满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was Christmastime, and I had promised...

    It was Christmastime, and I had promised my son a bicycle. But life’s little catastrophes had __ my bike savings again and again. I stood at the bicycle display and my heart __ .

But, ___, there must be one that I could afford. I walked back and forth in front of the ___, as if I could will one into _____. “Please God,” I prayed silently. “I promised him a bicycle.”

I stopped and stared as the truth became __: there was not a single bike within my _____ .

A man walked up beside me and was excited about making his __. He wanted to know which one I was getting. I pointed to a green one, my son’s favorite color and explained to him the promise and my __ .

He stared at it for a moment and then said to me, “I’ll carry this to the __ for you.”

“I can’t!” I said. “I don’t have enough money.”

“I know,” he said,  “I’m _____ it for you.”

“What? You can5t get this for me.”

He __ me and walked to the checkout line and paid.

“Now which way to your car?” he asked, walking out of store.

A million concerns as to his motives _____through my head, but I walked to my car, full of ____ and gratitude.

He ____ the big box into the trunk. Then he turned to me, said, “Merry Christmas!” and quickly disappeared in the parking lot.

I ____ the generosity of that man’s deed in my heart, and over the years tried to be ___ to what I could do for others.

Fifteen years later, in that same store I heard a __ woman in the next line whispering that she couldn’t ____ what she needed for her unborn baby. I __ and said to myself “I’m on it, God!”

1.A.lost B.claimed C.deposited D.wasted

2.A.failed B.hammered C.beat D.sank

3.A.surely B.fortunately C.surprisingly D.eventually

4.A.car B.counter C.display D.store

5.A.existence B.life C.practice D.power

6.A.specific B.obvious C.complex D.unbelievable

7.A.budget B.sight C.income D.authority

8.A.collection B.selection C.achievement D.movement

9.A.dream B.schedule C.dilemma D.option

10.A.garage B.exit C.entrance D.register

11.A.fetching B.getting C.carrying D.wrapping

12.A.observed B.escaped C.ignored D.teased

13.A.raced B.lived C.jumped D.saw

14.A.regret B.panic C.disbelief D.sympathy

15.A.threw B.folded C.separated D.slid

16.A.planted B.showed C.rewarded D.measured

17.A.reduced B.allergic C.superior D.sensitive

18.A.working B.pregnant C.wealthy D.greedy

19.A.charge B.choose C.afford D.move

20.A.sighed B.hesitated C.waited D.smiled


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.C 15.D 16.A 17.D 18.B 19.C 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者本答应给他儿子买辆自行车,后又因为各种原因买不起。在车展上碰见一个好心人替作者买下车送给他儿子的故事。最终作者也用同样的善意行为,在有人需要帮助之时伸出援助之手。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:生活中的一些小灾难一遍又一遍的向我索取买自行车的存款。A. 迷失;B.声称、索取;C. 存放、储存;D. 浪费。生活中的这些小灾难总是需要作者拿钱解决。故选B项。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我站在自行车展上,我的整个心都凉了。A. 失败;B.捶打;C. 打败;D. 沉陷,下沉,心凉。在自行车展上,作者发现他买不起车、所以感觉心都凉了。故选D项。 3.考查副词词义辨析。句意:但一定有一辆是我能买得起的。A. 一定;B.幸运地;C. 令人惊讶地;D. 最终、最后。根据“ there must be one that I could afford.”可知,作者非常地确信。故选A项。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我在展览上来来回回的走动,好像我能找到一辆。A. 车;B. 柜台;C.展览;D. 商店。根据上文“I stood at the bicycle display”可知、作者在展览会上来回走动。故选C项。 5.考查名词短语。句意:我在展览上来来回回的走动,好像我能找到存在的那一辆。into existence存在。故选A项。 6.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当事实变得很明显时,我停下来并且凝视着:没有一辆车是在我的预算之内的。A. 具体的;B. 明显的;C. 复杂的;D. 难以置信的。分号后面的句子告诉我们车的价格都超出了作者的预算。所以事实很明显。故选B项。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:没有一辆车是在我的预算之内的。A. 预算;B. 视野;C. 收入;D. 权威、权利、当局。根据上文提到过的“我身上发生的一些小事情总是不断地花费我的存款”,可知,作者身上的钱不够,预算不足。故选A项。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我旁边的一个男士的对于他的选择很兴奋。A. 收集;B. 挑选、选择;C. 成就;D. 运动、活动。根据后文的“他问了我买了哪一辆车”可推出:那位男士在挑选了自己的车子后才问到了我。故选B项。 9.考查名词词义辨析,句意:我指了一辆绿色的车子,是我儿子最喜欢的颜色并且和他讲了我的承诺以及我的困境。A. 梦想;B. 安排、日程表;C. 困境、窘境;D. 选择。根据后文可知,那个男士在听了我话后决定帮我买下那辆车。可知作者向那个男士说的他的困境。故选C项。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他看了那辆车一会后说:“我会拿着它为你做个登记”。A. 车库;B. 出口;C. 入口;D. 登记。根据后文作者说,他没有足够的钱买下。可知是将车拿去做登记准备买下。故选D项。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我知道”,他说,“我会为你将它买下来。”A. 取……;B. 买,获取;C. 携带;D. 包装、裹住。故选B项。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他忽略了我,走去排队结账。A. 观察、遵守、庆祝;B. 逃跑;C. 忽视、忽略;D. 戏弄。上文作者让这个男士不需要为他买下车,但此处这个男士又去排队结账。说明他忽略了作者所说的。故选C项。 13.考查动词短语辨析。句意:许多关于他动机的担心快速的经过我的大脑,但是我还是走向了我的车,充满难以置信和感激。A. race through匆忙地做;B. live through度过、经受住;C. 从……跳过去;D. see through识破、看穿。故选A项。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:许多关于他动机的担心快速的经过我的大脑,但是我还是走向了我的车,充满难以置信和感激。A. 后悔、遗憾;B. 恐慌、惊慌;C. 怀疑、不相信;D. 同情心。作者对于一个陌生人帮他付钱买车是有点不相信的。故选C项。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他把一个包装盒放进了我的卡车里。A. 扔;B. 折叠;C. 分离、分开;D. 滑、放。故选D项。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我将那个男士所做的慷慨之事牢记心中,且多年来我尽力对我能帮助之事保持敏锐。A. 种植;B. 体现;C. 奖励;D. 衡量。作者在此表示牢记那个男士对其帮助,将这件事种植于心中。故选A项。 17.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:且多年来我尽力对我能帮助之事保持敏锐。A. 减少的、缩减的;B. 对……过敏的;C. 优秀的、出众的;D. 敏感的、敏锐的。作者向那位男士学习,对他可帮助之人尽心尽力。故选D项。 18.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:15年后在同样一家店,我听到了一位怀孕的女士小声的说,她没办法为她未出生的孩子买下所需的。A. 有工作的、能运转的;B. 怀孕的;C. 富有的;D. 贪婪的。根据后文作者的“she needed for her unborn baby”可知、这位女士怀孕了。故选B项。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:15年后在同样一家店,我听到了一位怀孕的女士小声的说,她没办法为她未出生的孩子买下所需的。A. 负责、指控、充电、收费;B. 选择;C. 支付、购买;D. 搬动、移动。根据后文“I smiled and said to myself “I’m on it, God! ”可知,作者准备出手帮忙。可说明她支付不起。故选C项。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我面带微笑并且对自己说“上帝、我准备帮忙了!”。A. 叹气;B. 犹豫;C. 等待;D. 微笑。根据句意,作者做了帮助他人的准备。故选D项。

—Sony, I’m having a headache today and....

—____; I know you just don’t want to accompany me to the ball.

A.Don’t give me that B.Don’t mention it.

C.Don’t take it for granted D.Don’t get me wrong



______others feel impossibility, Chinese people have learned to look for new opportunity.

A.Why B.Where C.Until D.Unless



Old people really enjoy the speed ____their messages get sent and answered after learning how to use WeChat.

A.that B.where C.at which D.in which



A global concert One World: Together at Home ____many international musicians was held on April 18 in support of health workers.

A.featured B.featuring C.to feature D.having featured



After over two months of lockdown, taxi drivers in Wuhan say they are____ even when caught in traffic jams.

A.over the moon B.under a cloud

C.white as a sheet D.green with envy



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