满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

There is beauty in each moment of our li...

    There is beauty in each moment of our lives, but often we're too distracted to notice it. Instead, we spend much of our time worrying about the future or regretting the past, and this habit can have negative consequences for our mental and physical health.

That's why many people today are turning to the practice of mindfulness(正念减压法). Simply put, mindfulness means focusing on the present moment. Let's say you're sitting in traffic after a long day's work. Rather than dwelling on(老是想着)an unpleasant incident that occurred earlier or worrying about your schedule for the next day, you might direct your attention to the sound of the rain drops battering the windshield or to a specific image before you. By directing your attention to the here and now, you automatically shift your focus away from self-image, success, and other stress-inducing concerns.

Such a shift in consciousness helps us form more meaningful connections with others and handle problems with greater ease. It also lets us appreciate life's many little pleasures. So, it's not surprising that mindfulness has been found to help in the treatment of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and even physical problems related to stress, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and upset stomachs.

How do you practice mindfulness? While it's often associated with meditation, you don't actually need to be in a particular place or position to cultivate it. In fact, it can be incorporated(使并入)into almost any daily activity, including eating, walking, showering, or doing the dishes. Let's take this last activity as an illustration:

Begin by bringing your attention to your breath. Inhale(吸入)through your nose allowing the air to expand your belly, and exhale through your mouth. Notice the sensations as each breath goes in and out.

As you engage in the task of washing the dishes, direct your awareness to the scent of the soap, the sound of the running water, and the feel of the suds(肥皂泡沫)between your fingers. Simply be aware of these and any other immediate sensations without forming any judgments about them.

At times, this process may not be relaxing, especially when what you're doing is boring or unpleasant. Nevertheless, by practicing mindfulness, we can learn to accept whatever situations life brings us and, over time develop greater happiness.

1.Why is the example of “sitting in traffic” mentioned in Paragraph 2?

A.To appreciate beauty at the present moment.

B.To explain the meaning of mindfulness.

C.To describe the traffic accident in the street.

D.To attract the reader's attention to the traffic.

2.Which of the following is the benefit of mindfulness?

A.Finding out problems in study more easily.

B.Helping cure diseases like high blood pressure.

C.Allowing us to enjoy small pleasures in life.

D.Making friends with other people in the traffic.

3.From the passage, mindfulness can be practised by_____________.

A.finding a particular place to cultivate it

B.bringing our attention to our breath

C.burying ourselves in washing the dishes

D.putting it to use in our everyday life

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.The reasons why people begin to practise mindfulness.

B.The differences between mindfulness and meditation.

C.The benefits of mindfulness and the way to practice it.

D.The ways we should keep healthy mentally and physically.


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.C 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。生活中的美时刻在我们身边,但常常对它视而不见。我们时常担心未来、悔恨过去。那何不试试用“正念”找回真正的人生。 1.推理判断题。根据文章第二段,作者以sitting in traffic为例,旨在通过举例方式来进一步解释说明本段主题,即“mindfulness means focusing on the present moment. ”(正念减压法指的就是关注当下)。故选B项。 2.细节理解题。根据第三段“It also lets us appreciate life's many little pleasures.”(它同时可以帮助我们欣赏生活中的小确幸)可知,正念能帮助我们享受生活中许多小乐趣。故选C项。 3.细节理解题。根据第四段“In fact, it can be incorporated into almost any daily activity, including eating, walking, showering, or doing the dishes.”(事实上,它可以被融入到我们生活的方方面面,包括饮食、步行、洗浴甚至是洗盘子)可知,正念可运用到我们的日常生活中。故选D项。 4.主旨大意题。结尾段阐述正念减压的好处,即“by practicing mindfulness, we can learn to accept whatever situations life brings us and, over time develop greater happiness.”(通过践行正念减压法,我们可以学着接受生活当中出现的各种境遇,长此以往,会给我们带来更多的幸福感)。纵观本文,先介绍了正念减压法的含义和好处,然后告诉我们怎样进行正念减压训练。故选C项。

    Five years ago, I took a career risk by leaving my job to work on a ship. My medical friends did their best to persuade me, saying that running away to sea would ruin my career. But after these years working as a junior, I was willing to take the risk.

Hungry for adventure, I boarded a ship in Singapore with 2,000 passengers and crew. To my relief, the hospital was well equipped, with an X-ray machine and a blood analyzer. That first voyage was a learning experience, a tight schedule full of safety drills. There was so much new information to take in. Even remembering which uniform to wear each day was a challenge. Most confusing, I often forgot to set my clock when the ship crossed time zones.

As a doctor, I was responsible for 600 crew, and I was on call for the entire ship. Far from treating seasickness and sunburn, I had to deal with other diseases, for my patients were wide and varied. The ship's medical center was actually a floating emergency room, and we didn't have a team of specialists on hand for a second opinion. With long and unpredictable hours, it required mental toughness.

As you can guess, many of the passengers were elderly, heart attacks don't care about geography and emergency evacuating(疏散)was difficult to arrange. I recall one such patient, who was taken off the ship halfway through the Panama Canal. After a terrifying ride in an old ambulance, I was relieved that the patient survived long enough to arrive at the hospital in Panama City.

Thankfully, there were several unexpected benefits to the job, I regularly enjoyed the passenger facilities and I even hosted my own table of passengers in the evenings. On rare days off, I volunteered as a tour guide on trips ashore. I got to fly over Alaska in a seaplane and watched a ballet in St. Petersburg.

Now, I understand being a ship doctor is not a job—it's a way of life. One year at sea became two. I lost my career ambitions, but I redefined happiness in my life.

1.How did the writer feel working on the ship?

A.Regretful. B.Satisfied.

C.Scared. D.Nervous.

2.What was the writer's most difficult thing on the ship?

A.Wearing the same uniform each day.

B.Absorbing plenty of new information.

C.Having a tight timetable full of safety drills.

D.Forgetting to adjust time by time zones.

3.The patient taken off the ship halfway through the Panama Canal.

A.suffered from an unknown disease

B.was taken to a safe place immediately

C.got timely treatment in the hospital

D.died on the way to the nearest hospital

4.Why did the writer lose his career ambitions later on?

A.He had a new understanding of happiness.

B.He could enjoy the passenger facilities.

C.He was content to be a tour guide on trips.

D.He gave up the dream of being a doctor.



    These are the most popular and best travel destinations for next spring. Results are based on increases in interest and bookings compared with the same period last year.

Beirut, Lebanon

This may come as a surprise, but it's also plenty of people's dream of seeing the “Paris of the Middle East”, as Beirut is called. Beirut—one of the world's oldest living places-is a combination of history and culture. You can admire colonial French architecture and enjoy a diversity of culinary(烹饪的)delights. As for accommodation, Sofitel Beirut Le Gabriel and The Smallville Hotel are top picks.

Mazatlán, Mexico

Are you looking for an escape to a warm place? Mazatlán, on Mexico's Pacific coast, is a good choice. It combines blue skies, warm sunshine, sandy beaches and old-fashioned character. Old Mazatlán is lined with 19th-century buildings, historic sites and fashionable hotels, like Casa Lucila and Casa de Leyendas.

London, England    

No matter how many times you venture across the Atlantic, there's always something new to discover. Recognizable landmarks, like Buckingham Palace and Big Ben, are a must for first-timers. And, surely, you'll want to take a photo when crossing Abbey Road or making a call from a phone booth. Equally there are different kinds of accommodation choices. Enjoy royal treatment at 11 Cadogan Gardens and Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, or book a flat through Airbnb.

Tel Aviv, Israel

Called the "new Dubai for enthusiastic travelers", Tel Aviv is the place to go right now. This international city has so much to offer. Take advantage of its seaside place with a surf lesson. Check out the 1930's Bauhaus buildings and famed museums, like Eretz Israel Museum. After an action-packed day, you can have a good rest at The Rothschild 71 or Cucu Hotel.

1.What can visitors do in Beirut, Lebanon?

A.Go sightseeing in Paris in their dreams.

B.Admire various American buildings.

C.Experience its history and culture.

D.Find a place to live in for nothing.

2.Where would visitors go to if they wanted to escape from cold weather?

A.Mazatlán, Mexico. B.London, England.

C.Beirut, Lebanon. D.Tel Aviv, Israel.

3.In which hotel can visitors be royally treated?

A.At Casa de Leyendas. B.At The Rothschild71.

C.In The Smallville Hotel. D.At 11 Cadogan Gardens.



    Some people think only school children do not agree with their parents. However,it is not true.1.If it’s hard for you to communicate with your parents,don’t worry about it.Here are some advice for you to bridge the generation gap(消除代沟).

2.Don’t get to your parents when you are angry.Your parents possibly won’t consider your ideas if you are shouting at them. And you can’t express yourself well if you are angry. Go to some place to cool off.

Try to reach a compromise(和解). 3.You can keep your disagreement and try your best to accept each other. Michael’s mother didn’t agree with him about buying a motorcycle. They argued over it. But they finally came to a compromise. Michael bought the motorcycle, but only drove it on certain days.

Of course, your parents might refuse to compromise on something. In these situations, it is especially important to show love and respect to them. 4.

Talk about your values(价值观). The values of your parents are probably different from those of your own. 5. Understanding your values might help them see your purposes in life.

A good relationship with your parents can make you a better and happier person. It is worth having a try.

A.Don’t argue with your parents.

B.Tell your parents what you care about, and why.

C.Make sure you understand why you are unhappy.

D.Showing respect will keep your relationship strong.

E.Perhaps you and your parents disagree on something.

F.Communication is a problem for parents and children of all ages.

G.If you don’t think you can speak to them at the moment, try writing a letter.



    If you are a teenager without a jobyou probably do not have much extra money. Sometimes parents will give their children a weekly pocket money for doing small houseworkbut it is often not enough once the children grow into teenagers and want to do things with their friends all of the time. How to make money is an important thing for teens to learn. If you’re wondering how a teenager can make good moneysome ideas might be

Getting a part-time job at a local restaurant or store is always a sure way to make money as a teen. But getting a job somewhere like this might be hardconsidering mangy jobs in local stores are being taken by adults more and more often. Babysitting is always a good way to make money as a teenagerand finding jobs as a babysitter is often easier than finding a job at a stores.

Doing landscaping(绿化)is something that most adults do not like to doand teens can usually find jobs around their neighbourhood doing the landscaping of friends and family.

Some teens are good at something such as writing or photography. These teens can make money by doing things such as writing articles for newspapers or magazines or selling their photos online.

Teens who live in a country area can try raising their own animals such as chickensand selling them or their products.

Looking for jobs can seem hard at first but if you have a try it should not be too hard to find a job or way to make money.

1.What problem do teenagers have to face when finding a job in local stores?

A.Low pay.

B.Heavy word.

C.Long working hours.

D.Competition with grown-ups.

2.Which of the following is easier for teens form the country if they want to earn extra money?

A.Babysitting. B.Doing landscaping.

C.Selling photos online. D.Raising animals.

3.What can we learn form the text?

A.Most grown-ups hate doing landscaping.

B.Getting a part-time job is hard for teens.

C.Pocket money form parents is often enough for teens.

D.Looking after babies is easier than serving customers in a restaurant.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.The Necessary Skills to Make Money

B.How Important Is Money to a Teenager

C.How Can a Teenager Make Extra Money

D.Teenagers Should Depend on Themselves



    When my daughter Sara was in the fifth grade, she came to me with a problem“Marcy hates me”she cried“Because Kathy is my friend, too She wants me to be her friend and nobody else’sYou talk to Marcy You tell her that I want to be her friend but I can have other friends, too

OhI looked at her for a few moments, wondering how I got into this mess, when suddenly an idea came to me

Picking up two baskets from the living room, I explained, “When everyone is born, he or she has a little basketThis little one here is yoursThe big one is mineAs you grow, so does the basketYou can see your little basket is inside mine because when you were born, there were too many things you couldn’t do for yourselfI did everything you couldn’t do on your own

She nodded

“Well, as you grew older and began to do some things on your own, I began placing a few more things in your basketWhen you learned to tie your shoes, that went in your basket

She said softly, “I can tie my own shoes

“RightAs you grow older, there will be more and more things you must do on your own”As I spoke, I gradually took her basket out of mine and handed it to her“You will finally carry your own basket with things only you can do

She looked up at me and said, “I understandThere are some things that I have to do for myself because they are in my basket

1.What was Sara’ problem

A.She didn’t have a basket

B.She didn’t want her own basket

C.Her mother was too hard on her

D.She couldn’t deal with her friendship

2.What did the author feel when she heard her daughter’s problem

A.Angry B.Crazy

C.Helpless D.Proud

3.We can infer that Sara      

A.Wouldn’t make friends with Kathy

B.would talk to Marcy herself

C.was too young to deal with anything

D.managed to persuade her mother to help her



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