满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

重点短语 1._________打扫(或清除)干净 2._________对……...





























1.clean up 2.be interested in 3.make friends 4.be suitable for 5.decide to do 6.prepare for 7.sign up for 8.be good at 9.on one's own 10.hand out 11.be/get used to(doing) sth 12.be responsible for 13.a bit/little 14.be worried about 15.keep up with 16.deal with 17.make a decision 18.advise sb. to do 19.take a course 20.graduate form 21.after graduation 22.be well prepared for 23.junior high school 24.senior high school 25.quit doing 26.a way to do…/of doing… 【解析】 根据汉语意思,填对应短语。 1.考查动词短语。“打扫干净”要用clean up。故填clean up。 2.考查形容词短语。“对……感兴趣”要用be interested in。故填be interested in。 3.考查动词短语。“交朋友”要用make friends。故填make friends。 4.考查形容词短语。“适合于……”要用be suitable for。故填be suitable for。 5.考查动词用法。“决定做……”要用decide to do。故填decide to do。 6.考查动词短语。“为……做准备”要用prepare for。故填prepare for。 7.考查动词短语。“报名参加”要用sign up for。故填sign up for。 8.考查形容词短语。“擅长于”要用be good at。故填be good at。 9.考查介词短语。“独自”要用on one’s own。故填on one’s own。 10.考查动词短语。“分发”要用hand out。故填hand out。 11.考查固定短语。“习惯于(做)某事”要用be/get used to。故填be/get used to。 12.考查形容词短语。“对……负责”要用be responsible for。故填be responsible for。 13.考查固定短语。“一些”要用a bit或a little。故填a bit/little。 14.考查形容词短语。“为……担忧”要用be worried about。故填be worried about。 15.考查动词短语。“跟上”要用keep up with。故填keep up with。 16.考查动词短语。“处理”要用deal with。故填deal with、。 17.考查动词短语。“做出决定”要用make a decision。故填make a decision。 18.考查动词用法。“建议某人做某事”要用advise sb. to do sth.。故填advise sb. to do sth.。 19.考查动词短语。“学习一门课程”,这里“学习”要用take。故填take a course。 20.考查动词短语。“毕业于”要用graduate from。故填graduate from。 21.考查介词短语。“毕业后”要用after graduation。故填after graduation。 22.考查形容词短语。“为……做好充分准备”要用be well prepared for。故填be well prepared for。 23.考查名词短语。“初中”要用junior high school。故填junior high school。 24.考查名词短语。“高中”要用senior high school。故填senior high school。 25.考查动词用法。“停止做……”要用quit doing。故填quit doing。 26.考查固定短语。“做……的方法”要用a way to do…或a way of doing…。故填a way to do…/of doing…。


1._________ adj.青少年的;十几岁的_________ n.1319岁之间的)青年少年

2._________ n.志愿者 vi.&vt. 资源做,义务做_________ adj. 志愿的,自愿的,主动的

3._________ n.辩论;争辩  vi.&vt . 辩论;争辩

4._________ vt.较喜欢_________ n.偏爱,偏好;喜爱

5._________ n.内容;[pl.]目录;(书、讲话、节目等的)主题

6._________ n.动作;运动;活动

7._________ adj.合适的;适当的;适宜的_________ n.套装  vt . 适合,满足需要

8._________ adv.实际上;事实上_________ adj.真实的,实际的

9._________ n.& vt .挑战_________ adj.具有挑战性的

10._________ n.(书、诗歌等的)名称;标题;职称;头衔

11._________ n.话题;标题

12._________ n.(中学)九年级学生;(大学)一年级新生

13._________ adj.令人困惑的_________ adj.困惑的;不解的_________ vt.使迷惑;混淆_________ n.困惑

14._________ adj.流利的;熟练的_________ adv.流利地;熟练地_________ n.(语言的)流利;流畅

15._________ vi.毕业 n.毕业生_________ n.毕业

16._________ vt.推荐;建议,劝告;介绍_________ n.推荐;介绍

17._________ adj.先进的;高级的_________ n.前进;预先  vi .前进;进步

18._________ n.文学_________ adj.文学的

19._________ adj.额外的

20._________ adv.显然,明显地_________ adj.显然的;显而易见的

21._________ vi .& vt .停止;戒掉;离开(工作职位、学校等)

22._________ vi .& vt .改进;改善_________ n.改进,改善;提高

23._________ adj.负责任的_________ n.责任,职责

24._________ n.解决方法,答案_________ vt.解决;解答

25._________ n.工作计划;日程安排 vt .安排;预定

26._________ n .编辑_________ vt.剪辑(影片,录像);编辑;校订;主编



随着科技的发展和互联网的普及,网络教学得到了越来越多的推广。现请你以“The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Education”为题,结合以下要点写一篇英语文章。

1. 网络教学的利弊以及你的理由;

2. 你的看法及建议。

注意: 1. 词数100左右;

2. 开头已经给出,不计入总词数;

3. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Education

With the popularity of the Internet,





I had a very special winter vacation this year. A terrible disease calling COVID-19 struck Wuhan on January 2020. The whole nation is under the shadow of the outbreak in a short time. Tens of thousand of people were infected with the virus. Thankful, the government took timely measures and called on ourselves to stay at home to avoid close personal contact. In the meantime, a plenty of medical experts and nursing professionals went to Wuhan voluntarily, who showed that  Chinese could unite firmly in the face of difficulties. The disaster did bring huge pain to China, and it pushed the country overcome difficulties and come out much stronger.




China has embraced Western fashion and futuristic designs in the past few decades, but a growing number of young people are now looking to the past for fashion advice. If you look closely around your city, you might spot hanfu, the traditional and 1.(attract) clothing of the Han ethnic group.

In a 2.(recent) published report by online shopping platform Tmall, more than 2 million hanfu outfits were sold in 2018. 3. number of hanfu buyers increased by 92 percent4.(compare) to 2017. But why has this traditional clothing become trendy among young Chinese people? For some of them, 5.(wear) hanfu is a way for them to escape the troubles of real life, so it’s a costume for relaxation and 6.(amuse). Modern clothing, on the other hand, 7.(represent) the identity people need to show every day. Hanfu and modern clothing help to release the different 8.(aspect) in them. Other youngsters like hanfu because of the culture behind it. They regard it 9. a way to reconnect with traditions. What’s behind hanfu is inheritance(继承) of the Chinese civilization, 10. is probably why some fans have started to bring the traditional clothing abroad.



    We had a tornado touch down near the school, and as expected, we went into our emergency tornado procedures. It was a day we never wanted to happen, but ______ prepared for throughout the school year. I wasn’t even in the ______ when it happened. I had taken a student with me to the workroom to help ______ items for a project. When the alarm started ______ I immediately grabbed my student’s hand and ______ as fast as I could back to the classroom.

Never did I imagine needing to put our tornado ______ to use. I never imagined actually needing to ______ my students up against the wall, have them crouch() down with their knees and heads ______ the ground, hands on the backs of their heads. Their hearts were ______ so fast they couldn’t catch their breath, and the ______ filled their eyes looking up at me as they ask if their family and ______ were going to be okay.

I was so proud and surprised at how my students ______ themselves then. In the midst of the very ______ and dangerous situation, my students faced it with the attitudes and mindset of children much ______ than them. Never in my life have I seen my students ______ directions so quickly, precisely, and without hesitation. ______ some tears were shed(掉落), and some hearts were beating fast, my students were brave. They had such a firm ______ in my assistant and myself that they were able to be 100% ______. They were brave beyond their years and today I am very ______ for that.

Right now, I ______ the day and am thankful for our safety, courage, and bravery.

1.A.hardly B.continually C.safely D.suddenly

2.A.classroom B.school C.workroom D.laboratory

3.A.buy B.deliver C.gather D.swap

4.A.coming about B.blowing away C.sending up D.going off

5.A.called B.ran C.drove D.stepped

6.A.drills B.features C.events D.details

7.A.get B.put C.line D.set

8.A.kicking B.hitting C.scratching D.touching

9.A.beating B.jumping C.trembling D.striking

10.A.courage B.fear C.hope D.disaster

11.A.brothers B.classmates C.sisters D.friends

12.A.impressed B.handled C.considered D.injured

13.A.vivid B.unique C.scary D.practical

14.A.older B.smarter C.healthier D.luckier

15.A.announce B.describe C.recite D.follow

16.A.Since B.Unless C.Although D.Because

17.A.goal B.emotion C.trust D.conclusion

18.A.clear B.calm C.cautious D.honest

19.A.enthusiastic B.sensitive C.confident D.grateful

20.A.look back on B.make up for C.look forward to D.take advantage of



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