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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Lantern...


Lantern Festival marked the final day of the Chinese Lunar New Year. It has been an important festival1.the Western Han Dynasty.

In ancient China, often marriage2.(decide)by parents or even the government. During some periods marriage policies went to extremes.

However, extreme policies to force people to get married were rare, and young people still had certain3.(free)to get married with people they liked, rather than being4.(complete)manipulated by their parents or government. Ancient Chinese had milder ways to encourage people to find a spouse, such as fairs and meetings during festivals.

Lantern Festival is one of the festivals that provided ancient Chinese single young men and women a chance5.(meet)and get to know each other. On the night of that day, 6.(marry)men and women would meet at the flower fair and lantern-decorated street.

Romance often happened, 7.not all of these stories ended happily.

Ouyang Xiu described a woman's longing for the man she met during Lantern Festival in his poem Yuan Xi. It8.(go)like this: "Last lantern festival, the flower fair9.(decorate)with lights was daylight bright. We met after dusk when the moon rose behind willow trees. This year the moon and lanterns are still10.same, yet you are not here anymore. I am sad, with tears shed on the sleeves of my spring coat.”


1.since 2.was decided 3.freedom(s) 4.completely 5.to meet 6.unmarried 7.although/but 8.goes 9.decorated 10.the 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍中国传统节日“元宵节”的由来及其节日寓意。 1.考查介词。句意:自西汉以来,它一直是一个重要的节日。根据前面的has been(现在完成时)可以判断后面填since(自从……至今)。故填since。 2.考查动词时态及语态。句意:在中国古代,婚姻往往是由父母甚至政府决定的。根据时间状语In ancient China确定时态采用一般过去时,又因为主语marriage与decide之间是被动关系,所以谓语动词采用一般过去式的被动语态。故填was decided。 3.考查名词。句意:年轻人仍然有一定的自由和他们喜欢的人结婚。根据前面的certain(形容词)判断该空应填名词。故填freedom(s)。 4.考查副词。句意:年轻人仍然有一定的自由和他们喜欢的人结婚,而不是完全被父母或政府操纵。分析句子结构,此处应该需要一个副词以修饰动词manipulated。故填completely。 5.考查不定式。句意:有些节日给中国古代单身男女提供了互相认识的机会,元宵节就是其中之一。chance(n. 机会)后常跟不定式作后置定语,即have chance to do sth.(有机会做某事)。故填to meet。 6.考查形容词。句意:当天晚上,未婚男女会在花市和挂满灯笼的大街上见面。因为上句提到了单身男女,根据语境该空就是指代上文的内容,即未婚男女。故填unmarried。 7.考查连词。句意:浪漫故事经常发生,但并不是所有的故事都以幸福结尾。分析该空上下句关系,可以看出下一句为上一句的转折,应填入一个表示转折的连词。故填although/but。 8.考查时态。句意:词句这样写道。句式It goes like this(……这样说道;是……样子的)描述的是一种客观现象,常常用来表述一种不太确切的事情,应采用一般现在时。故填goes。 9.考查过去分词。句意:去年元夜时,花市灯如昼。分析主句成分,其结构齐全,其中decorate与the flower fair之间的关系为被动,故填写decorate的过去分词decorated作后置定语以修饰前面的the flower fair。故填decorated。 10.考查冠词。句意:今年元夜时,月与灯依旧。same在表述“同样的”时候,前必须加定冠词the,即the same(一样的,同样的)。故填the。

Never Too Late to Be What You Want to Be

The first day of school our professor introduced a little old lady, Rose, to us.

We became instant friends. Every day for the next three months we would leave_________together and talk nonstop. I was always listening to this “time machine" as she_________her wisdom and experience with me.

At the end of the semester we invited Rose to make a_________to our football team. I'll never forget what she taught us. As she began to deliver her prepared speech, she _________her note card on the floor. A little_________she simply said, “I'm sorry. This whiskey is killing me! I'll never get my speech back_______so let me just tell you what I know." As we laughed she_________her throat and began: “We do not stop playing_________we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only four secrets to staying_________, being happy, and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humor every day. You've got to have a dream. When you____________your dreams, you die. We have so many people walking around who are____________and don't even know it! There is a huge difference between growing older and growing____________. If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full____________and don't do one productive thing, you will____________twenty years old. Have no regrets. The elderly usually don't have regrets for what we did, but____________for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with____________."

At the year's end Rose____________the college degree. One week after graduation Rose died____________in her sleep. Over two thousand college students attended her funeral to____________the wonderful woman who taught____________that it's never too late to be all you can possibly be.

1.A.work B.office C.class D.home

2.A.discussed B.connected C.communicated D.shared

3.A.speech B.contribution C.donation D.difference

4.A.placed B.made C.dropped D.played

5.A.surprised B.interested C.confused D.embarrassed

6.A.in chaos B.in order C.in advance D.in silence

7.A.cleaned B.cut C.cleared D.forced

8.A.because B.when C.though D.after

9.A.healthy B.handsome C.enthusiastic D.young

10.A.have B.realize C.lose D.dream

11.A.stupid B.dead C.ill D.wise

12.A.up B.apart C.stronger D.taller

13.A.day B.week C.month D.year

14.A.increase by B.obtain C.turn D.live to

15.A.rather B.otherwise C.fairly D.also

16.A.diseases B.regrets C.riches D.disabilities

17.A.failed B.delayed C.finished D.declined

18.A.regrettably B.peacefully C.excitedly D.sadly

19.A.welcome B.congratulate C.encourage D.honor

20.A.at random B.at ease C.by example D.by chance



What Secrets Your Voice Reveals About You

So, have you ever stepped back and wondered what your voice sounds like to other people?1.. And it turns out, it says a lot about us.

·Your voice hints at how social you are

2.. Extroverts tend to talk loudly, quickly, and excitedly. Introverts tend to speak quietly and more slowly. So, if you're that loud person at a party, you'll probably find that all eyes are on you, whereas introverts won't likely be at that party at all.

·Your voice says something about your height

This may sound strange, but if people close their eyes and hear you speak, they can probably tell if you're tall or short.3., whereas shorter people tend to have a higher voice. This is true for both men and women.


If you've noticed a lot of changes in a person's voice—the pace at which they talk, the tone and pitch of their voice, or whether their voice has become quieter—they may have Parkinson's disease. These changes can happen in the voice due to the tremors(震颤)that a patient would be experiencing.

·Your voice can tell how successful you are

Successful people's voices tend to be of a lower, warmer tone. Their words come out evenly, and their vocal cords won't be tight.5., but not so loudly that they're unpleasant to listen to.

A.Taller people tend to have a deeper voice

B.Your voice can tell others about your health

C.Your voice reveals how professional you are

D.They'll speak loudly enough to make themselves heard

E.A confident person will have a smooth and steady tone

F.Specifically, people can tell whether you're an extrovert or introvert

G.Your friends and family can probably identify you just by the sound of your voice



    A book is made of wood. But it is not a tree. The dead cells have been repurposed to serve another need.

Now a team of scientists has repurposed living cells—scraped(刮落)from frog embryos—and assembled them into entirely new life forms. These millimeter-wide “xenobots” can move toward a target, perhaps pick up a payload(like a medicine that needs to be carried to a specific place inside a patient)—and heal themselves after being cut.

“These are novel living machines,” says Joshua Bongard, a computer scientist and robotics expert at the University of Vermont who co-led the new research. “They're neither a traditional robot nor a known species of animal. It's a new class of artifacta living, programmable organism.” “We can imagine many useful applications of these living robots that other machines can't do,” says co-leader Michael Levin, “like searching out nasty compounds or radioactive contamination(污染物), gathering microplastic in the oceans, traveling in arteries(动脉)to scrape out plaque.”

People have been manipulating(操纵)organisms for human benefit since at least the dawn of agriculture, genetic editing is becoming widespread, and a few artificial organisms have been manually assembled in the past few years—copying the body forms of known animals. But this research, for the first time ever, “designs completely biological machines from the ground up," the team writes in their new study.

Many people worry about the implications of rapid technological change and complex biological manipulations. "That fear is not unreasonable,” Levin says. "When we start to deal with complex systems that we don't understand, we're going to get unintended consequences.” “If humanity is going to survive into the future, we need to better understand how complex properties, somehow, emerge from simple rules,” says Levin. Much of science is focused on "controlling the low-level rules. We also need to understand the high-level rules." In other words, “this study is a direct contribution to getting a handle on what people are afraid of, which is unintended consequences,” Levin says.

1.What do we know about the “xenobots” from Paragraph 2?

A.They need to be carried to a specific place.

B.They're capable of self-healing after injury.

C.They are scraped from some new life forms.

D.They can remove an object to another place.

2.Michael Levin thinks these living robots can __________.

A.recycle microplastic in the oceans

B.take in nasty compounds

C.programme other organisms

D.take away the plaque in arteries

3.What does the underlined sentence(in Paragraph 4)probably mean?

A.People never created these biological robots in history.

B.These machines were copied from the very beginning.

C.The research is completely carried out on the playground.

D.Organisms have been developed since agriculture.

4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.This study is bound to bring about panic in public.

B.People boycott employing rapid technological change.

C.Science is focused on controlling the low-level rules.

D.Some study is likely to contribute to unexpected results.



    There is beauty in each moment of our lives, but often we're too distracted to notice it. Instead, we spend much of our time worrying about the future or regretting the past, and this habit can have negative consequences for our mental and physical health.

That's why many people today are turning to the practice of mindfulness(正念减压法). Simply put, mindfulness means focusing on the present moment. Let's say you're sitting in traffic after a long day's work. Rather than dwelling on(老是想着)an unpleasant incident that occurred earlier or worrying about your schedule for the next day, you might direct your attention to the sound of the rain drops battering the windshield or to a specific image before you. By directing your attention to the here and now, you automatically shift your focus away from self-image, success, and other stress-inducing concerns.

Such a shift in consciousness helps us form more meaningful connections with others and handle problems with greater ease. It also lets us appreciate life's many little pleasures. So, it's not surprising that mindfulness has been found to help in the treatment of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and even physical problems related to stress, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and upset stomachs.

How do you practice mindfulness? While it's often associated with meditation, you don't actually need to be in a particular place or position to cultivate it. In fact, it can be incorporated(使并入)into almost any daily activity, including eating, walking, showering, or doing the dishes. Let's take this last activity as an illustration:

Begin by bringing your attention to your breath. Inhale(吸入)through your nose allowing the air to expand your belly, and exhale through your mouth. Notice the sensations as each breath goes in and out.

As you engage in the task of washing the dishes, direct your awareness to the scent of the soap, the sound of the running water, and the feel of the suds(肥皂泡沫)between your fingers. Simply be aware of these and any other immediate sensations without forming any judgments about them.

At times, this process may not be relaxing, especially when what you're doing is boring or unpleasant. Nevertheless, by practicing mindfulness, we can learn to accept whatever situations life brings us and, over time develop greater happiness.

1.Why is the example of “sitting in traffic” mentioned in Paragraph 2?

A.To appreciate beauty at the present moment.

B.To explain the meaning of mindfulness.

C.To describe the traffic accident in the street.

D.To attract the reader's attention to the traffic.

2.Which of the following is the benefit of mindfulness?

A.Finding out problems in study more easily.

B.Helping cure diseases like high blood pressure.

C.Allowing us to enjoy small pleasures in life.

D.Making friends with other people in the traffic.

3.From the passage, mindfulness can be practised by_____________.

A.finding a particular place to cultivate it

B.bringing our attention to our breath

C.burying ourselves in washing the dishes

D.putting it to use in our everyday life

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.The reasons why people begin to practise mindfulness.

B.The differences between mindfulness and meditation.

C.The benefits of mindfulness and the way to practice it.

D.The ways we should keep healthy mentally and physically.



    Five years ago, I took a career risk by leaving my job to work on a ship. My medical friends did their best to persuade me, saying that running away to sea would ruin my career. But after these years working as a junior, I was willing to take the risk.

Hungry for adventure, I boarded a ship in Singapore with 2,000 passengers and crew. To my relief, the hospital was well equipped, with an X-ray machine and a blood analyzer. That first voyage was a learning experience, a tight schedule full of safety drills. There was so much new information to take in. Even remembering which uniform to wear each day was a challenge. Most confusing, I often forgot to set my clock when the ship crossed time zones.

As a doctor, I was responsible for 600 crew, and I was on call for the entire ship. Far from treating seasickness and sunburn, I had to deal with other diseases, for my patients were wide and varied. The ship's medical center was actually a floating emergency room, and we didn't have a team of specialists on hand for a second opinion. With long and unpredictable hours, it required mental toughness.

As you can guess, many of the passengers were elderly, heart attacks don't care about geography and emergency evacuating(疏散)was difficult to arrange. I recall one such patient, who was taken off the ship halfway through the Panama Canal. After a terrifying ride in an old ambulance, I was relieved that the patient survived long enough to arrive at the hospital in Panama City.

Thankfully, there were several unexpected benefits to the job, I regularly enjoyed the passenger facilities and I even hosted my own table of passengers in the evenings. On rare days off, I volunteered as a tour guide on trips ashore. I got to fly over Alaska in a seaplane and watched a ballet in St. Petersburg.

Now, I understand being a ship doctor is not a job—it's a way of life. One year at sea became two. I lost my career ambitions, but I redefined happiness in my life.

1.How did the writer feel working on the ship?

A.Regretful. B.Satisfied.

C.Scared. D.Nervous.

2.What was the writer's most difficult thing on the ship?

A.Wearing the same uniform each day.

B.Absorbing plenty of new information.

C.Having a tight timetable full of safety drills.

D.Forgetting to adjust time by time zones.

3.The patient taken off the ship halfway through the Panama Canal.

A.suffered from an unknown disease

B.was taken to a safe place immediately

C.got timely treatment in the hospital

D.died on the way to the nearest hospital

4.Why did the writer lose his career ambitions later on?

A.He had a new understanding of happiness.

B.He could enjoy the passenger facilities.

C.He was content to be a tour guide on trips.

D.He gave up the dream of being a doctor.



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