满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

One of the biggest complaints in modern ...

    One of the biggest complaints in modern society is being over-scheduled. Ask people how they are and the answer usually is “super busy,” “crazy busy” . _______ is just “fine” any more.

When people aren’t super busy at _______, they are crazy busy exercising, entertaining or parenting. And if  there is ever a still moment for thoughts—for example, while waiting _______ at the supermarket or sitting  in traffic—out come the mobile phones. So it’s worth noting a study published last month in Science, which shows how _______ people will go to avoid the examination for our thoughts.

“We had noted  that we  are  so  dependent on  our mobile  phones that  people seem to  find  any _______ they can to keep busy,” said Timothy Wilson, a psychology professor at the University of Virginia. In his experiments involving 700 people, the majority found it _______ to be alone with their thoughts for just 6 to 15 minutes.

It could  be because human beings,  as problem solvers and  meaning makers, when _______, tend to    think about what’s wrong in their lives. When we aren’t _______ our Facebook page, the things we haven’t  figured out appear in our minds—_______ relationships, professional failures, health concerns, etc. Unless   there is a solution, these thoughts just ________ themselves in our heads.

But you can’t solve problems ________ you don’t allow yourself time to  think about them. It has     actually been ________ by our culture, which values doing more than thinking and believes answers are in     your hand ________ in your head. “We  all fell that busyness  is ________ but it’s really harmful,”  said     Timothy. “There’s a widespread belief that thinking will only slow you down and get ________, but it’s the opposite.” ________ negative feelings only makes them more powerful, he said. Allowing and ________ the  flow of thoughts is part of the solution itself, such as meditation(冥想).

Negative feelings are sometimes hard, but they are part of everyone’s life, ________ if you are busy. It is those deep  and troubling feelings,  and how you ________ them, that make you who  you are. While    busyness may seem to prevent the flow of sadness, it may also limit your ability to be filled with ________.

1.A.Nobody B.Somebody C.Everybody D.Anybody

2.A.home B.work C.school D.hospital

3.A.in order B.in line C.in panic D.in public

4.A.far B.long C.often D.much

5.A.place B.reason C.excuse D.solution

6.A.uncertain B.unfair C.unpleasant D.unwise

7.A.left out B.left off C.left behind D.left alone

8.A.deleting B.uploading C.updating D.downloading

9.A.close B.healthy C.difficult D.harmonious

10.A.recover B.repeat C.regain D.recycle

11.A.unless B.while C.though D.if

12.A.ignored B.invited C.invented D.interrupted

13.A.apart from B.more than C.except for D.rather than

14.A.normal B.necessary C.regular D.ordinary

15.A.all the way B.by the way C.in your way D.on your way

16.A.Holding on B.Holding out C.Holding back D.Holding up

17.A.banning B.tolerating C.removing D.reducing

18.A.especially B.hopefully C.similarly D.specially

19.A.meet with B.get away with C.keep pace with D.deal with

20.A.joy B.relief C.anxiety D.sorrow


1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.D 8.C 9.C 10.B 11.D 12.A 13.D 14.A 15.C 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.A 【解析】 本文是议论文。现在社会人人都显得忙忙碌碌,而不愿意抽出哪怕片刻的时间思考。作者认为只有给自己时间思考问题,才能解决问题。 1.考查代词词义辨析。句意:不再有人的回答是“还好”。A.Nobody没有人;B. Somebody有人;C. Everybody每个人;D. Anybody任何人。根据“any more”可知是短语“not … any more ”,意思为“不再”,表示否定含义。故选A项。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当人们工作不超级忙的时候,他们就会疯狂地忙于锻炼、娱乐或者忙着带孩子。A. home家庭;B. work工作;C. school学校;D. hospital医院。与下文“忙于锻炼、玩乐,或者忙着带孩子”相对应地是“忙于工作”。故选B项。 3.考查介词短语辨析。句意:如果有片刻的思考时间——例如,在超市排队或在等交通时——手机就会出现。A. in order秩序井然;B. in line排队;C. in panic陷入恐慌;D. in public在公共场合。按照生活常识,应是“在超市排队”时,有空闲时间。故选B项。 4.考查副词短语辨析。句意:因此,上个月发表在《科学》杂志上的一项研究值得注意。该研究表明,人们会在多大程度上逃避对我们的思想进行检查。 A. how far多远距离,到……程度;B. how long多长时间; C. how often 多久一次;D. how much多少。此处是考查选项与此how搭配的短语辨析。此处how far意思为“在……程度上”符合句意,表达人们会在多大程度上逃避对我们的思想进行检查。故选A项。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们已经注意到,我们是如此依赖手机,以至于人们似乎会找任何借口来保持忙碌。A. place地点;B. reason理由;C. excuse借口;D. solution解决方案。根据上文“out come the mobile phones. ”可知,人们只要有一点空闲时间,就会看手机。手机是人们忙碌的借口。故选C项。 6.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在他对700人进行的实验中,大多数人发现独自仅仅思考6到15分钟就觉得不愉快。A. uncertain不确定的;B. unfair不公平的;C. unpleasant不愉快的;D. unwise不明智。上文提到“…avoid the examination for our thoughts”可知,人们不愿意思考,因此“to be alone with their thoughts”是人们不愿意做的事。会很不高兴。故选 C项。 7.考查动词短语辨析。句意:这可能是因为人类,作为问题的解决者和意义的创造者,在独处的时候,往往会思考自己的生活中出了什么问题。A. left out遗漏,省去;B. left off停止;C. left behind留下,遗留;D. left alone不打扰,不理。根据上文“to be alone with their thoughts”,此处意思为“当人们不被打扰时,就会反思”。故选D项。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我们不更新我们的Facebook页面时,那些我们没有弄清楚的事情就会出现在我们的脑海里——困难的人际关系、职业失败、健康问题等等。 A. deleting删除;B. uploading上传;C. updating更新;D. downloading下载。根据上文“we are so dependent on our mobile phones”可知,人们有空闲的时间就会看手机,更新Facebook网页。故选C项。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我们不更新我们的Facebook页面时,那些我们没有弄清楚的事情就会出现在我们的脑海里——困难的人际关系、职业失败、健康问题等等。 A. close亲密的;B. healthy健康的;C. difficult困难;D. harmonious和谐的。根据上文“…think about what’s wrong in their lives.”可知,当人们不看手机,就会反思一些生活中遇到的问题。困难的人际关系、职业失败、健康问题等等。故选C项。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:除非有解决方案,否则这些想法只会在我们的脑海里不断反复出现。A. recover恢复;B. repeat重复;C. regain 重获;D. recycle回收利用。如果这些难题得不到解决,它们就会一直缠绕在我们的脑中,挥之不去。故选B项。 11.考查连词词义辨析。句意:但如果你不给自己时间去思考问题,你就无法解决问题。 A. unless除非;B. while虽然,当……时候; C. though虽然;D. if如果。作者认为如果你不去思考就无法解决问题。故选D项。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:它实际上已经被我们的文化所忽视,我们的文化更看重做而不是思考,并且相信答案就在你的手中而不是你的头脑中。A. ignored忽视;B. invited邀请; C. invented发明;D. interrupted打断。作者认为人们忽略了这一点:要解决问题就需要思考。故选A项。 13.考查介词短语辨析。句意:它实际上已经被我们的文化所忽视,我们的文化更看重做而不是思考,并且相信答案就在你的手中而不是你的头脑中。A. apart from除……之外; B. more than多于;C. except for除……之外;D. rather than而不是。根据“…values doing more than thinking”可知,人们认为通过做可以找到答案,而不是通过思考。故选D项。 14.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Timothy说:“我们都认为忙碌是正常的,但它真的是有害的。” A. normal正常的;B. necessary有必要的;C. regular有规律的;D. ordinary普通的。根据文章第一段中“Ask people how they are and the answer usually is “super busy,” “crazy busy””,可知,人们认为忙碌是生活的常态,认为忙忙碌碌才是正常的。故选A项。 15.考查介词短语辨析。句意:人们普遍认为,思考只会让你放慢脚步,阻碍你前进的道路,但事实恰恰相反。A. all the way一路上;B. by the way顺便说一句;C. in your way挡住去路;D. on your way在去……的路上。根据 “…thinking will only slow you down”可知,人们认为思考会阻碍前进的步伐。 故选C项。 16.考查动词短语辨析。句意:他说,压抑负面情绪只会让它们更强烈。 A. Holding on坚持,稍等一会;B. Holding out伸出;C. Holding back隐瞒,阻止,抑制;D. Holding up举起,耽搁。根据下文“Allowing and ___17___ the flow of thoughts…”可以推断,Timothy认为不要刻意抑制这些消极情绪,而应该允许人们思考。故选C项。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:允许和容忍思潮涌动是解决方案的一部分,如冥想。A. banning禁止;B. tolerating容忍;C. removing移除;D. reducing减少。根据 allow 可知,应该是“允许思潮涌动”,tolerate与allow意思相近。故选B项。 18.考查副词词义辨析。句意:消极的感觉有时很难,但它们是每个人生活的一部分,尤其是当你忙碌的时候。A. especially特别地;B. hopefully希望地;C. similarly类似地;D. specially特别地。根据生活体验,尤其当我们很忙碌的时候,我们会觉得负面情绪更甚。故选A项。 19.考查动词短语辨析。句意:正是这些深刻而令人不安的感觉,以及你如何处理它们,造就了你。A. meet with见面;B. get away with做了错事而不受惩罚;C. keep pace with跟上节奏,保持同步;D. deal with处理,应对。上文提到“Negative feelings are sometimes hard”,因此在生活中我们要学会如何应对负面情绪。故选D项。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然忙碌似乎可以阻止悲伤的流动,但它也会限制你充满快乐的能力。A. joy快乐;B. relief解脱;C. anxiety焦虑;D. sorrow悲伤。句中while表示语义的转折。作者认为或许忙碌可以平复你的悲伤情绪,但与此同时它也使你不能让自己开心快乐。故选A项。







出口标示:the EXIT signs

Dear Manager,


Yours faithfully





增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号() 并在其下面写出该加的词。



注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Our class joined in a meaningful activity during the winter vacation. First, we went to visit the old lady who lived all alone. Some chatted with her but others helped do a thorough cleaning for us. When the work was done, the house looked real neat and tidy. Then we went to the sport center, where all equipment needed polished. We set out to work at once. Everything was dust-free at no time. Having done all this, we saw a pleasant community than before. Tiring as we were, we felt happy as all of our work was paid off.




Parkour (跑酷) is a sport which trains people to deal with any physical obstacles in their path. It is not a competition but a physical training. A person joining in parkour is called traceur. Traceurs run along a path and use only their bodies to deal with obstacles in the most efficient way. Parkour pays more attention to efficiency, 1.(make) it different from the similar practice of free running. Parkour 2.(common) includes running, jumping, climbing, rolling and other similar types of physical movements. Many teenagers think that parkour is quite3.cool sport. They have great interest in it.

The 4.(invent) of parkour can’t 5.(give) to one person because many people have worked on it. A french officer developed the earlier form of parkour. The term “parkour” was first introduced by David Belle and Sebastiar Foucan in the early 1980s. 6.that time, they were two teenagers. This sport7.(become) more popular in the 1990s when many films were made on it.

8.makes parkour different from other sports is its power to bring people together. It allows traceurs to forget the9.(society) and other problems, and makes a large group work and grow together instead of competing with each other. People can benefit from parkour as it can make them stronger. Still, it also influences one’s thought process by improving self-confidence and critical-thinking skills. In this way, parkour allows one to deal with 10.(difficulty) in daily life if he or she deals with them through parkour.



    Many years ago at Christmas time I parked my car in the town centre on my way to the post office to post my Christmas cards. It was the last posting day for Christmas cards if they were to be ______ before Christmas. ______ I came out of the car park I saw a boy who was ______ and holding his right hand side. I ______ some bigger boys had perhaps bullied him and he was in ______ . I had to go to his aid and see if I could ________.

He told me that his sister who was a ______ had bought him a Christmas present. It was a mobile phone. He only had it days when he ________ it and cracked the screen! That’s ________ he was holding his right hand side of his body—his mobile phone was in the upper right hand pocket of his coat. The little guy was extremely _______, tears rolling down his face as he told all this to me. My heart _________ for him. It was clear he ______ his present and knew that this was a lot of money for his __________ to spend on him, for nurses didn’t make much money. He’d been to a phone shop and they’d told him it would be 80 to get a new _________ .

I had to help, though I was ________ to make ends meet myself. I searched my purse and gave the boy the only 20 I could find and made some ________ as to why I could only give him so little. I didn’t want him to know it was all I had until pay day. I could not ______ pay for his phone to be repaired but I hope the ________ he received from a stranger was ________ that stayed with him when he became a man.

The Christmas cards not getting posted somehow didn’t seem ______; greater issues had been addressed with a kindness stamp.

1.A. decorated B. received C. accepted D. bought

2.A. Since B. Until C. As D. Unless

3.A. sobbing B. fighting C. bleeding D. starving

4.A. saw B. heard C. remembered D. thought

5.A. pain B. surprise C. relief D. debt

6.A. park B. pay C. leave D. help

7.A. teacher B. nurse C. doctor D. 1awyer

8.A. lost B. sold C. dropped D. repaired

9.A. when B. where C. how D. why

10.A. sad B. tired C. grateful D. embarrassed

11.A. beat B. jumped C. worried D. ached

12.A. destroyed B. missed C. valued D. disliked

13.A. mother B. sister C. brother D. friend

14.A. screen B. computer C. phone D. present

15.A. preparing B. begging C. struggling D. deciding

16.A. change B. excuse C. apology D. noise

17.A. fully B. usually C. hardly D. warmly

18.A. money B. gift C. wish D. kindness

19.A. somebody B. somewhere C. something D. sometime

20.A. beautiful B. important C. possible D. expensive



    Sometimes it can be hard to recognize a true friend, one who is loyal(忠诚的)and one who is worth keeping by your side. The suggestions provided in this article will help to guide you in working out which friends are likely to be true.

Be able to trust your friends. You should be able to trust true friends and they should return this trust. Your friends tell you secrets that no one else knows. Let you share secrets. Ask you for advice.1. However, if your friends hide things from you and act secretive, this could be a sign that they do not trust you, but it could also mean your friends keep to themselves or don’t like to reveal too much about themselves.

Consider comfort. How comfortable do your friends feel when they are around you? Watch them, are they being themselves or are they timid (胆怯的)around you? 2.True friendships can take a while to develop, but if your friends are true, they should feel comfortable around you.

3.This is not meant in a romantic way, but consider whether your friends are comfortable with the touch. If your friends are fine with hugging you, leaning on you, resting their heads on your shoulder and so forth, then you can judge they love you.

Think about loyalty. True friends are always there for one another. If you are in need of a helping hand, your true friends should be there to offer it to you. 4.You can trust friends with anything, knowing that they will be loyal and will not let your secrets out.

Look at how you fight. Nearly all best friends fight; so if you and your friend have a little dispute(争论), don't sweat it! 5.. They will not tell each other’s secrets and they still care about each other.

A.Consider the touch barrier.

B.Consider how you insult each other.

C.They should know that you are not serious.

D.These are sure signs that your friends trust you.

E.Are they acting fake—perhaps hiding an insecurity?

F.True friends should not get one another into trouble.

G.True friends will remain faithful and find their way through a fight.



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