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提示词:中医药 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) 新型冠状病毒(novel coronavirus) 疫情(epidemic)




Dear Tom,

How is everything going?



Li Hua


Dear Tom, How is everything going? Hearing that you are interested in Traditional Chinese Medicine, I am writing to give you a detailed description of it. Here is some relevant information. Traditional Chinese Medicine has a history of thousands of years, which can date back to remote antiquity. It is an indispensable part of Chinese culture and it has made great contributions to the prosperity of China. What is worth mentioning is that Traditional Chinese Medicine has played an important role in the treatment of novel coronavirus. The reason is that Traditional Chinese Medicine can build up people’s body and have no side effects, which is gained recognition around the world. I certainly believe if it is put to good use, it will benefit mankind. If you have anything you want to know, please feel free to ask me. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。你的英国笔友Tom听说中医药在新型冠状病毒疫情中凸显了医疗效能,对中医药非常感兴趣,请给他回一封电子邮件,为他介绍一下中医药的相关信息。 写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括: 1.历史及地位;2.在疫情中的作用;3.发展前景;4.其它。提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题対于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的开篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。


The great outdoors it's the place to head for when you're in need of peace and quiet, open spaces, beautiful scenery and exercise. 1.a huge mountain range or a local country park, these natural areas are a perfect tonic (补药)for our stressed-out lives, and their medical effect is being used more and more 2. (treat) mental health. "therapy helps people who suffer from depression, 3.(anxious) and stress. It's true that connecting with the natural world 4. (definite) lifts our spirits. Eco- therapy doesn't involve taking medicine. Instead, it just develops a person's relationship5. nature. This natural therapy can take on many forms, such as doing yoga in a forest, gardening or even 6. (hug) a tree.

There are many 7. (benefit) of this "green" therapy, including improving social contact, social and work skills and coping abilities. If we 8. (expose) to the natural elements, then our negative feelings get almost immediately replaced with positive emotions.

Admittedly, eco-therapy won't cure everything, but it is9. option for therapists to use. And as we become 10. (aware) of the causes and effects of mental healthit's better known that help might lie outside our towns and cities, and that nature can give us a helping hand.



    Ask people to name the world's tallest peak and anybody with sound general knowledge will name Mount Qomolangma. But quiz them on its exact __and many will be not sure.

In 1975, Chinese surveyors __ that Mount Qomolangma Mount Everest was 8848. 13 meters high. As __ improved, satellites, photoelectricity, radars and gravity measurement technologies were __ to get more exact figures. Of course, someone still had to carry __ to what is the world's rooftop.

In 2005, a Chinese team scaled Qomolangma and found that it was not as high as that, as they __ the height to be 8844. 43 meters. Scaling Qomolangma is no __ task. The average air temperature there is -29 degrees Celsius, even four degrees_____ than in Antarctica. The snow there is 4 —5 meters thick and hurricane-like __ blow all the time. Team members were training to __the extreme conditions.

In a nutshell, measuring the Qomolangma's height is a tall order, __ huge amounts of money and human resources, But it is worth the_____. Qomolangma is the perfect __ for observing crustal (地壳的)movements. And changes to the peak's height could __ whether the two plates are heading toward or away from each other.

Besides, the condition of snow and other natural materials at the top is an indicator of upcoming climate change on the Tibet-Qinghai Plateau. That's __ measuring the Qomolangma's height is so significant. Put to good use, it can benefit mankind.

1.A.location B.appearance C.area D.height

2.A.determined B.assumed C.estimated D.admitted

3.A.condition B.technology C.society D.economy

4.A.employed B.expected C.approached D.inspired

5.A.weapons B.vehicles C.instruments D.packages

6.A.changed B.calculated C.extended D.expanded

7.A.glorious B.easy C.admirable D.tough

8.A.colder B.hotter C.higher D.lower

9.A.snows B.rains C.winds D.snowflakes

10.A.cope with B.fight for C.take on D.carry out

11.A.wasting B.spending C.overcoming D.involving

12.A.effort B.loss C.harvest D.achievement

13.A.channel B.window C.solution D.entrance

14.A.measure B.foresee C.indicate D.expose

15.A.where B.how C.why D.whether



    How much is a child's future success determined by born intelligence? Most guess around  25 percent, even 50 percent. 1. So if IQ is only a minor factor in success, what is  it  that separates the low earners from the high ones?

Science doesn't have a definitive answer, although luck certainly plays a role. But another key factor is personality. Financial success was correlated with conscientiousness, a particular quality in your personality marked by diligence, perseverance and self-discipline.

Grades at school and achievement-test results were markedly better predictors of adult success than raw IQ scores. 2.After all, don't they all measure the same thing? Not quite. Grades reflect not just intelligence but also " non-cognitive skills ", such as perseverance, good study habits and the ability to collaborate. Personality counts.

3. A research suggests childhood interventions (介入)can be helpful, and that conscientiousness is more malleable (可塑的)than IQ. Openness—a broad quality that includes curiosity—is also connected to test scores and grades.

4.Someone with an IQ of 70 isn't going to be able to do things that are easy for a person with an IQ of 190. But many people fail to break into the job market because they lack skills that arent measured on intelligence tests. They don't understand how to behave with kindness in job interviews. 5. Or on the job, they make it obvious they'll do no more than the minimum, if that.

A.IQ still matters, of course.

B.That might seem surprising.

C.They may show up late or fail to dress properly.

D.How much difference between people's incomes can be tied to IQ?

E.But the data suggest a much smaller influence about 1 or 2 percent.

F.The higher the better for IQ, and perhaps for conscientiousness as well.

G.Success depends not just on born ability but on skills that can be taught.



    Lego is considering a brick rental scheme in an attempt to cut down on plastic waste. The Danish toymaker has promised to make all its bricks from sustainable (可持续的) sources by 2030 and is ploughing significant resources into finding alternatives.

Tim Brooks, vice-president responsible for sustainability, said the company was "totally open" to the idea of a product rental scheme but acknowledged that lost pieces could cause a significant problem. He said the rental scheme was "possible" but admitted there were some "technical barriers", one of which is the complexity of some Lego kits (配套元件),many of which contain thousands of pieces.

" What are the chances of giving them to an eight-year-old child and getting them all back again?” Mr Brooks added. "There is a lot of technical thinking that needs to be done.

We are right at beginning of that.” Mr Brooks said Lego was exploring several ideas with a view to producing the highest value from products while consuming the least amount of resources. He said many would "probably never see the light of day” and there was no current plan to try a rental scheme.

Lego has come under increasing pressure to reduce its carbon footprint amid growing international alarm about the impact of plastic waste on the environment. It manufactures 19 billion pieces per year—36,000 a minute——that are made only of plastic while much of the internal packaging is also plastic.

So far, the only breakthrough has been the development of a line of bricks made from plant-based plastic sourced from sugarcane. The green trees, plants and flowers were first included in Lego sets late last year but account for only one-two percent of the total amount of plastic elements produced. Henrik Ostergaard Nielson, a production supervisor in Lego's factory in Billund, told the New York Times last year "We need to learn again how to do this”

1.How will Lego cut down on plastic waste?

A.By considering a brick rental scheme.

B.By producing a new kind of toys instead of bricks.

C.By replacing common plastic with a renewable material.

D.By investing large amounts of money into market.

2.What does Tim Brooks expect of the product rental scheme?

A.It'll cause certain serious problems.

B.It'll be of great complexity.

C.It'll require more mature technical skills.

D.It'll involve much more kits of bricks.

3.What does the underlined word “many” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.Ideas. B.Values.

C.Products. D.Resources.

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Lego has to explore a new product to earn a profit.

B.A brick rental scheme has been put into mass production.

C.plant-abased plastic is environmentally friendly.

D.Lego is optimistic about the brick rental scheme.



    Today, China has conducted its first 3D printing experiment in space in a newly launched spacecraft, which was put into low-Earth orbit by China's Long March 5B heavylift carrier rocket.

Video broadcast on CCTV showed that the printer has printed a flat section of a honeycomb-shaped (蜂巢状)structure as well as a symbol of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp, the parent company of the China Academy of Space Technology. The experiment was done by a 3D printer, developed and built by its Beijing Spacecrafts Manufacturing Factory, inside the prototype of China's new — generation manned spacecraft.

The printer, named the Space-Based Composite Material 3D Printing System, uses carbon fiber-reinforced materials to autonomously print objects. It is installed in the reentry module of the experimental spaceship, and will be brought back to Earth once the module returns.

The printer features advanced technologies in material modeling, precision control and automation. Once the space-based 3D printing technology becomes operationally ready, it can extensively benefit space programs as astronauts can use it to manufacture a lot of things they currently need to obtain from resupply flights by cargo spacecraft.

Wang Yanan, editor-in-chief of the Aerospace Knowledge magazine, said the 3D Printer will be very useful in extended space missions, such as those in a space station, because it will allow astronauts to make components quickly and conveniently in space. The technology will save future space journeys considerable resources and costs.

In fact, the device is not the only representative of 3D printing onboard the Prototype.

A CubeSat deployer, designed and made through 3D printing by CoSats Space Technology, is also carried by the spacecraft to check the adaptability of 3D-printed equipment in space. CoSats Chief Operating Officer Bai Ruixue said the 3D-Printed deployer is much lighter and stronger than its counterparts and it will have huge Potential in the space industry.

1.What did the video broadcast on CCTV show to the audience?

A.The process and the products of the 3D printing.

B.The name and the shape of the 3D printer.

C.The significance of the 3D printing technology.

D.The relationship between the two companies.

2.What if a component is broken in the space station now?

A.It has to be sent by spaceship back to earth for repair.

B.The astronauts can fix it conveniently by hand on the spot.

C.The astronauts make one using 3D printing and replace it.

D.It has to be unloaded and abandoned in space.

3.Why is the last paragraph mentioned?

A.To introduce the CubeSat deployer produced in space.

B.To explain the advantages of the 3D printing in space.

C.To show the adaptability of 3D printing in space.

D.To indicate a bright future of 3D printing in space.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.3D printing experiment conducted in space.

B.3D printing set to help ease space trips.

C.3D printing launched by Long March 5B.

D.3D printing—a new way to explore space.



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