.. Not getting enough water will stop your brain from working well. And remember, water isn’t as expensive as sweet drinks!


Your brain needs several hours’ sleep, so it can ‘update’ itself, just like a computer. Experts say that when you study for a test or an exam, you should get some sleep as quickly as possible after you’ve finished studying. This helps you to remember what you’ve learnt.

A.A short break

B.A good night’s sleep

C.It works best in the morning

D.Exercise improves your memory too

E.Water is much better than sweet drinks

F.Your brain works better when you have eaten

G.Chocolate, biscuits and sweets are not good for your brain



Living life to its fullest

On the night of August 24, 2001, everything changed when my friend's car hit a wall with me inside. I lost most of my right leg, and I was left bleeding with several broken bones. At the hospital, although my body was weak, my mind was still very clear. I just kept telling myself to hold on. A week later, I made a deal with the doctors that once I could roll onto my side, I could leave. Two weeks later, I was allowed to go home.

Although I left the hospital, the fight was far from over. My left knee was badly injured, which resulted in different operations over the next few years.

And soon, more of my right leg had to be removed. This made it harder to wear my false leg, so I donated it to a nurse who couldn't afford one for herself. The joy of being able to provide this gift for someone else was greater than the happiness I felt on any day I was able to wear it myself.

People often tell me they're proud of me for staying strong. But in my mind, staying strong has always been my only choice. So, on the day I left the hospital, I made a promise to myself to always live life to the fullest. Now, I may not be able to do things the way everybody else does them, but still, I always find a way to do them. I soon settled into everyday life again, until one day I realized I wasn't living my life as fully as I wanted to.

After 13 years of thinking that I was confident, I had an unfamiliar feeling sweep over me. For the first time in my life, I was not only confident but I wanted to help those around me.

In 2014, I even started modeling. My dream is that one day a little girl will see me in a magazine and say, “Wow, she's beautiful, and she only has one leg. I could do that too someday, even though I have a disability.” My dream is simple: to inspire every man, woman, and child into knowing and believing that they are beautiful just the way they are.

1.How did the author feel after the car accident?

A.She complained that life was unfair to her.

B.She was unable to accept the loss of her leg.

C.She kept a positive attitude toward life.

D.She felt lucky that she was still alive.

2.Why did the author feel happy in Paragraph 3?

A.She was able to offer help to others.

B.She could wear her false leg again.

C.She had lived her life to the fullest.

D.She could do everyday things the same as everybody else.

3.Why did the author begin modeling in 2014?

A.She wanted to be a famous magazine star.

B.She wanted to encourage others to be confident about themselves.

C.She wanted to challenge herself to be a speaker.

D.She wanted to prove that disabled people could also succeed.

4.What was the author's main purpose in writing the article?

A.To stress the importance of having a dream.

B.To show how difficult the life is for disabled people.

C.To inspire others by sharing her past experiences.

D.To give advice to disabled people on how to make a living.



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