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Whether you’d like to loosen tight muscl...

    Whether you’d like to loosen tight muscles, become more flexible, or just keep yourself tom getting injured when you exercise or play sports, stretching is important. With just a few minutes of gentle stretching, you can reduce the pain that comes from tight muscles, improve your posture, and increase your range of motion.1.With all these benefits, why not give stretching a try?

1. Hamstring (脚筋) (or Back-of-the-leg) Stretch

The hamstring muscle runs down the back of your upper leg. Tightness in this muscle can lead to serious back pain, so its an important one to stretch.2.Working one leg at a time, lift your leg and rest the heel on the wall with your leg slightly bent. Gently straighten your leg until you feel a nice stretch. Pause there and wait. Then switch legs.

2. 3.

Tight shoulder muscles can lead to neck and back pain as well as other problems. It’s important to keep these muscles flexible. You can raise straight overhead, then bend the elbow so that your right hand falls behind your head. Using your left hand, gently pull your right elbow toward the centerline of your body. Ideally, you want your right forearm to be straight up and town. Be sure to keep your head and neck straight, and don't let your right arm force the head down or forward in any way.4.

3. Neck Stretch

This is very important for drivers! Stretch your neck one side at a time, beginning with the right. Tip your hear to the left.5.Do not pull hard. The neck is fragile, so you must be gentle with this stretch. Repeat on the opposite side.

A.Arm Stretch.

B.Shoulder Stretch

C.Switch arms and repeat.

D.Stand about an arm’s length away form a table.

E.Stretching also improves your balance and coordination.

F.For a gentle stretch, lie on the for near a doorway or wall comer.

G.And use your left hand to very gently pull your head toward the front of your left shoulder.


1.E 2.F 3.B 4.C 5.G 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章说明了伸展运动有很多好处,并就三个部位如何进行拉伸运动进行了说明。 1.根据后文With all these benefits, why not give stretching a try?可知,既然有这么多好处,为什么不试着做做伸展运动呢?由此可知,本句是在说明伸展运动的好处。故E选项“伸展还能提高你的平衡和协调能力”符合上下文语境,故选E。 2.根据后文Working one leg at a time, lift your leg and rest the heel on the wall with your leg slightly bent.可知,一次锻炼一条腿,将腿抬起,脚后跟靠在墙上,腿稍微弯曲。由此可知,这个伸展动作是在有墙的地方做的。故F选项“如果想做个柔和的伸展运动,可以躺在靠近门口或墙角的地方”符合上下文语境,故选F。 3.根据本段中Tight shoulder muscles can lead to neck and back pain as well as other problems. It’s important to keep these muscles flexible.可知,肩膀肌肉紧张会导致颈部和背部疼痛以及其他问题。保持这些肌肉的柔韧性很重要。由此可知,本段主要讲的是肩部如何伸展。故B选项“肩部伸展”符合上下文语境,故选B。 4.根据上文Be sure to keep your head and neck straight, and don’t let your right arm force the head down or forward in any way.可知,确保你的头和脖子伸直,不要让你的右臂以任何方式强迫头部向下或向前。由此可知,拉伸完了右臂,接下来该换手重复以上动作了。故C选项“换手重复”符合上下文语境,故选C。 5.根据上文Tip your hear to the left.(把你的耳朵向左倾斜)以及后文Do not pull hard.(不要用力拉)可知,此处的动作应当是将头向左肩方向轻拉。故G选项“用你的左手非常轻柔地将你的头拉向左肩的前方”符合上下文语境,故选G。

    Nail biting and hair pulling are two forms of body language. Both nail biting and hair pulling can be either conscious or subconscious body language gestures, each showing some interesting aspects of the character, emotion and inner working of the individual.

Nail biting is a non-verbal gesture. In adults it’s often a habit adopted and carried through from childhood and can become apparent in stressful situations throughout adulthood. To most people, nail biting is associated with nervousness and shyness and is an involuntary response to certain social situations. In many cases, it’s an adaptor behaviour that channels nervous energy, inactivity or boredom and doesn’t disturb normal functioning. In severe cases nail biting can become a repetitive behaviour that is intentionally performed. It can result in great physical damage.

So when we look deeper, in both adults and children, it has been suggested that severe nail biting is often referred to as a method of “self-heating”. This indicates that nail biting is a subconscious behaviour indicating increased anxiety and low self-confidence.

Hair pulling can indicate a number of emotions and behaviors. For example, children who bite their nails or frequently pull their hair may be nervous or have low self-confidence. Hair pulling may be a comforting action for a child who is tense and anxious, and may become habitual later in life in stressful situations. Routine and severe hair pulling can be a compulsive disorder that may be linked to genetics, anxiety and depression. It’s most commonly thought to be a stress-related condition.

However, hair puling is also another non-verbal body language that can signify different things in different situations. For example, in some situations, it can mean interest and desire. However, in other situations, it can suggest anxiety, incompetence, uncertainty or shyness.

1.What does the text say about nail biting?

A.It doesn’t harm its doer physically. B.It stops its doer functioning normally.

C.It isn’t a gesture only made by children. D.It is a commonly used way to avoid shyness.

2.According to the text, children who often pull their hair        .

A.may take no interest in something B.may feel quite sure of themselves

C.must suffer from lack of desire D.may not feel at ease at all

3.The underlined word “signify” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to “      “.

A.explain B.indicate

C.hide D.summarize

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.How to Read Forms of Body Language?

B.What Do Nail Biting and Hair Pulling Suggest?

C.How to Express Ourselves with Body Language?

D.What Are the Deep Meanings of Body Language?



    Scientists at the University of Oxford have developed new artificial intelligence (AI) software to recognize and follow up the faces of individual chimpanzees (黑猩猩) in the wild. The new software will allow researcher and wildlife conservationists to greatly cut back on time spent analyzing videos, according to the new paper published today in Science Advances.

“For species like chimpanzees, which have complex social lives and live for many years, getting photos of their behavior from short-term field research can only tell us so much.” says Dan Sehofield, researcher and DPhil student at Oxford University’s Primate Models Lab, School of Anthropology. “By taking advantage of the power of machine learning to unlock large video files, it makes it possible to measure behavior over the long term.”

The computers model was trained using over 10 million images (影像) from Kyoto University’s Primate Research Institute (PRI) video files of wild chimpanzees in Guinea, West Africa. The new software is the first to continuously track and recognize individuals in a wide range of posed, performing with high accuracy in difficult conditions such as low lighting and poor image quality.

“Access to this large video file has allowed us to use the newest deep neural networks to train models at a scale that was previously not possible,” says Arsha Nagrani, co-author of the study and DPhil student at the Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford. “Additionally, our new software differs from previous primate face recognition software in that it can be applied to raw videos with limited manual intervention (人工干预) or pre-processing, saving hours of time.”

The technology has potential for many uses, such as monitoring species for conservation. Although the present application focused on chimpanzees, the software provided could be applied to other species, and help drive the adoption of AI systems to solve a range of problems in the wildlife sciences.

1.What’s the purpose of developing the new software?

A.To save wildlife researchers’ time spent in the wild.

B.To keep track of wildlife conservationists’ behavior.

C.To protect chimpanzees and help them to live longer.

D.To recognize and track the faces of wild chimpanzees.

2.What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Getting photos. B.Analyzing videos.

C.The new AI software. D.A powerful machine.

3.What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?

A.The unique advantages of the new software.

B.Some limitations of using the new software.

C.The working principles of the new software.

D.Controversial attitudes to the new software.

4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.The new software has a quite bright future.

B.The application of the technology can be tough.

C.Technology is the final goal of scientific research.

D.AI systems are widely used in the wildlife sciences.



    It’s not every day that you see pigeons(鸽子)with cowboy hats on their tiny heads walking or flying around, unless you live in Las Vegas, where cowboy-hat-wearing pigeons are actually a thing people have been constantly taking about these days.

It all started on December 5, when a Las Vegas citizen named Bobby Lee noticed two funny-looking birds walking near a dustbin. The pigeons drew his attention because they were wearing tiny cowboy hats — one red and one grey — so he took out his smartphone and started filming them. Later, he uploaded the video online, where is quickly spread. The next day, everyone was talking about Las Vegas’ cowboy-hat-wearing pigeons, and Lee was getting phone calls from agencies trying to license his video.

It was only a matter of time before news outlets picked up the story and reported on the mysterious pigeon cowboys spotted around Las Vegas. The only link anyone could think of was the Wrangler National Rodeo Finals that were taking place in town at the time, but the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association, which organized the event, denied any involvement.

While some netizens just found the idea cute and jumped at the opportunity to catch the pigeons on camera if they spotted them around Vegas, others expressed concern about the birds’ well-being. They even mentioned animal cruelty.

Hillman, the founder of local pigeon rescue Lofty Hopes, said that her organization was trying to track down the birds and remove their hats, but trapping them with food has proven very difficult so far. That’s because the two known cowboy-hat-wearing pigeons have become very popular around Las Vegas, and people are constantly throwing them much food.

“When you see them today, you could see some loose feathers in the glue around the hat, and it’s surely a concern,” Hillman said, adding that she believed the hats had been glued on with a strong adhesive (粘合剂).

1.What has been a hot topic in Las Vegas recently?

A.The return of cowboy hats. B.Pigeons approaching people.

C.Pigeons wearing cowboy hats. D.The hobby of watching pigeons.

2.What made Bobby Lee film the two pigeons with his smartphone?

A.Their unusual decorations. B.Their unique feather colors.

C.Their great popularity online. D.Their strange way of walking.

3.What was netizens’ attitude towards the pigeon cowboys?

A.They went too far about them. B.They thought nothing of them.

C.They showed little interest in them. D.They had a mixed response to them.

4.Why is it hard to trap the two pigeons with food?

A.Because they are rather particular about food.

B.Because they always have abundant food to eat.

C.Because they are smart enough not to be tricked.

D.Because they are well protected by pigeon watchers.



The Houston Museum of Natural Science

Founded in 1909, the Houston Museum of Natural Science (HMNS) has always been one of the most heavily attended museums in the United States. It houses a variety of permanent exhibit areas that examine astronomy, space science, Native American culture, energy, chemistry, gems and minerals, seashells, Texas wildlife and much more. In addition, the museum frequently presents traveling exhibitions on a variety of topics. The Museum is a major science learning center with over a half million school children visiting it annually, including every fourth grade and seventh grade class in the Houston Independent School District.


The Museum can be quite crowded on weekends and weekday mornings, due to the hundreds of thousands of students that visit HMNS each year. Please call 713-639-4629 to inquire about the crowds that are anticipated during your intended visit.

Opening Hours

Monday-Sunday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (last entry at 4:30 p.m.)

It’s closed on New Year’s Day and Christmas Day.

PLEASE NOTE: Average museum visit takes 2 hours or more.


Adult Ticket: $25 (ages 12 and up)

Child Ticket: $16 (ages 3-11)

Children aged 2 and under: FREE

College Students with ID: $16

Seniors (62+): $16

Groups (10+): $10

Please Note

Flash photography is ONLY allowed in the Grand Hall and the rainforest of the Coekrell Butterfly Center. Selfie sticks (自拍杆), tripods and camera stands are not allowed anywhere in HMNS. Photography is not allowed in certain exhibitions. Please check for signs by the exhibit entrance for more information or ask a museum employee.

1.When can people enter HMNS for a visit?

A.At 8:30 a.m. on June 1st. B.At 12:30 p.m. on Jan. 3rd.

C.At 14:40 p.m. on Oct. 15th. D.At 10:00. a.m. on Dec.25th.

2.How much should Tom and his two sons aged 8 and 13 pay in all to HMNS?

A.$66. B.$57.

C.$41. D.$30.

3.What can be known about HMNS from the text?

A.It has a history of less than a century.

B.Visitors aren’t allowed to take photos inside.

C.It has the largest number of visitors of all American museums.

D.People who enjoy quiet have better visit it on weekday afternoon.





2.这个发现很重要,因为它有助于更多地了解亚历山大大帝(Alexander the Great)对世界的影响。(in that)

3.汤姆仍然对生活满怀希望,如同十年前一样。(as 引导方式状语从句)





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