满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

What worried 22-year-old Shanghai gradua...

    What worried 22-year-old Shanghai graduate Tang Yining the most until mid-March was uncertainty over finding her dream job as soon as the COVID-19 pandemic ends.

A few job interviews originally scheduled to be held after the Spring Festival holiday were all postponed due to the outbreak-related restrictions on free movement of people.

Thankfully, three interviews were shifted to the online medium. "They are actually more efficient than I had expected. In fact, online interviews helped me save time and money because for offline interviews I usually end up traveling to different provinces," a college graduate said.

According to online recruitment(招聘) firm Boss Zhipin, the number of companies using distance interviews increased by more than 20 times within 10 days after Spring Festival, compared to the first week of the autumn recruitment season in 2019.

Industry insiders said online recruitment will help fill in job vacancies in time and is of great significance to keep the employment stable nationwide and further offer economic impetus(推动力).

“Public employment service agencies and the market players concerned should also be encouraged to share information on job vacancies and strengthen the coordination of online and offline recruitment activities to ensure a stable job market,”Chinese Vice-Premier Hu Chunhua said.

As of mid-March, more than 50,000 companies had participated in the online campus recruitment, providing more than 200,000 positions.

Over 450,000 university students on the verge of their graduation had made 1,700,000 job application submissions by then, said online recruitment platform Zhaopin.

1.What's the problem with China's fresh graduates according to this passage?

A.Their interviews were shifted to the online medium.

B.Their job-hunt was delayed by the epidemic.

C.They can't move freely because of the epidemic.

D.They are worried about the COVID-19 pandemic.

2.Which one is not the advantage of using distance interviews?

A.Help fill in job vacancies in time. B.Keep the employment stable nationwide.

C.Save time and money. D.Travel to different provinces.

3.How many graduates apply for jobs in the online campus recruitment platform Zhaopin?

A.50,000 B.200,000

C.Over 450,000 D.1,700,000


1.B 2.D 3.C 【解析】 这是一篇新闻报道。文章讲述2020年中国应届毕业生的求职被流行病耽搁了,超过45万名大学生在在线校园招聘平台申请工作。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段A few job interviews originally scheduled to be held after the Spring Festival holiday were all postponed due to the outbreak-related restrictions on free movement of people.“一些原本计划在春节假期后举行的面试,由于突发事件对人员自由流动的限制,都被推迟了。”由此可知,根据这篇文章,中国应届毕业生的求职被流行病耽搁了。故选B。 2.细节理解题。根据第三段中They are actually more efficient than I had expected. In fact, online interviews helped me save time and money because for offline interviews I usually end up traveling to different provinces,“他们实际上比我预想的更有效率。事实上,在线面试帮助我节省了时间和金钱,因为在线下面试中,我通常会去不同的省份旅行,”和第五段Industry insiders said online recruitment will help fill in job vacancies in time and is of great significance to keep the employment stable nationwide and further offer economic impetus(推动力).“业内人士表示,网上招聘将有助于及时填补职位空缺,对保持全国就业稳定,并进一步提供经济动力具有重要意义。”由此可知,使用远程面试的优点是:及时填写职位空缺;保持全国就业稳定;节省时间和金钱。所以“去不同的省份旅行”不是远程面试的优点。故选D。 3.细节理解题。根据最后一段Over 450,000 university students on the verge of their graduation had made 1,700,000 job application submissions by then, said online recruitment platform Zhaopin.“在线招聘平台智联招聘(Zhaopin)说,在毕业后,超过45万名大学生在申请申请时提出了170万份申请。”由此可知,超过45万名大学生在在线校园招聘平台申请工作。故选C。


Missus Sommers one day found herself the unexpected owner of fifteen dollars. It seemed to her a very large amount of money. For a day or two she walked around in a dreamy state as she thought about her choices. Her daughter Janie was wearing worn shoes and needed new ones. She would buy cloth for new shirts for the boys. Her daughter Mag should have another dress. And still there would be enough left for new stockings for her children. The idea about how to spend the dollars made her restless with excitement.

On the day she planned to go shopping with the money, she ate a light meal- no! Between getting the children fed and the house cleaned, and preparing herself to go shopping, she forgot to eat at all!

When she arrived at the large department store, she spotted a pile of silk stockings at the entrance. A sign nearby announced that they had been reduced in price a young girl behind the counter asked her if she wished to examine the silky leg coverings. She smiled as if she had been asked to inspect diamond jewelry, and started to feel the soft, expensive items. Missus Sommers picked up a black pair and looked at them closely. Two red marks suddenly showed on her pale face. She looked up at the shop girl and said proudly, “Well, I will buy this pair.”

Missus Sommers changed her cotton stockings for the new silk ones in the ladies’ rest area. She had let herself be controlled by some machine-like force that directed her actions and freed her of responsibility. How good was the touch of the silk on her skin! Then she put her shoes back on and put her old stockings into her bag. Next, she went to the shoe department, where she tried on a pair of new boots. Her foot and ankle looked lovely. She could not believe that they were a part of herself.





Paragraph 1

After buying a pair of new boots, she walked into the clothing department.


Paragraph 2

She was about to leave the store when a kid running around reminded her of something.














Ashrita Furman is holding the record - for records! Furman has always been 1. (interest) in Guinness World Records. When he was still 2. teenager he, would preferably spend a lot of time reading the Guinness book, and today, he holds the most amazing record 3. all: The record for having the most current Guinness World Records at the same time. He 4. (succeed) in setting 245 records since the year 1979. 5. other people have broken over half of his records, today he still holds up to 94 records.

Most of the records Furman has set include lots of physical activity. For example, Furman has walked 103 kilometers while 6. (balance) a milk bottle on his head. 7.  took him 23 hours and 35 minutes. He has also pushed a car just over 27 kilometers within 24 hours. A few years 8. , Furman set three new records in less 9. an hour on the same day.

Furman will never finish. His life is all about breaking records, and by the time you read this, he’s 10. (probable) already broken a few more.



    When I was a boy I loved walking in the woods around my home. My mom ______ me not to travel so far that I would ______ the house. Being a naughty boy, ______ , I soon found myself hiking further, ______ just how far I could go into the woods. But after losing my way once for two hours, I ______ I’d better leave a track the next time I went for a walk.

One day when I ______ into the woods, I broke a small branch on a young tree to ______ my place. I wandered further in and broke one branch and then another. In a few ______ where there were no branches, I ______ the heads of flowers that were growing. When I decided to ______ , turning around I ______ found my tracks, but instead of being proud I felt ______ . I could see the track of damage I had ______ in the woods. Looking at the broken branches and dead flowers I was ______ , so I determined never to do that again. ______ , I’d sit by the streams listening to them sing, watch the birds and ______ down to smell the flowers.

As an old saying goes, “We will be ______ forever by the tracks we leave.” As I grow older and ______ , I have done my best to never leave a track of ______ in my life as I did in the woods that day. I have instead ______ to leave tracks of love and goodness.

1.A.persuaded B.warned C.allowed D.forced

2.A.keep track of B.take care of C.lose sight of D.have control of

3.A.besides B.therefore C.otherwise D.however

4.A.testing B.describing C.stressing D.explaining

5.A.regretted B.predicted C.decided D.proved

6.A.dived B.knocked C.jumped D.escaped

7.A.check B.mark C.report D.search

8.A.cycles B.processes C.spots D.backgrounds

9.A.picked B.counted C.touched D.lifted

10.A.move on B.give up C.run away D.head back

11.A.abruptly B.easily C.randomly D.strangely

12.A.nervous B.shy C.impatient D.sad

13.A.left B.designed C.found D.followed

14.A.annoyed B.confused C.ashamed D.scared

15.A.Still B.Meanwhile C.Somehow D.Instead

16.A.lie B.bend C.look D.fall

17.A.known B.respected C.led D.inspired

18.A.happier B.braver C.calmer D.wiser

19.A.doubt B.harm C.worry D.terror

20.A.afforded B.happened C.attempted D.continued



    Do you know what makes you happy? Write a list of all the things that make you happy. How many of them are fun? Most of them? So, if you spend your time doing all these fun things, you’ll be really happy, won’t you?

Well, maybe not. For most people, fun isn’t enough for real happiness. Paul Dolan wrote a book called Happiness by Design. 1. If most of the things on your list are about pleasure, that is what you think makes you happy. But you also need activities with purpose.

2. It’s easy to do well in subjects you like, but subjects you don’t like are less motivating. They’re not fun for you, but you have to study them so you need to find purpose. An “A” in a subject you hate won’t help the world. 3. Each person can study one part until they understand it and then teach it to the rest of the group. The purpose becomes helping the team.

Go back to your list of things that make you happy. 4. Can you add any? Remember, some activities might bring both pleasure and purpose.

Now you need to design a happy life. Paul Dolan believes people should “decide, design, do”. First decide what brings you pleasure and/or purpose -that means your two lists. 5. For example, you might love riding a bike but never have time to do it. So, ride to school or the library or the shops. Some parts of our lives are good or bad luck, but we can still design the rest to make more happiness.

A.But can you be part of a study team with friends?

B.How many of them are activities that bring purpose?

C.There are different ways we can find pleasure in things.

D.He thinks happiness comes from both pleasure and purpose.

E.If you’re a student, your “job” is studying and passing exams.

F.If you think something makes you happy, then it makes you happy.

G.Then, don’t just think about these activities, fill your life with them.



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