满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.What will the woman ...


1.What will the woman do?

A.See a doctor. B.Post some letters. C.Withdraw some money.

2.Where is the doctor’s office?

A.Near the bank. B.Near the post office. C.Near the supermarket.

3.What is the woman happy about?

A.Going downtown. B.Finishing some tasks. C.Spending time with the man.


1.B 2.B 3.B 【解析】 【原文】 W: I need to do some things around town today. Would you like to go with me? M: Sure. I don't have anything else to do today. What are we going to do? W: Well... I need to go to the bank and put some money into my bank account. Then I need to stop by the post office and mail some letters. Finally, I need to go shopping at the supermarket for a few things. M: Okay. I can help you with all of that. Can we also go to the doctor's office? I need to pick up my medicine. W: No problem. The doctor's office is just five minutes’ walk from the post office. Maybe we can also stop and eat lunch together at a restaurant downtown. There's a new Mexican restaurant that I think you would like. M: That sounds great! I'm happy to be able to spend the day with you. And I love going downtown no matter what we do. W: Thanks. I'm just happy to be able to cross a few things off my to-do list.


1.What does the woman plan to do?

A.Rent an apartment.

B.Have a business meeting.

C.Meet her wedding organizer.

2.How late will the woman be for her appointment?

A.Five minutes. B.Ten minutes. C.At least fifteen minutes.




1.What is the man mainly talking about?

A.Silences. B.Japanese culture. C.Interesting facts.

2.How does the woman feel in the end?

A.Annoyed. B.Satisfied. C.Curious.



What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Husband and wife. B.Salesman and customer. C.Interviewer and interviewee.



How has the bar changed?

A.It is cleaner.

B.It has new owners.

C.It doesn’t serve sunflower seeds.



How many pieces will the man eat?

A.Six. B.Four. C.Two.



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