满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Darrell Blatchley, a marine biologist an...

    Darrell Blatchley, a marine biologist and environmentalist based in the Philippine city of Davao, received a call from the philippines’ Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (渔业与水产资源局) early Friday morning reporting a death of a young whale.

When the necropsy (尸检) was performed, Blatchley told NPR, he was not prepared for the amount of plastic they found in the whale’s stomach. “It was full of plastic- nothing but nonstop plastic,” he said. “It was filled to the point that its stomach was as hard as a baseball.” “That means that this animal has been suffering not for days or weeks but for months or even a year or more.” Blatchley added.

Blatchley is the founder and owner of the D’ Bone Collector Museum, a natural history museum in Davao. In the coming days, the museum will display all the items found in the whale’s system.

Blatchley and his team work with the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources and other organizations to assist in rescue and recovery of marine animals.

“Within the last 10 years, we have recovered 61 whales and dolphins just within the Davao Gulf,” he said. “Of them, 57 have died due to man --whether they took plastic or fishing nets or other waste, or gotten caught in pollution-- and four were pregnant.”

Blatchley said he hoped that the latest incident would launch the issue of plastic pollution in the Philippines and across the globe. “If we keep going this way, it will be more uncommon to see an animal die of natural causes than it is to see an animal die of plastic.” he said.

1.What can be inferred from the second paragraph?

A.The whale was starved to death.

B.Blatchley didn’t make preparations for the necropsy.

C.The dead whale must have swallowed a baseball.

D.Blatchley was shocked at what he found.

2.What does Blatchley think of plastic pollution in the Philippines?

A.Uncommon. B.Inspiring.

C.Worrying. D.Puzzling.

3.What is the best title for the text?

A.Natural Death or Merciless murder.

B.Stand Up for Protecting Whales.

C.Plastic Threatening Our Existence.

D.A Whale Found Dead of Plastic.


1.D 2.C 3.D 【解析】 本文是一篇新闻报道。一只鲸鱼因吞食大量的塑料而死亡,这引发了人们对海洋污染的担忧。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段中的“he was not prepared for the amount of plastic they found in the whale's stomach ”可知,布拉奇利在鲸鱼的胃里发现了大量的塑料,他对此毫无准备,这是他意想不到的。由此可知,布拉奇利对他的发现感到震惊,故选D。 2.推理判断题。根据最后一段中的Blatchley said he hoped that the latest incident would launch the issue of plastic pollution in the Philippines and across the globe “If we keep going this way, it will be more uncommon to see an animal die of natural causes than it is to see an animal die of plastic,” 布拉奇利说,他希望这一最新事件能在菲律宾乃至全球引发塑料污染问题。布拉奇利说如果我们继续这样下去,动物因吃塑料死亡的情况比自然死亡更为常见,由此判断出,他对菲律宾的塑料污染很担忧,故选C。 3.主旨大意题。纵观全文本文的主旨句在第一段“Darrell Blatchley,…received a call from the philippines’ Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (渔业与水产资源局) early Friday morning reporting a death of a young whale.” 海洋生物学家和环保人士达雷尔·布拉奇利周五一早接到菲律宾渔业和水产资源局的电话,报告一头幼鲸死亡”。接着下文对这只鲸的解剖发现,这只鲸鱼因吞食大量的塑料而死亡,这引发了人们对塑料污染的担忧。由此可知,全文围绕一只死于塑料的鲸鱼展开。而且从文章的高频词来说鲸鱼whale以及plastic在文章中反复出现,故A和C没有涉及到whale,而B没有涉及到plastic,只有D项“ 一头鲸鱼被发现死于塑料”为最佳标题。故选D。


1. 选修你校开设的中国画课程;

2. 上课时间和地点;

3. 工具和材料:毛笔、墨和宣纸等;

参考词汇: 选修课 optional course  中国画 Chinese Painting  毛笔 Chinese brush

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中有10处错误,每句中最 多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。





1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

I felt very luck while I was travelling in Hunan this summer. One day, I get up very early in the morning so we were told to climb the Mount Tianzi. However, I felt little tired after many days of travelling so that I sat in a bench sleeping. When starting out, I left my wallet there with my cellphone and ID card in it, but he didn’t know it at all. When I wanted to take picture with my cellphone, I found that my wallet missing. Therefore, I reported it to my guide quick and she sent a text in her group. Soon,I was told to waiting for it there and I got it back luckily and happily.




When Peter Sänger and Liang Wu got together, it 1. (strike) them that they must be long-lost friends. Both firm advocates in the fight 2. air pollution, they believe that if you can't measure it, you can't beat it. That's 3. they founded Green City Solutions: “The solution to quantifiably improve city air.”

Their invention the City Tree — acts as an air purifier — an interesting 4. (add) to urban trees and green spaces. Rooted in science, air pollution can 5. (eat) by the vertical flat-paneled (平面的) “trees” dotted around cities across Europe, while the “trees” also act as seats for pedestrians. Sänger and Wu's vision is for a world in which people in cities can live 6. (healthy). They long to create living conditions that allow all people around the world to permanently have cleaner air 7. (breathe).

Using remote technology, the CityTree combines 8. air-purifying feature of moss with remote technology to increase the air flow through the “trees”. This allows them to “suck up” and clean more air than normal, and the amount they filter can be increased 9. (depend) on pollution levels at different times of day.

The German green-tech start-up is now funded by the European Commission to set up a CityTree network of 15 brand new units and test it in a 10. (science) way in Berlin's pollution hotspots next year.



    On October 28, 2006, my day started out like most Saturdays. It had been amazing, but I didn’t quite _______ it to Rogner’s.

As I attempted to open my _______, the light was blinding. I didn't recognize my _______ Was I dreaming? I tried to focus... “she’s _______.” I heard someone say. Where was I?

“You’ve been in a terrible _______ and you’re going to be _______.” I heard someone say. The _______ was familiar. I realized it was my sister, but what was she doing here and where was I?

Over the next few days, I learned I had been _______ by a car while going to Rogner’s house. I had _______life-threatening injuries and had not been expected to __________.

During the next few months I __________ various painful rehabilitation (复原) processes. During this time, I had to depend on others for most of my basic __________— showering, dressing and eating. I also found it __________ to recall things and usually, what I wanted to say, was not what came out of my mouth.

As weeks turned to months and months turned to years, the __________ at the loss of my pre-accident self was hard to forget. __________ it seemed even more painful than the __________ pain I dealt with every day.

To this day I still miss my old __________ terribly, but I started to realize that to move forward I must find the strength to __________ the chapter of my pre-accident life and hug the process of creating a new life.

By __________ my story, I hope to inspire anyone who is going through a life-changing experience to keep going. __________ after a disaster, you can still create a new life.

1.A.make B.get C.help D.pass

2.A.mouth B.arms C.eyes D.book

3.A.sister B.surroundings C.words D.identity

4.A.thinking B.sad C.tearful D.awake

5.A.fire B.explosion C.accident D.mess

6.A.OK B.right C.lucky D.conscious

7.A.voice B.face C.procedure D.scene

8.A.attacked B.taken C.driven D.struck

9.A.caused B.suffered C.treated D.added

10.A.run over B.operate C.survive D.hide away

11.A.prepared for B.got over C.gave up D.went through

12.A.knowledge B.needs C.senses D.communication

13.A.guilty B.necessary C.difficult D.useful

14.A.pain B.thought C.sight D.prediction

15.A.In turn B.Above all C.After all D.At times

16.A.spiritual B.physical C.visual D.hidden

17.A.self B.friend C.hospital D.photo

18.A.begin B.close C.describe D.analyze

19.A.listening to B.advocating C.sharing D.acting out

20.A.Only B.Thus C.Therefore D.Even




Teenagers are especially likely to suffer loneliness. Here are some suggestions for speeding a recovery from loneliness.

Reach out to others, but start small. A smile and a friendly greeting for the student behind you in line at the cafeteria won’t make you best friends.1.It also can make it easier to interact the next time.

Find a safe place to make connections. If going to the school dance makes you feel like you just don’t belong, try joining a special-interest group. Maybe it’s the drama club or the marching band. 2..

Find other ways of making connections. Lonely people hunger for acceptance and friendship. Sometimes feeling accepted and liked comes more easily when you do something for others.3.Teach a child in reading. Take notes for a disabled classmate. You might be surprised at the connections you make after reaching out in these ways.

4.Loneliness is an absence of quality friendships, not of a particular quantity of friends. That’s why it’s important to know how to select a friend. The best friendships are those based on similar values and attitudes.

You get what you expect, so expect the best. If you expect others to be friendly, you will behave in similar ways.5.It goes away as teens learn how to find their way through their social world and connect with others.

A.But it will make you both feel pretty good.

B.So consider becoming a volunteer.

C.Some teens aren’t so adaptable, however.

D.Encourage people to be friendlier to you.

E.Choose the right people.

F.For most young people, loneliness is only temporary.

G.Look for a group that allows you to ease in gradually.



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