满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When I was a boy I loved walking in the ...

    When I was a boy I loved walking in the woods around my home. My mom ______ me not to travel so far that I would ______ the house. Being a naughty boy, ______ , I soon found myself hiking further, ______ just how far I could go into the woods. But after losing my way once for two hours, I ______ I’d better leave a track the next time I went for a walk.

One day when I ______ into the woods, I broke a small branch on a young tree to ______ my place. I wandered further in and broke one branch and then another. In a few ______ where there were no branches, I ______ the heads of flowers that were growing. When I decided to ______ , turning around I ______ found my tracks, but instead of being proud I felt ______ . I could see the track of damage I had ______ in the woods. Looking at the broken branches and dead flowers I was ______ , so I determined never to do that again. ______ , I’d sit by the streams listening to them sing, watch the birds and ______ down to smell the flowers.

As an old saying goes, “We will be ______ forever by the tracks we leave.” As I grow older and ______ , I have done my best to never leave a track of ______ in my life as I did in the woods that day. I have instead ______ to leave tracks of love and goodness.

1.A.persuaded B.warned C.allowed D.forced

2.A.keep track of B.take care of C.lose sight of D.have control of

3.A.besides B.therefore C.otherwise D.however

4.A.testing B.describing C.stressing D.explaining

5.A.regretted B.predicted C.decided D.proved

6.A.dived B.knocked C.jumped D.escaped

7.A.check B.mark C.report D.search

8.A.cycles B.processes C.spots D.backgrounds

9.A.picked B.counted C.touched D.lifted

10.A.move on B.give up C.run away D.head back

11.A.abruptly B.easily C.randomly D.strangely

12.A.nervous B.shy C.impatient D.sad

13.A.left B.designed C.found D.followed

14.A.annoyed B.confused C.ashamed D.scared

15.A.Still B.Meanwhile C.Somehow D.Instead

16.A.lie B.bend C.look D.fall

17.A.known B.respected C.led D.inspired

18.A.happier B.braver C.calmer D.wiser

19.A.doubt B.harm C.worry D.terror

20.A.afforded B.happened C.attempted D.continued


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.D 11.B 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.D 16.B 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。主要记叙了作者小时候为了能方便自己找到从森林回去的路,一路上折断树枝、摘掉花的花苞作为记号,结果回头时发现自己留下了一条充满破坏的道路,作者感到羞愧,决定再也不这么做了。随着年龄的增长,作者再也不让自己像那天在森林里留下任何伤害的痕迹,而是留下爱与善的足迹。 1.本题考查语境判断之逻辑关系。句意:我妈妈警告我不要走得太远,那样我就看不见房子了。A. persuaded说服;B. warned警告;C. allowed允许;D. forced迫使。根据后文me not to travel so far可知妈妈是警告作者不要走得太远了。warn sb. not to do sth.表示“警告某人不要做某事”。故选B。 2.本题考查语境判断之词义辨析和逻辑关系。句意:我妈妈警告我不要走得太远,那样我就看不见房子了。A. keep track of记录;B. take care of照顾;C. lose sight of看不见;D. have control of对……的控制。走的太远肯定就看不到自己家的房子了。故选C。 3.本题考查语境判断之逻辑连接词。句意:然而,作为一个淘气的男孩,我很快就发现自己走得更远,测试我能走多远进入森林。A. besides而且;B. therefore因此;C. otherwise否则;D. however然而。结合上下文语境可知此处为转折关系,应用连接副词however。故选D。 4.本题考查语境判断之逻辑关系。句意:然而,作为一个淘气的男孩,我很快就发现自己走得更远,测试我能走多远进入森林。A. testing测试;B. describing描述;C. stressing强调;D. explaining解释。根据后文just how far I could go into the woods可知作者走得很远是为了测试看自己走多远能进入森林。故选A。 5.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:但是有一次我迷路了两个小时之后,我决定下次去散步的时候最好留下记号。A. regretted遗憾;B. predicted预测;C. decided决定;D. proved证明。根据后文叙述了作者折树枝、花朵留下标记,可知作者决定了下次散步的时候留下一条路。故选C。 6.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:有一天,我一头钻进树林里,折断了一棵小树的一根小树枝,作为我的记号。A. dived冲,奔;B. knocked敲;C. jumped跳跃;D. escaped逃走。根据后文into the woods可知作者钻进了森林里。dive into“钻入”。故选A。 7.本题考查语境判断之其他线索。句意:有一天,我一头钻进树林里,折断了一棵小树的一根小树枝,作为我的记号。A. check检查;B. mark记号,标志;C. report报告;D. search搜索。对应第一段中I’d better leave a track作者决定留下一个记号。故选B。 8.本题考查语境判断之逻辑关系。句意:在一些没有树枝的地方,我摘下了正在生长的花朵的花苞。A. cycles周期;B. processes过程;C. spots地点,斑点;D. backgrounds背景。根据后文where there were no branches可知此处指在一些没有树枝可以用来做标记的地方。这样才能用它来做记号。故选C。 9.本题考查语境判断之词义辨析。句意:在一些没有树枝的地方,我摘下了正在生长的花朵的花苞。A. picked采摘,挑选;B. counted算作;C. touched碰触;D. lifted举起。根据后文of flowers that were growing可知作者摘下了正在生长的花朵的花苞。故选A。 10.本题考查语境判断之词义辨析。句意:当我决定回头的时候,我很容易就找到了我的足迹,但我没有感到骄傲,反而感到难过。A. move on前进;B. give up放弃;C. run away逃跑;D. head back回去。根据后文turning around I可知作者决定掉头回去了。故选D。 11.本题考查语境判断之逻辑关系。句意:当我决定回头的时候,我很容易就找到了我的足迹,但我没有感到骄傲,反而感到难过。A. abruptly突然地;B. easily容易地;C. randomly随便地;D. strangely奇怪地。承接上文作者为了找到回去的路留下了很多记号,于是回头很容易(easily)就找到了自己的足迹。故选B。 12.本题考查语境判断之感情色彩。句意:当我决定回头的时候,我很容易就找到了我的足迹,但我没有感到骄傲,反而感到难过。A. nervous紧张的;B. shy害羞的;C. impatient不耐烦的;D. sad悲伤的。根据后文I could see the track of damage I had可知作者为自己造成的破坏感到悲伤。故选D。 13.本题考查语境判断之对应原文。句意:我可以看到我在树林里留下的破坏痕迹。A. left留下,离开;B. designed设计;C. found找到;D. followed跟随。此处对应第一段中I’d better leave a track the next time I went for a walk.作者在树林里留下了破坏的痕迹。故选A。 14.本题考查语境判断之感情色彩。句意:看着那些折断的树枝和枯萎的花朵,我感到很羞愧,所以我决定再也不那样做了。A. annoyed恼怒的;B. confused困惑的;C. ashamed羞愧的;D. scared害怕的。根据后文so I determined never to do that again.可知作者为自己的所作所为感到羞愧,决定再也不那样做了。故选C。 15.本题考查语境判断之逻辑连接词。句意:相反,我会坐在小溪边听它们唱歌,看鸟,弯下腰闻闻花香。A. Still仍然;B. Meanwhile同时;C. Somehow不知怎么地;D. Instead相反,反而。作者决定不再折断树枝和花朵了,相反,作者会坐在小溪边听它们唱歌,看鸟,弯下腰闻闻花香。故选D。 16.本题考查语境判断之逻辑关系。句意:相反,我会坐在小溪边听它们唱歌,看鸟,弯下腰闻闻花香。A. lie撒谎;B. bend弯曲;C. look看;D. fall落下。根据后文down to smell the flowers可知作者弯下腰去闻花香。故选B。 17.本题考查语境判断之逻辑关系。句意:我们将因我们留下的痕迹而被人所熟知。A. known知道;B. respected尊重;C. led导致;D. inspired鼓舞。作者在森林里留下了破坏的足迹,而这些痕迹又最终被作者所看到了,知道了自己的行为是不好的,因此此处指的是我们将因我们留下的痕迹而被人所熟知。故选A。 18.本题考查语境判断之感情色彩。句意:随着年龄的增长,我越来越懂事了,我尽我所能不让自己的生命像那天在树林里那样留下任何伤害的痕迹。A. happier更快乐的;B. braver更勇敢的;C. calmer更平静的;D. wiser更明智的。根据后文leave tracks of love and goodness可知作者长大懂事了,也比以前更明智了。故选D。 19.本题考查语境判断之逻辑关系。句意:随着年龄的增长,我越来越懂事了,不再像那天在树林里那样,在我的生命中留下伤害的痕迹。A. doubt怀疑;B. harm伤害;C. worry担心;D. terror恐怖。根据上一段中I could see the track of damage可知作者那天在树林里留下了伤害破坏的痕迹。故选B。 20.本题考查语境判断之词义辨析。句意:相反,我试图留下爱与善的足迹。A. afforded买得起;B. happened发生;C. attempted企图;D. continued继续。作者不再留下伤害的痕迹,而是试图留下爱与善的足迹。attempt to do sth.表示“试图做某事”。故选C。

    Do you know what makes you happy? Write a list of all the things that make you happy. How many of them are fun? Most of them? So, if you spend your time doing all these fun things, you’ll be really happy, won’t you?

Well, maybe not. For most people, fun isn’t enough for real happiness. Paul Dolan wrote a book called Happiness by Design. 1. If most of the things on your list are about pleasure, that is what you think makes you happy. But you also need activities with purpose.

2. It’s easy to do well in subjects you like, but subjects you don’t like are less motivating. They’re not fun for you, but you have to study them so you need to find purpose. An “A” in a subject you hate won’t help the world. 3. Each person can study one part until they understand it and then teach it to the rest of the group. The purpose becomes helping the team.

Go back to your list of things that make you happy. 4. Can you add any? Remember, some activities might bring both pleasure and purpose.

Now you need to design a happy life. Paul Dolan believes people should “decide, design, do”. First decide what brings you pleasure and/or purpose -that means your two lists. 5. For example, you might love riding a bike but never have time to do it. So, ride to school or the library or the shops. Some parts of our lives are good or bad luck, but we can still design the rest to make more happiness.

A.But can you be part of a study team with friends?

B.How many of them are activities that bring purpose?

C.There are different ways we can find pleasure in things.

D.He thinks happiness comes from both pleasure and purpose.

E.If you’re a student, your “job” is studying and passing exams.

F.If you think something makes you happy, then it makes you happy.

G.Then, don’t just think about these activities, fill your life with them.



    If one more person talks about the benefits of mindfulness, I will throw cabbage at them. Just kidding. But I do have lots of cabbage happily rotting away in my, kitchen thanks to the wellness obsession(着迷) that failed to keep my attention. This is a symptom of a phenomenon known as “wellness tiredness”.

Wellness is seriously big business with a worth of $3.72 trillion and a healthy annual growth of 14 percent. To satisfy this consuming desire, brands of super foods and various exercise classes crowd in. “The problem with all this constantly changing information on what to eat or which exercise class to take is that people begin to form distorted(扭曲的) mindsets towards the idea of a healthy lifestyle,” explains Dr Bijal, a psychologist at Nightingale Hospital. “The least harmful result of a distorted mindset will be confusion. The most harmful would be serious physical and mental disorders like extreme dieting or over-exercising.”

It’s little wonder that many people are beginning to reject the idea of wellness and the lifestyle it advocates. “I can’t tell you the number of wellness accounts I’ve unfollowed on Instagram,” one fitness-enthusiast friend tells me. When I ask her why, she tells me that the public pursuit(追求) of wellness has reached “the eye-roll stage”. Meanwhile, sales of fitness trackers and wearable wellness things have dropped sharply.

Speaking of gym culture, which offers classes like Hula Hoop and Yoga, it’s also beginning to show signs that people are returning to more conventional forms of exercise-some that wouldn’t look out of place on a school timetable.

The whole point of wellness is that it should become such an everyday thing that you forget about seeking it. Living a healthy lifestyle becomes a given rather than something singled out as impressive and worth applauding. Now, more people are starting to cycle to and from work, swim on lunch breaks and even try to buy old school exercise bikes.

1.What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A.The wellness business costs people a great deal of money.

B.People are faced with too many food and exercise choices.

C.Distorted mindsets to wellness cause harmful consequences.

D.The wellness industry has been developing at a steady speed.

2.Why is the author’s friend mentioned in paragraph 3?

A.To inform us wearable wellness things are not popular.

B.To advocate the idea of wellness and a healthy lifestyle.

C.To tell us that online wellness accounts are hard to follow.

D.To show the public’s unfavorable attitude to wellness obsession.

3.Why are people starting to return to traditional forms of exercise?

A.Sports such as cycling are more impressive.

B.People are treating wellness as an everyday thing.

C.Classes like Hula Hoop and Yoga are too expensive.

D.People have come to know wellness is not so necessary.

4.Which of the following is the best title for the text r?

A.The Importance of Living a Healthy Lifestyle

B.Are You Suffering from Wellness Tiredness?

C.The Benefits of Mindfulness in Wellness Industry

D.What is the Real Meaning of Wellness Obsession?



    While “they” may seem small, this gender-neutral(性别中立的) word is clearly making its mark on culture. On Tuesday, Merriam-Webster announced “they” was the 2019 Word of the Year.

“Our Word of the Year ‘they’ reflects a surprising fact,” the dictionary publisher wrote. “Even a basic term- a personal pronoun(代词)- can rise to the top of our data.” The word secured the top spot when Merriam-Webster’s annual traffic report showed searches for the term increased by 313 percent. And while the reason for the increase was likely affected by many things, Merriam-Webster believes the power of the pronoun cannot be overstated.

“English famously lacks a gender-neutral pronoun to correspond neatly pronouns like ‘everyone’ or ‘someone’. As a consequence, ‘they’ has been used for this purpose for over 600 years. However, ‘they’ has also been used to refer to one person whose gender identity is non-binary, that is, neither male nor female,” Merriam-Webster explained.

The publisher also pointed out major events in culture that arouse interest in the word, such as Sam Smith’s switch to use the pronouns “they” and “them”, as well as the American Psychological Association’s recommendation that “they” be used when referring to someone whose gender is unknown, or who prefers “they” over “he or she”.

In September, Merriam-Webster added gender-neutral pronouns “they” and “themselves” to the dictionary. Many were thrilled by the news, and non-binary people expressed thanks. They felt “accepted” and “seen”.

Emily Brewster, a senior editor at Merriam-Webster, was also excited. “Pronouns are among the language’s most commonly used words, and they tend to be mostly ignored by dictionary users,” Brewster said in a statement to NBC. “But over the past year or so, as people have increasingly come across the non-binary use, we’ve seen searches for ‘they’ grow rapidly.”

1.What does the Merriam-Webster publisher think of the pronoun “they”?

A.It is quite powerful. B.It is almost worthless.

C.It has been overused. D.It has nothing to do with culture.

2.What do the underlined words “this purpose” refer to in paragraph 3?

A.Discouraging people from using “someone”.

B.Matching other pronouns such as “everyone”.

C.Mentioning someone whose gender is unknown.

D.Replacing personal pronouns like “he” or “she”.

3.Which of the following may Emily Brewster agree with?

A.Pronouns are the most commonly used words by senior editors.

B.Dictionary users tend to completely ignore pronouns in real life.

C.The non-binary use contributes to the popularity of the word “they”.

D.More searches for the word “they” can be seen in the past few years.



    Katie always wanted to be a performer. She, the youngest of, the three kids from Cleveland, was crazy about musicals and Disney movies from an early age and would often watch them singing with her mom, Karen. However, Katie’s happy childhood took a turn when her mother was diagnosed(诊断)with cancer. When the doctor informed the family that Karen’s disease was terminal, they decided to make a trip to Disney World.

The family spared no expense for their once-in-a-lifetime vacation and stayed at Disney’s hotel for eight nights. They spent their days in the parks, seeing the sights, greening characters, all the while pushing Karen in her wheelchair and watching her face light up with joy. They all shared in the merriment of experiencing the parks for the first time with Karen. The trip to Disney World at the height of Karen’s battle with cancer slowed them to escape into a world of magic and laughter. This was the day Katie decided she wanted to work for Disney.

Sadly, Karen lost the battle and died later, but the whole family remembered her every day and often thought of that Disney vacation Katie went on to go after her dream. After she received her degree in musical theater, she struggled for years, working as a waitress and trying to be a performer. Her hard work finally paid off when she was hired to work for Disney.

As a Disney performer, Katie is aware that many other families visit the parks and have similar stories to her own. She encourages everyone, especially children, who may be experiencing a hard time. “Every moment -is meant for you, even the painful ones.” she says. “It’s just like in your favorite Disney movie: There is always some kind of conflict or hardship or pressure. Remember to celebrate those moments, too, because they are taking you to whatever your version of a happy ending is.”

1.What made Katie decide to work for Disney?

A.The dream that she wanted to live a lire full magic.

B.The memory that she watched Disney movies as a kid.

C.The great joy the Disney vacation brought to her family.

D.The great courage her mother showed in fighting cancer.

2.Which of the following words best describe Katie?

A.Kind and curious. B.Patient and helpful.

C.Strict and independent. D.Tough and determined.

3.What message does Katie convey in the last paragraph?

A.Sweet is pleasure after pain. B.Experience must be bought.

C.Many drops make a shower. D.Good medicine tastes bitter.



Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.





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