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Mr. Buxton taught me Shakespeare in 10th...

    Mr. Buxton taught me Shakespeare in 10th grade. We were reading Macbeth. Mr. Buxton, who probably had better things to do, nonetheless agreed to meet one night to go over the text line by line. The first thing he did was point out the repetition of themes. For example, the reversals of things.

What Mr. Buxton didn’t tell me was what the play meant. He left the conclusions to me. The situation was much the same with my religious studies teacher in 11th grade, Mr. Flanders, who encouraged me to have my own relationship with the Gospels.

High school was followed by college, where I read Umberto Eco’s The Role of the Reader, in which it is said that the reader completes the text, that the text is never finished until it meets this voracious (渴求的) and engaged reader. The open texts, Eco calls them. In college, I read some of the great Europeans and Latin Americans: Borges and Kafka, Genet and Beckett, Artaud, Proust-open texts all. I may not have known why Kafka’s Metamorphosis is about a guy who turns into a bug: but I knew that some said cockroach, and others, European dung beetle.

There are those critics, of course, who insist that there are right ways and wrong ways to read every book. No doubt they arrived at these beliefs through their own adventures in the stacks. And these are important questions for philosophers of every stripe. And yet I know only what joy and enthusiasm about reading have taught me, in bookstores new and used.

There is not now and never will be an authority who can tell me how to interpret, how to read, how to find the pearl of literary meaning in all cases.

Supposing the truth is not hard, fast, masculine, simple, direct? You could spend a lifetime thinking about this sentence ,and making it your own. In just this way, the freedom to see literature,history, truth unfolding ahead of me like a book whose spine has just now been cracked.

1.When did the author begin to read Shakespeare’s work?.

A.In primary school. B.In 11th grade.

C.In secondary school. D.In college.

2.What can we know about The Role of the Reader from the text?

A.It w as written by the readers.

B.It is about a guy turning into a bug.

C.It insists that the reader completes the text.

D.Some great Europeans and Latin Americans wrote it together.

3.What is the main reason of the author loving reading?

A.Being an excellent student.

B.Mr. Buxton’s teaching method.

C.The joy and enthusiasm from his reading.

D.His admiration for literature masters like Shakespeare.

4.What can be inferred about the author from the text?

A.He has a preference for the open texts.

B.Shakespeare is his favorite.

C.He is naturally talented in reading.

D.He is also a famous literary critic.


1.C 2.C 3.C 4.A 【解析】 本文为记叙文。作者自十年级开始在老师的引导下进行开放式阅读,后来又从翁贝托·艾柯的《读者的角色》中受益,至今仍享受开放式阅读带来的快乐。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段中的第一、二句Mr. Buxton taught me Shakespeare in 10th grade. We were reading Macbeth.可知,布克斯顿先生在十年级教我莎士比亚。我们在读麦克白。由此可知,作者在中学时开始读莎士比亚的作品。故选C。 2.细节理解题。根据第三段中的第一句High school was followed by college, where I read Umberto Eco’s The Role of the Reader, in which it is said that the reader completes the text, that the text is never finished until it meets this voracious (渴求的) and engaged reader.可知,高中之后是大学,我读了翁贝托·艾柯的《读者的角色》,书中说读者完成了文本,直到遇见这个贪婪而投入的读者,文本才算完成。由此可知,《读者的角色》要求读者读完了整个文本。故选C。 3.推理判断题。归纳全文并结合第四段中的And yet I know only what joy and enthusiasm about reading have taught me, in bookstores new and used.可知,然而,我只知道,在新书店和旧书店里,阅读的乐趣和热情教会了我什么。由此推知, 阅读的愉悦和热情是作者喜爱阅读的主要原因。故选C。 4.推理判断题。 通读全文,归纳概括可知作者自十年级开始在老师的引导下进行开放式阅读,后来又从翁贝托·艾柯的《读者的角色》中受益,至今仍享受开放式阅读带来的快乐等。由此可推知,他偏爱开放式阅读。故选A。

    The annual Dongyue Temple Fair of Mount Tai will be held during April 29-May 6 at Dai Temple in Tai’an. Here are some items visitors may love.


From April 29 to May 6, performances of martial arts (武术), traditional music, Chinese folk art forms and local operas will be put on stage. Visitors can lift their spirits by watching long boxing and nunchakus (双节棍) performances or listening to the music played by guqin, a seven-stringed zither, and the bamboo flute.

Folk-custom activities

Visitors to the temple fair can also enjoy themselves by admiring folk-custom activities held from April 29 to May 6.

There will be exhibitions of traditional handicrafts and paper cutting works that were collected and selected by non-governmental organizations. Performers will also show traditional Chinese costumes at a garden party.

Cultural activities

If the visitors want to enjoy the cultural atmosphere at the temple fair, they can get a close look at bamboo engraving art at Peitian Gate where more than 70 pieces of engraving art are exhibited from April 28 to May 22.

Trade activities

If people want to buy Mount Tai specialties, they won’t be disappointed, for trade shows will be held during the temple fair. Tea, tourism products, donkey-hide-gelatin, rare stones and root carvings will be showed and on sale.

1.How many days will bamboo engraving art be exhibited?

A.6. B.8.

C.22. D.25.

2.What can visitors enjoy in folk-custom activities?

A.Martial arts. B.Local opera.

C.Paper-cutting works. D.Chinese paintings.

3.What does the part of “Trade activities” tell us?

A.The products are for display only.

B.You can get to know many new products.

C.Visitors can purchase some local products on the shows.

D.Don’t buy products on show, or you will be disappointed.



假如你是班长李华,你们班准备参加学校下个月举办的英文话剧比赛English Drama Contest),但尚未确定参演剧目,请你给外教Louis写封邮件,内容包括:















“Who would like this $20 bill!?" a well-known speaker asked, held up a $20 bill. Hand started going up. He said, "I am going to give them to one of you and first, let me do this." He left it on the ground and deliberate stepped on it with his shoe again and again. He picked it up, now covering with dirt. Still the hands were up in air. Because it did not decrease in value and was still worth of $20.

Many times in your lives, dropped and thrown into the dirt by the decisions you make and the circumstances and the difficulties that comes your way, you may feel as though you are worthless. But you are still priceless to your family members, that love you and depend on you.




Traditionally, we Chinese attach great importance to our hometown and are often1.willingto migrate to other places. However, in present times, in particular after the reform and opening-up policy was introduced, more and more people fancy2.settledown in more developed cities just as my family members did.

My parents were both born in Sichuan. In 1963, a time when3.graduatewere assigned(分配)jobs by the government, my father received a job in Beijing. After I was born in 1969, my parents went to work in Xinjiang.

In the 1980s, Chinese society4.fillwith hope, and people worked hard to achieve their dreams. So did my family. In 1988, admitted5.Renmin University of China. I went to Beijing. It took me 72 hours by train6.travelfrom Xinjiang to Beijing, with7.distance of over 3,770 kilometers. In 1990, my brother also passed the entrance examination and was enrolled in a university in Guangzhou,8.he now lives and works.

Recalling the changes over the past four decades, 1 think9.improvetransportation is very important to our family. The long distance kept us apart most of the time. Today, the speed and methods of transportation have been improved a lot, which has10.entiretransformed our life and can bring us together easily.



    The idea of donating mosquito nets to millions of Africans came to Katherine Commale’s mind when she was only five years old. She________a documentary about Africa, which________that on average, every 30 seconds one child died of malaria(疟疾)there, which can be caused by mosquito bites. This made her________, but it also________her to do something to save their lives________. Katherine started________money for mosquito nets so that Africans don't have to________malaria. She sent nets to Africa through an organization called Nothing But Nets. By making hand-decorated________with her family and giving them to those who donated money. Katherine inspired people to _____her. Her________was posted on the website of Nothing But Nets. People were touched by her ______, which went beyond age and race,________were pouring in from around the world.

However. Katherine still seemed________. She and her friends wrote letters to the________who were on the list of The World's Billionaires,________they could contribute money. After receiving the letter, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation________that it would donate three million dollars to Nothing But Nets.________to have more people know Katherine's________, the foundation invested(投资)in filming a public welfare documentary.

Thanks to Katherine, the frequency of children's death________from malaria in Africa has been decreased to one person every 120 seconds. Katherine's kindness influenced the world even though she was only a little girl. She showed that no one is too________to change the world into a better place.

1.A.showed B.watched C.made D.broadcast

2.A.mentioned B.counted C.inferred D.witnessed

3.A.nervous B.guilty C.skeptical D.astonished

4.A.forced B.commanded C.motivated D.assisted

5.A.However B.Therefore C.Meanwhile D.Instead

6.A.providing B.earning C.raising D.accepting

7.A.recover from B.talk about C.suffer from D.know about

8.A.certificates B.invitations C.recommendations D.instructions

9.A.join B.consult C.challenge D.defeat

10.A.advice B.story C.article D.address

11.A.politeness B.innocence C.bravery D.sympathy

12.A.Donations B.Letters C.Reporters D.Listeners

13.A.unsettled B.unmoved C.unhealthy D.unsatisfied

14.A.aged B.learned C.famous D.rich

15.A.warning B.hoping C.informing D.confirming

16.A.insisted B.realized C.Stressed D.declared

17.A.Additionally B.Luckily C.Actually D.Obviously

18.A.diseases B.troubles C.families D.deeds

19.A.resulting B.changing C.growing D.escaping

20.A.forgetful B.clumsy C.young D.poor



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