满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I was once the guide on a wildlife-photo...

    I was once the guide on a wildlife-photography trip to the North Pole, where wildlife is _____ . After two days of travel, we reached a fjord (峡湾)and ___ several seals resting on the ice. I wished to get a picture of a seal as it came up for breath at a hole. Therefore, I __ my camera and a motion sensor near the edge of a hole.

At two in the morning, a colleague __ us. He had noticed a polar bear approaching in the distance. We ran to the __ of the boat to see what would happen. At first the bear walked toward the boat. Then it turned and __ directly for my camera. The motion sensor __ to its movement, starting the camera to take pictures. The bear ____ the camera, gently sniffing it.

__ the bear knocked the camera into the hole! My camera and all those __ pictures is appeared beneath the ____.

____, a year later, I joined a similar trip to the same spot. I obtained __ to bring a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) and a colleague to __ it. We would try to __ the camera.

When we arrived back and set out our search, we __ technical difficulties almost immediately and had to pull the ROV out of water twice. However, on the third try, the ROV caught hold of the camera. As we eventually got the camera up, we __ loudly. I managed to take the memory card out and later __ all 149 photos.

Regaining that camera is the most satisfying __ of my career. I have never experienced such a __ of excitement when we pulled that camera out of the water.

1.A.normal B.fierce C.abundant D.fragile

2.A.spotted B.ignored C.disturbed D.hunted

3.A.lost B.buried C.presented D.anchored

4.A.saved B.aroused C.assisted D.dismissed

5.A.rope B.sail C.bow D.bottom

6.A.applied B.waited C.headed D.rose

7.A.contributed B.saw C.led D.reacted

8.A.circled B.squeezed C.crashed D.hid

9.A.Admittedly B.Deliberately C.Desperately D.Suddenly

10.A.elegant B.precious C.fashionable D.festive

11.A.bear B.ice C.boat D.glacier

12.A.Fortunately B.Regularly C.Naturally D.Eventually

13.A.advantage B.information C.permission D.knowledge

14.A.purchase B.pilot C.process D.promote

15.A.repair B.use C.remove D.find

16.A.ran into B.cleared away C.looked into D.figured out

17.A.sighed B.screamed C.complained D.prayed

18.A.recovered B.exposed C.created D.ruined

19.A.solution B.assessment C.donation D.accomplishment

20.A.mixture B.lack C.burst D.touch


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.B 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.D 16.A 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.C 【解析】 本文是记叙文。文章讲述了作者在一次拍摄野生动物的旅行中相机被北极熊弄到了冰洞里,后来经过努力成功地将照相机打捞出水,为此作者感到很欣慰。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我曾经是一次去北极进行野生动物摄影之旅的向导,这里的野生动物很丰富。A. normal正常的; B. fierce激烈的; C. abundant丰富的; D. fragile 脆弱的。北极地区的野生动物种类是丰富的,这里适合拍摄野生动物的生活,选择abundant合乎语境。故选C。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:经过两天的旅行,我们到达了一处峡湾,发现冰面上有几只海豹在休息。A. spotted发现;B. ignored忽略;C. disturbed打扰;D. hunted捕猎。我们到达北极地区是为了拍摄动物的生活,因此我们一行人“发现”了几只海豹,而其他选项不合语境。故选A。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此,我将相机和运动传感器固定在洞的边缘附近。A. lost丢失;B. buried埋葬;C. presented提出;D. anchored将……固定。为了拍摄海豹的照片,因此“我”将照相机固定在洞的旁边。故选D。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:凌晨两点,一位同事唤醒了我们。A. saved 保存;B. aroused引起,唤醒;C. assisted帮助;D. dismissed解雇。有一名同事发现了远处有一只北极熊向我们靠近,因此他将我们大家叫醒。故选B。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们跑到船头看会发生什么。A. rope绳;B. sail帆;C. bow弓,鞠躬,船头;D. bottom底部。为了看清楚北极熊的行动,我们来到船头,其他选项不合乎语境。故选C。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后它转身直接走向我的相机。A. applied 应用;B. waited等待;C. headed朝(某方向)行进;D. rose上升。head for:朝……走去。由下文可知,北极熊嗅着照相机,因此它此前是走向了照相机。故选C。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:运动传感器对北极熊的运动做出回应,启动了相机进行拍照。 A. contributed 做贡献;B. saw看见;C. led领导;D. reacted做出反应。运动传感器启动了相机进行拍照,说明它对北极熊的运动做出了反应。react to:对……做出回应。故选D。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:熊绕着相机转圈,轻轻地嗅着它。A. circled 围绕……转圈;B. squeezed挤压;C. crashed坠毁;D. hid隐藏。这只北极熊发现了照相机,它围着照相机转圈,是要弄清楚这是什么东西。故选A。 9.考查副词词义辨析。句意:突然,熊把相机撞到了洞里!A. Admittedly 诚然;B. Deliberately故意地;C. Desperately拼命地,绝望地;D. Suddenly突然地。由上下文可知,北极熊的活动超出了我们的预料,这是很突然的。故选D。 10.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我的相机和所有这些珍贵的照片都跑到冰下去了。A. elegant优雅的;B. precious珍贵的;C. fashionable时髦的;D. festive喜庆的。此次北极旅行的目的就是拍摄动物的照片,因此这些照片是很珍贵的。故选B。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的相机和所有这些珍贵的照片都跑到冰下去了。A. bear熊;B. ice冰;C. boat船;D. glacier冰川。照相机被熊撞到了洞中,因此它处在冰面之下。故选B。 12.考查副词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,一年后,我参加了一次类似的旅行,前往同一地点。A. Fortunately 幸运地;B. Regularly经常;C. Naturally自然地;D. Eventually最终。由后文可知,一年之后,他们又来到了同样的地方,并且成功地将照相机打捞出水,因此这是很幸运的事情。故选A。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我获得了携带遥控车的许可,一名同事对它进行操控。A. advantage 优点;B. information信息;C. permission允许;D. knowledge知识 。此处表示“我”获得了携带遥控车的许可,然后由一名同事去操控它。故选C。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我获得了携带遥控车的许可,一名同事对它进行操控。A. purchase采购;B. pilot驾驶,操控;C. process处理;D. promote促进。it指代的是遥控车,pilot it即“操控遥控车”,由下文可知,这是为了找到照相机。故选B。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们将尝试找到相机。A. repair修理;B. use采用;C. remove去掉;D. find找到。由下一段的“got the camera up”可知,“我们”要找到照相机。故选D。 16.考查动词短语辨析。句意:当我们返回并开始搜索时,我们立即遇到了技术难题,不得不两次将遥控车拖出水面。A. ran into碰到;B. cleared away清除;C. looked into审查;D. figured out弄清楚。由下文的两次将这个设备拉出水,可知“我们”遇到了技术困难。故选A。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我们最终拿起相机时,我们大声地叫出来。A. sighed叹气;B. screamed尖叫;C. complained抱怨;D. prayed祈祷。照相机中的照片很珍贵,能够失而复得,“我们”会很开心的,因此大声地叫出来。故选B。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我设法取出存储卡,后来恢复了所有149张照片。A. recovered 重新获得,恢复;B. exposed曝光;C. created创造;D. ruined毁灭。拿出内存卡的目的就是为了重新获得照相机中存储的照片。故选A。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:重新获得相机是我的职业生涯中最让我感到满意的成就。A. solution解决;B. assessment评定;C. donation捐款;D. accomplishment成就。因为相机中储藏了很多珍贵的照片,因此能够重新获得照相机是作者的职业生涯中最令自己满意的一个成就。故选D。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我们将相机从水中拿出时,我从未感受过如此地激动。A. mixture混合物;B. lack缺乏;C. burst爆炸,爆发;D. touch触摸。这个时候作者心中肯定会有一种特别快乐的感受,使用burst(突然爆发某种感情)表示“我”心中的感觉非常形象。故选C。

    While marathon study sessions may be unavoidable sometimes, do your best to manage your time effectively.

Reduce your workload by studying more efficiently. Before you start studying, always read your task sheet to make sure you’re focusing on the right topics. 1. This saves you time looking it up. Finally, pick out the most important information, so you can study it first.

2. Make sure you have everything you need, so you won't need to get up every few minutes to get something. Neatly place your textbooks, pens, notebook and other study materials in your study space. This way you can easily get what you need without taking an unplanned break. Plan out your study sessions in advance. Think about the time you'll need for each task, add 10% extra time for insurance, and then schedule blocks for your tasks. 3. Remember to include short breaks every hour or so.

Break up difficult tasks into smaller steps. Tasks such as “Study for History Final” or “Write Term Paper” can seem unapproachable. Instead of getting confused and upset, divide big tasks into small ones If you’re studying for a final of a course, start by looking over past tests and quizzes. 4.Smaller study tasks may also include creating outlines that summarize textbook chapters.

Do your best to space out your study sessions instead of cramming (突击).Whenever possible, give yourself time to study a little bit at a time. It’s better to study for 3 separate 3-hour sessions instead of 1 marathon 9-hour session. 5.

A.Choose a quiet spot for studying.

B.Prepare your area before you start studying.

C.Schedule your toughest and most important tasks first.

D.Study difficult subjects first to get them out of the way.

E.Then divide the course into its units, and study one unit at a time.

F.Additionally, ask your instructor to explain any topic that confuses you.

G.Multiple shorter sessions will help you remember more information in the long run.



    Around 45% of plastic waste is recycled annually in the UK and is on the increase. However, one of the problems with present plastic recycling methods is that you end up with a lower-quality plastic with worse properties (特性)than the original. This means that plastic drink bottles cannot simply be recycled into new drink bottles continuously, but instead are used for other lower-grade products like park benches.

Now, British scientists have developed a new method of chemical recycling. They use lower temperatures and more environmentally-friendly starting chemicals than previous methods to turn plastics back into their constituent chemical molecules (分子).In this way, they can be used to make new plastics of the same quality as the original.

"Most plastic is now recycled using mechanical methods, where they are transformed into liquids before being made into something new," said a professor named Matthew Jones. "The problem is, melting plastic changes its properties and reduces the quality. Out method of chemical recycling overcomes this problem. Then plastics can be used all over again without losing any properties?"

The researchers are recycling some kinds of plastics, including plant-based PLA, a plastic used for food packaging and PET, which is used for drink bottles. So far, the technology has only been demonstrated on a small range. However, scientists are now working to produce larger quantities of starting chemicals.

"There is no single solution to the problem of plastic waste — the approach has to be a combination of reducing, reusing and recycling. Our method of chemical recycling could allow carbon to be recycled endlessly rather than digging more up from the ground in the form of fossil fuels, or letting it into the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas," said Dr. Paul McKeown from the University of Bath.

1.What is the problem with the present plastic recycling?

A.The quality of recycled plastics declines.

B.Plastic drink bottles cannot be recycled.

C.The amount of plastic waste is increasing.

D.Recycled lower-grade products sell badly.

2.How do scientists recycle plastic waste with the new method?

A.By transforming it into fuels.

B.By heating it into liquid state.

C.By keeping its original properties.

D.By changing its molecule structure.

3.What can we learn from what Dr. Paul McKeown said?

A.Fossil fuels are endless resources.

B.The plastic waste problem has no solution.

C.Recycled carbon leads to greenhouse gases.

D.The chemical recycling is environment-friendly.

4.In which part of the website can we find the text?

A.Business. B.Tech & Science.

C.Lifestyle. D.Arts & Culture



    Yoga is an ancient physical and spiritual practice originating in India. The word“yoga” comes from Sanskrit (梵文)and means to join or to unite, symbolizing the union of body and mind. Today it is practiced in various forms around the world and continues to grow in popularity. Recognizing its universal appeal, the United Nations declared 21 June as the International Day of Yoga in 2014 to raise awareness worldwide of the many benefits of practicing yoga.

Yoga is an invaluable gift from an ancient tradition. It’s not just about exercise but a way to discover the sense of oneness with yourself nature and the world. There is no written record of who invented yoga. Yoga practitioners (从业者)passed down the principles to their students. The earliest written record of yoga is generally believed to have been written by Patanjali, an Indian master who lived somewhere between 2,000 and 2,500 years ago.

Various yoga types give you multiple choices. Hatha yoga is the most widely practiced type and is excellent for beginners. It is gentle with slow and smooth movements. Kundalini yoga combines a singing session besides body and mental control. Bikram yoga is practiced in a heated room. It is to loosen muscles and to sweat to clean the body and remove symptoms of disease and pain. Ashtanga yoga is taught as a difficult workout where you move quickly from one gesture to another to build strength and patience.

In recent years, the World Health Organization has urged countries to help their citizens reduce physical inactivity, which is among the top ten leading causes of death worldwide, and a key risk factor for non-communicable diseases, such as cancer and diabetes. Yoga is a proper exercise. It is known for its ability to ease stress and anxiety. It may also help reduce several risk factors for heart diseases and promote a better sleep.

1.Why did the United Nations set the International Day of Yoga?

A.To promote the research into Sanskrit.

B.To help people know more about India.

C.To popularize Yoga practice worldwide.

D.To give a declaration on cultural diversity.

2.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?

A.The principles of yoga. B.The history of yoga.

C.The benefits of yoga. D.An Indian yoga master.

3.What will you choose if you’re looking for a challenging exercise?

A.Hatha yoga. B.Kundalini yoga.

C.Bikram yoga. D.Ashtanga yoga.

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.Physical inactivity causes deadly diseases

B.Yoga can help prevent communicable diseases.

C.Little or no exercise puts people’s health at risk.

D.Yoga can be a cure for many kinds of diseases.



    Macinley Butson was just 16 years old when she first had the idea to try and protect women from more — than — necessary radiation during breast cancer treatments—and now, her invention could be a game-changer in the medical field.

Butson, whose father works in medical physics, has always been interested in science. But she only began researching the harmful side effects of radiation treatment after her father discussed his experience with ineffective cancer treatments in his work. Since Butson had also recently lost a relative to breast cancer, she felt inspired to conduct her own research on the subject. She tried to begin her medical research by consulting scientific journals, but she found their academic terms almost impossible to understand.

She then turned to the Internet to find videos that taught how to read scientific journals. As she went deeper in her research, she stumbled upon a key bit of information: copper (铜)has been shown to be effective at protecting skin from radiation. An idea hit this Australian teen as she was viewing a film on medieval wars in her 10th grade history class. When she saw the scaled (鳞片) patterns of the mail (盔甲),she was inspired to create a wearable protective tool out of copper. She then headed back online and watched videos on how to put together tiny scales. She made her own flexible scale-mail which she now calls SMART: Scale Mail for Radiation Therapy.

When her invention was tested in a laboratory setting, it reduced surface exposure to unnecessary radiation by 75%. And now Butson is working on getting her SMART into clinical settings for use.

1.Why did Macinley Butson start her research?

A.To assist her father with his work. B.To save her relative from cancer.

C.To publish some articles in journals. D.To find effective ways to treat cancer.

2.What does the underlined phrase “stumbled upon" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.Came across. B.Missed.

C.Passed on. D.Required.

3.Where did Macinley Buston get inspiration for her invention?

A.Videos online. B.Scientific journals.

C.History textbooks. D.Soldiers defensive clothes.

4.Which of the following best describes Macinley Buston?

A.Stubborn. B.Creative.

C.Selfless. D.Considerate.



    Being the world’s most trusted volunteer abroad organization, IVHQ International Volunteer Headquartersoffers volunteer programs in more than 50 destinations. Here are a few of them.

Marine Conservation Program

Volunteers of this program work in Queensland, Australia. You will join conservation efforts like collecting sea rubbish.

Requirements: Volunteers need to be 18 years or over. Able to swim. Speak fluent English. Present a police check. Have travel insurance. Complete our free pre-departure training.

Fees: 1 week $1,010, 2 weeks $2,020, 3 weeks $2,980

Shriners Hospitals for Children Program

Volunteers in Shriners Hospitals for Children in Honolulu, Hawaii need to pick up patients, deliver supplies and tutor patients.

Requirements: Volunteers must be at least 16 years old. Available to volunteer two hours per week for at least five months. Agree to a police check and a drug test. We offer free training upon your arrival.

Fees: No fees are needed.

Youth Support Program

Volunteers are placed in community centers of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA to provide tutoring and positive activities for the youth. You can also help organizations by beautifying spaces, re-organizing classrooms and preparing materials.

Requirements: Volunteers need to be 18 years or over. Have travel insurance and provide a police check. The training fee is included in the program fee.

Fees: 1 week $520, 2 weeks $825, 3 weeks $1,125

Pre-School English Program

Volunteers working in Cusco, Peru will teach English in pre-schools with younger children of 4 to 5 years old.

Requirements: 18 years and over. No previous teaching experience is required, but a basic understanding of Spanish is. Emergency contact, police check and resume (简历)are required. Training will be conducted online for free.

Fees: 1 week, $320,2 weeks $550, 3 weeks $735

1.Which program suits a 17-year-old volunteer?

A.Marine Conservation Program. B.Shriners Hospitals for Children Program

C.Youth Support Program. D.Pre-School English Program.

2.What should the volunteers do in Youth Support Program?

A.Collect sea rubbish. B.Pick up and tutor patients.

C.Re-organize classrooms. D.Teach the English language.

3.What is required for the programs in Australia and Peru?

A.Police check. B.Travel insurance.

C.Drug test. D.Emergency contact.



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