满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Most of the time, people are well aware ...

    Most of the time, people are well aware of the circumstances of exchange: they exchange this for that. But in the rare circumstances when they’ve not prepared with gift-giving in return, they can be _________ with feelings of guilt. Receiving a gift, Jacques Derrida, a French thinker, thought, could make one feel like a _________ trapped in a cycle of economic exchange. People don’t like the feeling of being under obligation (人情债) , and try to dismiss the _________ they can feel as quickly as possible.

Private gift-giving, as the Frankfurt school theorist Theodor Adorno worried, has become an empty procedure. There’s no denying that in at least some cases, people give gifts _________. This has less to do with gift-giving itself, and more to do with the choosing of gifts. Gift-giving looks like an obligation, and a fairly _________one at that. Sure, there is giving gifts to lovers, friends and family. But then there is also the world of gift-giving like Secret Santa Claus, practices that keep gift-giving routines going well _________ the circles of people we know well enough to make choosing presents _________.

For these forced occasions, for, say, the coworker we’ve never spoken to, there are pre-printed cards and commercial guides. Even when the receiver is well-known, people want to _________ the effort needed for gifting. A relative once sent me a gift basket of dried fruit, nuts and cured meats; both the offending party and I are vegetarians.

If gift-giving has become more transaction (交易的), with the give-and-take a(n) _________ itself, so has complimenting.

This ____________ choice — fulfill your obligation to return the ____________ or resign yourself to guilt — comes from belonging to a society structured around commodities and their ____________.The trouble is, if compliments are transactions, feeling that we’re under obligation is a natural state of affairs. To imagine that we could completely overcome our ways of thinking about compliments, ____________, requires ____________ our social and economic forms of life. ____________ a difficult demand, this could be the true gift Adorno and Derrida were hoping for.

1.A.proud B.troubled C.happy D. exchange

2.A.owner B.loaner C.donor D. debtor

3.A.prejudice B.inferiority C.inequality D.priority

4.A.reluctantly B.quickly C.carefully D.gladly

5.A.affordable B.widespread C.influential D.commercial

6.A.within B.behind C.against D.beyond

7.A.unpleasant B.enjoyable C.adequate D.fashionable

8.A.minimize B.maximize C.complicate D.formalize

9.A.means B.reason C.end D.process

10.A.agreed B.limited C.forced D.suited

11.A.praise B.offence C.greeting D.favour

12.A.application B.promotion C.interaction D.exchange

13.A.therefore B.however C.moreover D.meanwhile

14.A.following B.restoring C.rethinking D.proceeding

15.A.Unless B.While C.Since D.Whether


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.C 11.A 12.D 13.B 14.C 15.B 【解析】 本文是一篇议论文。作者以送礼为例阐述了恭维话的代价,很多时候人们被迫收礼送礼,这更多是因为选择礼物。我们之所以被迫做出这样的选择,是因为我们身处一个围绕商品及其交易所构建的社会。恭维也是如此。倘若想要彻底克服这种对待恭维的思维方式,我们必须反思生活的社会和经济形式。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:大多数时候人们都能很清楚地意识到存在交易的情况:他们用这个交换那个。但在少数情况下由于没准备回礼,他们会感到内疚。A. proud骄傲的;B. troubled烦恼的;忧虑的;C. happy快乐地;D.exchange交换。根据when they’ve not prepared with gift-giving in return可推断,没有准备好回礼会让人因为负罪感而烦恼。故选B。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:法国思想家,德里达看来,接受礼物会让人感觉像是欠债一般,被困在经济交换的循环中无法抽身。A. owner主人;B. loaner贷款人;C. donor捐赠人;D. debtor债务人。根据下文People don’t like the feeling of being under obligation (人情债)可推断,接受礼物的人感觉像是欠了债一样,像一个债务人。故选D。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:人们不喜欢欠别人人情的感觉,会试图尽快摆脱这种可以感受到的不平等。A.prejudice偏见;B. inferiority劣势;C. inequality不平等;D. priority优先权。欠人人情债会让人感觉不平等。故选C。 4.考查副词词义辨析。句意:不可否认的是,至少在某些情况下,人们不情愿送礼。A. reluctantly不情愿地;B. quickly快速地;C. carefully仔细地;D. gladly高兴地。根据上文Private gift-giving, as the Frankfurt school theorist Theodor Adorno worried, has become an empty procedure.可知,私人之间的赠送礼物已经变成了一种空洞的仪式,可推断,有时候,人们送礼是不情愿地。故选A。 5.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这与赠送礼物本身无关,更多是关于礼物的挑选。赠送礼物看上去像是一种义务,而且是种非常普遍的义务。A. affordable负担得起的;B. widespread普遍地;C. influential有影响力的;D. commercial商业的。根据下文Sure, there is giving gifts to lovers, friends and family.可知,的确,要给爱人,朋友和家人送礼,因此送礼是一个相当普遍的义务。故选B。 6.考查介词词义辨析。句意:但还有一类是像“秘密圣诞老人”的送礼世界游戏,这些做法让送礼的圈子不断扩大,大到那些我们足够熟知从而享受为其挑选礼物的圈子之外。A. within在……范围内;B. behind在……后面;C. against违反;D. beyond超越。根据but可推断,与上文是转折关系,上文说送礼就像是义务,因此推断此处说明,送礼超越了我们熟悉的圈子,让选择礼物成为愉快的。故选D。 7.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:句意:但还有一类是像“秘密圣诞老人”的送礼世界游戏,这些做法让送礼的圈子不断扩大,大到那些我们足够熟知从而享受为其挑选礼物的圈子之外。A. unpleasant令人不愉快的;B. enjoyable令人愉快的;C. adequate充分的;D. fashionable时髦的。根据语境可知,送礼圈子不断扩大,达到足以让选择礼物成为令人愉快的。故选B。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在这些无奈的情况下,比如说要给我们从没说过话的同事送礼,有提前印好的卡片和商品指南来帮我们应付。即使收礼方是自己所熟知的,人们仍希望尽可能少地在送礼上花工夫。A. minimize把……减至最低数量[程度];B. maximize使(某事物)增至最大限度;C. complicate使复杂化;D. formalize使正式。根据上文Even when the receiver is well-known可推断,即使接收礼物的人是熟人,人们也不愿意付出努力送礼,也就是尽量的把送礼的努力降到最小。故选A。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果送礼已经变得更像交易,赠与和收受本身成了目的,那么恭维也是一样。A. means手段;B. reason原因;C. end目的;目标;D. process过程。根据上文gift-giving has become more transaction可知,送礼变得更像交易,那么赠与与收受就成了目的。故选C。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:要么履行义务老老实实回口称赞,要么任自己心生愧疚:我们之所以被迫做出这样的选择,是因为我们身处一个围绕商品及其交易所构建的社会。A. agreed同意;B. limited限制;C. forced强迫;D. suited适合。根据下文comes from belonging to a society structured around commodities可知,我们身处一个围绕商品的社会,因此推断我们要被迫做出选择。故选C。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:要么履行义务老老实实回口称赞,要么任自己心生愧疚:我们之所以被迫做出这样的选择,是因为我们身处一个围绕商品及其交易所构建的社会。A. praise表扬;B. offence冒犯;C. greeting欢迎;D. favour恩惠。根据上文fulfill your obligation可知,完成了义务,应给予称赞。故选A。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:要么履行义务老老实实回口称赞,要么任自己心生愧疚:我们之所以被迫做出这样的选择,是因为我们身处一个围绕商品及其交易所构建的社会。A. application应用;B. promotion提报;C. interaction合作;互动;D. exchange交流。根据语境,their指代上文提到的“commodities”,因此应是商品的交换,与上文提到的互换礼物照应。故选D。 13.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,倘若想要彻底克服这种对待恭维的思维方式,我们必须反思生活的社会和经济形式。A. therefore因此;B. however然而;C. moreover此外;而且;D. meanwhile同时。上文The trouble is, if compliments are transactions, feeling that we’re under obligation is a natural state of affairs.讲述问题是,如果恭维是一种交易,那么产生负债感是很自然的事儿。此处与下文是转折关系。故选B。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,倘若想要彻底克服这种对待恭维的思维方式,我们必须反思生活的社会和经济形式。A. following跟随;B. restoring恢复;C. rethinking重新思考;反思;D. proceeding前进。根据上文To imagine that we could completely overcome our ways of thinking about compliments可知,克服对待恭维的思维方式需要我们反思生活的社会和经济形式。故选C。 15.考查连接词辨析。句意:尽管难如登天,但这或许是阿多诺和德里达真正一直期待的礼物。A. Unless除非;B. While尽管;C. Since自从;D. Whether是否,根据句意上下文是让步关系。故选B。

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

I teach a course in marine biology at a college in central Maine. In order to give each student the individualized attention he or she 1.(deserve), I cap the class size at 15. Some years back, while calling out names from the roster (花名册) on the first day, I noticed a gray-haired woman of about 70. She 2.(hang) about at the door, with her new books like a schoolgirl.

“I’m not on the roster,” she volunteered, clearly self-conscious about all the 3.(seat) 18-year-olds looking her over. “But I was wondering if I 4.just sit in on the first class, to see what it’s about.”

There were already 15 in the class, but this woman’s eagerness impressed me, so I invited her to have a seat.

I began by chatting informally with the class to get a feel for how much knowledge they were bringing to 5.course. The result of open admissions is that professors are faced with very uneven crops of students, many of 6. know relatively little about the world around them.

In marine biology I like to see if they know the difference between fishes and seagoing mammals (哺乳动物). I often hold up a sponge (海绵) in the hope 7. someone will recognize it as an animal rather than a plant. I talk about the difference between a sea and an ocean.

8. I questioned, most of my new students remained silent. But Natalie, the older woman, was on the edge of her seat, 9.(volunteer) answers with the quickness of a game show contestant. In time, I felt as if it were just she and I engaged in a private conversation. At the end of class, she came up to me and apologized for being the “extra” student. “I certainly wish I could take this course,’’ she said. “Will you offer it next week?” Alarmed at the prospect of losing her, I acted quickly to relieve 10.concern. “I’ll see you next class,” I said.




1. 活动的时间、地点、参加者;

2. 表演的节目;

3. 参加活动的感受。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。








注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

When I finished all of my exam, my family drove to the countryside for a holiday. On our way, my favorite scarf flew out of the window suddenly and is gone. I felt very sad, regretting that when I hadn’t kept the scarf well. Soon after, we stopped at a service station. Feel upset, I found a bench and was about to ate my sandwich when a motorcyclist pulled into the station, “Is that your blue car?” he asked me. Although I felt surprising, I nodded quickly. A man pulled out the very scarf from my backpack and handed it to me. He then returned his motorcycle and wanted to leave. I went up and repaid him thankful by giving him a hug.




Some people will say “Open your gift!” immediately upon giving you a brightly 1. (wrap) box. Some of us are happy to help tearing off the paper with much 2. (excite). Others, however, experience anxiety when presented with a present. “What if I won’t like it?” they think. “What if it’s 3. (embarrass)?” Such questions can 4. (serious) stress a person out even if it isn’t obvious to the excited gift-giver.

Sometimes, 5. is necessary to bite the bullet even if gift-opening is uncomfortable for you, for instance if you’re the guest of honor at a bridal or baby shower. “In those situations 6. the opening of the gift is an activity of the event itself, go 7. it,” says Canada’s Etiquette Guy Jay Remer. “People who are attending the event expect that whatever gift they give is likely to be opened. It’s part of the fun.” So, if you refuse to open 8. (gift), the attendees (出席者), who give presents to you, might think you do not care about their blessings.

Etiquette expert Jacqueline Whitmore 9. (tend) to put the decision into the gift-giver’s hands. “Whenever I 10. (present) with a gift, I usually say ‘Shall I open it now?’ If the giver says ‘That’s up to you.’ I go ahead and open it because if I present someone with a gift, I want him to open it so I can see the happiness on his face.”



    My dear grandmother passed away 18 years ago. However, I still ________ her every single day. She is such a(n) ________ part of my life. My Mom, Dad, brothers and I lived in her old house for most of my ________. And when I close my eyes and open my heart. I could see her ________ face. I could hear her say “HELLO” in a high ________, as I opened the door after school. And then she would open her ________ to give me a big hug and kiss. And when she ________ me, I could feel the love and joy coming from her ________ into mine.

I thought I ________ everything about my “Nana” but ________ I am still learning more about her even today. Just yesterday a(n) ________ family friend stopped to talk to me at the local post office. She told me what happened once when she ________ my Nana when I was still a little boy. They were ________ around the dining-table, chatting. Our ________ noticed the lovely earrings my Nana was ________. She told Nana how much she liked them and asked if Nana could ________ them to her in her will. Without a second ________ my sweet Nana took them off and gave them to her on the spot.

After our friend left, I stood there for a few minutes in ________. I had never known this and as far as I could tell, Nana never ________ it to anyone. That was just like her. She may have been excited and temperamental (喜怒无常的) at times but she was the person who loved others deeply and she ________ freely. She lives in my heart forever.

1.A.indicate B.remember C.miss D.respect

2.A.accessible B.believable C.evident D.important

3.A.memories B.childhood C.achievements D.adulthood

4.A.tiring B.artificial C.embarrassing D.kind

5.A.noise B.voice C.position D.quality

6.A.arms B.hands C.legs D.fingers

7.A.noticed B.hugged C.blamed D.helped

8.A.heart B.appearance C.reflection D.motivation

9.A.forgot B.resisted C.classified D.knew

10.A.increasingly B.amazingly C.fortunately D.gradually

11.A.humorous B.passive C.old D.troublesome

12.A.opposed B.appreciated C.admired D.visited

13.A.going B.turning C.sitting D.pushing

14.A.friend B.neighbor C.doctor D.grandpa

15.A.cleaning B.watching C.holding D.wearing

16.A.distribute B.deliver C.leave D.lend

17.A.thought B.assumption C.remark D.performance

18.A.disappointment B.surprise C.delight D.horror

19.A.mentioned B.demonstrated C.recommended D.introduced

20.A.donated B.invested C.gave D.interrupted



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