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阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续 写...

阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续 写的词数应为150左右。

Through our lives, we can gain a lot and lose so much. But being honest should always be with us, as honesty is always regarded as a virtue. Every time I talk about the topic, something crowds in my mind as if it had just happened.

I was 16 when one morning, Dad told me I could drive him to Mijas and then take the car in a nearby garage to get it serviced. At that time, I had just passed the driving test, and I hardly had a chance to use the car, so I said yes without hesitation.

I drove my father to Mijas, promising to pick him up again at 4 pm, then I went to a

nearby garage, and put the car in there. Since I had several hours to spare, I decided to go to a movie theater near the garage to see the movie. However, I was so absorbed in the plot of the movie that I forgot the time. When the last movie finished, I looked at my watch 6 pm. I was two hours late!

I thought my father would be very angry if he knew what I was doing. And he would never let me drive again. So I decided to make up an excuse. Then, I drove to the appointed place, my father was sitting in a corner, waiting patiently. I first apologized for being late, then told him that I wanted to get there as soon as possible, but that something was wrong with some of the main parts of the car.

I would never forget the way he looked at me. “I'm very disappointed that you thought you had to lie to me, Jason.” My father looked at me again and said, “When you didn't show up on time, I called the gas station and asked if there was anything wrong They told me you never picked up the car. So, you see, I know there's nothing wrong with the car at all."

Paragraph 1

A wave of guilt swept over me and I had to admit the fact that I had gone to the movies and that was the real reason why I was late.


Paragraph 2

But father, it's exactly eighteen miles home from here , and it's dark. You can't walk back. "  I begged.



A wave of guilt swept over me and I had to admit the fact that I had gone to the movies and that was the real reason why I was late .Dad listened carefully as a sadness passed through him,“I'm angry, not with you but with myself. You see. I realize that I have failed as a father if after all these years you feel that you have to lie to me. I have failed because I have brought up a son who cannot even tell the truth to his own father. I'm going to walk home now and think where I have gone wrong all these years”. But father, it's exactly eighteen miles home from here , and it's dark. You can't walk back. " I begged .My protests, my apologies and the rest of my words were useless. I had let my father down. and I was about to learn one of the most painful lessons of my life. Dad began walking along the dusty roads. I quickly jumped in the car and followed behind. I apologized all the way,telling him how sorry I was, but he simply ignored me. For 18 miles he kept walking. Seeing my father in so much pain was the most awful experience that I have ever faced.However it was also the most successful lesson. 【解析】 本篇书面表达是读后续写。通过阅读所给文章可知,作者驾车去接他的父亲,但是他因为去看电影而耽误了时间后,他谎称去修车了,最后谎言被拆穿了,这使得父亲非常生气。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:一股负疚感席卷了我,我不得不承认我去看电影了,这才是我迟到的真正原因……,所以应该写父亲对此的反应是什么以及父亲的情感此时影视什么样的。第二段开头是:可是,爸爸,那儿离这儿正好十八英里,而且天又黑。你不能走回去。我恳求。本段应该写父亲对我这么做的反应是什么以及我的心里活动是什么以及我从这件事情当中得到了什么经验教训。 续写时要求所续写短文的词数应为150左右;按要求完成写作任务。



提示词:中医药 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) 新型冠状病毒(novel coronavirus) 疫情(epidemic)




Dear Tom,

How is everything going?



Li Hua




The great outdoors it's the place to head for when you're in need of peace and quiet, open spaces, beautiful scenery and exercise. 1.a huge mountain range or a local country park, these natural areas are a perfect tonic (补药)for our stressed-out lives, and their medical effect is being used more and more 2. (treat) mental health. "therapy helps people who suffer from depression, 3.(anxious) and stress. It's true that connecting with the natural world 4. (definite) lifts our spirits. Eco- therapy doesn't involve taking medicine. Instead, it just develops a person's relationship5. nature. This natural therapy can take on many forms, such as doing yoga in a forest, gardening or even 6. (hug) a tree.

There are many 7. (benefit) of this "green" therapy, including improving social contact, social and work skills and coping abilities. If we 8. (expose) to the natural elements, then our negative feelings get almost immediately replaced with positive emotions.

Admittedly, eco-therapy won't cure everything, but it is9. option for therapists to use. And as we become 10. (aware) of the causes and effects of mental healthit's better known that help might lie outside our towns and cities, and that nature can give us a helping hand.



    Ask people to name the world's tallest peak and anybody with sound general knowledge will name Mount Qomolangma. But quiz them on its exact __and many will be not sure.

In 1975, Chinese surveyors __ that Mount Qomolangma Mount Everest was 8848. 13 meters high. As __ improved, satellites, photoelectricity, radars and gravity measurement technologies were __ to get more exact figures. Of course, someone still had to carry __ to what is the world's rooftop.

In 2005, a Chinese team scaled Qomolangma and found that it was not as high as that, as they __ the height to be 8844. 43 meters. Scaling Qomolangma is no __ task. The average air temperature there is -29 degrees Celsius, even four degrees_____ than in Antarctica. The snow there is 4 —5 meters thick and hurricane-like __ blow all the time. Team members were training to __the extreme conditions.

In a nutshell, measuring the Qomolangma's height is a tall order, __ huge amounts of money and human resources, But it is worth the_____. Qomolangma is the perfect __ for observing crustal (地壳的)movements. And changes to the peak's height could __ whether the two plates are heading toward or away from each other.

Besides, the condition of snow and other natural materials at the top is an indicator of upcoming climate change on the Tibet-Qinghai Plateau. That's __ measuring the Qomolangma's height is so significant. Put to good use, it can benefit mankind.

1.A.location B.appearance C.area D.height

2.A.determined B.assumed C.estimated D.admitted

3.A.condition B.technology C.society D.economy

4.A.employed B.expected C.approached D.inspired

5.A.weapons B.vehicles C.instruments D.packages

6.A.changed B.calculated C.extended D.expanded

7.A.glorious B.easy C.admirable D.tough

8.A.colder B.hotter C.higher D.lower

9.A.snows B.rains C.winds D.snowflakes

10.A.cope with B.fight for C.take on D.carry out

11.A.wasting B.spending C.overcoming D.involving

12.A.effort B.loss C.harvest D.achievement

13.A.channel B.window C.solution D.entrance

14.A.measure B.foresee C.indicate D.expose

15.A.where B.how C.why D.whether



    How much is a child's future success determined by born intelligence? Most guess around  25 percent, even 50 percent. 1. So if IQ is only a minor factor in success, what is  it  that separates the low earners from the high ones?

Science doesn't have a definitive answer, although luck certainly plays a role. But another key factor is personality. Financial success was correlated with conscientiousness, a particular quality in your personality marked by diligence, perseverance and self-discipline.

Grades at school and achievement-test results were markedly better predictors of adult success than raw IQ scores. 2.After all, don't they all measure the same thing? Not quite. Grades reflect not just intelligence but also " non-cognitive skills ", such as perseverance, good study habits and the ability to collaborate. Personality counts.

3. A research suggests childhood interventions (介入)can be helpful, and that conscientiousness is more malleable (可塑的)than IQ. Openness—a broad quality that includes curiosity—is also connected to test scores and grades.

4.Someone with an IQ of 70 isn't going to be able to do things that are easy for a person with an IQ of 190. But many people fail to break into the job market because they lack skills that arent measured on intelligence tests. They don't understand how to behave with kindness in job interviews. 5. Or on the job, they make it obvious they'll do no more than the minimum, if that.

A.IQ still matters, of course.

B.That might seem surprising.

C.They may show up late or fail to dress properly.

D.How much difference between people's incomes can be tied to IQ?

E.But the data suggest a much smaller influence about 1 or 2 percent.

F.The higher the better for IQ, and perhaps for conscientiousness as well.

G.Success depends not just on born ability but on skills that can be taught.



    Lego is considering a brick rental scheme in an attempt to cut down on plastic waste. The Danish toymaker has promised to make all its bricks from sustainable (可持续的) sources by 2030 and is ploughing significant resources into finding alternatives.

Tim Brooks, vice-president responsible for sustainability, said the company was "totally open" to the idea of a product rental scheme but acknowledged that lost pieces could cause a significant problem. He said the rental scheme was "possible" but admitted there were some "technical barriers", one of which is the complexity of some Lego kits (配套元件),many of which contain thousands of pieces.

" What are the chances of giving them to an eight-year-old child and getting them all back again?” Mr Brooks added. "There is a lot of technical thinking that needs to be done.

We are right at beginning of that.” Mr Brooks said Lego was exploring several ideas with a view to producing the highest value from products while consuming the least amount of resources. He said many would "probably never see the light of day” and there was no current plan to try a rental scheme.

Lego has come under increasing pressure to reduce its carbon footprint amid growing international alarm about the impact of plastic waste on the environment. It manufactures 19 billion pieces per year—36,000 a minute——that are made only of plastic while much of the internal packaging is also plastic.

So far, the only breakthrough has been the development of a line of bricks made from plant-based plastic sourced from sugarcane. The green trees, plants and flowers were first included in Lego sets late last year but account for only one-two percent of the total amount of plastic elements produced. Henrik Ostergaard Nielson, a production supervisor in Lego's factory in Billund, told the New York Times last year "We need to learn again how to do this”

1.How will Lego cut down on plastic waste?

A.By considering a brick rental scheme.

B.By producing a new kind of toys instead of bricks.

C.By replacing common plastic with a renewable material.

D.By investing large amounts of money into market.

2.What does Tim Brooks expect of the product rental scheme?

A.It'll cause certain serious problems.

B.It'll be of great complexity.

C.It'll require more mature technical skills.

D.It'll involve much more kits of bricks.

3.What does the underlined word “many” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.Ideas. B.Values.

C.Products. D.Resources.

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Lego has to explore a new product to earn a profit.

B.A brick rental scheme has been put into mass production.

C.plant-abased plastic is environmentally friendly.

D.Lego is optimistic about the brick rental scheme.



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