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阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 The Lo...

阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The London Underground is the oldest underground network in the world. It normally 1.(operate) between 5 am and midnight. Some lines stay open throughout the night on special 2.(occasion), like New Year’s Eve. The London Underground stations can get very 3.(crowd) during the weekday rush hours. Over the decades the London Underground stations have been modernized. In the past few years, many 4.(equip) with Wi-Fi access to make passengers’ journeys as comfortable as possible. 5. well-known symbol of the London Underground, a red circle with a blue bar, was created at the 6.(begin) of the 20th century and has not changed much since then. Some of the London Underground stations are buildings 7. have special architectural values. Many original stations have been restored 8. they look similar to the way they did over a century ago.

With so many people 9.(use) it every day, the London Underground faces environmental problems. Because the water level of the Thames is on the rise 10.(constant), thousands of cubic meters of water must be pumped out of the underground stations every day.


1.operates 2.occasions 3.crowded 4.have been equipped 5.The 6.beginning 7.which / that 8.and 9.using 10.constantly 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了世界上最古老的地铁网络——伦敦地铁的历史、发展及面临的问题。 1.考查时态和主谓一致。句意:它通常在凌晨5点到午夜之间运行。此处operate作不及物动词,表示“运转”,陈述的是客观事实,用一般现在时,主语为It,谓语动词用第三人称单数,故填operates。 2.考查名词的数。句意:在特殊情况下,比如新年前夜,一些线路会通宵营运。occasion是可数名词,此处用复数表泛指,on special occasions表示“在特殊情况下”,故填occasions。 3.考查形容词。句意:在工作日的高峰时间,伦敦地铁站会非常拥挤。作系动词get的表语用形容词,根据during the weekday rush hours可知,此处表示“拥挤的”,故填crowded。 4.考查时态语态。句意:在过去的几年里,很多地铁(线路)都安装了Wi-Fi,让乘客的旅途尽可能的舒适。时间状语“In the past few years”表明用现在完成时,many与equip之间是被动关系,所以用现在完成时的被动语态,主语是复数,谓语动词也随之用复数形式,故填have been equipped。 5.考查定冠词。句意:伦敦地铁的著名标志是一个有蓝条的红圈,设计于20世纪初,从那时起就没有什么变化。symbol是可数名词,需要用冠词修饰,根据“a red circle with a blue bar”可知,此处用定冠词表特指,故填The。 6.考查名词。句意同上,作介词at的宾语用名词,at the beginning of表示“在……的开始”,故填beginning。 7.考查定语从句。句意:伦敦的一些地铁站具有特殊的建筑价值。此处为定语从句,关系词指代先行词buildings,并在从句中作主语,故填which / that。 8.考查连词。句意:许多原始的车站已经修复,它们看起来和一个多世纪以前的样子很相似。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少连词,根据句意可知前后是顺承关系,故填and。 9.考查with的复合结构。句意:由于每天都有那么多人使用它,伦敦地铁面临着环境问题。此处为“with+宾语+宾补”的复合结构,people与use之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,表示主动,而且动作正在进行,用现在分词作宾语补足语,故填using。 10.考查副词。句意:由于泰晤士河的水位不断上涨,每天必须从地铁站抽出数千立方米的水。修饰介词短语on the rise用副词,故填constantly。

    I was in a big hurry today, I had to be somewhere before noon and the traffic was terrible. As I was making my way through the traffic, I saw an old man standing on one leg and trying to _______ to the passing cars, with the _______ that one of them would stop. No one stopped. He looked very sweaty and I felt so _______ that he had to stand like that in the terrible _______. I decided to help him. As soon as I _______ him, I put my hazard lights on and pulled over. He was _______ to see a woman, and hesitated to come into my car.

I called out to him, “Why don’t you get inside. It’s so hot for you.”

He _______ seemed a little shocked but he opened the door and got into the seat, I _______ the air conditioning for him and then we started our _______.

He kept thanking me and blessing me all the way. He was a ________ army officer and he said he had been ________ for over three hours.

I thanked him for his blessings and asked him where I should drop him off. He said, “I am sure you are a busy lady, ________ let me get down here. It will be ________ for me to get a taxi in this area.” I ________ him a taxi and he got down to bid me good bye, thanking me and blessing me again.

I then rushed on to where I had to be. As soon as I got in, I got a ________ from my husband saying his company had ________ a big contract. This was a very big ________ because my husband’s company was brand new. I was so happy. I ________ that I had done one small kind thing and ________ we had got so much.

I took my husband shopping that day to ________. My husband has asked me to buy something to someone to share some of our good luck.

1.A.reply B.point C.gesture D.come

2.A.mistake B.disappointment C.anger D.hope

3.A.amusing B.normal C.sorry D.embarrassing

4.A.clothes B.heat C.coldness D.smoke

5.A.left B.called C.directed D.approached

6.A.surprised B.proud C.depressed D.funny

7.A.only B.still C.also D.never

8.A.bought B.repaired C.showed D.adjusted

9.A.interview B.journey C.lecture D.work

10.A.present B.lazy C.retired D.future

11.A.speaking B.quarrelling C.waiting D.sitting

12.A.so B.but C.if D.because

13.A.necessary B.easy C.unfair D.silly

14.A.refused B.promised C.drove D.found

15.A.notice B.call C.bless D.invitation

16.A.won B.met C.lost D.prepared

17.A.damage B.error C.achievement D.discovery

18.A.regretted B.joked C.complained D.hoped

19.A.in return B.in total C.on purpose D.in short

20.A.research B.escape C.save D.celebrate



How to Have a Good Weekend

People are pretty stressed out. 1.. Below are some relaxation tips and a few hints on how to have a good weekend.

2.. The rules for phone use over the weekend can be helpful. Maybe check your phone for texts or emails only once an hour, instead of all the time. Or turn off push notifications(通知) on your phone when you’re not working. If you want to be really daring, try leaving your phone at home during certain weekend activities, or even leaving it on airplane mode during brunch or a hang with friends.

Try treating your weekend like a mini-vacation. 3.. People who do this stay in bed a little longer, or hug their special someone a little more, or spend a little more time eating and less time on housework and job responsibilities. The weekend-as-vacation mindset helps you be more connected to the present moment.

Beat the “Sunday fears” by planning something fun. A lot of us fall into the trap of saving weekend work we have to complete for Sunday evening, which means the last part of our weekends can be pretty stressful and feel a lot like, well, Monday. To avoid those “Sunday fears,” maybe get those few hours of work done at some other point during the weekend, so that the last thing you do during your weekend can be something actually fun. 4..

Focus on making new memories, rather than just discussing the workweek again. We should stop viewing it as opportunities to talk about old days, but instead as opportunities to make new memories and learn things about the people you care about that you didn’t know before. Ask questions that go beyond “how was your week?” Maybe ask your friends to tell you a memory of their first date, 5., or what superhero they’d be and why. Anything is Ok but work.

A.Use your phone as you like

B.This actually changes our behaviors

C.Take some time away from your phone

D.or you quitted the job last week and why

E.But they don’t know how to relax themselves

F.It will make the start of the next week much better

G.or the story of their favorite song and why they love it



    With the arrival of the ABC(AI, big data, and cloud computing) era, AI is seemingly leading innovation(创新) trends. It’s believed that with the increasing application of deep learning algorithms(计算程序), AI will play a growing role in assisting human beings to complete various tasks in a range of fields.

Domestic internet giant Baidu recently announced that its public welfare Baidu Artificial Intelligence People Searching program successfully reunited more than 10, 000 lost people with their families over the past three years, which is a good example of how technology benefits people. Baidu launched this project using its artificial intelligence(AI) face-recognition technology.

Zhu Guang, senior vice president of Baidu, said, “Baidu has opened up a lot of data processing capabilities in such aspects as voice, picture, video, and natural language processing, which are all beneficial.”

And in cooperation with the Ministry of Civil Affairs(民政部) and nongovernmental organizations, Baidu’s system matches the photographs provided by seekers with those in the population database to achieve highly efficient search results.

After going through 200 million face-training sample photos, Baidu’s AI-based face-recognition technology has achieved a recognition accuracy rate of as high as 99.7 percent. It also supports across-age image comparisons, thus helping parents find their lost children after several years on the basis of their childhood photos.

Many parents whose children were lost at a young age have only their childhood photographs, making the search difficult as features change once a child grows up. But many such lost people have been reunited with their families as AI’s face-recognition technology can match an adult with his/her childhood photograph.

Baidu said it will further improve its program by deepening cooperation with the Ministry of Civil Affairs to cover all the 2,068 grassroots rescue centers, and expand the program to help more people.

This innovative new technology realizes the true goal of technological progress: to make people’s lives better. Applying AI technology for public welfare not only helps people in need, but also improves efficiency and saves costs. It is also a good way for enterprises to demonstrate their corporate social responsibility and contribute to society. It is hoped that more high-tech companies will innovatively apply their technologies to help the public.

1.The first paragraph is mainly to tell us ________.

A.the influence of ABC

B.the importance of AI technology

C.the trend of technology innovation

D.the wide use of Al face-recognition

2.What can we learn about AI face-recognition from text?

A.Its efficiency of search results is not satisfactory.

B.Its accuracy rate greatly needs improving.

C.It has trouble finding lost families only using childhood photos.

D.It’ll help find more children with the support from government.

3.From the passage, we know technological progress is intended to ________.

A.help people accomplish complicated tasks

B.prove the companies’ devotion to society

C.get people to lead a better life

D.offer assistance to the disabled

4.In a newspaper, this text may appear in the section of ________.

A.Science B.Health

C.People D.Lifestyle



    Over the past ten years, stand-up comedy(独角喜剧) clubs have become common on college campuses in America. The culture of stand-up has gotten a lot of media attention. These clubs allow students to explore their abilities and develop interests beyond their field of study.

They give funny speeches, tell jokes and make humorous body movements. Their humor entertains and helps ease the stress of crowds of busy, young people. However, club member Ariella Shua says comedy is serious work. She says she has become a better observer of what is going on around her ever since. She does not go anywhere without bringing something on which she can take notes. Students write all their own materials. Then, in weekly club meetings, they try out that material to see what works and what doesn’t. So, it starts as an individual project for themselves and becomes a group effort.

Last year, Harry Kuperstein joined the club and discovered it was a natural fit. Noticing the funny qualities of different situations improved his way of looking at the world. Becoming an active member also helped him work on the future skills he will need as a medical doctor. It helps him talk to patients as a doctor and make him a better public speaker.

Despite the group meetings, rewrites and rehearsals, some ideas just are not funny. Club member Benjamin Monteagudo said performing in front of a group of students does not mean comedians will not receive strong criticism. Last year, they came up with an idea to keep the audience involved and get their opinions.

They called it “Tomato Show”, where if they were performing very badly on stage, they just let the audience throw tomatoes at them to kind of roll with the joke. So, they spent their entire budget on a big box of 300 soft tomatoes. They gave them to the audience, and it was the best show ever.

1.Ariella Shua thinks comedy is serious work because it ________.

A.has to be approved by all of the members

B.takes much time and is boring sometimes

C.requires her to take a lot of notes

D.needs personal efforts and teamwork

2.What does the underlined phrase “a natural fit” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.convenient. B.suitable.

C.funny. D.attractive.

3.Why is Tomato Show a great success?

A.It allowed audience to participate and respond.

B.Comedians avoided receiving strong criticism.

C.Club members were very skilled in acting.

D.The performance itself was very humorous.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.The rise and fall of stand-up comedy clubs.

B.The influence of stand-up comedy clubs.

C.The popularity of stand-up comedy clubs.

D.The future of stand-up comedy clubs.



    Guana was born from a family with 7 children. His parents had two jobs to make ends meet and struggled to pay for basic expenses. Guana was once a cleaner at a school but now he is a superintendent(教育学监), leading the Byron Union School District in rural northern California.

Guana always remembers when he wanted to give up, someone would encourage him. One was the cleaner at his school when he was a boy. He called her “Nike” because she wore Nike shoes. Guana wanted those kinds of shoes, too, but his parents could not afford them. Young Gauna liked how Nike made everything so clean. He told her he wanted to be a cleaner, too. Nike said, “it’s good if you want to be a cleaner, but make sure that you go to college and make this as one of your steps there.”

Guana also looked up to the principal(校长), the leader at his school. He was a tall, friendly and good-looking man. He told Guana about his job helping students and teachers. And he said, “Well if you don’t give up, you’ll get there.” Guana did get there, and two men remain friends. But before Guana became a school principal, he followed in Nike’s footsteps and become a cleaner. He worked for three schools in Lodi, California, which helped him earn the money needed for his first two years of college. He earned a high-level university education and gained a doctor’s degree. Then he worked as a campus safety officer, teacher, counselor, administrator, and now superintendent.

Even though Guana has had a successful career, he never forgets where he came from, or how he felt. He uses his life experiences to guide him as a leader.

For example, Guana’s younger sister needs a wheelchair to get around. To this day, her disability helps him as a school administrator to help and support special children. In Guana’s school system today, everyone is important and invited to parties and events.

1.What made Guana have the idea to become a cleaner?

A.He appreciated Nike’s excellent cleaning work.

B.He wanted to buy Nike shoes with his efforts.

C.He planned to work to support his poor family.

D.He was eager to earn money to go to college.

2.What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A.How Guana overcame the difficulties.

B.How Guana received the doctor’s degree.

C.How Guana became a leader from a cleaner.

D.How Guana got help from the previous principal.

3.Why did the author mention Guana’s sister in the last paragraph?

A.To tell us that Guana was a kind and considerate man.

B.To encourage us to help those in need like Guana.

C.To inform us that Guana’s sister had such a difficult life.

D.To show Guana’s experiences were beneficial to his success.

4.What can we learn from the text?

A.Strike while the iron is hot. B.Where there is a will, there is a way.

C.A friend in need is a friend indeed. D.Great minds think alike.



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