满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Mark is leaving, and I’m feeling kind of...

    Mark is leaving, and I’m feeling kind of sad. He’s been the heart and soul of the office for a couple of years, _____ good professional skills with a sweet and ______ personality.

And now he’s moving on to an exciting new professional ______. It sounds like it could be the chance of a lifetime, and we’re ______ pleased for him. But that doesn’t make it any ______ to say goodbye to a dear friend and trusted ______.

Life has a way of throwing these curve (曲线) balls ______ us. Just when we start to get ______ with a person, a place or a situation, something comes along to change the recipe.

Our ability to cope with ______ determines happiness in life. But how do we do that? A friend of mine reminds us that “survivability depends upon ______.” And then there’s Chris the California surfer, who once told me that the answer to life’s problems can be summed up in four words: “Go with the flow.”

I think life is a series of ______ - both good and bad. No matter how excellent your organizational skills, there will always be life-influencing factors over which you have no ________. The truly successful person is prepared to ______ adjustments should the need arise.

That doesn’t mean you don’t keep trying to make all your ______ come true. It just means when things come up that aren’t ______ in your plan, you work around them - and then you move on.

“Change, indeed, is painful, ______ ever needful.” said philosopher Thomas Carlyle. “And if memory has its force and worth, so has hope.” We’re going to ________ Mark. But rather than stay on the ______ of our parting, we’ll focus on our hopes for a brighter future - for him, and for us. And then we’ll go out and ______ everything we can to make that future happen ______ our plans change again.

1.A.associating B.comparing C.combining D.replacing

2.A.fragile B.gentle C.special D.split

3.A.separation B.destination C.expectation D.opportunity

4.A.sincerely B.ridiculously C.absolutely D.secretly

5.A.nobler B.ruder C.easier D.fairer

6.A.colleague B.roommate C.teacher D.leader

7.A.on B.with C.in D.at

8.A.autonomous B.sunburnt C.comfortable D.dynamic

9.A.change B.challenge C.choice D.chance

10.A.adaptability B.confidence C.accommodation D.competence

11.A.accidents B.barriers C.events D.records

12.A.control B.access C.advantage D.priority

13.A.take B.make C.get D.have

14.A.decisions B.promises C.dreams D.solutions

15.A.mostly B.accidentally C.eventually D.exactly

16.A.yet B.also C.even D.still

17.A.assist B.accompany C.miss D.forgive

18.A.complaint B.attention C.sadness D.sympathy

19.A.do B.demand C.face D.seize

20.A.if B.until C.when D.after


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.A 11.C 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.D 16.A 17.C 18.C 19.A 20.B 【解析】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,作者的朋友Mark要离开到一个新的工作岗位,说明人生中会出现不断的变化,我们要适应这样的变化。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:几年来,他一直是办公室的核心人物,既有良好的专业技能,又有和蔼可亲的性格。A. associating联合;B. comparing比较;C. combining结合;D. replacing替换。根据professional sills with a sweet nature.可知,Mark具有专业技能与和蔼的性格,二者兼具。故选C。 2.考查形容词词义辨析。句意见上。A. fragile易碎的;B. gentle温和的,有礼貌的;C. special特别的;D. split劈开的。根据下文同事们对他的留恋不舍可知,他有温和的性格,故选B。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在他又有了一个新的职业机会。A. separation分离;B. destination目的地,目标;C. expectation期待;D. opportunity机会。由上文可知,Mark离职了,现在又有了一个新的职业机会,故选D。 4.考查副词词义辨析。句意:听起来这是一个千载难逢的机会,我们由衷地为他感到高兴。A. sincerely真诚地,由衷地;B. ridiculously可笑地;C. absolutely绝对地;D. secretly秘密地。同事们都为他由衷高兴。故选A。 5.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但这并不会让你更容易与亲爱的朋友和值得信赖的同事说再见。A. nobler更高尚;B. ruder更粗鲁;C. easier更容易;D. fairer更公平。朋友和同事们都对他由衷祝贺,并且难以说再见,故选C。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意见上。A. colleague同事;B. roommate室友;C. teacher老师;D. leader领导。好朋友和信任的同事们对他难分难舍,故选A。 7.考查介词搭配。句意:生活总有办法把这些曲线球扔给我们。throw sth. at sb.为固定搭配,意为“向某人扔某物”,这里指生活总是带给我们一些变故,故选D。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我们开始适应一个人、一个地方或一种情况时,就会有一些事情发生改变。A. autonomous自发的;B. sunburnt晒黑的;C. comfortable舒适的,放松的;D. dynamic动态的,有活力的。这里指人们熟悉了周围的人和事,感到放松。故选C。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们应对变化的能力决定了生活中的幸福。A. change变化;B. challenge挑战;C. choice选择;D. chance机会。根据上文中Just when we start to get ___8___ with a person, a place or a situation, something comes along to change the recipe.可知,此处意为 “应对这种变化(change)”,故选A。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的一个朋友提醒我们,生存取决于适应性。A. adaptability适应性;B. confidence信心;C. accommodation膳宿;D. competence能力。根据上一句Our ability to cope with ___9___ determines happiness in life.可知我们应对变化的能力决定了生活中的幸福,也即“对于生存的适应性(adaptability)”决定了“生存能力(survivability)”。故选A。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我认为生活是一系列的事件——好的和坏的。A. accidents事故,突发状况;B. barriers障碍;C. events事件;D. records记录。生活是由一系列的 “事件(events)”构成,故选C。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:不管你的组织能力有多好,总会有一些你无法控制的影响生活的因素。A. control控制;B. access接近,使用;C. advantage优势;D. priority优先权。生活中总会有无法控制的因素,故选A。 13.考查动词短语搭配。句意:真正成功的人准备在需要的时候做出调整。make adjustments意为“做出调整”,为习惯搭配,故选B。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这并不意味着你不需要一直努力去实现你的梦想。A. decisions决定;B. promises承诺;C. dreams梦想;D. solutions解决方案。“使梦想成真”故选C。 15.考查副词词义辨析。句意:这只是说,当你的计划之外的事情发生时,你会绕开它们,然后继续前进。A. mostly大部分地;B. accidentally偶然地;C. eventually最后;D. exactly正是,恰好地。这里指的是事情没有恰好按你的计划发生,故选D。 16.考查副词词义辨析。句意:改变确实是痛苦的,但永远是必要的。A. yet但;B. also也;C. even甚至;D. still仍然。根据句意可知,painful和needful之间为转折关系,故选A。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们会想念马克的。A. assist帮助;B. accompany陪伴;C. miss思念;D. forgive原谅。Mark的离开会让大家思念,故选C。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是,与其停留在离别的悲伤中,我们还不如把注意力集中在对更光明的未来的希望上——为他,也为我们自己。A. complaint抱怨;B. attention注意;C. sadness悲伤;D. sympathy同情。根据上下文逻辑可知,与其停留在离别的悲伤(sadness)中,不如集中精力面对未来,故选C。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后,我们将走出去,尽我们所能使未来成为现实,直到我们的计划再次改变。A. do做;B. demand需求;C. face面对;D. seize抓住。为了使未来成为现实,我们应该尽其所能做任何事情,故选A。 20.考查连词用法。句意见上。A. if如果;B. until直到;C. when当……时候;D. after在……之后。根据句意逻辑可知,我们要全力以赴,直到我们的计划再次改变,故选B。

How to Excel in Poetry Writing

If you are serious about your poetry, then you should consider the suggestions presented here.

1. Many poets have also used these tips to make poetry publishing possible in their life.

Write Every Day. It is important that all writers write every day. 2.You should remove all distractions so that you can be focused during this time. Many writers will set realistic goals for themselves as to how many words they will write each day or at least a specific amount of time when they have to write. You don’t have to write about anything specific as long as you are writing something.

Join a Writing Group. You can fine-tune your craft even more by joining a writing group or community. 38. 3. There are thousands of writing communities that you can join. You should get involved in writers’ discussions and should trade your work with other writers for review and critique. By doing this you will receive valuable feedback and will also learn a lot by reviewing the work of other writers.

Challenge Yourself. One of the best things that you can do and that can actually help you greatly with poetry publishing, is taking part in contests that are designed for novice poets. 4. You can easily find these contests online and can commit yourself to taking part in them.

Most of these contests have a strict structure and rules that must be followed.  A challenge like this is a great way to truly push yourself as a writer. 5.Some contests offer cash prizes while others offer publication of the winning pieces of poetry in the contest.

A.With the use of the Internet this is an easy task.

B.Many of these poetry contests even offer prizes!

C.You can turn to others for help in writing poems.

D.Read your poetry after finishing it in no time.

E.Set aside a specific amount of time for writing.

F.These ideas have assisted many writers in getting serious about writing.

G.There are thousands of poetry contests conducted every year.



    I recently came in contact with celebrity magazines. My family isn’t one to give money for pictures of skinny, drunk celebrities with paragraphs about their relationships and shopping cart times. Thus, I was excited to finally get a chance to read about other people’s attractive yet troubled lives.

Right away I noticed how each magazine seemed to be a copy of the other. They had headlines and pictures that were almost the same. Still, the pictures of perfectly constructed faces with cute designers outfits going on with their daily lives made me read on.

Wait, celebrities taking their dogs for walk? Spending an afternoon at a park? All of these things seemed so ordinary—things my own family and I do together often. I suddenly realized how unextraordinary the people in these magazines were. They are simply normal people who happen to have a cool job and much money. For some reason, pictures of them doing things like buying milk at the store appeal to millions of readers. Then, when these regular people mess up, their mistakes is painted onto hundreds of newspapers and internet sites.

What if every time we made a mistake, it was made public? Have you ever failed a test? Imagine seeing pictures of you on the front of a newspaper with headlines like, “Regular Schooling Isn’t Enough”. You’d be embarrassed. Now, I’m not necessarily taking the celebrity’s side. I’m more realizing the fact that these people we were crazy about are just ordinary human beings with many photographs following them around. Role models? I’d think not. Personally, I’d rather look up to people in any community who have accomplished a lot instead of an ordinary person walking his dog in Berverly Hills.

1.What do we know about the author’s family?

A.They admire celebrities very much.

B.They often buy celebrity magazines.

C.They are not interested in celebrities.

D.They are curious about the life of celebrities.

2.What does the author think of celebrities?

A.They live happy life.

B.They seldom do usual things.

C.They deserve people’s admiration.

D.They are just ordinary people like us.

3.Who is most likely to be the author’s role model?

A.Celebrities who live ordinary live.

B.Common people who do great things.

C.Extraordinary people who accomplish a lot.

D.People who make great contributions to communities.

4.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A.To describe the actual life of celebrities.

B.To ask us to be realistic about other’s mistakes.

C.To show people’s different attitudes towards celebrities.

D.To advise us to have a right attitude towards celebrities.



    If you live in Shanghai, you might have to take a "lesson" in sorting garbage, as the city recently introduced new garbage-sorting regulations. It’s now required that people should sort garbage into four categories, namely recyclable, harmful, dry and wet waste. However, if people fail to sort their garbage properly, they can be fined up to 200 yuan. More cities are introducing similar regulations, following the practice in Shanghai. By the end of 2020, garbage-sorting systems will have been built in 46 major Chinese cities, including Beijing and Shenzhen, reported People’s Daily.

According to a study by the Policy Research Center for Environment and Economy, under the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, over 90 percent of the public believe that garbage sorting is important for the protection of the environment. However, garbage sorting is still a big problem in China. Only 30 percent of participants said they think they are adequately sorting their trash, the study noted.

According to Xinhua News Agency, it’s partly because many people lack the willingness to sort their own waste. In the past, some previous garbage regulations didn’t give clear fines for people who failed to sort garbage. "It’s a must to have a legal guarantee to promote garbage sorting." Liu Jianguo, a professor from Tsinghua University, told China Daily. He also added "the importance of the new regulations in Shanghai is to change the past voluntary action into compulsory action for everyone"

Aside from China, many other foreign countries have also introduced garbage-sorting regulations. In Japan, waste sorting has become a basic survival skill, reported Xinhua. There is a fixed time for disposal of each kind of garbage and littering can result in high fines and even jail time. In Germany too, people are asked to sort waste into specific categories, reported HuffPost. For example, in Berlin, people have yellow bins for plastic and metals and blue bins for paper and cardboard.

1.What can we learn from paragraph 1?

A.Poisonous waste belongs to four categories in sorting.

B.People will be fined not less than 200 yuan.

C.All the cities use the same regulations as Shanghai.

D.Shanghai works as a pioneer in garbage sorting.

2.Which statement is true according to the passage?

A.Garbage-sorting system have been built in 46 major cities.

B.Not all the public attach importance to garbage sorting.

C.People aren’t fined clearly if they fail to sort garbage now.

D.People may be put in prison because of littering in Germany.

3.What can be inferred from Liu Jianguo’s words?

A.He thinks highly of the legal regulations in garbage sorting.

B.The sorting action should be changed from compulsory to voluntary.

C.Legal guarantee is a must to promote garbage sorting.

D.There is a growing concern over garbage sorting worldwide.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.Shanghai Puts Garbage-sorting Into Practice

B.Regulations Are of Great Importance

C.Garbage Is Hard to Recycle Appropriately

D.Cities Get Serious About Waste



Women are friendlyBut men are more competitiveWhy? Researchers have found it's all down to the hormone oxytocin (荷尔蒙催生素).Although known as the love hormone, it affects the sexes differently

"Women tend to be social in their behaviorThey often share with othersBut men lend to be competitiveThey are trying to improve their social status," said Professor Ryan

Generally, people believe that the hormone oxytocin is let out in our body in various social situations and our body creates a large amount of it during positive social interactions (互动) such as falling in love or giving birth

But in a previous experiment Professor Ryan found that the hormone is also let out in our body during negative social interactions such as envy

Further researches showed that in men the hormone oxytocin improves the ability to recognize competitive relationships, but in women it raises the ability to recognize friendship

Professor Ryan's recent experiment used 62 men and women aged 20 to 37Half of the participants(参与者)received oxytocinThe other half received placebo (安慰剂).

After a week, the two groups switched with participantsThey went through the same procedure with the other material

Following each treatment, they were shown some video pictures with different social interactionsThen they were asked to analyze the relationships by answering some questionsThe questions were about telling friendship from competitionAnd their answers should be based on gestures, body language and facial expressions

The results indicated that, after treatment with oxytocin, men's ability to correctly recognize competitive relationships improved, but in women it was the ability to correctly recognize friendship that got better

Professor Ryan thus concluded: "Our experiment proves that the hormone oxytocin can raise people's abilities to better distinguish different social interactionsAnd the behavior differences between men and women are caused by biological factors (因素) that are mainly hormonal"

1.What causes men and women to behave differently according to the text?

A.Placebo B.Oxytocin

C.The gesture D.The social status

2.What can we learn from Professor Ryan's previous experiment?

A.Oxytocin affects our behavior in a different way

B.Our body lets out oxytocin when we are deep in love

C.Our body produces oxytocin when we feel unhappy about others' success

D.Oxytocin improves our abilities to understand people's behavior differences

3.Why did Professor Ryan conduct the recent experiment?

A.To test the effect of oxytocin on the ability to recognize social interactions

B.To know the differences between friendship and competition

C.To know people's different abilities to answer questions

D.To test people's understanding of body language

4.The author develops the text by______

A.explaining people's behaviors

B.describing his own experiences

C.distinguishing sexual differences

D.discussing research experiments



Chinese Language and Culture Summer Camp in China

Shanghai is the city which will present you how modernization meets tradition, and how western culture dances with eastern civilization. So it offers a best place for you to participate in Chinese language and culture summer camp.

Interactive Chinese Lessons

Our Chinese courses focus on developing speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in a well-balanced way, while each has its own focus. The teaching materials we use, offering 12 levels of classes, are written specially for our program. For beginners, speaking and listening abilities will be stressed while for advanced level students, the course will develop in depth their skills on Chinese characters recognition, long paragraph reading and writing, as well as fluent conversation.

Small Size Classes

Our students come from all over the world, mostly between 11 and 17 years old, having different Chinese levels. They will accept level assessment (评估) on the first day of camp, and be placed into different groups according to their language fluency. In a small-class setting each student can receive individual attention from teachers and achieve best studying result.

Traditional Culture Courses

We provide various culture courses to help students to develop interest in traditional Chinese culture, which will benefit their language learning. The culture courses include: Calligraphy, Traditional brush painting, Chinese Kong-fu, Tai-chi, Paper-cutting.

Day Camp

Day camp is designed for participants who have a host family in Shanghai. Day camp runs from Monday to Sunday between 8:30 and 17:00.

Day camp package includes:

Chinese classes in the mornings


Culture courses, field trip and sports activities in the afternoons

Others: Textbooks, studying materials, camp life souvenir

Day camp package NOT includes:


Daily pick up and drop off

Breakfast, dinner

Field trip is optional.

1.What is one of the summer camp’s features?

A. Its teaching materials are regular and common textbooks.

B. Every participant in the camp has to finish 12 levels of classes.

C. Beginners attend the class stressing characters recognition.

D. Students are placed in groups that meet their language fluency.

2.The summer camp’s traditional culture courses don’t include ________.

A. Traditional brush painting    B. Chinese Kong-fu

C. Traditional Chinese cooking    D. Paper-cutting

3.Which of the following descriptions about the day camp is TRUE?

A. Everyone who attends day camp will receive a camp life souvenir.

B. Participants in day camp can have breakfast, lunch and supper there.

C. Field trip is an activity that everyone is supposed to participate in.

D. Day camp is designed for participants who live in the summer camp.



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