满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Mike was 11. As his birthday was coming ...

    Mike was 11. As his birthday was coming uphe _____ his father to buy him a bike, so that he could go to school cycling and not by _____ or relying on his father to _____ him at school, which was _____ a mile away from his home.

On his _____ , seeing a set of books wrapped nicely in his father's hand, though _____ , he thanked his father. Mike's father was _____ as he didn't have enough money to buy a bike.

After a weekwhen Mike was walking home from school, he saw a boy riding a bike. Mike _____ that the bike was too small for the big boy. _____the boy ran into a post and fell on the street. Mike rushed to him and ______ him who was his schoolmate Sam.

Mike helped him stand up and provided him with water. _____ Sam was riding the bike fast, his left leg and hands were ______ injured. Mike asked him to sit in a corner and took the bike and rushed to a ______ nearby.

An ambulance (救护车)came and carried Sam to hospital. He then rushed to Sam's home and ______ his parents about the accident.

Sam and his parents thanked Mike for the ______ help. Mike in turn said, “It was all ______ just because I rode Sam's bike. ” He added, “The bike is too small for Sam to ride and that's why he was _______” Mike met Sam every day in hospital until he ______.

Sam got a new bike and he came to know that Mike didn't have the ______ to own a bike. He gave his old bike to Mike and with his parents' ______, Mike accepted the gift.

1.A.persuaded B.arranged C.requested D.ordered

2.A.jumping B.driving C.walking D.wandering

3.A.drop B.discover C.hug D.pick

4.A.gathered B.spotted C.fixed D.located

5.A.holiday B.birthday C.graduation D.celebration

6.A.frightened B.hopeful C.unhappy D.impatient

7.A.calm B.grateful C.puzzled D.upset

8.A.felt B.learned C.agreed D.argued

9.A.Suddenly B.Eventually C.Thankfully D.Actually

10.A.treated B.remembered C.regarded D.recognized

11.A.Before B.Since C.Unless D.Though

12.A.slightly B.necessarily C.seriously D.gently

13.A.church B.school C.hospital D.shelter

14.A.complained B.reminded C.impressed D.informed

15.A.generous B.pleasant C.honored D.limited

16.A.unlikely B.possible C.exciting D.unbelievable

17.A.worried B.injured C.beat D.attacked

18.A.broke out B.missed out C.checked out D.pulled out

19.A.interest B.confidence C.right D.chance

20.A.permission B.admission C.guidance D.introduction


1.C 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.A 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.C 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.A 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了11岁的Mike在回家的路上看到同学骑自行车受伤之后给予了慷慨的帮助并通知了同学的父母,Mike也因此得到了他想要的自行车。 1.考查动词词义辨析。A. persuaded说服;B. arranged安排;C. requested请求;D. ordered命令。根据空后的“so that he could go to school cycling”可知,Mike请求他父亲给他买一辆自行车,故C项正确。 2.考查动词词义辨析。A. jumping跳; B. driving开车送;C. walking走路; D. wandering闲逛。根据本空后的“or relying on his father to ___3___ him at school,”可知,有了自行车,他就不用走路或者靠父亲顺路送他去学校了,故C项正确。 3.考查动词词义辨析。A. drop(开车)顺路送(某人)到(某处);B. discover发现;C. hug拥抱;D. pick捡起。根据上文语境可知,有了自行车,他就不用走路或者靠父亲顺路送他去学校了,故A项正确。 4.考查动词词义辨析。A. gathered聚集;B. spotted发现;C. fixed安装;D. located位于。根据本空后的“a mile away from his home”可知,学校在离他家一英里远的地方,be located表示“坐落在,位于”,故D项正确。 5.考查名词词义辨析。A. holiday假期;B. birthday生日;C. graduation毕业;D. celebration庆祝。根据上文中的“As his birthday was coming up”可知,生日那天,父亲手里拿着一套包装精美的书要送给他作生日礼物,故B项正确。 6.考查形容词词义辨析。A. frightened害怕的;B. hopeful 满怀希望的;C. unhappy不高兴的;D. impatient不耐烦的。上文说Mike请求父亲给他买一辆自行车,结果父亲给他买的是书,因此可推知他不开心,故C项正确。 7.考查形容词词义辨析。A. calm冷静的;B. grateful感激的;C. puzzled困惑的;D. upset心烦的、难过的。从后面的原因状语从句可知,Mike的父亲很难过,因为他没有足够的钱给Mike买自行车,故D项正确。 8.考查动词词义辨析。A. felt觉得;B. learned学会;C. agreed同意;D. argued争论。 根据本空后的“that the bike was too small for the big boy.”Mike觉得这辆自行车对这个大男孩来说太小了,故A项正确。 9.考查副词词义辨析。A. Suddenly突然;B. Eventually最终; C. Thankfully感谢地; D. Actually实际上。根据本空后的“the boy ran into a post and fell on the street.”可知,突然这个骑自行车的男孩撞上了一根柱子,故A项正确。 10.考查动词词义辨析。A. treated对待;B. remembered记得; C. regarded看待;D. recognized认出。 根据本空后的“him who was his schoolmate Sam”可知,Mike快速走向他并认出他是自己的同学Sam,故D项正确。 11.考查连词词义辨析。A. Before在……之前;B. Since因为;C. Unless除非;D. Though尽管。根据本空后的“Sam was riding the bike fast, his left leg and hands were ___12___ injured.”可知,由于Sam骑得很快,他的左腿和双手都严重受伤,故B项正确。 12.考查副词词义辨析。A. slightly轻微地;B. necessarily必要地;C. seriously严重地;D. gently温柔地。此处与前面的“Sam was riding the bike fast”相呼应,表示他的左腿和双手伤得很严重,倒数第三段的内容也是提示,故C项正确。 13.考查名词词义辨析。A. church教堂;B. school学校;C. hospital医院;D. shelter庇护所。根据常识可知,此处表示Mike骑着Sam的自行车快速赶到附近的医院,故C项正确。 14.考查动词词义辨析。A. complained抱怨;B. reminded提醒;C. impressed给……留下深刻印象;D. informed通知。根据本空后的“his parents about the accident.”可知,Mike告知Sam的父母Sam出了事故,故D项正确。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。A. generous慷慨的; B. pleasant令人愉快的; C. honored可敬的;D. limited有限的。Mike帮助了Sam,因此Sam和他的父母感谢他的慷慨帮助,故A项正确。 16.考查形容词词义辨析。A. unlikely不可能的; B. possible可能的;C. exciting令人兴奋的;D. unbelievable难以置信的。根据上文内容可知,正是因为Mike骑了Sam的自行车,这一切才成为可能,故B项正确。 17.考查形容词词义辨析。A. worried担心的; B. injured受伤的;C. beat筋疲力尽的;D. attacked受攻击的。根据上文可知Sam受伤了,此处表示那是他受伤的原因,故B项正确。 18.考查动词短语辨析。A. broke out爆发;B. missed out省略;C. checked out 结账离开;D. pulled out渡过难关。根据本空前的“” Mike met Sam every day in hospital until he”可知,Mike每天都去医院看Sam,直到他出院,故C项正确。 19.考查名词词义辨析。A. interest兴趣;B. confidence自信;C. right权利;D. chance机会。上文说Mike的父亲没有足够的钱给他买自行车,因此此处是说Sam了解到Mike没有机会拥有一辆自行车,故D项正确。 20.考查名词词义辨析。A. permission允许; B. admission承认;C. guidance指导;D. introduction介绍。根据空后的“Mike accepted the gift”可知,在父母的允许下,Mike收下了这个礼物,故A项正确。

Economy rebounding after drop

China's economy experienced a deep reduction in the first quarter due to the novel coronavirus outbreak. 1.. This indicates that the country's recovery has gained a firmer footing, officials and economists said on Friday.

2.. However, it remains unclear whether the government will still set a GDP growth target for the year. Economists said China's policy for the next step needs to focus on stimulating(刺激) demand and stabilizing(稳定)employment to promote economic recovery.

Mao Shengyong, NBS spokesman, said the outbreak created a serious blow to the country's economy in the first quarter, but major economic indicators(指标) rebounded in March.3..

Lian Ping, chief economist at Zhixin Investment, said the government needs to strengthen policy support to prevent the economy from suffering a second wave of blows from the global economic downturn. 4.. While most large companies have resumed production, according to NBS calculations, many smaller companies are still struggling to resume work under rising financial difficulties and labor shortages.

Retail sales dropped by 19 percent year-on-year in the first quarter, which indicated that domestic demand remains relatively weak and there is still room for policies to effectively boost households' consumption(消费), economists said. 5.. The urban unemployment rate was 5.9 percent in March, down by 0.3 percentage point from February, according to the NBS.

A.Urban household income declined by 3.9 percent year-on-year in the first quarter.

B.But major economic indicators improved mostly in March.

C.China's GDP in the first quarter contracted by 6.8 percent from a year earlier according to the National Bureau of Statistics.

D.Chinese economy is recovering as more companies are borrowing to promote their production recovery.

E.And the country's economic performance will improve further in the second quarter.

F.Chinese companies, including exporters, have seen an increase in cancellations(取消) of orders.

G."More support needs to be given to households as the decline(下降) of residents' income



    Universities in East China's Shandong province will be partnered with universities in the United Kingdom to provide online assistance and consulting services for Chinese students in the UK during the novel coronavirus outbreak.

Around 200 experienced medical and psychological experts selected from 42 universities in Shandong will form about 100 support groups that will be assigned to more than 150 British universities. They will remotely offer health advice, both physical and psychological, to Chinese students studying in the UK.

Another 60 experts from seven medical colleges in Shandong will take turns to provide 2-hour online consulting advice to the overseas students every day, from 12 noon to 2 pm, UK time. The experts will share knowledge about COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment, as well as offer emergency psychological counseling, and their work will continue until the epidemic ends in the UK.

The initiative, titled "Hand in Hand, Heart to Heart", was jointly organized by the Shandong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, the People's Government of Shandong Province, and China's embassy in the United Kingdom.

The program is the new complementing effort tailored for Chinese citizens abroad to help them with the prevention of the disease, to "protect everyone's life and health", Yu said, referring to aid from Shandong province that was sent to the UK on March 28 in the form of 15 experts and doctors and 48 metric tons of medical supplies, including 10 ventilators.

That team of specialists in disease control included experts in traditional Chinese and Western medicine, psychology, nursing, and other fields. Members conducted epidemiological investigations and epidemic prevention education, and participated in disease prevention and treatment work during the visit.

The program will not only help Chinese students in the UK to overcome difficulties, but will also "deepen the friendship between two peoples in China and the UK", and promote the development of the China-UK "golden era", he said.

1.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.The medical staff in China will fly to give timely aid to the Chinese students in UK.

B.All the medical assistance will be conducted online.

C.All British universities have received China’s supportive service.

D.The medical experts in Shandong will continue their work the epidemic ends throughout the world.

2.Who will benefit from the program most?

A.The British citizens B.Shandong experts

C.UK students D.Chinese students in the UK

3.What does the underlined word initiative mean?

A.proposal B.ability

C.opportunity D.civil right

4.What’s the author’s attitude towards the program?

A.positive B.negative

C.neutral D.indifferent



    Online shopping is a type of remote transaction as it is a purchase agreement reached by two parties through the transmission of network information. The purchaser places an order and makes payment, and the seller is required to ship the merchandise within 24-48 hours. However, if the seller is out of stock, then the merchandise cannot be shipped on time, so the consumer faces the risk of having to wait for a long time. If there is a holiday, the merchandise tends to be delayed due to the logistics(物流) companies being busy. Moreover, your merchandise may be damaged during transportation or delivery process. Re-order or reshipment also takes time. Consumers are advised to avoid the peak of online shopping when purchasing fresh and urgently needed products. Close attention should also be paid to logistics information after payment.

Customers who shop online are required to register as a member on the corresponding shopping website. When registering, certain personal information is required. Some websites need your personal information such as your contacts and bank card account, otherwise you will not be able to complete the transaction. Some computer hackers may obtain your personal information through certain means, and illegally make use of the information to threaten your personal and property safety. At the same time, the development of the modern logistics industry may also let out your private information. When sending and receiving deliveries, you need to fill in the contact number of both parties to facilitate communication, which, however, may also compromise privacy.

Returning the products purchased online may be troublesome. The customer will get in touch with the seller to request a return when the quality or the description of the product received does not match the advertisement. The seller may refuse the return for various reasons. Even if the relevant authority steps in, there might be a lack of evidence and thus it may be concluded hastily. Since online shopping is a long-distance transaction, it is difficult to guarantee the after-sales service of some goods. Once the product breaks down in later use, it will be difficult to guarantee after-sales rights protection.

1.The reason why a consumer may wait for a long time might not include______.

A.the selling party lack goods.

B.the purchaser is busy.

C.goods are not transported at the expected time.

D.your goods may be broken when it is delivered.

2.If you want to buy fresh and necessary goods online, you should ______.

A.go to a physical store in person. B.escape the rush hour.

C.buy them during a holiday. D.pay little attention to logistics information.

3.When you shop online, which statement is true?

A.Your personal information may be let out.

B.Customers should register in person.

C.You are threatened by the hackers.

D.Logistics industry leaks your privacy.

4.What's the best title for this text?

A.The long delivery risks B.Consumer rights protection risks

C.Personal privacy leakage risks D.Online shopping risks



    Chinese pianist Lang Lang will join in a star-studded cast of celebrities for One World: Together at Home, a televised and online-streamed global concert honoring and supporting front-line healthcare workers amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The show is put on with support of the World Health Organization and the international advocacy organization Global Citizen.

"It is one of the most important experiences in my life. It has made me a part of music history. I feel very honored to do what I can do for fighting the virus," says the pianist. "We both know music is without borders, so I do think good music can unite the world and give people power."

The two-hour-long virtual concert will be broadcast at 8 pm US Eastern Time on April 18 on multiple TV networks and online streaming platforms, with the participation of a lineup of artists including Paul McCartney, Andrea Bocelli, Stevie Wonder, Billie Eilish and many other stars.

One World: Together At Home will be hosted by Jimmy Fallon of The Tonight Show, Jimmy Kimmel of Jimmy Kimmel Live and Stephen Colbert of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Friends from Sesame Street will also be on hand to help unify and inspire people around the world to take meaningful actions that increase support for the global COVID-19 response.

The digital stream will be available on social media platforms, including Alibaba, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Tencent Music Entertainment Group.

"We are grateful to the private sectors who have listened to the public's call for action and come together to support the global response to COVID-19. This pandemic is too large for governments to tackle alone," said Hugh Evans, co-founder and CEO of Global Citizen. "We are also incredibly grateful for the continued support from the artist community to make One World: Together At Home a moment of global unity. Our hope for the special is that everyone will come away believing that we, as a shared humanity, can emerge from this moment forever grateful for the work of doctors, nurses, teachers, grocery store workers and all those who are the backbone of our communities."

1.What is the purpose of One World: Together at Home?

A.To unite the artists around the world

B.To promote the development of music

C.To be in support of and show respect to the medics

D.To show the great charm of music

2.Which of the following will not host One World: Together At Home?

A.Jimmy Kimmel B.Stevie Wonder

C.Jimmy Fallon D.Stephen Colbert

3.What does the underlined word “ tackle” mean?

A.operate B.cope with

C.achieve D.comment

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.The private sectors support the global response to COVID-19.

B.The artist community’s support makes One World: Together At Home a moment of global   unity.

C.The private sectors have listened to the public's call for action and taken action.

D.People from all walks of life have made great contributions in the fight against COVID-19.



    What worried 22-year-old Shanghai graduate Tang Yining the most until mid-March was uncertainty over finding her dream job as soon as the COVID-19 pandemic ends.

A few job interviews originally scheduled to be held after the Spring Festival holiday were all postponed due to the outbreak-related restrictions on free movement of people.

Thankfully, three interviews were shifted to the online medium. "They are actually more efficient than I had expected. In fact, online interviews helped me save time and money because for offline interviews I usually end up traveling to different provinces," a college graduate said.

According to online recruitment(招聘) firm Boss Zhipin, the number of companies using distance interviews increased by more than 20 times within 10 days after Spring Festival, compared to the first week of the autumn recruitment season in 2019.

Industry insiders said online recruitment will help fill in job vacancies in time and is of great significance to keep the employment stable nationwide and further offer economic impetus(推动力).

“Public employment service agencies and the market players concerned should also be encouraged to share information on job vacancies and strengthen the coordination of online and offline recruitment activities to ensure a stable job market,”Chinese Vice-Premier Hu Chunhua said.

As of mid-March, more than 50,000 companies had participated in the online campus recruitment, providing more than 200,000 positions.

Over 450,000 university students on the verge of their graduation had made 1,700,000 job application submissions by then, said online recruitment platform Zhaopin.

1.What's the problem with China's fresh graduates according to this passage?

A.Their interviews were shifted to the online medium.

B.Their job-hunt was delayed by the epidemic.

C.They can't move freely because of the epidemic.

D.They are worried about the COVID-19 pandemic.

2.Which one is not the advantage of using distance interviews?

A.Help fill in job vacancies in time. B.Keep the employment stable nationwide.

C.Save time and money. D.Travel to different provinces.

3.How many graduates apply for jobs in the online campus recruitment platform Zhaopin?

A.50,000 B.200,000

C.Over 450,000 D.1,700,000



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