满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



注意:词数不少于 60



Last Friday, our school organized a speech contest themed “Touching the Heart of China”, which proved to be meaningful and memorable. Last Monday, on the class meeting, our head-teacher announced the detailed information of the speech contest, which aroused our keen interests in the activity. I thought it a good opportunity for me to tell the truly touching stories, so I was determined to take part in the contest. On arriving at home, I started my preparation work. First of all, I surfed the Internet for some videos and materials related to the theme, including people of different ages and from different backgrounds who made contributions to our country. Then I threw myself into writing my speech referring to the newspapers and magazines reporting their heroic deeds. The big day came at last. Standing on the stage in the school auditorium, I delivered my speech in which I described doctors and nurses’ moving deeds and saluted to them with the highest admiration. All the audiences were deeply moved by my words. At the end of my speech, they gave loud applauses. It surprised me that I won the First Prize. With the diploma in hand, I was honored to accept the interview from the host. I expressed that the activity came to an end, but the moving deeds still happens every day in our country. We should respect and learn from these people who have touched the heart of every Chinese. 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。你们学校上周组织了一次以“感动中国,感动你我”为主题的演讲比赛。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文周记,记述你参加本次活动的全过程。 第一步:审题 体裁:应用文 时态:根据提示,时态应为一般过去时。 要求:按照图画顺序写 第二步:列提纲 (重点词组) theme; aroused our keen interests in ; make contributions to; refer to; delivered speech; salute to sb; come to an end; touch the heart of every Chinese. 第三步:连词成句 1. Last Friday, our school organized a speech contest themed “Touching the Heart of China”, which proved to be meaningful and memorable 2. Last Monday, on the class meeting, our head-teacher announced the detailed information of the speech contest, which aroused our keen interests in the activity 3. I thought it a good opportunity for me to tell the truly touching stories, so I was determined to take part in the contest. 4. I surfed the Internet for some videos and materials related to the theme, including people of different ages and from different backgrounds who made contributions to our country. 5 .I delivered my speech in which I described doctors and nurses’ moving deeds and saluted to them with the highest admiration. 根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第四步:连句成篇(衔接词) 1.表文章结构顺序:First of all, Firstly/First, Secondly/Second… And then, Finally, In the end, At last 2.表并列补充关系:What is more, Besides, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition As well as, not only…but (also), including, 3.表转折对比关系:However, On the contrary, but, Although+clause(从句), In spite of+n/doing,On the one hand…,On the other hand… Some…,while others…,as for, so…that… 4.表因果关系:Because, As, So, Thus, Therefore, As a result 连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰, 第五步:润色修改

假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的英国好友 Jim 在给你的邮件中提到他今年暑假将来北京参加外国人朗诵中国诗词大赛,希望你能为他推荐一首中国诗词。请你给他回复邮件,内容包括:

1. 诗词的题目和作者;

2. 诗词的主要内容;

3. 你推荐该诗词的理由。

注意:1.  词数不少于 50

2.  开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Jim,



Li Hua



    Suppose you were promised $1,440 each day that comes to $525,600 a year. That could never be reduced or changed in your whole life. Sounds great, doesn’t it? Actually, we all do get 1,440 a day—but in minutes, not dollars. 1. It’s possible to get more money, but you can’t make more time.

Many of the management practices that help people make good use of their money can also be applied to your “time currency”. But the question is, are you a good manager of your time? 2.

Find out where your time is going now. Write down everything you do in a day. Include work, study, cooking and meals, cleaning and household maintenance, sleep, family time and mindless activities such as watching TV and getting lost in social media.

3. Ten  minutes of planning can save  you an hour of time and helps stretch the    time you have, and you’ll see pockets of time you can use for things you want to do. “Once people have a clear picture, they actually do have a lot more time than they realize.” Clark, the founder of the Purposeful Planner says.

You can also set limits. Use kitchen timers, phone reminders, apps or other timing devices to stay focused and work more productively, suggests Janine Adams, certified professional organizer of Peace of Mind Organizing.

4. When you have missions to run, instead of making three separate trips on three different days to buy groceries, office supplies or home store products, integrate them—visit all three stores in one trip. It’s more efficient to finish “little one-off” tasks together rather than  deal with one at a time throughout the day.

At the end of the day, week, month and year, take a look at how well you’ve managed your time. You’ll see where you could do better and where you’ve completed what you set out to do. Booren compares this progress check to reviewing your annual “financial    statement”.

5.Do that over and over and “it forms habit and becomes natural.” Booren says.

A.Try these simple steps to take control of your clock and calendar.

B.Time is one of the most precious and limited resources for people.

C.Grouping small tasks into one job proves to be helpful in daily practice.

D.The most important tasks are not always the same as the most pressing tasks.

E.Focus on what you’re doing and avoid having to repeat the same process twice.

F.Invest a few minutes at the beginning of each day or week to plan and organize.

G.Take time each day to reflect on your achievements and set goals for tomorrow.



    Say goodbye to standing in long lines holding boarding passes and other travel documents. Step this way, instead. Look into the camera lens and off you go.

Sound convenient? Technology companies working with travel providers and the federal government to install facial recognition systems at airports hope you think so.

But privacy advocators don’t want you to become too comfortable. They worry that what we’re willing to accept for convenience today will soften our resistance to the idea of filling public spaces with cameras that can identify us and track our every move.

Facial recognition technology came suddenly into modern reality with very few people prepared for it. Facial recognition is a biometric technology that uses distinguishable facial features to identify a person. In many cases, we see it being used by governments and law enforcement agencies—testing its accuracy and value for future purposes.

Today, it’s used in a variety of ways from allowing you to unlock your phone, go through security at the airport, purchase products at stores. It checks the identities of ride-hailing drivers, permits tourists to enter attractions and let people pay for things with a smile. Airports are increasingly adding facial recognition technology to security checkpoints. It’s even said that past footage of unsolved mysteries would benefit greatly from this technology as it would help identify the criminals of crimes long forgotten.

However, there has been a serious clash between the government and citizens in general over the technology’s use cases. At an airport, travelers are requested to present their passports, from which the software will determine whether the person standing in front of the camera matches the identity. If it matches, then they can get through quickly. However, the surveillance system searches a large database for the face presented to the camera. Editing such a big database, many worry, will inevitably lead to privacy concerns down the road. The biggest drawback for facial recognition technology in most people’s opinions is the threat to an individual’s privacy.

Some say that it’s the most powerful tool as they fear for their privacy being invaded almost on a daily basis, while the government tries to push it as something necessary for better civil control and crime prevention. Overall, talks usually boil down to whether facial recognition technology should be banned or if it should be regulated.

According to IBM, the banning of facial recognition technology would be a step backward for human scientific advancement. However, restricting it within light regulations could yield just as many gains as it would in a “free market”.

There are many useful applications of facial recognition technology—both at the consumer level as a matter of security and convenience, and for governments and law enforcement agencies. The challenge is finding the balance between those benefits and the expectation of privacy. Banning facial recognition is not the answer. Regulating it, however, may be necessary to put an acceptable framework of rules around its use.

1.With the help of facial recognition, we can _______.

A.purchase products at home

B.figure out unsolved mysteries

C.reduce the number of criminals

D.pass the security at the airport faster

2.What does the underlined word “clash” in paragraph 6 probably mean?

A.Conflict. B.Crisis.

C.Challenge. D.Consequence.

3.Facing the use of this technology, citizens _______.

A.have no idea of its benefit

B.have already got well-prepared

C.worry their information is misused

D.refuse to accept the convenience

4.Which point of view may the author agree to?

A.Banning facial recognition.

B.Debating with the government.

C.Maintaining the current situation.

D.Regulating facial recognition with rules.



    The research from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that food allergies ( ) in children have increased about 50 percent. Common symptoms  of allergic responses include itchy mouth, throat tightening, and difficulties in breathing.

Food allergy is a medical condition of exposure to certain foods. It occurs when the immune system attacks the protein in food that in normal cases is harmless. According to reports, more than 170 foods cause allergic reactions. The major food allergens are in eggs, milk, peanuts, wheat, soy, fish, tree nuts, and crustacean shellfish.

There are several reasons behind the rise in food allergies. The food being produced these days is high in sugar, unhealthy fats, genetically modifies and some food farms have  pesticides ( ) and other food have been injected drugs. All this can have a negative impact on our microbiome (微生物群), which is the basis of good health and immunity.

In a study comparing two children, a 15-year-old who lived in urban Italy and a 14-year-old child from rural Africa, it clearly showed a significant difference in the diversity of bacteria in their guts. The reason lies in their diet. The child from rural Africa has his diet low  in fat and rich in plant-based foods which are grown and harvested locally by villagers. In contrast, the Italian kid’s diet was rich in animal protein, sugar then low in fiber. Ultimately, the microbiome of the kid from Italy was less than that of the kid from Africa.

Besides, the so-called ‘hygiene hypothesis’ suggests that decreased exposure to microbes in early life can lead to an increased chance of allergies in later life, because of individuals not having built up immunity at a young age.

Yet another reason for the explosion in allergies may be environmental changes. The environment has seen a rise in temperature and is estimated that in the coming decades the temperature could rise even further by 10 degrees. As a result of this warm climate, the growing seasons will be longer, increasing allergen count thus making allergies even worse. According to scientists, climate change is a contributing factor that needs immediate attention.

Dr. R. Sharon, researcher of Allergy and Asthma Research Centre at Stanford University, believes the cause of allergies will ultimately come down to a combination of many factors.

Food allergies have no cure but can be managed by avoiding food that brings the  reactions. Scientists are studying food allergies medical methods for general use. They are all trying to actively understand a certain part of the puzzle when it comes to allergies.

1.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Scientists have found an effective method to solve food allergies.

B.There could be many reasons that combine to lead to food allergies.

C.Environmental changes are the most important reason for food allergies.

D.To decrease children’s allergies, we should make them eat less every day.

2.In paragraph 4, the two children are mentioned to show that

A.pesticides have bad effects on people’s food

B.a person’s daily diet can affect his microbiome

C.food allergies have no cure but can be avoided

D.climate  change is another factor for food allergies

3.What is the main purpose of this passage?

A.To explain the causes of food allergies.

B.To stress the influences of food allergies.

C.To introduce the solutions to food allergies.

D.To tell people the symptoms of food allergies.

4.What’s the author’s attitude to the treatment of food allergies?

A.Indifferent. B.Positive.

C.Doubtful. D.Critical.



    It’s never too early to start doing good deeds for others. Adults should always be role models for children and the youth, but sometimes those roles are easily exchanged. A young boy did just that—showing that at an early age one can do more to uplift others.

Pavel, 9-year-old Russian boy, made up his mind to use his talent to reach out to those in need. The young artist from the small city of Arzamas decided to use his love for painting into helping animals, by exchanging his artwork for animal food and supplies, which are then donated to a local shelter.

Pavel had this wonderful idea for helping animals when his family lost one of their own pets. He also began to grow concerned over the situation of stray animals wandering in the city. He felt it was his duty to help, which resulted in a project called “Kind Paintbrush”. It was set up by Pavel and his mother. The project started as a way to honor the memory of their pet, but has since evolved into a distinctive way of helping animals. Only one animal shelter, housing over 100 dogs, exists in the local area, and Pavel is its youngest volunteer. To support the shelter, Pavel draws images of real pets and in return, he is paid with animal food and other needs of the shelter.

This isn’t even the first time that mother and son have volunteered their time to a worthy endeavor. They work on their own time and effort, with no support from other organizations. They are simply motivated by their empathy, huge heart, and willingness to use their skills for helping animals.

This stimulating project has already grown beyond Arzamas city. Pavel has become quite  a sensation, particularly among animal lovers in Russia who have been in touch to  have portraits of their pets made. Requests for paintings of their pets have also come from abroad, such as Spain and Germany.

Pavel’s dreams for the future are still tied to helping animals. He plans to become as much as he can with his art and love for animals.

1.What can we know about Pavel?

A.He has won several awards.

B.He dreams to build an animal shelter.

C.He is good at drawing images of real pets.

D.He gets a lot of help from other organizations.

2.Why did Pavel start the project “Kind Paintbrush”?

A.To attract more volunteers.

B.To promote his paintings in local area.

C.To learn more skills of feeding animals.

D.To memorize his lost pet and help animals.

3.Which of the following words can best describe Pavel?

A.Creative and caring.

B.Polite and intelligent.

C.Modest and ambitious.

D.Humorous and determined.

4.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A.It is never too old to learn.

B.Time and tide wait for no man.

C.A kind act can make a difference.

D.Saying is one thing and doing another.



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