满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

One year, a newspaper of the United Stat...

    One year, a newspaper of the United States published an announcement -the Horticultural Institute offered a reward at a high price for the pure white marigold(金盏花). The high reward attracted so many people, but in nature besides golden, the marigold is brown it is not easy to create the white one. So after they were excited for a time, many people forgot that announcement.

One normal day after 20 years, the Horticultural Institute accidentally received a letter and 100 seeds of pure white marigold. On that day the news spread like wildfire. It proved to be an old woman of over 70 years old. The institute had always been hesitating over the fact that the letter stated with certainty that the seeds could bloom pure white marigold.

Those seeds finally took root in the earth. The wonder appeared after one year: large fields of pure white marigold swung in the light wind. As a result, the old woman became a new focus.

Originally, the old woman was just a flower-lover. When she happened to read the announcement 20 years ago, her heart kept beating wildly. But her eight children all opposed her decision. After all, a woman who never knew the seed genetics(遗传学) couldn't complete what the experts could never accomplish! Still, the old woman didn't change her mind and went on working. Year after year, through many cycles of spring sowing and autumn harvest, the old woman's husband died; her children flew far and high; a lot of things happened in her life but only the desire to grow the pure white marigold took root in her heart. Finally, after 20 years on the day we all know, in the garden, she saw a marigold, which was not nearly white but as white as silver or snow.

Such a difficult problem as even experts couldn't deal with was readily solved by an old woman who didn't understand genetics. Was it a wonder? Take root in the heart and even the most common seed can grow into a wonder!

1.Why was a great reward offered by the Horticultural Institute?

A.White flowers could be sold at a higher price.

B.Pure white marigold was more beautiful in nature.

C.It was very difficult to develop pure white marigold.

D.Scientists wanted to know how marigold grew in nature.

2.What can we know about the old woman from the passage?

A.She got professional support from scientists.

B.She kept trying for years before she succeeded.

C.She was 70 when she first read the announcement.

D.She sent pure white marigold flowers to the institute.

3.The underlined word “readily” in the last paragraph probably means .

A.easily B.quickly

C.willingly D.luckily

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Seeds Take Root in the Heart B.White Marigold is Hard to Grow

C.Marigolds Grow from Bravery D.White Flowers Bring Success


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。这篇文章主要讲了一个研究所悬赏白色的金盏花,20年后一位老太太成功培育了出来,她解决了科学家都无法解决的难题。 1.推理判断题。根据第一段第二句The high reward attracted so many people, but in nature besides golden, the marigold is brown;it is not easy to create the white one.可知高额的奖励吸引了许多人,但在自然界中,除了金色的,金盏花是棕色的,要生长出白色的金盏花并不容易。由此可推知,学院要提供巨额奖励是因为开发纯白金盏花是非常困难的。故选C。 2.推理判断题。根据第四段中A year later, when the marigold bloomed, she chose one faintest from those golden and brown flowers and made it wither naturally in order to get the best seed. The next year, she again grew them and chose the faintest from these flowers to plant Year after year, through many cycles of spring sowing and autumn harvest, the old woman's husband died; her children flew far and high; a lot of things happened in her life but only the desire to grow the pure white marigold took root in her heart. Finally, after 20 years on the day we all know, in the garden, she saw a marigold, which was not nearly white but as white as silver or snow.可知一年后,当金盏花开花的时候,她从那些金灿灿的、褐色的花朵中选了一朵最淡的,让它自然枯萎,以获得最好的种子。第二年,她再次种植,并从这些花中挑选出最淡的一朵来种植,年复一年,经历了多次春播秋收的轮回,老妇人的丈夫去世了;儿女们飞得很远很高,她的生命中发生了很多事情,但唯独对种植纯白的金盏花的渴望在她心中生根发芽。终于,在20年后的那一天,在花园里,她看到了一株金盏花,那株金盏花不是近乎白色的,而是像银色的、雪白的。由此可推知,这位老太太坚持了多年才成功。故选B。 3.词义猜测题。根据上文Such a difficult problem as even experts couldn't cope with was可知这样一个连专家都解决不了的难题,却被一位不懂遗传学的老太太轻而易举地解决了。故划线单词意思为“轻易地”。故选A。 4.主旨大意题。根据最后一段中Take root in the heart and even the most common seed can grow into a wonder!可知在心中扎根,即使是最普通的种子也能成长为奇迹!结合这篇文章主要讲了一个研究所悬赏白色的金盏花,一位老太太经过20年的坚持不懈,成功培育出白色金盏花,她解决了科学家都无法解决的难题。可知A选项“种子在心里扎根”最符合文章标题。故选A。

    Watching kids' cartoons can be an effective way to learn a language. The basic plot lines of kids' cartoons are fairly simple and the characters speak more slowly, and the dialogue is typically standard and casual. Here are four worldwide popular kids' cartoons which may help you with your English learning.

Peppa Pig

Peppa Pig, the pink piggy, has gained worldwide popularity. There are even videos showing an American child speaking in a British accent to her mom after watching the popular cartoon.

The Simpsons

The Simpsons in the ' 90s was smart, culturally savvy (有见识的), and unbelievably entertaining TV about an average American family. At its height, no show - animated or otherwise - could reach The Simpsons' greatness. From the cleverness of “Marge vs. the Monorail” to everything Lisa Simpson ever said. The Simpsons was fearless and game-changing television.

Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time is a French educational animation, created by Procidis. There are seven series (系列), each focusing on different aspects of knowledge. These are mostly historical, focusing on the overall history of mankind or specified historical fields, such as the lives and achievements of the explorers or inventors.


Sazae-san is more than a kids' show. It's a cultural institution, a national treasure and the longest- running animated series in the world, ever!

It's about a typical Japanese big family living together in Tokyo. The central character is an outspoken but somewhat clumsy woman in her early 20s, living with her husband, son, father, mother, brother and sister all under one roof.

All of the characters are colorful and funny, and all are named after fish!

1.Why does the American girl speak in a British accent?

A.She was born and brought up in Britain. B.Peppa Pig has strongly influenced her.

C.The British accent is popular in America. D.She wants to make fun of her mother.

2.What will a fan of history choose to watch?

A.Peppa Pig B.The Simpsons

C.Once Upon a Time D.Sazae-san

3.What can you learn about Sazae-san from the text?

A.It is about an average American family. B.It is the longest-running of the four.

C.It is a well-received French cartoon. D.It includes seven different series.




A gift of gold

It was the winter of 1937, just after Christmas. The Depression was still going on, but I was in good spirits. I was going to graduate from elementary school, but my mother still dressed me in shorts. Most of my classmates had given up wearing shorts. For the graduation ceremony, all the boys were expected to wear white shirts and dark blue wool pants.

I waited until a week before I told my mother. On a cold Monday afternoon I went home from school.

“Mom,” I said, “about graduation...”

“Yes?” she answered.

“They are going to give me the first-prize medal,” I said.

Still working over the stove, she looked over her shoulder at me and smiled broadly. “That’s wonderful, Babe. Dad and I will be both there, and we’ll be the proudest.”

She must have seen by the look on my face that something was wrong. She turned her back and said, “So?”

“So, I have to get long pants,” I said.

“Babe, we don’t have money for new pants right now,” she said.

“Okay,” I burst out.“Then I won’t go to graduation. Plus, I’m running away from home!”

“If I were you, I wouldn’t pack my bags. We’ll solve the problem of pants somehow,” she said.

The following Saturday, when my mother said “Let’s go shopping”, I knew that she had solved the problem. Then we left home. We took the trolley (有轨电车) and got off at Southern Boulevard, the best shopping street. The clothing store was just a couple of blocks away.

But first we walked a short way down the Boulevard and stopped at a place I had never noticed before.

“Wait here,” she said. Then she entered a storefront that looked like a bank and opened the door with the hand with a gold wedding ring on her ring finger.

She went out about ten minutes later with a purse in her left hand, and then we went to the pants store. I chose a pair of pants. After a patient bargain with the seller, my mother bought it at the price of three dollars and fifty cents and handed it to me.

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

I was holding the pants tightly under my arm when my mother went to pay the money.


Paragraph 2:

We took the trolley back home.





1.I think I am a little bit color-blind, for I often find it difficult to d________ between blue and green.

2.Doctor Smith finally came to the c________ that the rare disease had little chance of being cured.

3.In the a________ of hard evidence, the thief was set free.

4.It is r________ that people have their teeth examined every year.

5.Much of the information he got is of no p________ use.

6.He___________(忽视) the “no smoking” sign and lit a cigarette in the waiting room, so he was fined.

7.With spring__________(临近), the weather becomes warmer and trees turn green.

8.He___________(抱怨) to me about her rudeness, saying she was the last person that he would like to deal with.

9.I__________(惊慌) when I saw smoke coming out of the engine.

10.No one was injured in the fire, but the building was completely________ (毁坏).




You’ve probably seen the term extreme sports in magazines, heard about it on the evening news, and seen it 1. (advertise) in sporting goods stores. So, what exactly are extreme sports?

During the 1970s and 1980s, the term “extreme sports” 2. (use) for sports that were often dangerous and could result in injury or even death. Today, however, extreme sports also include 3. (activity) that give a feeling of adventure without 4. (necessary) putting your life in danger. For every extreme sport there is professional equipment that has been  developed 5. (protect) your body and improve your performance.

Extreme sports cover a wide 6. (vary) of activities. Some extreme sports have developed 7. a familiar activity, like mountain biking. Some extreme sports may not be well-known. Bouldering, for example, is a type of rock climbing in 8. no rope is used. It usually takes place in an area with large rocks or in climbing centers.

People have never stopped 9. (develop) new types of extreme activities. These sports are gaining 10. large audience and growing in popularity, especially among young people.



    I was planning another garage sale (宅前旧物出售). I was _________ the basement deciding  which objects were to be freed when I had an awful _________. The last garage sale I’d taken part in a few years earlier had taken days of sorting and pricing. I’d been _________ I was going to earn much money. _________, I suffered from heat stroke (中暑), and the money I made wasn’t enough to pay for the medical fees.

It occurred to me it might be _________ to try that again. The items I planned on selling this time were usable but inexpensive. I had once _________ some of these things and I’d already made good use of them. Maybe they could be _________ for someone else now. That’s when it _________ me that I could just _________ these good but unneeded things.

That Saturday morning, I put __________ stuff on a piece of wood and __________ it and half my unwanted things out to the driveway. Two hours later, people wandered around starting to take things. __________ by this, I started dragging the rest of the stuff out.

That’s when the __________ began. I offered people empty boxes and told them to __________ them up. One elderly woman __________ me with my beloved tablecloths in her hand. She thanked me, saying she always wanted tablecloths like these but could never __________ them. Then it became a display of __________. It was such an atmosphere of fun that soon I entered the house to find more things.

Looking back, I made no money from those things but I felt __________ that day. Instead of __________ part of my history, I got to add new __________ related those former possessions (财产).

1.A.breaking into B.looking around C.fixing up D.laying out

2.A.journey B.childhood C.presentation D.experience

3.A.sure B.afraid C.sorry D.right

4.A.Instead B.Otherwise C.However D.Therefore

5.A.perfect B.crazy C.possible D.natural

6.A.showed B.observed C.ignored D.treasured

7.A.useful B.unnecessary C.strange D.special

8.A.delighted B.convinced C.hit D.surprised

9.A.throw away B.give away C.put away D.take away

10.A.cheap B.simple C.rare D.free

11.A.dragged B.picked C.figured D.left

12.A.Forced B.Impressed C.Moved D.Encouraged

13.A.exploration B.pleasure C.misfortune D.meeting

14.A.fill B.hold C.cut D.mix

15.A.provided B.charged C.approached D.associated

16.A.borrow B.afford C.abandon D.produce

17.A.regrets B.mercies C.doubts D.thanks

18.A.envy B.joy C.anxiety D.admiration

19.A.losing B.rewriting C.destroying D.reviewing

20.A.amusements B.feelings C.memories D.glories



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