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The research from the U.S. Centers for D...

    The research from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that food allergies ( ) in children have increased about 50 percent. Common symptoms  of allergic responses include itchy mouth, throat tightening, and difficulties in breathing.

Food allergy is a medical condition of exposure to certain foods. It occurs when the immune system attacks the protein in food that in normal cases is harmless. According to reports, more than 170 foods cause allergic reactions. The major food allergens are in eggs, milk, peanuts, wheat, soy, fish, tree nuts, and crustacean shellfish.

There are several reasons behind the rise in food allergies. The food being produced these days is high in sugar, unhealthy fats, genetically modifies and some food farms have  pesticides ( ) and other food have been injected drugs. All this can have a negative impact on our microbiome (微生物群), which is the basis of good health and immunity.

In a study comparing two children, a 15-year-old who lived in urban Italy and a 14-year-old child from rural Africa, it clearly showed a significant difference in the diversity of bacteria in their guts. The reason lies in their diet. The child from rural Africa has his diet low  in fat and rich in plant-based foods which are grown and harvested locally by villagers. In contrast, the Italian kid’s diet was rich in animal protein, sugar then low in fiber. Ultimately, the microbiome of the kid from Italy was less than that of the kid from Africa.

Besides, the so-called ‘hygiene hypothesis’ suggests that decreased exposure to microbes in early life can lead to an increased chance of allergies in later life, because of individuals not having built up immunity at a young age.

Yet another reason for the explosion in allergies may be environmental changes. The environment has seen a rise in temperature and is estimated that in the coming decades the temperature could rise even further by 10 degrees. As a result of this warm climate, the growing seasons will be longer, increasing allergen count thus making allergies even worse. According to scientists, climate change is a contributing factor that needs immediate attention.

Dr. R. Sharon, researcher of Allergy and Asthma Research Centre at Stanford University, believes the cause of allergies will ultimately come down to a combination of many factors.

Food allergies have no cure but can be managed by avoiding food that brings the  reactions. Scientists are studying food allergies medical methods for general use. They are all trying to actively understand a certain part of the puzzle when it comes to allergies.

1.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Scientists have found an effective method to solve food allergies.

B.There could be many reasons that combine to lead to food allergies.

C.Environmental changes are the most important reason for food allergies.

D.To decrease children’s allergies, we should make them eat less every day.

2.In paragraph 4, the two children are mentioned to show that

A.pesticides have bad effects on people’s food

B.a person’s daily diet can affect his microbiome

C.food allergies have no cure but can be avoided

D.climate  change is another factor for food allergies

3.What is the main purpose of this passage?

A.To explain the causes of food allergies.

B.To stress the influences of food allergies.

C.To introduce the solutions to food allergies.

D.To tell people the symptoms of food allergies.

4.What’s the author’s attitude to the treatment of food allergies?

A.Indifferent. B.Positive.

C.Doubtful. D.Critical.


1.B 2.B 3.A 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了导致食物过敏的原因。 1.细节理解题。根据文章第三段中There are several reasons behind the rise in food allergies. 食物过敏的增加有几个原因以及倒数第二段中Dr. R. Sharon, researcher of Allergy and Asthma Research Centre at Stanford University, believes the cause of allergies will ultimately come down to a combination of many factors. Dr. R. Sharon相信过敏的原因最终会归结到许多因素的组合。由此可知,导致食物过敏的原因有很多。故选B。 2.推理判断题。根据文章第三段中All this can have a negative impact on our microbiome (微生物群), which is the basis of good health and immunity. 所有这些都会对我们的微生物群产生负面影响,而微生物群是健康和免疫的基础。以及第四段中Ultimately, the microbiome of the kid from Italy was less than that of the kid from Africa. 最终,来自意大利的孩子的微生物组少于来自非洲的孩子。由此可知,提到两个孩子是为了说明一个人的饮食会对他的微生物群造成影响。故选B。 3.推理判断题。根据文章第三段中There are several reasons behind the rise in food allergies.以及第五段中Besides, the so-called ‘hygiene hypothesis’ suggests that decreased exposure to microbes in early life can lead to an increased chance of allergies in later life, because of individuals not having built up immunity at a young age. 此外,所谓的“卫生假说”表明,早期接触微生物的减少可能会导致晚年过敏的几率增加,因为人们在年轻时没有建立起免疫系统。以及倒数第三段中Yet another reason for the explosion in allergies may be environmental changes. 另一个过敏症激增的原因可能是环境的变化。According to scientists, climate change is a contributing factor that needs immediate attention. 科学家表示,气候变化是一个需要立即关注的因素。以及倒数第二段中Dr. R. Sharon, researcher of Allergy and Asthma Research Centre at Stanford University, believes the cause of allergies will ultimately come down to a combination of many factors. Dr. R. Sharon相信过敏的原因最终会归结到许多因素的组合。由此可知,文章大篇幅都在讲述过敏的原因。结合选项,故选A。 4.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中Food allergies have no cure but can be managed by avoiding food that brings the reactions. Scientists are studying food allergies medical methods for general use. They are all trying to actively understand a certain part of the puzzle when it comes to allergies. 食物过敏无法治愈,但可以通过避免食用引起过敏反应的食物来控制。科学家们正在研究普遍使用的食物过敏的医学方法。当谈到过敏时,他们都试图积极地理解这个谜题的某一部分。由此可知,作者对于过敏的治疗还是很乐观的。故选B。

    It’s never too early to start doing good deeds for others. Adults should always be role models for children and the youth, but sometimes those roles are easily exchanged. A young boy did just that—showing that at an early age one can do more to uplift others.

Pavel, 9-year-old Russian boy, made up his mind to use his talent to reach out to those in need. The young artist from the small city of Arzamas decided to use his love for painting into helping animals, by exchanging his artwork for animal food and supplies, which are then donated to a local shelter.

Pavel had this wonderful idea for helping animals when his family lost one of their own pets. He also began to grow concerned over the situation of stray animals wandering in the city. He felt it was his duty to help, which resulted in a project called “Kind Paintbrush”. It was set up by Pavel and his mother. The project started as a way to honor the memory of their pet, but has since evolved into a distinctive way of helping animals. Only one animal shelter, housing over 100 dogs, exists in the local area, and Pavel is its youngest volunteer. To support the shelter, Pavel draws images of real pets and in return, he is paid with animal food and other needs of the shelter.

This isn’t even the first time that mother and son have volunteered their time to a worthy endeavor. They work on their own time and effort, with no support from other organizations. They are simply motivated by their empathy, huge heart, and willingness to use their skills for helping animals.

This stimulating project has already grown beyond Arzamas city. Pavel has become quite  a sensation, particularly among animal lovers in Russia who have been in touch to  have portraits of their pets made. Requests for paintings of their pets have also come from abroad, such as Spain and Germany.

Pavel’s dreams for the future are still tied to helping animals. He plans to become as much as he can with his art and love for animals.

1.What can we know about Pavel?

A.He has won several awards.

B.He dreams to build an animal shelter.

C.He is good at drawing images of real pets.

D.He gets a lot of help from other organizations.

2.Why did Pavel start the project “Kind Paintbrush”?

A.To attract more volunteers.

B.To promote his paintings in local area.

C.To learn more skills of feeding animals.

D.To memorize his lost pet and help animals.

3.Which of the following words can best describe Pavel?

A.Creative and caring.

B.Polite and intelligent.

C.Modest and ambitious.

D.Humorous and determined.

4.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A.It is never too old to learn.

B.Time and tide wait for no man.

C.A kind act can make a difference.

D.Saying is one thing and doing another.



    Our Cambridge Scholars’ Program is to help intelligent high school students aged 14-18 reach their full potential and prepare for their amazing futures.

Outstanding Education

We  offer  a range of  excellent  courses—from Astronomy to  Psychology to Debate. Pick and mix from our diverse course list to pursue your passion or try out different subjects   to find your favorite. The courses are taught by our experienced teachers, nearly all of whom belong to

the University of Cambridge.

Enriching Activities

We run activities after classes to help you develop friendships with the great new people you’ll meet. In the evenings we have dances, sports activities, punting on the River Cam, film nights, and more.

Cultural Trips

We have trips around Britain. Visit castles, palaces, museums and more to  learn more about the country’s cultural heritage and have a fantastic time with all the new friends you’ll  make.

Optional Paris trip

Note: Sign up for the optional Paris trip you should pay extra $1500 fee.

After the Cambridge program ends, we offer an optional week in Paris—seeing all the famous sites such as the Eiffel Tower and Versailles, as well as having a trip to Disneyland Paris.

Time: Two Week: Saturday, July 25th—Sunday, August 9th

Our full course offering during the two weeks is as follows:

Option One

Option Two

Option Three

Option Four

Cambridge Thinking


Computer Science

Artificial Intelligence


Essay Writing

Criminal & Forensic Psychology

Business Psychology


Economics & Finance

International Relations, Politics & Leadership


English Literature





Mind Games

Essay Writing

The Quantum Universe


Mind Games





9 am – 10:30 am

10:45 am – 12:15 am

1:30 pm – 3 pm

3:15 pm – 4:45 pm



1.What can we learn about the Cambridge Scholars’ Program?

A.It is designed for intelligent university students.

B.It offers the chance to visit the places of interest of Britain.

C.It includes an optional week of touring around Paris for free.

D.It has various courses taught by experienced college students.

2.If a student has free time from 2 pm – 10 pm, what courses can he attend?

A.Mind Games and Essay Writing

B.Debate and Cambridge Thinking

C.Journalism and Computer Science

D.Chemistry and Artificial Intelligence

3.What is the main purpose of this passage?

A.To compare the courses.

B.To evaluate the activities.

C.To recommend the program.

D.To introduce the travel arrangement.



Reaching Impossible Heights

Xia, 69, reached the peak of Mount Qomolangma, the highest mountain in the world on May 14th , 2018. What’s remarkable, however, is that Xia has no _______ of his own.

Xia was chosen by the Chinese mountaineering team in 1974 and together with his teammates, Xia _______ Mount  Qomolangma  in  1975.  However,  he  and  some  of  his  teammates were _______ in a snowstorm just 200 meters below the peak and were forced to  go down the hill. Eventually, nine climbers reached the top, but Xia _______ severe freezing cold and lost both his feet. After that, he became a double amputee.

He heard the news of his teammates’ _______ on the radio as he lay in bed in hospital   awaiting the operation. “I was proud of my teammates but _______ because I was not among them. I didn’t dare to imagine my _______ of sitting in a wheelchair, perhaps forever,” he said.

He felt _______ for a long time until a doctor told him that on artificial legs, he could     live life like anyone else, and might even do quite a lot of physical exercise. His hopes were _______ and he set a target: he would climb Qomolangma. The vision of the _______ came close to him. It gave him the courage and hope to _______.

He failed to reach the 8,844-meter peak four times. Although it took Xia more than 40 years to realize his _______ , he stayed less than 10 minutes at the top because of a storm.    Facing into the wind, he _______ his body to carry on down the mountain, knowing that the _______ had only just begun. His artificial legs had  no feeling. Low temperatures and the burden of hiking caused his legs to swell, so that the artificial legs didn’t _______ as they    should. He uses twice as much _______ as fully-able mountaineers. Many times, his feet got _______ in cracks in the ice and his teammates had to help pull his legs out. Then there was    the snow. His  glasses  were  covered  with  a  layer  of _______.  “Everything  was  white.  I couldn’t see clearly. The only thing I could do was to hold tight to the rope and keep moving on,” he recalled. It took Xia two days to _______ to the base camp, more than 3,000 meters   below.

His _______ is beyond most  people’s  imagination.  When  he  was  reported  to  have conquered Qomolangma, he replied, “It is Qomolangma that accepts me. Nature cannot be conquered, but people can.”

1.A.ears B.eyes C.legs D.arms

2.A.reported B.climbed C.discovered D.measured

3.A.buried B.absorbed C.engaged D.trapped

4.A.ignored B.suffered C.defended D.overcame

5.A.success B.kindness C.courage D.progress

6.A.moved B.relaxed C.depressed D.concerned

7.A.plan B.future C.relief D.behavior

8.A.fearless B.confident C.hopeless D.inspired

9.A.raised B.recorded C.destroyed D.promised

10.A.memory B.recovery C.operation D.mountain

11.A.take on B.live on C.depend on D.pass on

12.A.dream B.situation C.position D.decision

13.A.shook B.warned C.allowed D.forced

14.A.travel B.reward C.struggle D.research

15.A.fit B.approach C.prevent D.change

16.A.passion B.support C.energy D.knowledge

17.A.lost B.involved C.dressed D.stuck

18.A.ice B.sand C.paint D.plastic

19.A.rush B.return C.escape D.wander

20.A.patience B.independence C.contribution D.determination




Forsythia(连翘)is one of the earliest 1. (flower) blooming in spring,   between March and May. It is a popular plant known for its bare branches filled with brilliant yellow flowers. The plant has four petals and its branches stretch upward, 2. is native to China. It’s easy to grow 3. it can tolerate unfavorable conditions and partial shade, but it grows best in full sun. During July and August it produces fruit, often used in 4. (tradition)   Chinese medicine, proven by some of the earliest Chinese medical texts dating back to some 4,000 years.




The high-speed railway line connecting Beijing and Zhangjiakou, the co-host city of  the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, went into operation on December 30th, 2019. 1. (design) with 5G signals and wireless charging, the smart train G8811  departed  from Beijing North Railway Station 2. 8:30  am to  Zhangjiakou. The railway is  174  km   long, with 10 stations along the line. With a maximum design speed of 350 kph, it greatly reduces the  travel  time from over three hours to 47 minutes, facilitating inter-city   traffic. So  far,  the  length  of  China’s  railroad  lines    in  service 3. (reach)  139,000  km, including 35,000 km of high-speed rail, ranking first in the   world.



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