满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.What is the man main...


1.What is the man mainly talking about?

A.Silences. B.Japanese culture. C.Interesting facts.

2.How does the woman feel in the end?

A.Annoyed. B.Satisfied. C.Curious.


1.A 2.A 【解析】 【原文】 M: You know what I like about you? We can just sit here, and enjoy each other's company. We don't need to fill every moment talking. Right? W: Well, I usually don't talk much when I’m studying. M: Do you know that in Japanese culture, they feel strange when no one is talking? So they laugh instead. W: Interesting. M: I mean, here are times when it isn’t polite to talk, or not to talk. But you know you really have a connection with someone when you just… get it. W: Mm... М: Весаuѕе thеrе аrе tіmеѕ whеn... W: Cameron! I'm studying!

What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Husband and wife. B.Salesman and customer. C.Interviewer and interviewee.



How has the bar changed?

A.It is cleaner.

B.It has new owners.

C.It doesn’t serve sunflower seeds.



How many pieces will the man eat?

A.Six. B.Four. C.Two.



Where does the conversation take place?

A.At a shop. B.At a restaurant. C.At a concert.



What does the man want to do?

A.Watch films. B.Visit his brother. C.Have dinner with the woman.



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