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“Who would like this $20 bill!?" a well-known speaker asked, held up a $20 bill. Hand started going up. He said, "I am going to give them to one of you and first, let me do this." He left it on the ground and deliberate stepped on it with his shoe again and again. He picked it up, now covering with dirt. Still the hands were up in air. Because it did not decrease in value and was still worth of $20.

Many times in your lives, dropped and thrown into the dirt by the decisions you make and the circumstances and the difficulties that comes your way, you may feel as though you are worthless. But you are still priceless to your family members, that love you and depend on you.


1. held→ holding;2.Hand→Hands;3.them→it/this;4. deliberate→ deliberately; 5.and→but;6.在in和air之间加the;7.covering→covered;8.把worth后面的of去掉;9.comes→come;10.that→who 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述的是一位著名演讲者用一张20美元纸币做的实验。他把纸币扔在地上,弄脏,人们仍然想要,因为纸币的价值没变。文章告诉我们“在你的生活中,有很多次,你所做的决定、所处的环境和遇到的困难把你抛入尘土,你可能会觉得自己毫无价值。但是对你的家人来说,你仍然是无价的,他们爱你,依赖你。” 1.考查现在分词作伴随状语。句意:“谁想要这20美元纸币?”一位著名的演讲者举起一张20美元纸币问道。此处句子主语speaker和hold之间是主动关系,是现在分词作伴随状语,故把held改成holding。 2.考查名词复数。句意:开始有人举手。因为举手的人不止一个,所以用名词复数,故把Hand改成Hands。 3.考查代词。句意:我将把它给你们中的一个,但首先,让我这样做。因为a $20 bill是单数形式,用it或this指代,故把them改成it/this。 4.考查并列连词。句意:我将把它给你们中的一个,但首先,让我这样做。句中前后是一种转折关系,故把and改成but。 5.考查副词。句意:他把它放在地上,故意用鞋一遍又一遍地踩它。此处stepped是动词,由副词修饰,故把deliberate改成deliberately。 6.考查过去分词。句意:他把它捡了起来,现在上面沾满了泥土。固定词组:be covered with“”被…覆盖”。此处是过去分词做状语,故把covering改成covered。 7.考查冠词。句意:仍然有很多手举在空中。固定词组:in the air“在空中”。故在in和air之间加the。 8.考查固定用法。句意:因为它没有贬值,并且仍然值20美元。固定用法:be worth+金钱“值…...”。故把worth后面的of去掉。 9.考查主谓一致。句意:在你的生活中,有很多次,你所做的决定、所处的环境和遇到的困难把你抛入尘土,你可能会觉得自己毫无价值。此处difficulties是先行词,是复数形式,在后面的定语从句中作主语,从句的谓语动词用复数形式,故把comes改成come。 10.考查定语从句。句意:但是对你的家人来说,你仍然是无价的,他们爱你,依赖你。此处members是先行词,指人,在后面的定语从句中作主语,且that不能引导非限制性定语从句,故把that改成who。  


Traditionally, we Chinese attach great importance to our hometown and are often1.willingto migrate to other places. However, in present times, in particular after the reform and opening-up policy was introduced, more and more people fancy2.settledown in more developed cities just as my family members did.

My parents were both born in Sichuan. In 1963, a time when3.graduatewere assigned(分配)jobs by the government, my father received a job in Beijing. After I was born in 1969, my parents went to work in Xinjiang.

In the 1980s, Chinese society4.fillwith hope, and people worked hard to achieve their dreams. So did my family. In 1988, admitted5.Renmin University of China. I went to Beijing. It took me 72 hours by train6.travelfrom Xinjiang to Beijing, with7.distance of over 3,770 kilometers. In 1990, my brother also passed the entrance examination and was enrolled in a university in Guangzhou,8.he now lives and works.

Recalling the changes over the past four decades, 1 think9.improvetransportation is very important to our family. The long distance kept us apart most of the time. Today, the speed and methods of transportation have been improved a lot, which has10.entiretransformed our life and can bring us together easily.



    The idea of donating mosquito nets to millions of Africans came to Katherine Commale’s mind when she was only five years old. She________a documentary about Africa, which________that on average, every 30 seconds one child died of malaria(疟疾)there, which can be caused by mosquito bites. This made her________, but it also________her to do something to save their lives________. Katherine started________money for mosquito nets so that Africans don't have to________malaria. She sent nets to Africa through an organization called Nothing But Nets. By making hand-decorated________with her family and giving them to those who donated money. Katherine inspired people to _____her. Her________was posted on the website of Nothing But Nets. People were touched by her ______, which went beyond age and race,________were pouring in from around the world.

However. Katherine still seemed________. She and her friends wrote letters to the________who were on the list of The World's Billionaires,________they could contribute money. After receiving the letter, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation________that it would donate three million dollars to Nothing But Nets.________to have more people know Katherine's________, the foundation invested(投资)in filming a public welfare documentary.

Thanks to Katherine, the frequency of children's death________from malaria in Africa has been decreased to one person every 120 seconds. Katherine's kindness influenced the world even though she was only a little girl. She showed that no one is too________to change the world into a better place.

1.A.showed B.watched C.made D.broadcast

2.A.mentioned B.counted C.inferred D.witnessed

3.A.nervous B.guilty C.skeptical D.astonished

4.A.forced B.commanded C.motivated D.assisted

5.A.However B.Therefore C.Meanwhile D.Instead

6.A.providing B.earning C.raising D.accepting

7.A.recover from B.talk about C.suffer from D.know about

8.A.certificates B.invitations C.recommendations D.instructions

9.A.join B.consult C.challenge D.defeat

10.A.advice B.story C.article D.address

11.A.politeness B.innocence C.bravery D.sympathy

12.A.Donations B.Letters C.Reporters D.Listeners

13.A.unsettled B.unmoved C.unhealthy D.unsatisfied

14.A.aged B.learned C.famous D.rich

15.A.warning B.hoping C.informing D.confirming

16.A.insisted B.realized C.Stressed D.declared

17.A.Additionally B.Luckily C.Actually D.Obviously

18.A.diseases B.troubles C.families D.deeds

19.A.resulting B.changing C.growing D.escaping

20.A.forgetful B.clumsy C.young D.poor



    We see big lies.1.We think we're fundamentally different from those big liars like Bernie Madoff or Tiger Woods.

But behind big lies are a series of small tricks or lies. Dan Ariely, a professor of psychology and behavioral economies, writes about this in his book The Honest Truth about Dishonesty.2.

These small lies are quite common. There are many of us who might go a little too fast on the highway, or pocket extra change at a gas station. As humans, it seems we are natural liars.3.

But still, we want to look in the mirror and see ourselves as good, honest people, though we benefit from our lying. That's why Ariely describes honesty as something of a state of mind. He thinks the IRS(税务局)should have people promise to be honest when they start working on their taxes, not when they 're done.4.

Ariely says the research about honesty isn't all negative(消极的).5.But we usually don't take those chances. "There's a lot of good in us." he said.

A.Most people tell some kind of lies every day.

B.When talking about dishonesty, we always think of something big.

C.But when we think to ourselves, we believe we could never do that.

D.We have plenty of chances to lie and cheat, without getting caught.

E.Some of the most common lies are white lies, which are typically considered to be harmless,

F.He found what separates honest people from not honest people is not necessarily character, but chance.

G.Setting the stage for honesty is more effective than asking someone after the fact whether or not they lied.



    More than 5, 000 species of birds manage annual round-trip migrations(迁徙). These journeys can be thousands of miles, with many birds often returning to the exact same nesting and wintering place from year to year.

Migration is very important in the life cycle of birds, and without this annual journey many birds would not be able to raise their young. Birds migrate to find the richest and most abundant food that will provide adequate energy to raise young birds. If no birds migrated, competition for adequate food during breeding(繁殖)seasons would be fierce and many birds would starve.

Of course, not all birds migrate. Some birds can take advantage of different food sources(来源)as seasons change, allowing them to stay in one place all year round. Other birds are better adapted to cold climates with thicker fat reserves and better feathers, and they can survive long cold seasons while they forage for winter food. For more than half the world's birds, however, migration is necessary to stay alive.

When the timing is right for their migrating needs, birds will begin their journey. Food, weather, temperature and illness or injury are several minor aspects that may affect migration by a day or two, but most bird species follow precise migration "schedule". While migration is at its finest during spring and fall, birds migrate all throughout the year. Migration is actually an ongoing process and there are always birds at some stage of their journeys. The distance the birds must fly, the length of time it takes to mate and the amount of young birds all affect when any one species is migrating.

Migratory birds have several changes before the journey. Among them is hyperphagia, the process of migration-related weight gain. As daylight changes and migration times near, a bird's hormone levels will change and they will build a greater fat supply. Besides, old, ragged feathers create more wind drag and air resistance, which requires a bird to use more energy in flight, so many birds replace old feathers with new ones.

1.Without migration, many birds would          .

A.stop reproducing during breeding seasons

B.abandon young birds for lack of food

C.be unable to find places for nesting

D.be in danger of starvation

2.What does the underlined phrase "forage for" mean in Paragraph 3?

A.Run out of. B.Cut down on.

C.Search for. D.Wait for.

3.What can we learn about birds' migration?

A.Most birds begin their journey at the arrival of spring.

B.Warm temperature usually advances it by a day or two.

C.There is almost little migration of birds in winter.

D.Birds' migration is affected by various aspects.

4.How will migratory birds benefit from the process of hyperphagia?

A.They will tend to use less energy in flight.

B.They will store enough energy for travelling.

C.They will replace old feathers with new ones.

D.They will better sense the changes of daylight.



    Constructed in the third century BC, the Terracotta Army is a collection of clay sculptures presenting the forces of the First Emperor of China- Qin Shi Huang. The figures include more than 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots with 520 horses. Their varying clothes, facial features and body types have long impressed people. But historian Dan Snow says, “The amazing realism increases the great mystery surrounding these terracotta figures, where do they come from? They are nothing like any figure made in China before them, something changed. Something remarkable happened here 2,200 years ago."

Mr Snow explains historians have long believed Ancient China remained separated from the rest of the world. But the Terracotta Army could disprove that theory.

The time of the First Emperor was around 220BC. When, on the eastern edge of the Eurasian(欧亚的)landmass, was the Chinese worlds with competing mini-states over there. Over on the west of Eurasia, the Roman Empire started to expand over here and Greece was a great power,

"What's going on artistically in the East and West is very different in the third century BC. The classic Greek art is easy to recognize, with the absolute high watermark of artistic expression, beautiful—metre-and-a-half tall, human in its look. But in the Chinese world, you've got just 10cm tall, far more basic." says Mr Snow. He continues, "Then something changes, in fact, everything changes—there's a revolution. Suddenly, in 220BC you get the Terracotta Army lightyears ahead of what's gone before. It starts to look far less like before and far more like what's going on in the western world, both life-size, both lifelike, both attempts at realism."

This couldn't be more important, because it's always been assumed that China developed in isolation(隔离). But if that's not the case, if the First Emperor of China imported western ideas and techniques to create his extraordinary arts, that forces us to completely rewrite the history books.

1.What confused Dan Snow about the Terracotta Army?

A.Why Qin Shi Huang ordered to create them.

B.Who instructed ancient people to create them.

C.Why their design was different from previous time.

D.What kind of clothes ancient people preferred to wear.

2.What do most historians think of Ancient China?

A.It was closed to the outside world.

B.Many mini-states coexisted peacefully.

C.Building army of sculptures was very common then.

D.It built a good relationship with the rest of the world.

3.What can we infer about the clay sculptures in Ancient China before 220BC?

A.They were in small size.

B.Their styles changed greatly.

C.Their facial expressions seemed real.

D.They looked similar to the Greek ones.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.The Development of Chinese Art

B.Westerners Found in Ancient China

C.The Discovery of China's Terracotta Army

D.Historians Reconsidering the Remote Past of China



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